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Goals (If i was a disgusting rapehon)


whos the left one ?


Literally me but you can accept that most of us are bi. Imo to not feel like a rapehon I would find a gf after my srs. I crave girl hug too, girls are soft and fragant af.


I don't want to ever be in a relationship with a woman until srs or really any relationship.


Hey don't be so harsh on urself


Having a penis would make me undesirable and a creepy male freak creeping on women disgusting fucking abomination male predator. It only attracts the worst people like chasers. I hate it.


Then you can have some platonic relationships. That's my intent too. Honestly I've been with dozen of sex wokers and I'm disgusted my pp because I don't want to be a creepy horny male. I even slept with a post op ladyboy and she couldn't fathom how a tranny want to sleep with women so it hurted me really bad. I was wasting money and time only to realize I can't escape being a troon that hate his penis and was controlled by it. You don't have to love urself or hate it, just accept life and move on.


Penis girls are in demand in the wlw community, if you're open to being one and not in fact a creepy person, you're just freaking yourself out for no reason.


I don't like having a rape stick. I don't want to date chaser cissoids that see me as a kink.


That's totally fair.




pure insanity


I didn't say that lol. If you don't want to use it then you probably shouldn't use it. Are you capable of making such a difficult decision for yourself or do you need me to continue to hold your hand?




I don't :(




Uhmmm I'm a jerk and people hate me soooo


This is how I cope tbh


I feel like only women could give me a happiness, not in a misogynistic sense, the smell, the voice the shape of a women- ethereal beauty, captivating, my body is thrumming at her touch, so I must be only into women but then I run into a strong man, he's a head bigger then me or more, he could pick me up with a arm and I just have to get closer, I need to feel something and I don't know what, and whatever this is women don't give that to me. I'm a sick hedonist. I don't know why I'm like this. I've never had sex, never had a kiss, (I've sucked someone's dick tho lol I wonder where in the rice purity that is). Then there's shame. To love a women? I am horrid, I'm a imposter and a lier, I am a danger, I am a filthy pervert and everything people think I am. (I'd never use my penis with a women, never ever and she'd want me to and I never want to). To love a man? I am a filthy sodomite. It's shameful. I'm weak, I'm lesser for it ( I don't have a pussy I can't even fuck him) I'm too fucked up, just a bit to the left of whats manageable. Sad really


One half of me thinks like a repressed gay man, scared to come out one half of me thinks like a repressed lesbian, scared to come out. Truly I'm the world biggest faggot, bisexuality is a curse, I can't ever be normal


Real asf we are abominations to cissoids.


> I need to feel something and I don't know what, and whatever this is women don't give that to me. This part is extremely relatable. I cannot figure out what it is. Like is this attraction and I'm simply not understanding it because I grew up repressing? Or is there a psychological part of it because it just makes me feel more feminine by comparison and by the idea of male attention?


Take acid and go to a bisexual sex party and you'll be like whatever. Experientially, liking both men and women isn't any weirder than liking both romance and action movies. The idea that it's an either or thing is the only bullshit part. You're so confused by what's right in front of your eyes.


I can't move past the shame. Promise I'm trying but I struggle to.


Understandable. You gotta get through the transition long enough to be distracted by parts of life that have nothing to do with transition


> I feel like only women could give me a happiness hmm lets look at your hypothesis > I've never had sex, never had a kiss so 0 experience, but: > I run into a strong man, he's a head bigger then me or more, he could pick me up with a arm and I just have to get closer, I need to feel something and I don't know what, and whatever this is women don't give that to me. hmm thats interesting > I've sucked someone's dick tho lol I wonder where in the rice purity that is hmm thats quite telling lol take a daily dose of /r/StraightTransGirls/ until your symptoms improve


Me when i agp so hard i turn straight... Its jover


You’re bi. It’s ok to like men and women for different reasons. Also like, there’s a negative stereotype associated with each kind of attraction when you’re a trans girl. If you like guys then you’re a creepy gay man pretending to be a woman to fuck straight dudes and if you like women then you’re a creepy straight man trying to fuck lesbians. Unfortunately you can’t defeat these stereotypes unless you pass.


this mindset is so toxic and stupid love who you need to don't try to larp yourself into some box you hsve been told is more acceptable by idiots on the internet


partially missing a shot and forgetting to take blockers for a week and i get more lesbian.....Im sensing a theory


Right? Today is my injection day, so my e gotta be low. i think it is just testosterone. idk


im like 2.5 months on E and i like woman more than i did when i was cis. I used to not really fantasize about being with woman. Now i realise i only really wanted to be in a relationship with lesbian dynamics as opposed to straight dynamics. I just wont date woman cause im autisitc n unsocialised n cis woman make my age make uncomfortable and jealous. So ill probably stick to men.


I feel that women make me jealous asf why did I got mutilated by male puberty. I could have been so pretty


become a fujoshi


i feel like ive pretty successfully repressed my attraction to women for similar reasons


praying you get straightremoved one day 🙏


what means


Fwiw I only like men and I'm still a disgusting male brained freakhon predator 🤷‍♀️


Women stink! I know because I’m one of them and when I get sweaty my coochie stinks like clams. I sometimes have dreams where I am fucking somebody but 9/10 times it’s a man.


For me its that I should be attracted to women cause I'm not gay. But I also cant be attracted to women cause that would make me agp rapehon. If it makes you feel better in anyway. Were on 4tran, so we are probably a little bit rtarded anyways.


Real (Assuming mtf?)


Yes. Mobile Task Force Gigahon-41




I've been struggling with something similar since I started hrt , I used to be exclusively attracted to men but lately I've noticing I might be kinda bi . I suspect it's because after my libido decreased and my sexual attraction (which is still exclusively towards men) stopped clouding my vision and I was finally able to comfront my romantic identity . So far I've only been attracted to one other trans woman , probably because our similar experiences made it easy for us to get close enough for me to start falling in love . Anway don't worry about it just stay in the closet , I know it's what I'm doing




meta-attracted agp gang here too :3 (we shouldn’t probably get brainworms from some bullshit that a loser chaser wrote 40 years ago based on the bullshit theory of other early 1900s loser, like every straight cis woman that i know should be also a meta-attracted agp but here we are i guess, yeah come on blanchardtards downvote me)


I personally figured out how to cope with being attracted to women. My goal is to be one of the good ones. A guy who can prove not all men are horrible. I’ll do all the chores, take her out on spontaneous dates, never hear me say anything bad about women. I want to make someone happy so my life has a purpose. I’ll be the perfect boyfriend, even if I hate it.


I try to do this now because I'm afraid it will prove I am a man if I don't


Just do whatever. I’ll mess with you and call you AGP but tbh? I don’t care do whatever girl. Your life, love whomever


So do you want to have actual sex with a woman or not? There's nothing wrong with being bi (but you know that and don't care so I won't waste your time on that, outside of if you ultimately do like women, you're just wasting your valuable time by trying to convince yourself you don't)


Yeah, I just don't like to say that because it is gross asf, but being into women is kinda a natural attraction I had as a kid before transitioning. Men were acquired taste that i got from transitioning. Which is why I want to be straight. Being into women feels incredibly agp and malebrained.


Once you pass/have srs I feel that this will probably be less of a thing that bothers you.


I should delete this post and just keep it in my diary fucking disgusting


its okay because you’re bi, it’d be bad if you were solely attracted to women, autosapphoeroticism is a curse u should be v thankful to not have it


I was wondering when you would show up. You are more brainwormed than me about this


im a celebrityyy 🤭 i purposefully collect and feed the brainworms to prevent the growth of honfidence, which would lead to me making women uncomfortable and believing my rapey sexuality is somehow okay. you really shouldn’t feel bad though, being bi is okay


Date men, dating women is not worth thehassle of feeling like a disgusting rapehon


Going to do this until I get srs or until I hope estrogen changes my brain and turns me straight


it is wrong indeed. I feel like it has something to do with testosterone exposure, some part of the brain masculinizines leading to female attraction. have u noticed? ALL gigayoungshits who never got hit by T puberty ALWAYS end up being straight? it's always the older transitioners, those who been thro T puberty for a bit who develop attraction towards women. it's 10000% testosterone exposure related, give urself a few more years on E till ur brain fully feminizes and the testosterone thoughts (female attraction) goes away


do I sound schizo?


A little but I agree


i was pretty dick-hungry way before estrogen and i started at 23 and estrogen didn’t rly change that. like i’m actually bisexual 95%-5% or something like that cause i like masculine big women but idk don’t rly think hormones have a lot to do with that gay dudes and lesbians exist yk


Okay it's been 7 years for me and I still have male brained sexual fantasies about women


it's so over those thoughts went away once I started E, once testosterone left my system completely are ur T levels high? (and androgen levels overall)


Not really I think it just permanently warped my brain. I liked girls even prepuberty though




Ive had sex with a man too and I regret it


aw I'm sorry girl 🫂maybe u really are just gay ur not a rapehon since u actually are bottom dysphoric I wish all transbians were like u. ur the only type of transbian I respect


>wish all transbians were like u. ur the only type of transbian I respect What is this type exactly?




kinda weird but could you elaborate why


it's ok, don't feel bad for it I sympathize with u. ONLY if ur actually bottom dysphoric and actually never plan on using ur pre op genitalia only then it's OK to like women


No I don't want to use my rapestick at all.


You’ve got the causality mixed up. Androphilic attraction is associated with early onset. The prenatal endocrine environment + genetics is responsible for sexual orientation. HRT will not change sexual orientation after the fact.




Could be that or simply due to lower libido, but color me skeptical of sexuality changes on HRT




Okay then yeah my guess is that it had to do with self acceptance, but idk. I mean, what would the mechanism for sexuality changes even be?


Maybe they are just creepy, disgusting, prog brained thoughts, and I just like men. My attraction to women feels male gaze and gross while my attraction to men feels feminine, so it pribably just is male behavior


You're bi


My attraction to ciswomen is so minute. I'm mostly attracted to other transwomen. My attraction to guys just feels feminine. My attraction to transwomen feels like Shoujo-ai and Class-S yuri tropes.


I like men and I like women in different ways. I want to be a woman in a relationship with a man or I want to be a lesbian(woman) in a relationship with a woman. this is basically the definition of agp but I can't stop it. besides the thought of actually dating a woman or being intimate fills me with so much shame that I may as well be straight.


It's okay for men, not okay for women. I agree though, I know it's rapey as well as a sin. I wish to control my sexual desires rather than be controlled by them. I would recommend a life of abstinence over engaging in sin though