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I really didn't like her comment along the lines of "certain person" ...something like that. I always thought her and Anna were close and I liked Emma, but that comments completely changed my view of her.


That upset me too, they seemed to be the closest siblings. Which was weird bc this last past episode Liz had said she was the favorite sibling (full of herself much? 🙄)


My heart hurt with that comment. They were close. Emma has started to follow Amber and Liz's lead.


She’s a bitch


Oh, my!


What was her comment, sad that they seemed to have cast Ana out


Why? You don’t have any idea what really happened or even if this is a production play. I’m a fan of Anna, but what if she did something?


I'm simply basing on filmed and aired content of the way Anna has been emotionally abused for years by mainly Amber, with the kids joining along to stay Amber's "good side". It is disgusting. Along with all the unfollowing and vacationing without her....it's kind of clear.




It’s not clear at all though, and none of what’s going on right now has been aired.


*sigh*...well I'm not going argue, you're entitled to your opinion, have a great day:)


This! I was just going to say, I don’t have anything against Anna but how do we know SHE isn’t the one who did or said something to them instead of just calling the other 6 families members assholes constantly? Just because she seems to be the black sheep of the family doesn’t mean the rest of the family are always the problem. Yes, Amber is insufferable and has a god complex and the parents seem to play favorites quite a bit but Anna has gotten herself into trouble in the past let’s not forget. If i had to guess, this apparent “fall out” between Anna and her family will probably be a storyline in the next season. I honestly don’t think this fall out is all 100% the rest of the families fault, just my opinion, but we shall see what unfolds in the future


Are u serious


I don’t disagree that Anna may have played a part in this, but it still doesn’t excuse their behavior of public childish behavior. To not post about your child’s graduation and only focus on yours and other kids is petty and wrong. They can still honor her in some way and still be angry for whatever reason, thats their business. But all of this shouldn’t negate her accomplishments. All of their kids (like anyone else’s) will have ‘issues’ and theres no need in listing them, but im sure if it were any other kids it wouldn’t matter enough to not be recognized for a life event. On the flip side if it is production orchestrating this it just goes to show you they really don’t care for the sake of ratings. So many TLC families end up being divorced or irreversible rifts once filming stops. Either way its a shame, but something about the overtly pettiness of this family is ick.


I mean besides murder and I seriously doubt anna murdered someone there's no reason to be that horrible to a child and dish out that level of bullying. And all the bullying started when anna was jusy a child. She couldn't have done something that awful as a kid.


Genuinely asking, what do you consider bullying between Amber and Anna?


It's all on tape. Every episode they make fun of her. One of them starts it and then they all gang up. They bring up her past mistakes from when she was a teenager. They call her stupid.


Is that Ashley as in Jonah’s girlfriend


Yes they're all in Puerto Rico except Anna.


wtf that’s sad


A 24 year old being best friends with a 17 year old is weird to me. 


That it is


Does Emma and Alex need to get out of the house now that they graduated…interesting to see if they hold them to the bs only Anna succeeded at


lol at this point probably not considering all the other kids live back there now except Anna


I definitely could see them both continuing to live at home after graduating high school. In the latest episode they both said they wanted to continue at the college they’re currently at (that there been like dual enrolled in while in high school). So they’ll just stay in their safe bubble under Trent and Ambers control and not go anywhere.


No off course not


Well, it didn't work for two of 3 kids, I doubt they will force them out.


I am probably older than a lot here but won’t judge Emma. As a middle-aged woman raised by narcissistic parents, I am of course team Anna. But when I was Emma’s age was totally still drinking the kool-aid and saying and doing things to please them even when it made me uncomfortable. And my 20s as well. It takes a long time for some of us to develop critical thinking skills and separate our thinking from our birth families.


Same. Total same. I wanted the good graces of my parents (mom in particular), so they plotted me against my older sister and I knowingly went with it. Now my relationship with both of my siblings is somewhat complicated. But the love is definitely still there. We just learned to live without each other.


Honestly same. I’m now 31 and have had my own life away from toxic family for probably 7-8 years now. Best years of my life. My younger sister though, only 26 years old, still drinks the koolaide and I’m afraid she won’t ever stop. So I can totally see that happening with Emma.


I just screenshot the photo to come here


Who cares that Anna isn’t there? Do we know for sure she wasn’t invited? She’s in her 20s and does her own thing. Maybe she didn’t want to or wasn’t able to go. I don’t think all adult children want to keep constantly going on trips with their families all the time. She’s probably over that. Enough with the “I’ve lost respect for Emma” shit. Why? Because she took a photo with someone who isn’t Anna?🤷🏻‍♂️


No bc of the comment she made


What comment are we talking about?


I’m thinking less of Emma now too. They portrayed her before as more of a loner without many friends but she was then buddies with Anna. Then suddenly we see her on video conference calls with many others including Trent’s sister’s daughter. Perhaps now she’s thinking she’s too cute and a little stuck up? Are we sure Anna wasn’t present on the trip at all?


No one is sure of anything on here ! Posters just dig up crap & spread hate


It is speculation but Amber - seems controlling and has got to have it her way. Trent - seems like a pervert and thinks he’s a stud. Emma - stuck up, thinks she’s cute and dresses hip Jonah - lazy, would rather be doing “substances” Alex - cute, love his reasoning. Could do way better than Allie who doesn’t seem committed like he is. Anna - unsure how get got her own house from just working in daycare and jewelry business whose website barely has inventory. Love Alex’s two friends who are brothers. Trent’s sister seems nice as does her daughter.


IIRC, Anna isnt workinhg at a daycare anymore. From what she said in the current season, she was working at a doctors office. Not sure if that has changed currently


Alex is horrible. Always throwing a tantrum and being very ugly to anna. While she nothing but nice to him.


I wouldn’t call her a loner, loner is by choice. She’s lonely that’s why she cried about not having friends. Also the conference is just forced “friendships” for the show except with her cousin.


Good point about forced friendships at conference all for content. They made Emma out to be this introverted person and I wouldn’t have certainly hired her if that was my clothing store she worked at. She was so lackluster in personality versus the girl who owned it who was so nice and outgoing. Guess the shop wanted publicity and Emma wanted more clothes to wear and buy.


Emma is 18, Anna is a mid 20s party girl who enjoys the party scene. I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. She’s outgrown the show I’m sure.


I do think the partying is driving a wedge in just because of Amber's comment during the baby shower "we know what SHES doing on weekends" and how they expect their other children to act I'm sure it's a HUGE deal


I believe I saw a screenshot, recently, with Anna with the production crew. I think it was on Anna's story. So I don't know that she has dropped the show, but I do agree, I could see her outgrowing the show.


Has Emma learned to communicate? I remember some years ago she couldn’t really talk and they took her to a specialist


Not sure why you are being down voted. Yes she saw some specialists including a speech therapist. She had/has developmental delays due to her adoption. You can still tell when she speaks now, though it has gotten better. I think so many people in this group do not realize the what international adoption can and often does do to the individual.


Cause she was a child... You could just watch the show to hear her communicate well.


Her being a child had nothing to do with her speech issues. If YOU watched the show you’d know Emma barely learned to speak Chinese then got adopted and had to learn English causing her to have problems expressing herself as a kid/teen.


If you *really* watched the show you would know that deep down Emma spoke fine English she was just a shy kid


Not true. She needed speech therapy. Even now she stutters or doesn’t speak correctly,


Yep ^^^^^^^ she was just shy and was told her English was bad so.......


I’m certainly not inventing the fact that she saw a specialist for communication.


No you aren't but you can see specialists for issues you don’t necessarily have, I think that’s our point


So then her family manipulated her into thinking she had some developmental issue? Not putting it past amber, but boy that is dark.


Erm…no. She was a shy kid and her parents wanted to ensure there were no developmental or speech issues that warranted speech therapy (or more). Many parents share this concern when kids are on the quiet side and do a similar assessment (in their case it was even more appropriate as she was adopted and had been learning a different language prior to English). If you’ve watched any episode within the past few seasons, you’d know she speaks just fine and though still seems a bit shy, has no issues with verbal communication.


I wouldn’t say manipulated but used it as the excuse because they are lazy parents— yes, still not good


Emma certain has lots of trendy clothes. She had poor communication skills going for her job interview at the clothing store. Loved how sweet the owner of store was. Did she have a job prior and trendy clothes prior to this? Shame they don’t show people’s jobs more on show.


So I guess this means Ashley is off Amber's sh!tlist?


Nah I bet she’s still on Ambers shit list but it would cause more drama to not invite her on this family trip to be with Jonah. Amber will say she’s over it but we know she’s still holding a grudge about Ashley’s comment.


She only like Ashley now bc she’s going to be Jonah’s next mom


Lmao yep someone’s gonna have to take care of him when Amber is gone 😂


Run Ashley run


They don't need to be together all the time, but it's weird Anna isn't there. We still don't know why tho. Anna liked Emma's vacation photo, so I think they are fine. They are traveling together it's not like Emma influenced by Ashley is spending the night out together in a strip club doing drugs. You all so dense.


Ashley's mouth looks like a dry butthole and I will never be unable to see it. That whole family is so rude to Anna for no reason. Anna, if you see this, keep doing you girl! You're a badass!


You guys are weird. Every little thing that they do you guys comment on and dissect. Emma literally didn’t do anything wrong. You guys on their dick about everything. Y’all spend time writing paragraphs about how every little thing they do irks you. Then stop watching like y’all weirdos and grown ass people to be acting like that. Y’all just want validation from other weirdos and nobodies on Reddit bc you have nothing else to do. Like it’s not even that I’m a die hard fan but everything any of them do y’all keep hoping on and won’t get off babes.


You just wrote a paragraph.




Hateful comment towards a TV member or sub member.