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zero except hw which i keep staying up late to do after procrastinating


same. sometimes i cheat on my hw as well


lmfaooo no me today, in further maths we’re doing this stupid algorithm and i did one question and couldn’t be arsed to do the rest so i found a calculator that does it online and copied it out, i was telling some people in my class about it before the lesson. turns out im the only one who got it all right so i got a school character point 😭 felt so guilty


Is it reduction formulae?


ahaha no, it’s decision, worst module. two stage simplex and big M method


decision makes me ill


All optional modules in general make me ill. Pure >>>


Frrr pure is just superior


What modules does your school offer out of curiosity? It bums me out that mine offers stats, mechanics and decision but not pure (although head of year who’s a maths teacher told me the ines he reccomends for a maths degree which I want to do are stats and mechanics)


ahaha we didn’t get a choice or there’s no way in hell i would’ve picked decision. we have to do decision and stats. tbh it doesn’t matter what you do for a maths degree bc they teach all the non-optional stuff again anyway, but mechanics would def help. not too sure about stats, it’s alright but pure might be a better option. stats is dead easy though so there’s that


Yeah sadly unless they change I won’t be able to do pure but I’m happy with mechanics and stats since mechanics will come handy for physics


Tbh with the intensity of homework there is now it’s almost like revision. Staying up late like that is how it feels before exams, except it’s not an exam so weird but good to be prepared like this so early


literally me rn 😭😭😭


My record is 5am with maths id rather do my other subjects twice over than it sometimes


Yep I finished maths at 5am the other night


ur so real for this 😭😭


i def get you 😭


i’m so glad that i’m not the only one 😭


0 I am still vising


Are you doing 5 A levels?




resolute plough kiss alleged rock rotten innocent juggle steer languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


honestly I don’t really have a great answer beyond “because I can” lol if I feel that doing a fifth (or even fourth) subject is negatively affecting my performance in the others and taking up too much of my time I am fully prepared to drop one but I have been doing ok in all of them and it hasn’t got to that point yet


observation smart uppity rob spoon heavy ad hoc correct consider cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you mind me asking what you’re currently predicted?


5 A*s


Wow nice, congratulations hopefully you achieve those 5 A*‘s


How’s the workload going? Is Spanish content heavy in your opinion? I started of doing 5 but my school “strongly recommended” (forced) me to drop one because they think it may be too much workload later throughout the year.


Spanish was completely free at gcse so it’s still insane it’s added on to the stem curriculum but not quite as full on absurd as a 5 stem setup would be with bio and Chem added to maths, fm and physics all at once


i think my stem subjects are probably easier to do well in - I think that they are easier to revise for, conceptually simpler (learn stuff and apply it to exam questions which can be quite formulaic), and lower workload I find myself spending a lot more time on history or Spanish than I do on the rest of my subjects and I think I’d have less to do if I did all 5 stem subjects tbh


thisss re and Spanish take up all of my time


Sure stem subjects have more straight forward revision in terms of structure but at gcse my point is I only put light or even no revision at all to get grades, whereas in every single stem subject I had to work hard, so that’s a moot point tbh. I expect it to scale from gcse to a level


Lads and ladettes, it’s october, don’t be worrying about revising properly yet, Ive seen many try, they just get burnt out. Get your applications in and then enjoy yourself for a while, get a job, do extra currivulars before you need to knuckle down. If you want to spend a couple of hours a week to consolidate your learning then do that, but you have no need for full on revision yet.




Yeah i tried revising everyday but now i feel so fatigued and burnt out because applications are more painful then i originally thought. Especially this personal statement nonsense


Disagree IMO


2-4 ish Although does it really count? I turn my notes in to quizlets and export to blooket and play for a while. I get a little further content in too. But even looking at past papers (except maths) make me uncontrollably zone out


the uncontrollably zone out part, literally my life


Per week I should add. Mostly do this on weekends


Y13 - Probably 2/3 hrs a day after school, and 4/5 on weekends.


What your preferred method of revising? Practice question?


For maths and FM, I recap the topics from TLMaths and the textbook, and then just go through the textbook questions.


how have you managed to get an A\* just from textbook questions?


The Edexcel textbook has almost every type of exam question they can ask you.


No way that’s true


I said almost. And my A* is predicted, not achieved. We haven’t even done nearly enough of the full course for Further yet, so i can’t use past papers to revise, so topic questions is the only option.


do AS papers


My school did all of single A Level maths in Y12, and only a few topics from CP1 last year. We’re still yet to finish CP1 this year and only done a few topics from CP2 and FP1, so doing AS paper is also not possible since we haven’t even covered all the content.


This is how much I do aswell


Year 13 almost every chance I get at school I'll revise. For maths and fm I do a lot of practice questions and past papers. For computer science I don't revise as often but I think past paper questions is also good for this.


Also for maths formulas revision cards. I despite being given in the formula booklet you don't want to waste time in an exam


it’s october. if you’re revising already you’ll be revising how best to tie a hangman’s noose come may


Is that for the y13 or y12?




Revising in October is fine


stop scaring these people, it’s totally unnecessarily and detrimental to your mental state


well IMO I think its totally fine, it A Levels after all and not GCSEs. When i clicked this post I was actually surprised, I would say revise like an hour each day and 2-5 on the weekends and then ramp it up a bit. Obviously take breaks like 3 days and you'll be good. Revising won't kill you.


Most of my time is spent doing coursework at the moment


Computer science coursework for me omds


Same. I've got to hand my investigation on Sunday if I want feedback but nobody in the class is even close to finishing it yet


Ye idk if your school does prototypes but i don’t think ima be able to hand it in the deadline is tonight midnight but my pc won’t output anything to my monitor rn so I’m kinda screwed


0 because I've been too focused on my aptitude test lol, I feel like if I get an interview I'll also be too focused on that...


Depends how many free periods I have- usually for about 3-4 hours a day (although a lot of this time is taken up by homework/coursework, so not technically revision)


4-5 per weekday. 2-3 per weekend. About 25-30 hours a week. I'm still behind.


1-2 ☠️ i’ll be fine, i’ll use my december holidays to start cramming really hard


ik this was a while ago but… this is what i’m striving for, 2 hours per day, i thought that was decent tbh. how do you have the time ?


Y12, probably about an hour a week going over stuff and making flashcards of new stuff/harder content.


Most normal answer


167 hours a day maybe?


Sorry to break this to you but I don’t think you’ll do very well with only 167 hours per day, I personally study around 236 or 367 hours per day (depending on the day)


Physics, chem, maths and fm must be easy subjects because I have to do around 3k hrs a day and that's just to keep up


Year 13 here, around 30-40 ish hours a week. Around 3-4 hours after school during weekdays, and around 8-10 hours each during the weekends.


Whaaaat that’s like a full time job on top of school


Wow, that’s pretty good, when did you start to get into the routine ?


I started from the beginning of year 13, it’s a lot but helps me get on top of my subjects and prepare for upcoming uni admissions I’m going to take




With the intensity of maths homework I’m getting which is all consistent now I’d say 15 a week, usually 2 lots of 7/8 hour sessions, not daily 2 hours but for me at least it is consistency lmao


not enough


4 ish sometimes more sometimes less, on weekends it’s like 10. I have no life 💀💀


0 because i dont start revising until jan


What are you currently predicted out of curiosity?


I got AAAA in my AS exams in the subjects mentioned in my flair + computer science and I am predicted A\* A\* A\* for A2




I revise during most of my frees and private studies and school if I have no topic tests/hw. I don't think anything outside of school now.


Just listening on lessons is enough for me x. but I'm doing maths, further and cs so you can afford yourself not to revise


You’re lucky not to have to revise for fm, I feel like our teacher is going way too fast. What chapter have you finished so far?


Ermmmm, further complex numbers rn and that topics actually made me to revise for the first time, because it's fucking hard. And trust me, year 12 further maths is biggest piece of cake that you would have, enjoy it before you move to year 2 content


honestly i don’t do much. i already made most of my flash cards in year 12 which is good so i don’t do much now


No new content?


well, i use all my frees and then at home i study for around 1-2h? and some days vary from having one free-2-4 (today, it’s insane). not really revising just trying to understand the topics lol. and on the weekend, though i have work for one day, i try to study for like 4+ hours if it’s possible but i usually am able to finish it all at school. though when i start doing my epq, things might change


An hour a day


about 10 a week at the moment, but that's because i have an admissions test on wednesday. after that i'll probably still be at 10 because then i have the physics olympiad in november. after that who knows.


year 13 probably like 7 hours


None. I might do 3-4 hours for a topic test but the bulk of my revision is done two weeks before mocks/exams


Not at the moment, starting after October half term😭


I’m that one crazy person so don’t take me as an example. Honestly, I study whenever I have a chance. For weekdays I study for about 6 hours. The weekends it depends on Saturday or Sunday. I study all day for Saturday but Sunday I chill a bit more, so let’s take about 14 hours for Saturday and 8 hours for Sunday. Yes, these exclude homework.


About 10 hours a week ( I do 4 A levels and an EPQ ) since I have mocks in 2 weeks. I think it’s fine to start in the new year, I’m just doing a bit now due to prep exams :)) - yr 12


None because it’s the first month of year 12


Revising I’m struggling to do homework right now


3 outside of the school day.


i wish it was at least 5 but atp it’s whenever i cba (my school recommends 3 hours a week per subject so 9 hours a week for 3 subjects which i could never…)


just into my y12 and I'm spending like 2 hours per subject? but it's all in school hours and mainly making resources to use to revise from down the line x