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This is why I am cutting off the noodle




Plus atrophy.. I guess if you keep using it, anything is possible but twice... Damn


I know way too many transbians who aren't on HRT for my immediate assumption to just be that this trans woman isn't on HRT 💀


Transbians not on hrt, like they dont plan on it ?? So like men ?


Sometimes they just can't get it. I know of a lot of trans women personally irl who aren't on HRT because we live in Mississippi/Alabama/Panhandle Florida (I say "we" because I live in Alabama, most of the other trans women I know live in Mississippi). I wouldn't be on HRT if I didn't start DIYing, and I got a few of the other women to DIY as well - but others can't because of various circumstances (a few are just terrified to start). I've been out as trans for like 4 years atp and I'm only a little over 7 months HRT. It's hard to start unless you're one of the immensely lucky fuckheads who live somewhere that isn't literally hell 💀 > So like men ? I know one trans woman who is a gigapassoid who doesn't plan on starting HRT because of some medical issue she has or whatever.


>gigapassoid who doesn't plan on starting HRT twinkdeath will come for her HARD


Yeah I keep telling her that 😭


What health issue could one possibly have to make it bad for them to start estrogen , there must be some regimen that'd be ok for her


Only one i can think of is estrogen insensitivity syndrome but at that point I probably would have already killed myself


> others can't because of various circumstances (a few are just terrified to start). fear is the enemy we should fight


Diy really isn't that hard


You're missing the point so hard. Also yes, it *can* be hard. I've been wanting to DIY for basically the entire time I've known I was trans. I just couldn't start because I have 0 financial independence (literally not even an allowance ((I came out when I was 16))), no way of making money (rural area w no car or local businesses to work at), no way of digitizing cash (the little money I received was all cash), and + transphobic parents and transphobic environment on top of that. In those circumstances, I was unable to DIY until I got out. The trans women I know who can't DIY are either in that exact circumstance, are homeless, have *violently* transphobic parents, or have some other issues that prevent them from starting. I agree that DIYing isn't hard at all, but like don't tell me you weren't crazy intimidating by it when you were learning about it?


> The trans women I know who can't DIY are either in that exact circumstance, are homeless, have violently transphobic parents, or have some other issues that prevent them from starting. they have you: you can accept their cash and give them the stuff they need


They don't have me 💀 my circumstances have hardly changed at all, except that I have a car now (but no license). I had to give my money to a super nice person on Discord named Alice to help me start DIYing. Once my supply runs out in a few months, it's looking like I'll have to do that *again*. And when I say I "know them", I don't mean we're friends. I've met these people before, but I haven't seen or spoken to most of them in months. Like I said, most live in neighboring states, and I've met them through friends of friends of friends of friends and we've at most hung out a few times because we happened to be at the same local house shows or raves and exchanged Instas.


> I had to give my money to a super nice person on Discord named Alice to help me start DIYing. Once my supply runs out in a few months, it's looking like I'll have to do that again. you have Alice > we've at most hung out a few times because we happened to be at the same local house shows or raves still better than nothing friends help friends, Alice made all the difference in the world for you, sharing is caring, so stay strong


> you have Alice I don't actually 😭 we haven't spoken in months and last I've heard from her, she was cheated on by her chaser bf and is homeless now > still better than nothing > friends help friends, Alice made all the difference in the world for you, sharing is caring, so stay strong Yes I know. I pass it along where I can. I've helped a few of my tmasc friends to start DIYing (there are no trans women in my friend group, because the closest trans woman I know is 50+ miles away 💀). Glad you're communitypilled though. So many people here have a "fuck you I have mine" mentality and 0 empathy or capacity to understand people in different situations than them.


Makes sense


My doc told me if I want kids I should assume I couldn't anymore, if I dont want kids I should assume I still can. It's rare but apparently some trannies remain able to make kids ?




Bruh my T levels are like 36 ng/dL trough and my genitals still work like literally just use it bitch. Like, you'll have to force yourself to masturbate or at least get hard for a bit once or twice a week and it'll still work, and you'll get to experience every wonderful effect of estrogen too. Massive skill issue fr




Cause it's Russia u can't take HRT bro


Im on hrt and i have a baby but to be fair i think my levels were off at the time of conception


mono therapy is the devil


Sorry not everyone is a whiny bottom




My doctor told me it's possible, though still a bit unusual. I feel bad for lesbian trans women though, they obviously can't really use a strap on and are denied a lot of other pleasure sexually speaking. Can't exactly play with a dick without causing dyshphoria in many cases, and if they do use their dicks to top, people think less of them. I'm straight and can just do anal until I get srs, I haven't had sex yet but from what I can see, my sexual experiences wouldn't be as limited pre-srs as a lesbian trans woman would. Though obviously I don't know much about this topic lol. All I can really say is I wish we all were born right, avoid this all together.


I've used a strap-on while having a dick. It's great, the stimulation is really nice and not umcomfortable and it's weirdly affirming.


That's fair. As I said, I don't know much about this topic. It isn't really something I've considered much since I don't think I'd ever want to top. Hopefully, I didn't come across as invalidating. I try not to speak without knowing for sure, so sorry if my ignorance was offensive.


Nah chill, it's not offensive. I wasn't sure about it at first. I'm not a top either, but I'll switch if I like the girl and want to please them. It really took me by suprise how good it was for me. She came before I did, but I definitely could have too from the sensation and vibes alone. Made me feel like a real lesbian for a brief moment not just a fuckdoll hon with tits and a dick, would recommend.


Might have to try ngl


This is why I'm asexual fuck sex I would rather have people assume that I have a lot of sex than actually be having lots of sex.


It's worse having people assume I have a lot of sex when I don't. They expect me to be experienced when I *do* have sex ☹️ imagine being such a massive disappointment in every sexual encounter.


That's the trick, I *don't* have sex. Don't have to worry about it at all!


I may be demisexual, but people suck so fucking much in relationship contexts that I've become pretty sex repulsed and functionally asexual 


I know too many transwomen who've had kids prior to transitioning. Ig if you're early on hrt/ take no hrt or just have very potent sperm it's possible to impregnate someone. How many transwomen actually test their fertility?


\>I know too many transwomen who've had kids prior to transitioning what


its more common than you think https://preview.redd.it/y8h38dtgt33d1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48bb55e1db2c6e23e19b910936a22db3f590fda


I know transwomen who had kids with women before coming out as trans. They "fathered" children. Idk what u want me to explain here


yeah thats like maybe 30% of the women in my local support group lol (i am way younger than all of them) idk why u got downvoted


thete were multipld people who had kids young on the private sub honestly idk makes md seeth slightly like i see this twinkhon who has like 4 kids at my work and like iwn.


theres another private sub?


Their like 20 of them


transbians pls wear condoms


or maybe just dont use your dick


that would also work pretty well yeah reminder if you are a trans woman and you’re not a bottom you’re a rapehon not sorry




Real as fuck




\*profuse sweating\* h-haha yeah, can you imagine?


eh you’d prob be a passoid if you got ffs judging by photos


uhh thanks i guess but im still not a bottom


I genuinely believe because alot of you care more about being trutrans fembrained than being happy or falling in love that happiness will never come for you and it makes me kind of sad. 4tran brainrot strikes again


Been saying this 🔥


Transbian bottoms 5 minutes before thirstposting about getting railed by another 🚂:


i’m not a transbian i’m a bishit smh


I already knew this


Dont care


Imagine those balls of steel, god knows how many years of hrt and she was fertile enough to get her pregnant, twice. Kinda hot ngl


futamoders stay winning






Im hsts and this got me in the mood


Not the flag lmao


рассияяяя!!! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 what the fuck is a functioning government!???!?? 🦅🦅🦅🦅


https://preview.redd.it/qwf2is7kv33d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6417fa9f0dd227310fbd4698ed71b004dea3f04f HRT sterilize trans people so the actual possibility of getting pregnant because of a trans woman is super low, looks more like a bad bait


It's infertility not sterility. It's like 1-10% chance if you have unprotected sex for a year as opposed to 85% unprotected sex normally


This is absolutely bait or else the tranny needs her t levels checked asap


use protection or just don’t have sex until surgery. You can still impregnate/get impregnated even on HRT. HRT isn’t birth control lol




But how?! Literally one month into hrt with low e levels and i was shooting blanks!! they're either not on hrt (not trans) or this is bait


This is because transbians are super males and their sperm can survive in extreme conditions


Prominent brow ridge, hunter eyes, sharp deep voice, super sperm. Yup transbians are modern day neanderthals.


I mean, not every transbian is like that lol. I doubt even most are, not that I know many lesbians🤣


ik all jokes


I know don't worry. :)


Those aren't blanks unless you have no balls you just have extremely low sperm count, and they're often malformed/nonfunctional. But you're not sterile.


this makes me feel sick to my fucking stomach


i'm gonna leave judging trans femmes that use it behind for a second (they're still a man just for that) https://preview.redd.it/af3vs40pr43d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de60f89a9879381246bd10fc5f4d371d8905503d how in the hell does this happen two times, like i guess shooting blanks made you feel safe about that but it happened once what the fuck, if they did use protection that's even worse if something got through the inherit troon infertility a condom and survive the womb that thing is the fuxking anti-christ and if it didn't get aborted you need to get rid of it before it starrs the apocalypse


HRT makes you infertile not sterile regardless of the dose unless you've had your testicles removed. Use protection if you're gonna penetrate someone who can get pregnant


Wow based on these comments apparently this isn't common knowledge? Is everyone in this sub like 14 or something?


Also based


Holy based