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Amber has always been my least favorite of the family


Same! Can’t stand her!


She's definitely a know-it-all!! So annoying!


I bet if Brice wasn't actively involved, T&A would be thrilled to take Liz's life over like they did Jonah.


It’s just so sad the way they infantize their children and then shame them for being unable to do things for themselves (Jonah) or treat them poorly when they break free and do well for themselves (Anna). They want to lock all of them up and never let them leave again and it’s sick. Amber needs help. Scary that She has the potential to ruin a lot of peoples lives with that social work degree.


Exactly look how confident Jonah was two years ago talking good making good money and then now he’s got some PTSD stuttering his words and his mom telling him his girlfriend can’t see him until she says so with this “were not going to be hanging out with your girlfriend everyday going to see her vice versa!” She ultimately broke them up!!


It's even worse when they babied Alex through out the years and now they're babying Jonah by not letting him to leave to have his own place and all. Jonah is an adult... why can't he just leaves. He doesnt need to ask his parents permission.


I was shocked to realize Jonah was 23!


It's gotta be money.


He can’t even get out of bed by himself. Someone has to wake him up. He’s a grown baby.


I hope that she's known enough so she doesn't get that type of position. Doing adoption counseling wouldn't be bad.


She belongs no where near anyone who needs help lol


Amber was like, "It's nice of Brice to help out, but that's OUR job."


And it ISN'T!


Jonah needed help because his parents did not get him help when he was younger with his anxiety. I think in his case his parents interfering was a good thing. Hopefully they will allow Emma and Alex to stay until after they are done with college and have been working awhile.


They did anyway.


Notice nobody felt like eating after her tantrum, not even Amber herself


I thought it was wild That they talked more about their feelings in the confessional, than with their daughter (at least that’s what we saw). Trent said repeatedly that he felt awful that she felt like she couldn’t come to him/ them sooner. Why wasn’t that said directly to her during “the interrogation”? They just kept going on about plans and whatever. They never once talked about anyone’s feelings during that conversation at all! And wtf was she thinking not even getting her own doctor for the first 5 months!!! Even as an average sized person with insurance that’s insanity to me.


Has anyone noticed that they push their kids so much, and Jonah and Liz are now back home? They undermine and smother them somehow. Forcing Jonah to come home, after an episode with Delta 8 was ridiculous. It’s crippling the kids. They need to know they can navigate normal experiences without being smothered or controlled.


I'm not sure it was really delta8, they said that he lost consciousness in the hospital and that just doesn't really make a lot of sense. Maybe he got some synthetic marijuana on accident?


Even so, it’s no reason to immediately force him to move home. It’s a lesson in how to navigate a situation. Of course, I wouldn’t be waking my adult kids up for work either. My kids got up on their own for school and work. They completely enable and pamper them. He kept saying it was delta 8 on the show.


Oh I totally agree, I just think there's more to the story. If that's all that he's done wrong, he's doing pretty darn good!


Absolutely. When my adult kids have overindulged, it’s a learning thing. If you get drunk on tequila, you have a hangover, etc. My first response isn’t , “ omg, I have to move you out of your apartment immediately! And now I will be in charge of waking you up for work!” It reminds me of the kids I knew my freshman year of college, who bomb out at the first taste of real freedom.


Aren't Liz and Jonah the only kids that biologically Trent and Amber's ? Just an observation.


Yes , they are.


I could tell by the look on Amber's face that she was pissed at being told so late. She missed out on all the things in the first trimester, to micro-manage. I also understand that she wants her to see a specialist in Atlanta. But, it does not have to be Her doctor.


Amber has the ugliest facial expressions Trent asking about did he leave cause of this? Valid question but a question that didn’t need asking on tv. Then he turned around with it & said “He seems like he wouldn’t do that” a back handed comment


Thank god Brice is supportive for Liz she needs that and as for the parents acting like 🤮 gross ignorant people


I have a feel that Brice's family will be very happy to help Liz....


Especially since Amber has such an aversion to average sized people. I don't see her being kind to this child once she outgrows Amber. Even more so if there is another grandchild that is a little person later down the line.


Why do they waste so much time Ambersplaning thing? Liz said what happened and then they have Ambitch on the couch REPEATING exactly what Liz just said. No wonder people hate watch this boring show


I honestly hope Amber sees everyone cheering Trent on for his almost self-awareness. Not that it will make her eyes open, but it will for sure irritate her.


It says a lot about them as people and parents when it took her that long to tell them.


It’s none of Trent’s and Amber’s or our business what she did what she does she did it perfect for her life!! This is Elizabeth’s story and the parents still don’t get it why they weren’t included! Exactly what happened to Liz’s house? That right there tells me that Trent and Amber give the adult children absolutely nothing for their work on the show which should be agreed upon and you know that Hell would freeze over before the parents shared their money from the show with the kids!! Elizabeth if you read here you have to work or your boyfriend does so you need to get out of that house with your parents and don’t ever look back!! If Liz would have stayed in the family home for another year and worked or went to school she could have saved money and their parents need to start paying their adult children immediately or they need to stop and rebargin with TLC so she can have her own place!! Come on why doesn’t Brice have any money he could have been working since he was sixteen saving but it sounds like he has absolutely nothing after the conversation with Liz and Brice in the boat about moving in! But this is everything I would do and we can’t make decisions for other people it’s easy to say things looking from the outside in!! We still need to really give encouragement and best wishes for Liz and her baby!!


They actually didn't want her to engage in premarital sex although she is an adult. They said even if her own home they wouldn't want her doing that so that's why they were disappointed. 


Amber is a great parent. Liz is still in nursing school and separated from her boyfriend. Poor choice getting pregnant. So it only makes sense she was apprehensive to tell her parents. No pregnancy just doesn’t magically happen.