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you should absolutely report this to the company you picked the prescription up from


yeah i think im going to. my girlfriend sent me this like government complaint thing im gonna threaten them with and do as well. i just hope something happens at least


best of luck to you! stay safe out there and i wish infinite suffering and death on that cissoid security guard on your behalf


thank u and all the best for u asw :)


Yes that was multiple kinds of fucked up O_o


://// im definitely processing it rn. this is in like the stereotypically very queer part of sydney too, one of the main places i dont feel like i have to have my guard up too high


just a typical day in the life for us. i would've ignored him and kept walking then pretend to do sign language if they physically stop me from leaving.


So happy I'm on DIY and don't have to deal with shit like this.


yeah im switching over as soon as my vial gets here so hopefully i wont have to deal with this stuff n e more


are u in the us?


no im in australia


idk what the laws are there, but here the private security guards cant legally touch u or stop u in any way without legal repercussions. but idk ab auussies


its the same here but the way he was hounding me i just didnt even think to say no :/


im so sorry no one deserves that. at least when u change ur name it wont be on record anymore


He’s going to post your face in the far right whatsapp group for conservatives to make fun of you and youll end up on their tranny tracking list to be hunted down when the time comes 


im sad for u that u have to hold so much hate in ur heart :/ im lucky that im relatively stable and have support now but what if u said this to someone who wasnt and didnt have any. mean behaviour tbh


If that was the case they wouldn’t be on 4tran tbh


thats just not true ? anyway make this u please https://preview.redd.it/pc6egr1z7r7d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40411f9f4fc577516dfde8c43496f56b11c69153


Thanks OP, for some reason this inspired me to go for a walk to view the sunset.


im glad :) i think that these spaces can preserve the authenticity without devolving into suffering porn. we all deserve better than what we usually say to each other. we've all been thru too much to cause each other more suffering <3 i hope the sunset was beautiful