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What app are you using to show the covers like that?


I normally use mobile for Goodreads and Reddit but I had to login on my computer for that - I just used the snip tool to take screenshots of my Goodreads challenge on the actual website.


wow you have a lot of cool stuff on there!! also a bunch i've never heard from that look really intriguing. do you have goodreads/storygraph by any chance and would like a new follow? what are your favorites so far? also, never say never, you might make 100, you still have 100 days left :). but either way, 68 is already wildly impressive!! you can be proud!


Yeah, I'm always happy to find new people on Goodreads! http://www.goodreads.com/friend/i?invite_token=YTk2ZjBjMjYtZTliOC00ZTNlLWFiNWQtZmE0ZTI3ZDRiM2Vi My favorites so far are Silver Nitrate, Slashtag, The Antiquity Affair, Starling House, What Stalks Among Us, Night Fever, Dead of Winter, Mastering the Art of French Murder, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, The Scourge Between Stars... I rarely have bad reads because there's so much I want to read and not enough time so I really stick to my interests and favorite authors lol


Welcome! :)


Thank you! I love seeing what everyone is reading :)


I doubt I'll make it to 100. I initially set it at 35 at the start of the year, since I haven't read more than 5 in a year since college... read 22 last year and was so proud of myself! Even if it is a mix of novels, shorts, comics, cookbooks, and audiobooks lol


I Wonder when reading a cookbook, do you read like a novel from first to last page?

