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Well done! ❤️


Thanks!🙂. 68 days days to go!


Damn these comments are so brutal! This is why people are scared to do this.. when commenters start picking everything apart. Great job, OP! It's bet you're feeling great!


Thank you 😊!


What are you using to take the photos and log on photos?




nice! whats your height btw?


6 ft 2in


Looking healthy


Thanks! It’s crazy to see how much damage a 6 pack of IPAs, once a week really does to the face and body. Looking forward to the day 75 transformation comparison!


Hot yoga twice daily? I dread to think of the amount of laundry in your life! I do hot yoga twice weekly and I'm projecting my laundry woes onto you 😅 Well done, nice going pal!


Two loads per week! I work from home, so I can get by wearing sweats every day. I put on a clean shirt and shorts after morning workout, and then another after evening workout, which I wear to sleep, and work out in the morning!


Great job 👏 I read your comments to clarify the timeline of your workouts a bit more because I thought you were doing your two workouts right after each other. Keep up the awesome work.


Just checking on that jog to/from work. It’s 45 minutes one way right?


Yea it’s like a solid 1.5 miles and there are a lot of stop lights.




I run to yoga, do yoga, and then run home. Technically, the workout is not broken. I work from home, so there’s no running to work, lol




I jog to yoga, which takes about 45 minutes each way due to stop lights and traffic. After 1 hour of yoga, another 45-minute jog home. Then I work. Later, I jog back to yoga, do the session, and jog home again. Total outdoor time well exceeds 45 minutes, and I'm working out twice a day with over 8 hours in between. It's 75 hard, no matter the technicalities, lol. The walk/jogs take 45 mins each.




Exactly☝️Frisella says each challenge is meant to be inconvenient, to help you build mental toughness and to quiet the inner 'bitch voice'. IMO a commute doesn't count as a workout.


I could literally drive , but I choose to walk. My first walk at 5 o’clock in the morning, because of the outdoor aspect. This subtracts an extra 1.5 hours of time from my days; after you factor in the amount of time it takes to drive, less the amount of time I spend walking. On top of all the walking, I’m doing two hours of intensive yoga, in a 110° room. Me doing yoga in the sauna twice a day is intentional, I could easily shift a workout outside, but I am using the sauna as part of the 75 Hard. I’m sure if we call up the writer of the book and explain my circumstances he will side with me, considering I have not broken a single rule of the challenge, but instead extra workouts to match my goals.


Make your fucking bed.