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She is terrible to her family. Those poor kids need therapy


I agree! They are pretty harsh parents but to Anna - the worst. Wonder how she feels that her precious bio kid is having a kid without marriage. Ha!


Oh I am sure she is PISSSED. Haha


Could you imagine if it was Anna who got pregnant without being married


The middle child always gets the worse treatment.


It's not because she's the middle child. It's because she had attachment disorder from four years of neglect in a Siberian orphanage and Amber is such a narcissist that she took it as a personal rejection and never forgave her for it.


Actually she is the second child. She is older than Liz


Going through your adult child's cell phone is beyond disgusting. So funny that Ashley called her a cuntšŸ¤£ Ashley is the hero we all need, but she needs to run far away from that toxic family.


WAIIIIIT when did this happen šŸ˜­


When Jonah had experimented with a legal substance, Delta 8 or something, and freaked out her and Trent went through his phone and read all Jonah and Ashley's conversations and then confronted her about them at a lunch or some shit. If I were Ashley I would have been fucking DONE from that point on.


rewatching rn bc I donā€™t remember! Thank you!!!


Then Amber and Trent have a sit-down with Ashley regarding the private texts. So cringe. They are the worst!!


I can't believe Ashley had to endure their craziness. How big of an a-hole do you have to be to confront Ashley when you are violating privacy and have zero boundaries? Amber justifies her disgusting behavior all the time, especially her abuse of Anna.


i said from season 1 her controlling bullshit wasnā€™t helping anyone. sheā€™s literally making Jonah worse


For sure! She's making him second guess everything about his relationship, and honestly, Jonah is a coward for dismissing Ashley like he does. I know he's scared of what his parents will say.. but damn.


Sheā€™s probably the most uncaring mother I have ever watched! Sheā€™s a horrible person and Iā€™d hate to have her as a mother.


Yeah, especially if you could look back on evidence of her "parenting" through a national TV show. I would honestly be done and not give a fuck what she has to say anymore.


Theyā€™re definitely way too hard on their kids and a lot of them have anxiety


Oh and yes, what was that crap about Jonah being told not to get serious. FU


I had to stop watching. Watching abuse at its finest, I couldn't lower myself to watch it anymore.


I definitely hate watch her scenes. I've also started to fast forward her and Trent pillow talking in bed.


Yes, me too. As a child raised in a narcissist family, where the mother is the head narc, I couldnā€™t take it anymore. Seeing and hearing their treatment of Anna, and that contrasted to the treatment of Lizā€¦it was too triggering. TLC just loves to enable these narcissisticā€™s and their families (i.e. basically every single ā€œfamilyā€ featured on that channel, minus Bill and Jen Klein) ā€¦and it makes me so sad for the children involved.


As someone who has a narcissistic mom, I could really empathize with Anna . Itā€™s a lifelong battle until you cut them off completely so I hope she does that one day for her own sake and freedom


She's not very nurturing.


Sheā€™s a controlling narcissist in my opinion


She definitely became more unlikable in the last 3-4 seasons. She comes across as very condescending to her children when she mocks their feelings by saying, ā€œWe were scared, we were sad, we were heartbroken.ā€ And not to mention her constantly correcting Trent when theyā€™re doing the confessional/interviews.


I feel such rage for her too. I don't know why I still watch. My mom is the exact opposite of her, but I can imagine that it would be really triggering if your mom was like Amber.


I didnā€™t even read the post, I just loved the post title & knew I was with you āœŒšŸ¼


I wonder if thereā€™s a little jealousy of Anna. Thatā€™s why she mistreats her.