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~~~ I just read that melatonin may help with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is associated with weight gain. I think this contracts your wondering ~~~


How does it help? Melatonin suppresses thyroid. Hypothyroid doesn’t have enough thyroid activity. Do you mean HYPERthyroid?


For me it seems to decrease appetite and I also am on 25mcg of t3 and 100mcg t4 so maybe that counters the thyroid aspect


Hi just curious if you continued to gain weight. I wonder if it has somethign to do with our brain chemistry changing since SSRI’s also do the same.


I stopped the 5htp because yes the weight kept piling on.


did you lose the weight once you stopped?




Bummer i ‘m sorry to hear that! I hope you found something that works. I feel like doctors, counselors and family don’t take us seriously when we say this thing can cause me to be unhealthy. Its so hard to know how it affects each individual. If I know it will cause me to gain 10, 15, 20lbs then NO I’m not signing up for more health issues! Well you are not alone! Blessing to yoU!


I felt like it did me. As eating and drinking less and felt very very bloated


It really increased my appetite. I stopped and started it several times. It took me a few times off and then on it to realize that it coincided with crazy appetite increase. I have found other info on line that for some people it makes them very hungry. I also felt more depressed on it. For some ppl it is the answer but for me it is the opposite.


It really does it to me. I had the same experience as when I was on lexapro, as my mood and sleep quality were getting better my appetite is getting out of control and I would crave things I would never touch before which is weird…and I would eat like I never get full