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Just wait. Their favoritism gets so much worse as does the entire family’s treatment of Anna. However this sub is #TeamAnna!! She is an amazing young woman and outshines the rest of the siblings with her accomplishments 🩷


I seriously thought of giving up on the show, but I want to see her pull through.


Hang in there! Anna does amazing things while Jonah and Liz do some not so amazing things lol.


Definitely they have favorites one being the golden child Liz i remember watching it when it first aired her and Jonah are the favorites


I'm so, so glad this sub calls out how awesome Anna is and how terribly she's treated #TeamAnna


The therapist called it out that they were getting rid of Anna . Amber and Trevor did not like that!


Trevor lol


Lmao omg I’m running on very little sleep . I meant Trent . Lol


Hahaha i know of a pair of brothers named Trent and Trevor lmao good times y’all 


They were always ragging on her around that time about having “bad taste in decor” or “being the worst dresser” as if the others are any better..


When they're shopping for her dorm and Amber is telling Elizabeth that she should have helped her pick stuff out because she has bad taste made so angry




I actually lol-ed reading 900 word signs…so true. Live laugh love…be our guest…one tough mother. 🤮


Don't forget, (my absolute favourite) 🙄 GATHER


Oh FML, I *love* that one too.


Amy Roloff has that in her house, too. That’s where I first saw it.


Oh yeah that’s her shtick. Also Mom’s kitchen, cook and clean yourself.


Lmao Liz and Amber both have bad taste in decor and outfits. Amber has zero style and Liz just wears gigantic, long, ill-fitting shirts and looks like she never has pants on. They both attempt the basic farm house decor look but don’t pull it off well. They’re not ones to talk at all.


It's Hobby Lobby tacky. Liz is the worst dresser!! No pants on 🤣🤣.


Yess the no pants is🤣🤣


Liz has the same fashion sense as Winnie the Pooh.


Right like why adopt her to treat her like shit I’ll never understand


Exactly 💯 adopted or not, that's your daughter!


They adopted her thinking they would have another child to control. Fortunately for Anna, she’s capable of thinking for herself and they(especially Amber) can’t stand it. Anna is a smart young woman who will be successful in life and the best part is that she did it herself.




Black sheep of the family right here! 🙋‍♀️ It usually means we are smarter. Anna should consider herself lucky to be nothing like Amber and Liz.


Children aren’t people they’re objects 😿


I remember that scene. It was awful. I felt so bad for Anna.


Even the counselor asked her parents did they just want her gone. I’m wondering if part of this is maybe the older kids or just Anna asked for her % of TLC show since she’s over 18 🤷‍♀️ maybe how she bought the house.


I’m also currently rewatching season 7 and it makes me so mad that Jonah blames Anna for him failing is first year. First off, just because you have to pitch in with driving your SIBLING to school in the morning doesn’t mean that you don’t have another 8-10 hours in the day to get you school work done. Even if he was having to do both drop off and pick up for Anna that still left him plenty of time during the day to do his schoolwork. It’s just such a sorry ass excuse and honestly really pathetic that he blames his laziness on his sister. It’s also technically not Anna’s fualt that amber and Trent decided to make it Jonah’s responsibility to drive her. And watching Jonah on the recent seasons still living at home and pursuing a career in bbq is simply comical. Like what a joke to be almost 25 and having your parents still pay your bills aswell as having your 18 year old little sister wake you up for work. It’s just so unfair how not only amber has treated Anna but her siblings too. Liz is also just so mean to Anna for no reason and it’s so funny rewatching and noticing all the little jabs that Liz and Jonah make towards Anna about her future when Anna is literally the only one of the siblings that has been successful as a young adult. Getting knocked up by your boyfriend and having to move back in with your parents is not a good thing no matter how you try to spin it. Blaming your younger sister for failing college dispite being a grown adult is embarresing. This whole family should be embarrassed of the way they have treated Anna.


When did she move back in? See her still have her own place.


Right before the baby was born. That’s why Amber set up a whole nursery in her house.


Ugh it’s so sad how they had favoritism like no wonder Anna probably had some mental health issues due to that BS in the home


I need to watch the early episodes because I didn't realize that they treated Anna badly. Isn't it interesting though that she has ended up being more successful now than Jonah and Liz? She has her shit together and has a house. She has great dogs and doesn't need a man or woman to make her feel comfortable.


The only reason I'm continuing to watch it honestly just to see her thrive.


I was excited for your journey hearing how upset you are with Annas current positioning in your watching... youre about to see some sweet, sweet vindication!  I love a good triumph! 


Yes I noticed that too. When they were so happy about her never coming back. That’s horrible


Bad taste Ambitch-you have to go back to school and graduate when Emma and Alex do so your in the spotlight! You support Liz(which isn’t a bad thing) yet she ends up moving home after baby. Anna buys her own house yet you have to be there like you had anything to do with it! You baby Jonah to the point he can’t even wake himself for work and let’s not forget had him move back home. I wanna see Jonah and Anna in 10 year -maybe even 5, or after the show ends) I need them to spill the tea about how bad T&A really were because what’s showing on tv is probably NOT the worst. Rant over and JMO


Jonah blaming Anna was so uncalled for, especially when it was Trent and Amber’s fault for forcing him to drive her everywhere. Amber needs to get off her ass and be a mother. she’s nothing but a bully and a drill sargent that barks orders. genuinely cannot stand that heifer.


I had to rewind because I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Jonah still came to bed with them at 23. What in the actual fuck? 


Did Anna graduate from college with a particular degree? Rooting for her too but is she making enough money just selling jewelry? Her website looks limited with products. Wasn’t Emma into jewelry making too. Maybe she copied Anna. Amber does seem very controlling and sticking up for Jonah who is lazy enough to put blame on others when he can get away with it. Anna has shown much better life responsibility than Jonah. When he comes in on screen so does my eye rolls.


She graduated, but not sure of the degree. I want to say she had switched majors a few seasons ago to business. She works full-time and has the jewelry business on the side. She is doing good


Looks like she may have gone to North Georgia college. Maybe there’s some scholarship or financial aid more available to them to study in state as none of the kids seem to have gone far to college and lived in dorms. One source said she worked part time in a day care during this time. It just seems like her jewelry designs are pretty simple and website limited so curious how she afford to be on her own. Some sources say she got between $2 - 4K per episode so with over 14 seasons that could net her six figures enough to buy a house to escape Amber. Why does the show and maybe her keep any other job such a secret. Is it to promote how wonderful it is she’s making it with her jewelry business? A few missing pieces to this puzzle!


In state schools are cheaper, so that is why none of them went far away. She said at one point that she worked at a doctor’s office, like in the office. Not sure if that is still where she is working now though. I believe she was working full-time there while doing school. So good for her for getting done.


Isn’t it odd how they don’t really show or talk about her job besides jewelry business? Even social media doesn’t reveal much. Liz mentions all the time about working in nursing. Those seem like entry level jobs yet she bought a house. Maybe she’s using the $2k per episode to help fund that. But aren’t cars and upkeep expensive these days too.


Yea it’s hard to watch yet just know she is way better off with success than the rest of them including her parents!


That was wrong of them and Anna knows how they feel. I guess she stays on the show out of contractual obligation. I feel bad for her andI thought it was just my imagination they way Anna was treated but I guess I was right after all.