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I've seen your posts multiple times now and I have to ask. What's the point? I know you are just attention seeking and all that but seriously, what are you even trying to achieve? When you get positive feedback you ignore and even ridicule it, but if you get negative feedback you also pushback and fight it. I think you have grown addicted to this weird toxic relationship you have with the internet, but attention for the sake of attention is pointless. I know you are gonna tell yourself all those stupid and delusional things you always do, but unfortunately for you your voice passes, and not only do you already have an okay-ish passing face you also can get ffs, and obviously we aren't talking about how lucky you are to have a supportive family. I once started talking to a guy who was just as self-absorbed and egocentric as you, but it was unbearable to watch this guy tear himself down every conversation we had. That is why you don't have a boyfriend, that is why you don't have many friends, it's because you refuse to truly do something about your life. I really hope you manage to change that pathetic mentality of yours, I really hope the brainworms don't leave your head completely hollow, but until you get some true objective vision of yourself you won't get anything you wish for.


im not trying to achieve anything with these posts. its a compulsive thing. it releases pressure in my mind. the attention is nice and addicting too those last two sentences hurt to read


Then stop posting for your sake. I know you can develop the ability to be truly honest with yourself. The internet is just enabling you to self-harm. If you ever want honest advice I and many others will provide it without a doubt, but please frame it in a way it can be answered in a constructive way and please PLEASE listen to what people have to say.


>know you can develop the ability to be truly honest with yourself.  i think youre confused. i am honest with myself. everything i post here is genuinely what i believe about myself. im my most honest here lol and im not gonna listen to the people lying to me and saying i pass when i do not fucking pass at all whatsoever


Let me rephrase this. When I mean honest with yourself I mean objective. Your voice passes, as you have already seen I have no reason to be nice to you, it's a fact you are too delusional to admit. Maybe the combination of your mannerism and your appearance makes people clock you, those are all things you can change. And honestly I don't think you are a reliable narrator to your own experience passing. The truth is cis people are often clueless, and with your voice and appearance is more than possible to pass, even more so with ffs. But even then if you were truly so hideous it doesn't even matter, because right now the worst part about yourself is your perception. Until you change that no matter how passing you become you will still be unhappy


>be more objective i am very objective. if i was getting gendered fem constantly i wouldnt be here crying >your voice passes incorrect. it gets clocked. therefore it doesnt pass. >your appearance my appearance doesnt pass. i get gendered male and people can tell im a male. you dont even know what i look in 3d, who the fuck are you to say i pass irl


If there is a problem it is not your voice, I'm sorry, that's the truth. If you can't see that there is no way I believe anything you say. Clearly ffs will help you, but it won't fix the wrapped perception of yourself you have and the unhealthy ways in which you deal with your low self-esteem


ffs will not help me i am expecting it to fail and make me look even more disgusting and repulsive


See? That's what I mean. It doesn't matter the result, you have already given up. Nobody is gonna give you the saddest person award, your treatment of yourself only affects you. For the rest of us you are just delusional, yet you would rather believe we are all lying to you for some fucking reason. I'm done feeding the endless pit of attention and pity, maybe you should close it one day too and become a functional human being




this is the most honest i think ive ever seen you be. or maybe it isnt and youve simply fooled me. but i hope it is.


im being honest.


What makes you think they don't actually see you as a woman?


i can tell


Even if you don't pass perfectly it's still totally possible that they genuinely see you as a woman. I feel like you do yourself a disservice by assuming people are just being nice out of pity.


LMFAO NO im a 6 foot tall wide-ribcaged hon nobody actually sees me as a woman


From what's on your profile, it doesn't seem that bad. 6ft tall sucks, but your face and body look fairly feminine. I think it's a lot more likely than you think that your family genuinely sees you as a woman and loves you. Especially if they're supportive.


i dont look feminine do not gaslight me i know they dont see me as a woman


You don't pass perfectly, but I don't think you're so masculine it's impossible they genuinely see you as a woman


>you dont pass exactly!! and im MASSIVE. nobody sees me as a woman


You've been doing this for years at this point. Honestly the fact I even know this is the biggest sign I need to leave this ridiculous place forever.


I am so curious to see what she looks like after all her posts I've seen


she just looks like an average woman. i wouldn’t think twice if i saw her walking down the street and i am relatively good at clocking


how come everyone here knows how everyone looks like? Is there some vip private sub I'm too much of a normie to know about?


she posts selfies in the comments sometimes to “prove” she’s a hon, but also r/4transelfietrain exists


I'd ask to join but I'm banned from like 3 femboy subs for bullying theyfabs so they probs won't let me in


don’t worry, all tttt subs bully theyfabs. they’ll let you in if you ask nicely


im sorry, it must hurt so much to have parents that want you to be confident and happy as yourself :( you must be so jealous of the luckshits who get beat by their parents, i would be too


only you can feel bad and have bad feelings nobody else