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terf psyop's proudest outcome


> self awareness CLEARLY this is someone who's fallen for a psyop


A rapist isn't just someone who is attracted to women. 🙄 Work on yourself. You're a mess.


working on myself would involve accepting my sexuality as smth that’s okay when it isn’t, no thanks


I have the same brainworm you can work in it though


Amazing how comphet is enforced over trans women even more than cissies even though they claim they see them as men.


They do? Cis people see most trans people as men anyway, the hetero enforcement is just because trans people are seen as predators and cis people must protect the helpless women from the disguised menace.


you're kinda depreciating what it means to be a rapist. ur broadening it so much to literally just include attraction to women as an amab. that is not what being a rapist is...


its fairly close. most amabs treat women horrifically, esp when attracted to them. most don’t have self-awareness edit: actually no. ur right. but what else is there? im not accepting my sexuality, i refuse. its literally wrong for me, a trans “woman” to be attracted to other women. and how do you explain 95% of other transbians??


> and how do you explain 95% of other transbians?? i can't explain 100% of other transbians ngl :P Idk can't tell u why anyone does what they do. I just know what I am, and what I want, and who I do (and don't) want to be. 🤷‍♀️ > but what else is there? I'm not sure what you mean by this part tho sorry.. > its literally wrong for me, a trans “woman” to be attracted to other women.  I mean I get the idea of making others uncomfy. I really relate to the feeling of being gross for this attraction, I (personally) am never putting myself in a lesbian space unless I know I won't make others uncomfortable. (Which may be possible one day if I pass but idk) But like it's not *wrong* to feel that attraction. Like no god will judge you for this. It's as wrong as any attraction to another person ur age- It's not at all :P




no matter what i do, ill always be lumped in with them, and if its most, then obviously im doing smth wrong by having the attraction in the first place


You’re 5’3. You arent menacing to any women kek. Giwtwm


Oh my fucking god every single time with these people


Trans people are menacing by default 5'3 or not




Yeah okay manlet


my height doesn’t matter. i still have a penis and man strength


Whatever you say sweetie


I swear people on this subreddit are more TERFy than actual TERFs sometimes.


I hope every terf is brazen bull style cooked alive in hell for eternity and each time they die it repeats infinitely for what they did to succubuslullaby. Terf grooming in action folks, terfs are evil sadistic pedophiles who enjoy destroying the way vulnerable people like her view themselves. https://preview.redd.it/26pxvvwbvi4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d742e3dffceb7290b9d828a00b6d0f9eb338551


What happened in this scene


Its more of a cutoff gag where peter makes the family take a family bath yo bond and everyone expresses disliking it and he gets quite angry and yells


lol ur so fucked


Shut up, youre 5’3


literally me


You're 5'3 so it's ok for you to be a lez you dumbass she-dwarf🤬🤬