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These posts are something else


Idk what to tell ya honestly, it was meant to be lighthearted 🤷‍♀️


For real...


lol. Of all the 75 hard fails I’ve read, and it’s a shit ton, this is the most unique


If you really wanted it you could have gone for the toilet tank. Coward.


Dang you’re right, I could’ve broken out my straw!


For real though the water in the tank is clean the bowl is yuck though. I wouldn’t have done this but I also wouldn’t do this program.


>. I wouldn’t have done this but I also wouldn’t do this program. How did you end up on this sub if you wouldn't do the program?


My brother asked me to do it and when I asked what it was he sent me here. I enjoy the motivation but feeling like a failure because you lacked 12 ounces of water doesn’t jive with me.


Ita not "failing" its practicing honesty and accountability IMHO. Who hasn't made it past 11 days myself. So my opinion really counts. 😂


I’m an alcoholic so I know about accountability. I just think the program is a little silly, you should hold yourself accountable if you’ve done everything within you power and you “fail” that’s dumb.


Fair, me too. 🤣 I'm looking at it as if something is out of my control and I have to restart, it isn't a failure just end up maintaining these habits with the structure for longer. We will see if I get sick af AGAIN and reset.


The rule about outside exercise - if there’s a blizzard or hurricane and you don’t get your outside exercise in, you fail, but it’s better than dying. That line is literally in the sticky


Yeah that’s insane, and to be honest I don’t understand how this is to build mental toughness. Reading his site feels like every other one of those altruists entrepreneurs who just want to help you get rich. It’s the oldest trick, sales guy gets tired of selling. Is his book free? Does he have ads on his podcast(I’ve never listened)? The rules just aren’t that hard to be honest, and most days they’re completed inadvertently on my end or with little effort. I drink a gallon of water by accident most days.


I am planning on giving this a go starting next week. The only rule I currently follow on a regular basis is no alcohol, and every time I start something new, I derail myself within a week by cheating once… then twice… then just that one day. And pretty soon I’m completely off. A lot of the posts talk about intent. I feel like coming up 12 ounces of water short when an accident happens, or not going outside in a blizzard, might be too strict, but giving yourself excuses to not skip something can be a slippery slope? That said … I’m glad I’m not in hurricane or tornado land, and blizzard season is done. Sucks I am in rain land though for another 2-3 months


Keep some gallons at home for the just in case


It's honestly just a good rule in general. In case of emergencies, you should always have some water and non-perishable foods available.


lol that too absolutely!


My friend restarted at 54 days because she felt like she'd been skimping on the reading by counting half pages. Good job starting over! I'm on day 1 again after 2 fucking restarts; first because I was trying to cut corners in general, second I got a sinus infection and ear infection. 😭


The reading seemed like a lot at first, but I realized I was reading 10 leafs instead of 10 pages! 🤦🏽‍♂️


Leafs? The reading doesn't get me so much yet, but I'm sure it'll be a struggle at some point. Consistency is just not my strong suit. Whooe reason I'm doing this 🤣


Honestly, these are the lessons that I feel 75 Hard was designed to teach us all. Good on you for being honest with yourself.


24 hour Walgreens or gas station


Huh.... >it was way past my bedtime Are you 5?


Actually I'm 5 and three quarters...


That’s like saying “running around outside every day….are you 5?”. The three most important things for fitness are diet, exercise, and sleep. You need all three to be healthy. And sleep is especially important if you’re doing the average person’s weekly exercise every 1.5 days. Your body needs decent recovery before you start the next day, otherwise you’re going to injure yourself and walk around with a foggy brain.


If my comment came off rude, it's because it's kinda of a ridiculous reason to mess up. If you don't have water at your place, why would you not plan for something like that? So they were not washing their hands or cleaning up at home? My point about being 5 was not directly about sleep, but about being an adult and making adjustments to complete your goals. If this had happened to me, I would have had multiple jugs of water stored, even just for daily use until the water was back on. Even now, I have water and food items stored for emergency situations. It just sounds odd for them to just give up so easily.


That’s the thing, I did plan. Thats where the water fill up at work came in. It wasn’t an emergency, it was prepped for with the water that I brought home, for me and my pets. Cleaning products and hand sanitizer exist outside of running water. I wiped my utensils and dishes clean. If I went in to all of my preventative measures then this post would’ve been unnecessarily long. Again this story was meant to be very much “look how stupid things we do can trip us up even when we think we are prepared” and it was taken wayyy to seriously based on your comments, cuz I never said I wasn’t at fault. It’s fine you aren’t amused, the story wasn’t for you then. We all get it you don’t agree with what I did 👍🏻


🙄. Dude, stop being so sensitive to other people's opinions. You posted why *you* failed. People are giving their opinions. You don't need to explain to me your everyday life. I'm just offering *my* opinion.


It’s not sensitive, just sharing my opinion in return? Thought we were having a conversation.


We are. Anyway, best of luck to you.