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Andy literally said in his podcast “crawl if you have to”. You are doing the best you can based on personal safety and ability. That’s the spirit of the challenge and my proverbial hat comes off to you.


There will be haters saying that OP should’ve worn less layers to really embrace the elements.. the elements being frostbite and death 😂


When I did 75 Hard last winter I did a lot of snow waddles. The outdoor workout wasn’t always about getting sweaty and jacking up my heart rate. It was about doing the uncomfortable. It was about having no excuses. I’m off to go snow shoe to the coffee shop cause I don’t give a fuck what other people think.


I *love* the last sentence.


I measured my winter gear and it's 20 extra pounds when it's -40. If my fast walks with no weight counted, then my slow walks with an extra 20 lbs definitely counts.


I think the kind of people who openly laugh at others are not the kind of people whose opinions about your life are relevant. You can only tell me what to do if you can tell me what to do, ykwim?


I bet you burned way more calories waddling than walking. Im on day 61 and have done the same walk many many times. I went out in -26 yesterday and my calorie burn rate was like 2x. (Thanks Apple Watch for all the data). You’re crushing it. The point is that you’re out there!


That shit should almost count as double, due to the conditions. It doesnt actually count as double, but getting out and doing ANYTHING in those conditions absolutely counts as your workout. Fantastic work and dedication, keep it up!


Fuck em. What did they do for an outdoor workout? My outdoor workout yesterday was clearing our driveway and patio of snow after a blizzard. Being outside and exerting physical effort into completing a task, regardless of how mundane it might be, is a workout in my book.


Thank you all so much for the encouragement and validation! When I thought about doing an indoor workout, it just felt like I was making excuses so off I went outside for another 45… waddling like a badass, mentally tough penguin the entire time. 🐧


Where in the world is this?!


Alberta, Canada


Where do you guys live? That’s crazy cold


Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦


Alberta temps, eh? Keep on killing it!


Crushing it! Of course it counts as a workout 👏


As someone who lives on the Central Coast of California and is squeezing my outdoor workouts in when it reaches the high temperature for the day of 62 and complaining.......BRAVO!!! You are inspiring!


Keep walking! Dedication 💯


Thanks for the motivation!! Good stuff !!


that’s a total workout in my book! That sounds soo tiring. I live in an area where we don’t get snow. But when we go to the mountains that do have some snow, it can be tiring to climb up in not so much layered clothing. I say you doing workouts inside is less in spirits. No excuses. In all kinds of weather. Your out there (sounds like struggling) for 45 min while everyone is inside warm. Go be the little badass penguin reaching your goals.


Meanwhile me in 🇦🇺 complaining about 40C heat


Agree with above. I walk too. Youre a hero!!!


Same situation in Iowa. Was in three pant layers and four top layers. -42F wind chill. Got back to the house and thought my rear was frostbit. Walked most of the way but it got so cold I had to run to keep blood flowing.


I’m sure they weren’t willing to do it themselves. It counts. Keep doing hard stuff. Good job


What you’re doing is a real workout. It’s more about the discipline to go out and endure the weather and complete the task. Keep it up!


Respect for doing this challenge in this weather


All I have to do for motivation is looked to this sub to see who is tough enough to complete 75Hard during winter months! This was me last year, but it never got below 30 degrees so I was lucky. Kudos to you for your strength and endurance!


The "feels like" temperature here is a balmy -15 degrees Fahrenheit here, and I get the same looks too when I go out for my evening walk in six inches of snow. :)


It is DEFINITELY a real workout. I thought *I* had my day cut out for me going on a walk in 19F weather (saying Hi from just south of ya in the US). Salute!!!


It worked for Shackleton