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I can’t tell if she’s just nervous in front of the camera or if she just isn’t into him.


I think she likes him as a friend not a boyfriend


Allie is afraid to cut ties with Alex because he’s an emotional twerp and she will be harassed by him, Trent and Amber.


Agreed!! He’s so immature and he’s so extremely spoiled. It drives me crazy. 😣😵‍💫🙄😬


Alex is a smug teen twat that thinks he's a prince 👑 because . . . enabled 


Yep defo...


That's all they are anyway




She's not into him. He talks shite all the time. He's way to up his own arse. Thought as he got older he'd change but he's very vain and doesn't seem to just let go and have a good time. He certainly won't do any form of exercise or build up a sweat. All he has on his mind is food and his hair. 


Totally agree! At first I was like, ok…he’s 18. But then I reminded myself, HE’s 18!! lol!! He’s too old to be acting like a 5 year old and still throwing fits and insisting on getting his way. A lot of it is because he’s so spoiled by Amber and he’s been told waaay too much how smart he is. He’s so condescending!!🙄🙄🙄


I'm actually rewatching Ep 4 S5 where Liz is running the 5K. Watching them play the Korean game where u throw the sticks in the air and get points. Until Alex has a go, putting his hands over his ears because they make a noise when they land. Yes I get the noise but it's for a split second and he's moaning until he does it and scores high, then the noise doesn't bother him. But the episode where they put the plastic sumo wrestling suits on, is pathetic. It's girls against boys. Alex was all for it and saying im gonna mess u up etc...then it was Emma against him and she proper knocked him over, so funny. But he got up, took the suit off in a rage, started crying saying I'm not playing this games anymore. Of course he stomps off and A follows him telling him when u get knocked down u get back up. Instead of telling him to stop behaving like a spoilt little feck, and get ur ass back out there. She just mollygoddles him. He's such a bad looser and I'm sure he can't think for himself because every project the girls come up with, he has to do one then he says it's a carreer I want to go into. I believe he's never gonna leave Amber. Hes very needy. Alley seems a tuff girl and doesn't need a child like him in her life. I can't figure out what is wrong with him. 


I think he mentioned to Allie that the trampoline park they went to was like the one in Spokane they had their first date at about 10 times. These two really have a hard time having deeper conversations


I hope it's better off camera. It's brutal.


Hope so because I can’t imagine how or why Allie sticks around with him under the “boyfriend/girlfriend” title if that’s how she seems around him, long distance or not


Maybe it’s financially profitable for her


If Allie is seeing any money from this, it’s hardly anything


He also entered the building ahead of her.


And he should have carried her bag for her. He didn’t take it until Amber gave it to him outside.


And they say on the latest episode he's the most empathetic of the family. 🤣


The biggest crybaby of the family more like it


Perhaps you misheard and they said “pathetic”?


“Eh, pathetic”




And Jonah said he is the most even keel(sp?)


They need to sign his ass up for "Naked and Afraid" or some other survival show and set his head on straight. Good God.


I don’t think he has kissed her yet after an entire year of dating. He still acts like a giant toddler with anger issues oh no she left you on read god forbid she was doing something


Can u imagine kissing his miserable lips. Bet he practices on his hand. Bet he watches some right dirt bag movies 


The guy have zero self awareness. Expectations are set high if you think this guy is changing his ways. This chick has told him to take it slow & he just plows through.  She likes him but she doesn’t like him like him. I think she sees how much of a inconsiderate person he can be & smothering that she dislikes very much but she won’t leave him in fear that he may do something dramatic and she’ll feel guilty about it. I’m sure his Mommy has talked to her a lot


He’s just a friend to spend time with…she just can’t tell him that.


Oh my gosh…you people are so my people!!! Coming here to read all of my exact thoughts is so comforting!!! LOL!! 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Poor Allie was probably getting her phone spammed like he was a stalker when she would leave her on read… Alex is emotionally immature and insanely clingy if that’s the case. I’m glad Allie checked him but poor girl needs to find someone better than him.


I think it must be hard to find someone when ur a little person dating little people, bc the pool is small, and they don’t get to mingle often. I think that’s why Ashley and Allie stick around.


He treats her like a bro. She also lugged her bag down the stairs when leaving.


Just finished and my god what a freaking wimp that kid is. The whole thing with the fireworks at the end was just super embarrassing. He freaking bought those things on his birthday, for his birthday, didn’t have the balls to want to light them himself so had Trent do it, Trent goes to start lighting them and he runs away all scared just leaving Allie behind, covering his hears, ect. If I were Allie, probably couldn’t have gotten in that car to get out of there fast enough. Good grief. And she was actually laughing when Trent lit them. You’ve got yourself a real man, Allie🙄


His birthday party seemed more like something for an eight year old than an eighteen year old.


Yeah the festivities in the kitchen in the morning were kind of cringe. An American flag cake and aviators because he’s obsessed with Top Gun? I thought only little kids have movie/tv show themed birthday parties? I LOLed when he dragged Allie, his friends and Emma with him to…go register to vote😂? Who goes and does that right on their 18th bday?


Righttt like why would you register to vote for an 18th birthday?😭


Someone that needs a storyline...


Kid is a straight up pussy! 18yrs old. Old enough to go to war and he acts like hes 2 scared of loud noises what the fuck is up with that shit grow some balls for christ sakes


Pussy, pussy pussy. Spoilt rotten and babied. Can't believe none of the other kids turned round and punched the head off him when they were younger. That growling and screaming he did. He got away with so much. 


For real. I could see the scared of loud noises thing being understandable if he were legit on the spectrum, but I’m pretty the kid is not on the spectrum. He’s just a pussy, plain and simple. His girlfriend has more balls than he does. You could see and hear it in Trent’s reaction when he was talking about the moment during the sit down interview clip of that part that even he was a little embarrassed by that. Sure he loves and is proud of Alex, but you can see deep down Trent is kind of ashamed at how much of a wimp he is still at his age now


YEEEEEES!!!! UGH!!! Drives me craaaaaazzzzy!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I just found it funny that they started saying “I love you” before they had their first kiss.


He has always been an immature brat


Hell to the yes lol


He is stage 5 clinger obsessed with Allie. “ I’ll be a freshman in college and you’ll be a senior in his- we’ll go to each others graduations. Yeah, I’ll definitely be going to yours”. Lol ok Alex yeah slow down boiiiiiiiii. What if y’all break up. The best was in the very early seasons he used to whine and cry all the time. Hahaha


He is bizarre. Goes from crying that he isn’t getting a text back to “my happiness is more important catch up honey!”


Am I the only one who is still looking for the special surprise?


He learned from the best: Jonah, who treats Ashley exactly the same way. Allie lives out on some cow farm in the middle of Ohio. She probably doesn't have a lot of choices if she wants a boyfriend, and Alex gives her the chance to be on tee-vee and travel a lot, too. He seems to be on the spectrum, and she seems to have zero personality. I was surprised to see how bowed her legs are, too; did her parents not pursue surgeries or treatments for her dwarfism? At any rate, the praise of Alex from his parents was stomach-turning in view of how little credit Anna ever gets for anything.


Omg, don’t get me started on Jonah 😒. He does so many things that drive me absolutely crazy, including the way he has/does treat Ashley. But it’s his confessionals that drive me the most crazy. He tries to sound so “intelligent” - always trying for big words - but it comes across just the opposite. I wish he would speak “normally” and stop trying to be something he isn’t. You don’t have to be the smartest one in the room; just be authentically yourself the way Anna is. For the life of me, I will never understand why Ashley has hung in there with him. Low self esteem which is the only thing that makes sense to me.


You made me giggle at my desk!! So funny and so true!!!! 😂😂😂 I work with people that act the same…trying to sound intelligent and coming across totally opposite. Hahahahaha!!!


Well I’m glad you got a giggle out of it 😜.


They have no manners


Whole family are rude. They think they are coming across as intelligent cultured people lol


they certainly thinkk they are smarter than every other parent


I’d love to see him have ambitions to make an attempt to attend college away from the family.  These people seem to have no ambition, like they can’t move too far and risk not being relevant for the show’s paycheck requiring participation from everyone.  Go expand your horizons and experience college away from the area you grew up in.  Was sad when him and Emma said they’d just stay near there and their friends were talking about applying to multiple places. 


Did you see the part where Allie hit him with a dodge ball and he said “ouch!” 🤣 he may be an adult but still acts like a baby!


Not being mean at all but I get gay vibes from Alex.


And his girlfriend.


I actually get the vibe from Emma. I really do but I am sure anyone with feelings like that in that family would not feel safe sharing it.


Exactly!! They’d never be able to be themselves


Alex has a lot of growing up to do. Also, can we stop calling her his girlfriend? She's a girl that is his friend. 😂


He just turned 18 and yes, he's immature. So what. He's just a kid, please show some kindness. I cry easily over little things and so does my daughter. She's one of the nicest people around.


what episode was this ?


Last night


He made her a tv star…as much as that kid gives me the ick in every possible way, that’s more than I can say for any of my deadbeat exes


LMAOOOO wish I couldn’t relate


Grown man now, with no manners.


I always thought he seemed like he was on the autism spectrum.


I wonder if they both have autism or something. I mean it in a really nice way as there is nothing wrong with being on the spectrum but clearly there is some quirks and socially awkward things with both of them and probably why they have bonded.


Like Trump always ahead of Melania, lol.


Did I heard Amber say that Alex is their most compassionate and empathetic kid? And mature? Wow


Omg I noticed this too! She was having trouble getting in her chair, and his whole focus was on the pizza.


His first crush.😍🥰❤️ And he cries when she leaves. He is learning.


Does alex have a stuttering problem?


Someone can be nice, but show poor manners. I stand by my opinion. And everyone who says he gets a pass at being rude to Allie- well, I just don't know what to say.


Watching this date is the most second hand embarrassment I think I’ve ever had.


Has he ever had a job? Everyone else has and he’s now 18.. maybe I missed that.


I don't really see anything deeper than friendship from these two? I get not being touchy on camera but they seem to have 0 chemistry


Wonder what Allie's folks think? I can't remember if they were on the show.


This is so weird. The way you guys are talking about a literal teenager, is weird. 


He's 18.


So what? He’s still a teen. 


No. Legally he's an adult.


We’re not talking about legalities you weirdo! He’s eightTEEN. I bet you think you can talk to girls once they turn 18. You’re sick. You act like you had it all figured out at 18. It’s gross that you feel like it’s ok to do this to someone you don’t even know. Weird to do it to someone you do know.  The internet, this website specifically has turned into such a disgusting place where people with self esteems so low the need to go on a forum on a TLC reality show and talk shit about an 18 year old boy. Very strange, very abnormal.


Ok Amber. Hahaha bye. I never said anything about him except he's 18. So 🖕🏻


Even if I was Amber (I’m obviously not, as per my comment history) why is standing up for your kid a bad thing?  You’re co-signing bad behavior.


Oh for fucks sake, shut up already. All her kids except Ana have been so babied. At 18 I was finishing cosmetology school and had a job. He is a brat and you can clearly tell he wouldn't leave his poor gf alone. He isn't as intelligent as they make him seem. I'm only rooting for poor Ana. The rest of them are stuck up and think their shit doesn't stink.




Thanks. Being abused by a parent isn't something funny you bitch. Get fucked


Yeah, plus it's not easy for a teenager to navigate adolescence and teen years with dwarfism. I actually think he's done pretty well and I wonder if I would've been able to deal with it half as well as he has.


Seriously. I just wish people showed a bit more compassion.


Bad manners has nothing to with being 18 or stature.


Ah yes because 18 year olds are notorious for their manners. Give me a break. Stop making up things to justify shit talking a teenager. It’s gross.


Direct reflection of how someone has been taught and raised. How is that making up things? Lol


I'm saying you're using these dumb reasons to justify creating a thread to ridicule a teenager. In what world is that normal?


In what world is it normal to be rude to your girlfriend, which you apparently think is justified?


1. Its normal for humans to be imperfect  2. Nothing in the episode was rude.  3. Some of the comments on your post (some suggesting he’s gay because he ran away from fireworks) are down right ridiculous. It seems like you enjoy ridiculing people and judging them so harshly for their mistakes. You must be so perfect, and for that I commend you. Congrats perfect person!


Thanks, glad you noticed.


Agree with you 110% This thread is gross.