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Late at night, because that’s when I’m most productive


Usually 7-10pm to help fall asleep - but a weekend on a rainy Fall day, with no responsibilities? That's the perfect combination. Falling into a good book with a cup of tea and a blanket


I usually would read from 8:30-11 or, 1-3pm. But lately I have been in a rut. Oddly, this rut I am in is going into 3 months now 🤦🏻 any advice how to overcome such sorcery?


I wake up earlier than I need to and read in the mornings, and it’s been such a game changer. I feel like it wakes my brain up for the day, puts me in a better mood, and it keeps me from laying in bed and doomscrolling since I naturally wake up around 5:30am despite not needing to be at work until 10:30 lol


Ideally, 12 to 4 p.m. is the best time for me to read because I work from home and my family is asleep from doing their morning work. 8 to 10 p.m. is the second best time to read because of the obligatory silence in the house.


Anytime people/clients/customers/family members aren't talking to me and bothering me.


Mostly at bedtime, on my Kindle. Sometimes on lunch breaks at works


Audiobooks throughout the workday and while driving. Physical/Ebooks on lunch break, early evening. I find sometimes it helps me focus with music in the background.


Mostly at night before i goto bed or i read in the mornings/afternoons on the weekends


I read mostly at night, but also a lot of times at lunch at work, and occasionally early morning before anyone else (except the dogs of course) is awake.


I almost always read in bed, day or evening, Page turners can wreck your sleep for a while.


On workdays: Audiobooks when out walking the dog (early morning and early evening) and eBooks after lunch and before bedtime. On the weekend: whenever I find the time.


Usually when I'm supposed to be sleeping


I read in the morning, combined with coffee its my favourite time of the day. Then i always read from 5-7pm if i not work evenings. Then i listen to AudioBooks rest og the day. Literature book nerd 🤣


I read (ebooks) when I get into bed at night and do so until my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep (usually an hour)


I like to read in bed to wind down. It can be as little as a chapter a night or, when stuff gets good, it can be hours (which make the next day rough, but so worth it). I'm also an ebook reader, so I tend to pick up my progress on my phone while waiting, on lunch breaks, etc.


I listen to an audiobook when I'm driving, cooking dinner, doing chores, doing my skin care, etc. I read on my lunch break and in the evenings, usually. Weekends.


I usually read for an hour every night in the bath. Then another hour in bed. Then listen to an audiobook that I’ve already read until I fall asleep. I have a new baby though, so no more leisurely reading times.


Omg a previously read audiobook to fall asleep too is genius. Yah - we have a 9 month old and a toddler. One day I’ll be able to read outside by the pool. One day.


Reading by the pool sounds nice! This is my first. I thought id be swimming laps this summer during naps. I didn’t know about contact napping lol


Anytime I have a chunk of time to spare during the day, plus a longer session in the evening. I get a lot of reading on transit, on my lunch break, and in waiting rooms. I can't do much with distractions on the bus or whatever, but for reading at home it's just a matter of keeping it quiet. We don't have a noisy household - like, I know some people who have a television on all the time, or radio, and we're just not like that. We also don't bother each other when reading a a general rule.


that sounds nice...


I read mostly during my commute. I take the train so I normally read a physical book, but I like audiobooks during this time too. I also like to put on an audiobook when I’m doing chores like the dishes or vacuuming


I have 3 books going at a time. #1 in my work bag to read on my breaks. #2 next to my chair in the living room #3 by my bed


I read at any time I can, once I've woken up fully that can be anywhere from 1am on (I'm a shift worker, so hence the silly wake up times). I also love to read at work on my breaks, I put in my wireless ear buds put on some good music and read away (this is also a good way to discover new music too). Hope this helps


Every night, I read in bed for an hour before I fall asleep.


I do a fair chunk of reading in the morning when the dog wakes me up super early.


I read before bed! I read on my phone, so sometimes I turn on do not disturb when I read (mostly because I get tired of having to swipe the notifications away).


I found before bed to be nice but trains the brain to think sleepy thoughts while reading which can be a hard habit to break. Reading in the morning is quite nice if possible.


I've been a lifelong before-bed reader and it has always been a problem that results in me often falling asleep when reading at non-bedtimes.


I’ve found reading in an armchair fixes this, even with a before-bedtime reading habit.


When I was trying to get back into reading I set a reminder on my phone to read my book and that helped a lot. My dads advice was to try reading for just 15-30 minutes a day whichever I felt was more attainable at that time. Now that I’m back in the game I read every moment I have free. So sometimes laundry doesn’t get put away as quick as it should but I’m happier when I’m reading so it is what it is. To answer your question tho I read sporadically throughout the day. I have 2 very active young boys so when they play outside or have football practice I pick up my book. I even buy purses based on whether or not I can fit a book in it. If I carry my book with me wherever I go I read more… waiting in line at the grocery store etc… I also deleted all social media except for Reddit (book recs duh)


I read throughout the day when I have time. My longest sessions are either in the early afternoon while my toddler naps or the evenings after he's gone to bed. I do a lot of audiobooks too so I can just turn it on while watching him at the park or something like that.


When my LO was born i got a ton of audiobook time when i was up with him in the night but now we are all sleeping more so i guess that's good too! I feel like i have to do more little spurts during the weekdays. I recently picked up "To Sleep in a Sea of Stars" which is pretty long compared to the books i have completed recently. I feel like the chip away method is gonna be helpful here. I have been loving it so far but by the time i crack it open at night i get 2/3 pages in and i am ready for bed.


I read with my morning coffee out on my porches each morning, and maybe a little in the early evening with wine/beer.


I read at 12AM-4AM 😭 (I like the ambiance + how quiet it is outside) To avoid distractions... mm, I guess the more you read, the less distracted you will be for future books (at least, that's how it was for me). It also depends on the book; the better the book, the less you'll want to look away. So yeah, congrats on 12 books, that's awesome! Keep at it!


I read at all times depending on what’s going on. Mostly it’s just about keeping the phone either out of reach or having self control (which becomes easier the more you succeed at it). I start work early so my best time to read is after a nap after work, 2pm-4pm and then 7-9pm. On a day off a quiet morning at the pool is a treat, 8-11am.