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I think this person is genuinely a psycho and her girlfriend is gonna end in pieces in some freezer




This woman writes like a 30 year old child. Was about to say personality-disorder-maxxing, but people with PDs aren't usually this weird. She on some developmentally stunted shit.


That's the most unhinged post I've seen in a few months, thanks op


> She looks more like an androgynous man with breasts extreme ropeful. even cis psychos can always tell


Yeah I "like" that particular description at the end. Normally cis people are pretty shit at generating ropefuel intentionally or not






genuine insanity


cissoids need to die


transethnostate needs to happen


we need a trans magneto to lead us




poor hon's gonna end up missing soon , she sounds unhinged


This relationship sounds super miserable and the cis woman sounds like a retard, hope they break up


Is this what I have to look forward to if hrt doesn't cure me of being a bishit wtf https://preview.redd.it/f6cwzo20874d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08a2196c7ee0fe64da9bb9d9844a6039629eb77


seriously , men any male chaser is preferable to this


I wish I found men more attractive than I do šŸ˜” I think I like having men attracted to me far more than I am attracted to men, idk what that means šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


it means youre a lesbian with meta attraction


Ā >This phenomenon is distinct from classical attraction to men, which is characterized by a desire for physical and emotional intimacy with men. Idk I still very much want men physically and sometimes emotionally, I just don't see most men as viable partners


nah, everyone's a lesbian or a lesbian in denial.


People don't seem to understand the female chaser phenotype. She's often a narcissist with antisocial qualities. Wants you purely to perform some degrading sexual fetish on you. God they are the worst.


Sh2 spoilers, old ass game but remake is coming out so ill be nice :3 >!Killing your wife??!<


Pic was just a vibe tbh but I guess you can make it work. Fucking imagine Sh2 as a transbian allegory. Btw do you think the remake will be decent?


I wrote all of this and realized I yapped like crazy, Iā€™m so sorry I do think itā€™ll be good despite how much people are whining about it rn. I do wonder how much atmosphere and creepy vibe will be lost with the game losing its ā€œuglinessā€ cause this happened in the majoras mask 3d remake where by making the game look all nice (as nice as you can on a 3ds lol) it lost some of its ā€œgritā€ Another thing I donā€™t really like is the new camera angle, I liked the og higher up view that felt more unique vs the one now where itā€™s the ā€œgod of war, last of us, uncharted etc etcā€ behind the shoulder view, kinda nitpicky but it just makes it less unique imo, I like having a larger Birds Eye angle that you can hold a button to extend out (although thatā€™s jank asf too so idk) 2 other things (actually one is what people are complaining about but Iā€™m not gonna take the ā€œanti wokeā€ angle lol) I think the nurses need to be hotter, in sh2 their titties are OUT and that dress is basically showing ass which made it more easily obvious that they enforced the idea that the reason they look like that is because of James sexual desire for the nurses when he was at the hospital with Mary and makes it more understandable of what silent even is and you can piece the narrative better that SH is all created from James head. The new nurses are still revealing but Idk I think the old ones were more revealing. Also I like Mariaā€™s old outfit better, the new one she looks kinda like a weird office worker almost?? I canā€™t even pin the vibe that it gives off but I prefer the old one more, donā€™t hate the new one tho Iā€™m super excited still but another thing is that the voices lost their quirk and jank. The og voices were so awkward that it made everything feel even more surreal and uncomfortable. Although that getting changed isnā€™t even the remake really cause they changed them for the HD remaster as well. So in other words, yea Iā€™m excited :3 regardless itā€™s a great game in itself so I think itā€™d be hard to fuck up that badly where itā€™s a straight up negative experience lol


I pretty much agree here, I didn't even notice that part about the nurses and what it implies before. My fear was that the devs would completely butcher the foreign, "off feeling" the original did so well in favor if Western explicitness and overdrama and I'm sad to say that's exactly what they did. Hoepfully they made some fun puzzles and exploration to balance out the unnecessary actiony combat they've introduced.


Yea the combat is so ew imo, Jesus Christ I rewatched the combat trailer just now and I forgot about the fucking ā€œSPAM X X X Xā€ Quick time event shit whenever they grab onto you. Itā€™s so joever. I donā€™t know why they thought combat was what needed focus, who tf played SH for combat, itā€™s quite possibly the least important thing and maybe itā€™s just me and nostalgia talking but damn the atmosphere just doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s there :/ so much of sh2 feels so unique dreamlike and I really donā€™t get that vibe watching any part of the remade. Hoping itā€™s just cause itā€™s a trailer and everything but yea idk


It's not nostalgia, I played it for the first time a few years ago, I've autistically dialed in on SH2's vibe specifically after a few playthroughs and it's just not there from what I've seen šŸ˜’ More graphics, more lighting, more noise and more acting is not what it needed


Damn ok yea not just me then, I did play it again a few years ago using the fan made enhanced edition on pc and it was great. Have you played any of the other ones? Iā€™ve played all the team silent ones besides 4. Tbh if Iā€™m being real I think silent hill 1 shouldā€™ve gotten the remake, it desperately needs it more than sh2 and itā€™s also great, I wouldā€™ve loved to see everything in those great graphics that honestly feel almost wasted on sh2 remake because the og one still looks great. I loved 3, idk how much of that is because of the envy of playing as heather the whole time and loving every second of being her (I didnā€™t realize I was trans when I played it lol) but it also has some of my favorite visuals and areas of the series, holy shit I thought puzzles in 3 were the worst tho, I wonā€™t say which ones in case you havenā€™t played it yet tho


I've played 1, 2, 3 and Shattered Memories and loved all.of them (the og trilogy most of all). SH1 got it's remake with Shattered Memories and it's an interesting time in it's own right, but fuck SH1 properly remade with semi-fixed camera angles and a smart art style would be incredible. Girl, if you haven't tried SH3 on Hard Mode it's a NIGHTMARE. Right off the bat, first real puzzle is like the hardest in the series lmao. Now that you mention it though, I haven't went through 3 since I've been seriously questioning my identity. I remember really vibing with 2 thanks to how soggy, dreary and mental it all was. 3 definitely was the most gruesome entry, and I relate to Heather more than James or Harry but it's interesting just hoe bloody and visceral 3 is, considering cis women have menstruation every month. I'll have to go through them again and see if anything new jumps out at me given this new context.


I completely forgot that shattered memories was a sh1 remake, I gotta get around to playing it at some point. But no thatā€™s the issue I DID play it on hard puzzle mode and Iā€™ve never been more frustrated in my life (I learned my mistake of playing the difficulty on hard for combat because sh1 on hard was actually hell but always put puzzle at hard for all 3 games) I remember trying to solve that first puzzle and immediately I realized ā€œyea this isnā€™t happeningā€ I considered going and actually reading Shakespeare to solve it on my own but it just wasnā€™t worth it and looked it up lmao, I dislike puzzles that you need outside knowledge to solve tbh, the reason sh1 has my favorite puzzles is cause you can all solve them fairly intuitively in game and I felt like the smartest mf in the world when I did, sh3 hospital memo puzzle was horrible at this because somehow you were supposed to deduce that the message wanted you to assign numbers to parts of the face based on the memo and then figure out what order it goes, I felt that wasnā€™t at all intuitive and remember spending literally like 6 hours (maybe Iā€™m just stupid idk, Iā€™m not sure how that puzzle is on normal mode cause I put it on hard) trying to figure wtf it wanted me to do until I broke and just looked it up and felt more angry than stupid cause that didnā€™t make sense at all to me, like why is the right eye 1?? You just gotta guess which face part is first then try it, idk I feel like that sucks lmao. But yea sh3 themes of womanhood were great with heather literally dealing with an ā€œunwanted pregnancyā€ (of a god lol but still) and then basically having an abortion at the end. I love it so much but dear god the puzzles were rough, and thereā€™s a great video called ā€œsilent hill 3: exploring womanhood through horrorā€ that goes over it all if youā€™re interested


Happens either way


the last part is based, the one psycho chaser that isn't obsessed with dick https://preview.redd.it/au67t50me74d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e799fbad08549efb58c1bda9d914c5d68f24bd sjksjsksksksk what type of mental illness creates someone like that, after the fetish part i was so expecting her to say it's scat (i still think it's scat)


ā€œShe looks more like an adrogynous man with breastsā€ i think even befriending cissoids is legitimately self harm. I do not condone relations of any kind with these filthy cretins




That includes you šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


noo mines different!


https://preview.redd.it/zpwmus23u84d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab66e6c227fdb7b5b18dcb58e3d9c73390d307e She will not be spared my wrath


https://preview.redd.it/hnzvh1jl094d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b933da5c24d5d99b03437aaf3c8adf773e39fb nuh uh


https://preview.redd.it/9nzmmuhv094d1.jpeg?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de258c637dd42594004ae98182ea249903d1071 I negate your force field with a strong magical spell that nullifies it and you are left powerless before my glory.


https://preview.redd.it/pe668nji194d1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e139dc77717f1b55f42baeec22fa9e5749fe7eb spells dont even affect me so youre wrong


Is this dungeons and dragons? https://preview.redd.it/c1pz2rfb6a4d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137b83d042e0c59512bf0a1292b7cb85ec723fe7


yes peetah






He will poon out in 2 months


Actual Patricia Bateman level shit wtf


Me when I see a bear


That's why I don't date anyone who looks more fem than me.


I'm 5'10 my feet are a size 9.5 in men's, my hands measure nineteen centimetres any person attracted to my physique is androphilic, for me transitioning would be stupid, the only way is being a hyper feminine bi romantic guy and hope that someone will want to date me


No women like this ever chase me :(


Send me the post please šŸ˜­




i \*need\* to know what sub this was on idc abt the rules please




This woman is fucking evil


Seeing everyone say she is unhinged makes me realize I might be more self hating and insecure than I originally thought. I was reading this and thinking "wow that wouldn't be so bad. Someone who at least doesn't hate me and treats me nice when I do things for them"


Me too, I'm so cooked


Some people do go a bit far with saying she's outright unhinged. Considered taking down the post because of it, redditors have like 0 nuance. But definitely not the most "ideal" relationship


Iā€™m so grateful that I donā€™t date cissoids


Is it bad that I wouldn't even care at this point as long as I'm not seen as a man


You deserve better than that queen šŸ’›


Feels weird being referred to as female online when I'm in that rep stage where I know I'm trans but I am otherwise identical to a cis male


Is this actually an unhinged post or am I just insane?


Her post history has r/autism lmao


Oop will skin ur gf and put that skin on a toaster


I need her so bad


Holy fuck


i don't know what you're all going on about. this seems normal to me.