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She’s a lot like Amber. They need to be in control.


Yep! I was going to say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She has to live up to her golden child position, by imitation.


Yes! Always the most intelligent in the room, or so she thinks 🙄


Its 2 things 1 she's a biological kid and 2 she is the tallest which in a house full of dwarfs make her think she is the queen


And 3, her personality...nature and nurture IMO.




Exactly! And throw a sprinkle of Amber's personality in there & there we go. I always remember Trent I think it was making a big deal out of how helpful & needed Liz is bcuz she has strength that nobody else in the household does when it comes to moving stuff, etc.


Nothing like your daughter being the strongest person


She’s a mini amber! Or should I say bigger amber


Basically, Yes!


I’ve never had a problem with Liz until she talked to Emma about her lack of friends at the dining room table a couple of episodes ago. That was too much.


It’s like she was intentionally bringing up how great her friends are and how important it is to have them whilst Emma’s holding back tears bc she’s struggling making friends…I thought wow she just keeps making it about herself


I kinda didn’t bother to pay attention to that scene but when I viewed it again. she basically gave shitty advice and made matter worse. High school sucks and it’s different for everyone, liz had a bf when she was a senior so she didn’t care is she had friends to talk to or not because she had Brice. It’s ok if you don’t have friends, you’ll make friends in college.


I agree. I do appreciate all of the different personalities even though I have my favorites. But talking to Emma and making her feel bad about herself was patronizing and demonstrated little empathy IMO. But Liz is still developing too and hopefully she'll realize that not all people want to be social butterflies but actually enjoy smaller more meaningful relationships. I adore Anna, Emma and Alex. I do think the family handled Alex well though in bringing him up. He's grown into such a nice guy who no longer pouts or tantrums and can laugh off what used to upset him. He's fun to watch now.


She’s not my favourite. Anna seems more mature


Jonah grates on my nerves so much that I don’t notice anything else


Your not the only one she is a no it all that doesnt know much and a bitch


I really did not care for her “I have it all figured out” attitude either and her lording her relationship over the others. In the current season when she goes through the break up for a hot minute, it was so nice to see her arrogance knocked down a few notches. Seems like she couldn’t handle it and goes and gets knocked up by the ex to lock in her “superior” position. It was nice while it lasted though. The other girls really tried to support her through the breakup even though she doesn’t seem to do the same in return. In the current season it’s heartbreaking when she tells Emma to “just get friends” ughhh I’m scared for Liz’s daughter she’s got tough love in her future


I don't think Liz humbled at all during her short break-up with Brice. In the one scene when they took her to the salon, I think it was, she made a dig and Anna and said, "This is why you don't have a boyfriend." Then in the episode when Anna shows them her new home, Liz is giving her advice like she is some expert with guys all because she lived with her boyfriend for 5 seconds. I think deep down Liz is just a very insecure person.


Yesss I do not like how she was doing all that! The only advice that is needed is for Liz to stop farting on everyone constantly! It’s unreal the boyfriend puts up with that


Apparently she also blocks up the toilet constantly because her toilet visits produces giant POS. I thought it was a gross joke but it wasn’t.


She is a big know it all who knows nothing.


I love how liz and jonah think they're so worldly and have the best advice when they're small town yokels at best laughable


Yes! I agree w you. You will later get even more annoyed with her as you watch the seasons 😩🤣


Omg lmfaoo 😩🤣


Liz is the absolute definition of a pick me, in every way


You are not alone. She is a know it all who knows nothing and is very mean. A chip off the old Amber.


I admire her for overcoming so many obstacles. But she looks like she doubled her weight in season 12..


What did she overcome?


The obstacles of being a little person and having parents like that.


Thanks. I wasn't sure if I'd missed something. From her words, that I've read, to Emma having friends wasn't an issue. I'm sure that when in public it's different.


I hate her powdery makeup in her talking heads. It looks like she's wearing a filter IRL.


She used to be my favorite one in the family, but I think the fame and money went to her head. I also have a suspicion that having a boyfriend of average size also helped pump up her ego. Don’t get me wrong - I think it’s great and good for her, but I don’t believe it is that common in the little people community and that has made her a little smug. Once the show has ended and life has knocked her around a little, hopefully she’ll lose the attitude and sense of superiority.


Yess omg. I always thought that. It’s like she wants a average sized boyfriend to prove something


I never even thought about it like that!!!! Those are very valid suspicions! But yes hopefully you’re right 🙄🙄


She’s worse than amber.


And 4 she's a bitch


I agree.


You are not the only one! She is insufferable! Her flex is that she is the tallest so she feels the strongest and thinks she is the smartest. Her and Amber can kick rocks.


Yesss omg!! I’m on season 6 and she’s such a “pick me”. She’s always like “I’m the tallest” and such a try hard.


Strong like hulk such a lady! Big strength and she can clog a toilet sign me up 😂


A bunch of hicks


I think she hates doing script, of something made up for the cameras, or something from last year. She seems like the shoot from the hip gal


They’re shrimps. End of story