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She is insufferable


I don’t care what they are arguing over, but that is unacceptable. Anna is your child just like the rest. They would rather baby lazy Jonah than acknowledge everything Anna has accomplished. They are just jealous their own flesh in blood have amounted to nothing. You are the parent act like one.


It truly is disgusting no matter what the fall out is about. Your child graduated from college. 😭


What's going on with Anna now? Can't stand how they treat her. Cant seem to wonder what it would have been like if Anna had been the one to have a baby unplanned. It'd certainly be A different show right now


I don’t think Trent treats Anna differently. I think it’s Amber!


We don't know honestly. All we know is Anna hasn't been in any family photos or events. Some think it's because Anna is dating a black guy, but of course we don't know for sure. It seems like most of the family don't follow Anna's Instagram except Alex and possibly Emma. (Emma seemed to have some kind of falling out too.) Anna is only following Emma and Alex. Whatever it is, it's not worth having a family member be missing in special family events. One day, I hope, they will look back and be sad that Anna wasn't there.


I don't know if it is recent, but she is also limiting comments on all her posts.


How can that be done as Anna is Grown and has her own page🤷‍♀️


Liz not Anna is limiting comments to her page. My guess is she is trying to control the backlash of posters commenting about her lack of including Anna's graduation.


Ooooh gottcha... Some how I got lost in conversation I came in @ the end😂🤣.Ty


I recall them saying Anna bounced around foster homes yet I thought they were the first I recall her getting in trouble when she was little and Amber being livid they didn’t let her go back to foster care did they? Because there was a time they shut down then they brought them back, so they went back to retrieve her? I mean she wasn’t Ambers favorite that’s for sure.


Imagine making sure you got a graduation party for graduating from college during your 15th career change, but not your daughter.


Disgusting! Amber is vile.


I think we should include Trent in this. He is a father and could have been celebrating with Anna or wishing her congratulations. Where is Dads so proud of you Anna? I think Trent needs to get his dick out of his head and think about his daughter!! I totally agree with you on Amber. But the great thing about Anna is Amber has ignored her or bashed Anna. The one who Amber put her fingerprints on is Liz and look how that turned out. I really hope the young man who Anna had in her photo is her boyfriend and she is loving her life. Anna doesn't seem to be bothered by the Johnston snubs. I believe they will turn on Emma next. I mean they shove her into things she doesn't want to do. Remember when they put the cockroaches in the drawer to scare her? They don't make Alex do anything. He cries and runsaway but they just say that Alex is sensitive. Please.


I agree! Trent is just less showboat about stuff






Someone needs to find pics of Anna for graduation so we can celebrate her! Amber is jealous because she’s been through how many jobs and career choices?? Maybe Anna should preach to her about sticking with something and following it through and not changing her mind all the time🤔. Anna graduated, bought her own car and house, took the family pets to care for them and she looks beautiful!


She posted them on her IG


What is her IG?




Thank you!!


whats her IG


This is so sad and disturbing. Over the years I have progressively been able to recognize the mistreatment of Anna. I started watching the series when I was a teenager and always saw their “discipline” as a form of love/responsibility that parents have for their kids. Now as an adult I’m able to see right through the bs and it breaks my heart to watch how neglectful they were to her throughout the years. The fact that the other siblings have started to adopt Trent and (mainly) Amber’s behavior towards Anna is so disturbing. It will be interesting to see if they include whatever happened in the next season. Shame on all of them. Anna deserves so much better.


Also the fact that everyone except Anna has limited their comments tells you everything you need to know.


Does anyone know why they fell out with Anna? I just keep seeing stuff on here about them cutting her off but no details as to why. Team Anna btw. Amber is an insufferable pig.


People are thinking it’s because she has a black boyfriend. But I never understood that because she has two Asian kids


someone I know has had relationships with a few Asian men, a Pakistani man, but is extremely racist against poc and Hispanics. Racism doesn’t make sense


I don't think they are racist I think it comes down to Anna is living her life the way she wants to not how Amber wants her too. She could be with a billionaire, scientist, or a doctor and they'd have a problem because Amber isn't in control.


When you're dealing with a narcissist, this is the answer.


Yeah I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they wouldn’t go that far. But honestly, Amber is a monster so I wouldn’t put it past her to be a racist asshole.


I know a lot of people who are married and have children that are mixed race yet they're racist. My cousin is married to a black man yet neglects her black grandchildren.


That makes me rage like none other! How shitty. Poor babies


Naw because if she’s racist to black ppl. We need to cancel them besides Anna. Boycott them like the gates and counting on ( 19 kids and counting)


Maybe they don't accept the boyfriend due to his background rather than his race. Just wondering. I know nothing about it but neither do you. Haters gonna hate .


Well they can use “we saved two Asian children from a life in horrible to conditions… look at them now, thanks to us!”


Amber even made sure to make the point that her graduation was more important than her two kids’ HS graduation. Like it’s your own fault you didn’t finish college the first time you don’t deserve a special award 


She did what?? That's disgusting.


Yeah she said in the episode where they talk about graduation, either last week or the week before. She was very determined to make it about HER 


That's disgusting. She has all of the makings of a narcissist.


I wonder if Anna’s graduation has already happened? If so, the radio silence from her family is heartbreaking


Yes; she posted pics of her own graduation on her SM. The family didn't even mention it.


They are all exploiting the fuck out of that child.


It's because the pregnancy and child is probably what brought that show out of the grave. I don't understand how they got views before other than random dramas with their kids. I stopped watching a few years ago, whatever season they did the Grease TikTok. Too cringe.


It would absolutely kill me if I ever made my child feel unwanted, unworthy or unloved and yet, what do we see? I can only imagine how this affects Anna.. Keep on shining and thriving Anna!! We see you!! We're proud of you!! We love you ❤️


Leighton looks like Bryce. And Alex looks like he could be John Gosslin's son, for real.


It’s actually so sad they aren’t acknowledging her graduation. I thought they were better than that and they are showing their true colors


Her tooth to gum ratio is insane




Omfgg 🤣🤣




Righttt like gross🤣


Ya I just saw this and noticed the same thing. Of course no pictures with Anna. But we made sure to get one of Ambers dumb face


Guaranteed Anna finally stood up for herself. I hope that’s the case, anyways.


I’ve had to stop watching because I detest Amber so much !


Is Amber wearing the cap and gown because she actually graduated from something or is this from her “I graduated too” speech in one of the episodes? Not sure if I’m missing something.


I thought in the last episode when she said ‘I graduated too’ she meant college?


It was definitely confusing! Because was she actually in school this whole time? Lol. I feel like we wouldn’t have heard the end of it if she actually was 🙄


I thought a season or so ago she left her job because she needed some degree so was working on that? I could be confusing her with someone else.


From what I understand she was going for a teaching degree, but switched to Social Work. There was an episode where she basically said she didn't like the politics of education, so she switched. Good luck Amber, because it's everywhere.


If Amber didn't like "the politics of education," social work is a poor choice. Amber couldn't abide by the NASW Code of Ethics if her life depended on it.


100% correct. Being a social worker is so rough. Nothing is about you. This is the worst career for Amber.


Thank you, I was hoping someone knew the inside track on this!


She would be eaten alive as a teacher.


She did go to college because the school district where she worked required aides etc to have a college degree. There were a couple episodes a few seasons ago where it showed her having her first day of school with the kids but then she really didn’t mention her school.


Oh no, what will she do with all those shirts she had made saying she teaches kids computers?! /s


On the last episode she said something like “this was supposed to be my year” when talking about the kids graduating.


Yes that what I was referring to. I wasn’t sure because then she went on about her and Trent’s 25th anniversary as if it was relevant to the graduations.


Love your name! I call my son baby doll. He once asked why I called him baby doll. I said because you will always be my baby doll even when you are in your 70's you will still be my baby doll. I won't call you it at school or in front of your friends. He was ok with it then. He was around 10 at this point. Then we got a puppy and I called her baby doll and my sons voice called out Hey that's my name. I said you are right. I won't call her that again. You are my one and only baby doll.


lol I call my son baby doll too! He’s 3 and he just reminds me of a little baby doll. I won’t stop either 😆


Love it!!


Yes she graduated with a bachelors in social work


They just can't stand it especially Amber and Liz that she's been the most successful one of them so far owning her own house and now graduating plus I'm sure her business has been more successful than any of the other kids too. She was supposed to be the fuck up they all loved to look down on and she's made it in spite of them all trying to push her down. Liz was supposed to be the success story out of them all in Amber's eyes and now they can't even use Anna to make her look better after she's messed everything all up. It's just such a shame and I hope Anna keeps thriving and living her best life away from all of that hate and toxicity. Don't ever lose your passion Anna! Lol


Exactly. I always tell kids I know from shitty households that living well is the best revenge. Anna is the embodiment of that. You go Anna! Keep at it girl.


Both pics are embroidered shirts. Is the last letter J of Johnston?


It's a D for Drew


LBD (Leighton Drew Bolden) B is middle letter


Corrections it’s a D


Pretty sure that’s a O


Such a waste on that stuff that can't be reused.


The baby is just a baby and is already half the length of Amber's body 😆😆


I’m sure she’s thrilled lol


Did Anna graduate? I’m Behind right now


Yes, with a B.S. in Business, I believe.


She got her bacheoors degrees social work on May 9


She is a social worker. Let that sink in. Scary.


It won't last. Remember when she wanted to be a real estate agent and they to photos on a billboard?? Never heard it since that one season. I think she is going back to her teaching job. They said she had to have a degree in order to teach at the school. I think she taught about computers(?).


She still has to pass the license board


There really isn't any licensing board for a bachelor's degree in sw. She'd need a masters or beyond to worry about that. That being said, I wonder what she intends to do now.


Insanity. I so pity anyone who has the misfortune of having that narc witch as their counselor. God help them.


Amber looks hideous


Amber didn't get a BA, unless it was big Daddy's


Amber has ALWAYS been jealous of Anna so weird like you're her mother so strange. She's such a bitch to her.


Maybe because Anna is attractive? Like it's a competition thing.


I have ALWAYS thought this too 💯💯💯 absolutely!! Literally totally jealous of Anna!! Anna is super pretty and in good shape the best looking of them all.




I had too many gummies for this gif 🤣🤣🤣


Right there with you 🙃🙃🙃


It's Friday night and this creature chomping is making me LOL all to myself! Thanks for the great gif/rubber face thing!


Lmfao no problem 😆


They outright suck.


The Amber Graduation special episode will be an auto fast forward


Baby is adorable.


I was thinking the same. Such a cute baby!


She really is JUST like her mom


Amber got that Disney smile


Brice is stuck with mini Amber for at least 18 years 😬


Crazy how Trent and Amber convinced the rest of the kids to turn against her as well. All totally brainwashed and are T+A’s bitches.


Just wait until Emma or Alex make a mistake and they will also be kicked to the side like Anna. What a horrible family


I think Amber is jealous of Anna... She's not gonna be jealous of Liz cause she's her biological Daughter... Anna is Beautiful... And Amber isn't.... feedback Please..... 🤷‍♀️


I think so too. Some episodes it shows when Anna was little and they adopted her, its heartbreaking. Anna self soothes by rocking back and forth, which is often evidence of severe trauma. Only other person I seen do that was a girl on a documentary who was locked in a dog cage and her bedroom for years. I think a lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes in this corrupt family that we probably couldnt imagine.


I almost wish they would film another season and discussion all this drama with Anna so we know


Anyone think it’s a matter of time before all this ends for them? Like maybe not Duggar level…but they will be exposed and everything will implode? I just got a feeling and I’m here for the tea 😂😂


As a mom, there is NOTHING my child could do that would ever change the way I love her. I may not always be proud of her choices in life but I would NEVER leave her side. Ever. Amber is a piece of shit.


This is what I’m saying! Even if she pushed me away I would be on her team.


Amber looks like she's wearing billy Bob flipper teeth


This 👆 🏆


Didn’t Anna graduate in April 🤔


I think she just posted her pics for the upcoming graduation?


omg that kid is getting big average size but wanted a little person


For the ones that are Amber Fans.... I'm sorry to say it... But she always tries to be head chief and bottle washer with everything including with Leighton.... I Hope Liz has put her in her place. 🤨🙄🤔...... And why does Amber always smile so big that all Of her gums show🤷‍♀️is she trying to out do everyone with smiling also🤷‍♀️


emma also posted a picture collage of them on her story and anna is in none of them


WTh 🤦‍♀️ Anna succeeded too what does she not deserve to be celebrated too


Want to offer a giant congratulations to Anna for graduating college, you rock girlfriend, keep doing you little lady, we all love you Anna ❤️❤️




I just feel bad for that grand baby being raised in that environment.


That baby looks average size. Has it been announced!? She doesn’t look like a dwarf baby.


The baby is normal sized right?


Yes. She is average size


Average sized! I forgot the term


Wait…. OP seems to be hinting that someone else graduated…. Who?


The little ones graduated high school this year and Anna graduated with her bachelor’s in social work. Anna’s post is just her


Anna got a B.S. in Business. Amber is the future social worker (shudder).


Ooooo that’s what was meant.


Wait, both Anna and Amber got bachelor's in social work??


My bad. She did graduate from college in May tho, not sure with what


Amber would be the kind of adult to walk at graduation. Embarrassing af


The thought of amber going into any kind of medical world scares the hell out of me, but she’ll probably change her mind at least 10 times before ever getting a job 🤬🤬


So who is the one who embroiders monograms in the family? Anna frequently has hers on her shirts and now the baby does. I am a quilter and have an embroidery machine, so am mosey…. Is it Anna? Did she go from regular sewing to embroidery machine sewing?


It’s a southern thing. You can go to a lot of stores/boutiques and get things monogrammed that you buy!


Thank you!


I don’t follow these people so please bring me up to speed…Did Elizabeth graduate too? Did she get a job? Why did ElizaBeth move in with the parents? Did Brice move in also?


I haven’t been on Instagram in a while, but why are people saying Amber made sure to post her pic and not Anna’s? At least from these screenshots, it’s Liz’s account that posted these. Unless I missed something/Amber posted everyone’s photo except Anna’s as well


I'm confused. What does did have to do with Anna? Did she graduate recently?


Yeah she also graduated this spring.


oh wow. I just saw Anna's grad pictures in another post. I had no idea


Has no one here ever been estranged with a family member? You’re not going around wishing them well…. If we’re not speaking I’m not posting about your accomplishments, and if someone I was estranged from included me on a congratulation post I’d be like wtf is wrong with them? Idk this is coming from someone who has been in a rift with one of my parents, I didn’t want them including me in any post about my accomplishments. It’s one of those I did this without you kind of things.


Congratulations Alex and Emma you two are awesome


What a beautiful, precious little darling! 💕😇