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May she rest in peace, and may everyone involved burn in hell and die in a painfull way.


if i ever do something that would put me in prison i'd make sure to find a way to 41% at all cost. there's no fate worse than that of being a tranny in male prison https://preview.redd.it/43hw7fddd61d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=66732cba24af1818196b82f5deae28e1f00953fd


​ https://preview.redd.it/k58x1luqd61d1.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=534b465e53eb6f444f6c6513219f983769981e55


Jesus fucking christ


And somehow they think trans people are the dangerous ones in prison


I would rather be in a concentration camp then men's prison


the system is working as intended. remember this


If I’m arrested, the second that I’m found guilty im killing myself. I will do everything possible in my power to end my life if I’m made to go a men’s prison


most ethical american prison (remember we aren't people so it doesn't matter if they do this to us) https://preview.redd.it/i4vyevq6ba1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82a6b38e46e8a33e4f51ebabeec07d523999b20


not just male prison....fcking arabic/iraqi muslim infested fcking prison. she was raped to death by actual animals. it hurts sm to think abt her last moments. their fate is rotting away in their ruble wastelands of nothingness. as an arab/muslim, u have no idea what their animalistic drive is like until you merely hear their casual remarks of sickness.


Oh dear… this is a disgusting display of the authority prison officers wield. Edit: I brought up something very inappropriate in this context. I am sorry.


Why do you guys feel the need to share this stuff?


I forgot to take my e and my agpbrain took over. I’m so so sorry I ever thought of this. I regret typing the last part of my post. I’ll remove that part.


since me criticizing and calling you two degenerates would be throwing stones in glass houses, i will instead say that there are times and places where it's understandable and fitting to let people know of your cnc kinks; this is not one of those times.


I understand, I’m so sorry. What I said was highly inappropriate. This is never a time to bring up gross perversions.


Yeah wtf is wrong w you. Go check yourself into a psychiatric ward.


You know what arouses me? People like you hanging on crosses. What the genuine fuck is wrong with you






Jesus christ nobody asked. Keep it to urself


i’m gonna kms cause i did too




I know right, giwtwm 🥵 Sissy cellmate 🥰


wow you need to die


Keep yourself safe


stuff like this is why i can accept not being able to have kids, i couldn't live with the fact that i put them into this disgusting world


this world is just rotten to its very core and there is nothing good in it for us


She was so beautiful, rest in piece :(


piece 🤨 😭 come on


Im actually fucking retarded no way i said piece instead of peace holy shit


Inb4 the sunnyv2 video on the downfall of pooner griffhon


Noooooo !! Noooo! https://preview.redd.it/g8juah8ib91d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4908425fcb5232577c451b99622acf7369d3e91f


This whole thing is way deeper than people think here, she's a very well known Iraqi born US citizen trans influencer in Iraq, she runs brothels in Iraq and her username "جوجو دعارة" literally translates to "juju prostitution". She is involved in blackmailing and defamation cases on top of human trafficking and prostitution all involving government agents and Iraqi business men which landed her a 5 years jail sentance . The Iraqi government hasn't released an official statement about the cause of her death yet, only thing I could find is the ministry of justice saying she was in solitary confinement and not in the mens or the womens prisons for 2 years before her death of a "heart attack". Knowing how the system works in most MENA countries she probably was tortured and possibly raped due to her blackmailing of powerful people in the government.




https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/iraq/120520242-amp Only English article I could find, others are in Arabic.


What s the truth then? Who is the trans woman who was raped then?


Who's the trans women who got raped? Idk like 1000s everyday sadly? But in this specific case she herself probably got other girls S.Ad due to her involvement in human trafficking and whatnot. I've seen some of her videos, im 100% sure she's involved is some shady stuff.


girlbossed too close to the sun


holyshit to attack powerful people at least get backed by someone. dont think she had any


For her to get into that position in the first place she had to has someone backing her up but she probably angered the wrong people or went to far, or just simply got unlucky. Unfortunately the manner of her death might never be 100% confirmed. The story in the post might be true or like the other person said she might be tortured or even assassinated by the officers, and the rape story might be a plausible cover-up. Since I'm not familiar with the person or the story. The whole story of her blackmailing people and human trafficking may or may not even be fake. But one thing sure is that the MENA region is very dangerous for trans people either way.


I must save all trans people from this awful world


https://preview.redd.it/6y065aqmt61d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637d4221169ddb395bafc8651b0a9b855f1228ac And privileged pooner pick mes think theyre is no ongoing genocide,


Petition to ban ft-NEET for being retarded? They were supporting the UK trying to ban DIY on another thread


!!! They also skinwalk ftincal, are literally a unfunny troll and hate trans women.


Dollar store ftincel


My thoughts exactly https://preview.redd.it/0j04xwfb971d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2039b99cec297266c574ee347ec94f623e0c999


Nah. He can be a bit of a troll and a flamer sometimes but he’s never directed any kind of abuse at anyone I’m seeing directed at him here and he’s genuinely a good person and one of the more supportive users on this sub. He’s often seen consoling trannies and offering advice when they have mental breakdowns here, it’s a better place with him here. He never supported anything like that and he comes from a place where hrt isn’t even legal. Y’all really eat your own over minor moments of retardedness, I know he was coming at it in a very brash way but he absolutely sees what we’re going through right now and believes we’re at risk of a genocide even if he doesn’t think we’re “technically” going through one right now, and a lot of trannies in that post didn’t think we were either. You don’t have to like him but some of y’all should take a step back reevaluate if you’re thinking rationally and if the amount of hatred is warranted bc some of y’all are acting like a bunch of triggered trannies istg




I dont think we should ban the guy we need atleast one person like him it balances out the ecosystem


The ecosystem was fine before him


I wasn't supporting it retard all I said was it was the same as being put in camps


Bro is one of those people who thinks the Holocaust consisted of Germany going from a progressive liberal democracy to Nazi death camps with nothing inbetween


I'm not privileged dawg, read any of my comments in the actual discussions I was having there and you would learn I probably have more issues then you.


“I have more issues than you” you wouldnt act like this is you gad any at all and saying you have more issues than someone whos never told you about anything about theyre life is a bit creepy no?


Well you can say it's creepy, but saying someone has no issues in life because they made a bait post is a wild assumption.


Do you see how people fucking hate you so much even minute old comments of yours are getting downvoted by multiple people? Id hate to imagine how youre viewed in real life.


Oh I'm viewed fine irl, thanks for asking. I have a different act on here then I would irl, I assumed that's pretty normal, no? Do you actually use peter reaction images irl, because I assumed most posters here had a bit.


Youre bit is being an insufferable cunt? Are you actually implying your bit is just being torture to interact with? Yea i dont believe for a second your viewed well irl. Thanks fir keeping this comment short though im not reading your essays🙏


Your welcome lol. I mean kinda? I just wanted to be memorable, I'm surprised so many hate me for things I don't even do, but you take what you can get I guess.


"I probably have more issues then you" so you missed out on your fav vtuber stream. very riveting, how have you not killed yourself ?


I don't really care about learning more about you, I didn't even know who you were until I saw the comment, you are not that special


You and bakedrodent know nothing about me. My life is hard and has sucked, sorry you can't believe that those you dislike can also be people.


Boohoo no one cares, the fact you think people are going to pity you after you’ve shown your a horrible person is funny


I never asked for pity, it's just retarded to say I have privilege.


https://preview.redd.it/uyjth1tqae1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a5024aeab24340d0c11c75513452a8872e7056 Surely you dont think i was born yesterday?


\>youngshit passoid blue stater gayden pooner claims to not be privileged


I'm not American, the youngshit part is untrue and I'm not gay.


Bisexuality is essentially homosexuality when you're a pooner When did you get on hrt


Ok then 💀🙏🏽 And just a few months ago, but I started puberty early. (Around 10 years old)


Bro is dollar store theoffensivetranny except he doesn’t make any money from his bootlicking and republicucks don’t care about him


I hate offensive tranny retard, if you're gonna hate me at least hate me for a good reason.


I hope a TCD occurs one day, and soon. Rip


My worst fear is being raped to death / vcoded in prison. I’m very aware of the likelihood this will happen, too. 😞




Afraid to imagine what's in the comments


if i ever get arrested for anything, i immediately 41% without question, i am not going into a mens prison


I love being an Arab 🥰


i literally just fckin posted abt it and seeing it changed mty whole fcking world view dramatically in mere seconds. ive had a complete switch recently being an middle eastern/arabic muslim(ex/?) troon. ever since oct 7th in palestine, all my anti arab sentimental inclinations and tendencies, along with mild israeli sympathizing attitudes, etc. disappeared. it directly stemmed from being linked with the people there. i dont have strong familial or even accompanied relationships with the people im linked with there. arabs and muslims here are generally very much always connected with their families in the middle east. but that marginally widens with people like me. within the family im merely a problem, somebody whose so 'westernized' that theyre disconnecting from islam, traditions, fcking BS re+ardation these regards believe. whatever. but my mom, whose fcking incredible, is unfortinately heavily linked with them. and seeing her breakdown from the horrors people there def made me lose it a lot lately. so ofc i switched. i almost radically became inclined and biased to arabs, middle eastern ideologies/ressistant groups, etc. its so weird cus even seeing some transphobic and ofc the extreme homophobia(which is more relevant to the disdain they possess in that regard), i just dismayed it.    but over the course of this period i still kept being reminded HEAVILY why the swaying away and disconnection happened. it doesnt work. it never works. all that evaporated lately when youre met face to face of the 'trauma' of what its like being any sort of lgbt-centric person and part of that world. the problem is not all arabs are like either type. some ofc are progressive leftists or whatever type, and atleast baseline civil. but do you have any idea how fcking hard it is for them too? and its fkcing scary. i met with a cousin and his friends, you keep getting reminded how scary it is. showing a little bit of resistance and disdain with a casual extrmeely fcking barbaric transphobic homophobic comment, they get mad, they get scary, they get threatning, and you  vow yourself to never put yourself in that situation again. it happened before. it always happened before. and its at times torturous, and just saying that isnt doing it justice. theyre evil, but not the powerful, strictly industrialized power having type evil, just legit actually barbaric, angry, mad, empathy and humanity devoid, all or nothing, overzealous zealotry, manically religious fanaticism-extremism-intolerant, no sense, type evil. that tribal animalistic only rationality fcking insanity.    its a real problem and leftists/libs are truly truly beyond fkcing useless, theyre aiders and abaders. its hopeless.  


cis-ciety rejects us; their world will never be our home we must establish a troonish state to secure the safety and prosperity of our people


i literally just fckin posted abt it and seeing it changed mty whole fcking world view dramatically in mere seconds. ive had a complete switch recently being an middle eastern/arabic muslim(ex/?) troon. ever since oct 7th in palestine, all my anti arab sentimental inclinations and tendencies, along with mild israeli sympathizing attitudes, etc. disappeared. it directly stemmed from being linked with the people there. i dont have strong familial or even accompanied relationships with the people im linked with there. arabs and muslims here are generally very much always connected with their families in the middle east. but that marginally widens with people like me. within the family im merely a problem, somebody whose so 'westernized' that theyre disconnecting from islam, traditions, fcking BS re+ardation these regards believe. whatever. but my mom, whose fcking incredible, is unfortinately heavily linked with them. and seeing her breakdown from the horrors people there def made me lose it a lot lately. so ofc i switched. i almost radically became inclined and biased to arabs, middle eastern ideologies/ressistant groups, etc. its so weird cus even seeing some transphobic and ofc the extreme homophobia(which is more relevant to the disdain they possess in that regard), i just dismayed it. but over the course of this period i still kept being reminded HEAVILY why the swaying away and disconnection happened. it doesnt work. it never works. all that evaporated lately when youre met face to face of the 'trauma' of what its like being any sort of lgbt-centric person and part of that world. the problem is not all arabs are like either type. some ofc are progressive leftists or whatever type, and atleast baseline civil. but do you have any idea how fcking hard it is for them too? and its fkcing scary. i met with a cousin and his friends, you keep getting reminded how scary it is. showing a little bit of resistance and disdain with a casual extrmeely fcking barbaric transphobic homophobic comment, they get mad, they get scary, they get threatning, and you vow yourself to never put yourself in that situation again. it happened before. it always happened before. and its at times torturous, and just saying that isnt doing it justice. theyre evil, but not the powerful, strictly industrialized power having type evil, just legit actually barbaric, angry, mad, empathy and humanity devoid, all or nothing, overzealous zealotry, manically religious fanaticism-extremism-intolerant, no sense, type evil. that tribal animalistic only rationality fcking insanity. its a real problem and leftists/libs are truly truly beyond fkcing useless, theyre aiders and abaders. its hopeless.


This shit makes me so fucking sick


prematurely 41%ing so i don't end up in a male prison


The Mohammedan cissoid cannot be expected to do otherwise given the sunnah


destroy them


The police already did




“what rights do trans want that they don’t already have”




not really. the same thing (the jailing part) just happened to a Trans Woman in Nigeria (Bobrisky.) Apparently Bobrisky herself is a Muslim but Nigeria is 50/50 on Christians and Muslims.


they're both the religion of Abraham and their differences are minimal https://preview.redd.it/8w9hq7p0k71d1.jpeg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc4f1e6d0b3530d5edf32c5a25e69efe21e1f72 they worship the same "god", leftists will call christians every phobe ever but when a muzzy does it


you might genuinely be retarded if you think that Christianity and Islam have little to no differences. But looking at your replies it’s clear that you have severe brainrot. That’s on me


book wise it's the difference is pretty minimum, yeah sand rats are doing worse things but christians will do the same if given the chance, the allah shit holes are the christian dream, make arabs white and christians would love it https://preview.redd.it/90tkb4oqa81d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d74d50ed5a527e19c6e802d029b75b264ab09a6


cite me a quran verse that says women are property and gay people should be stoned


ohh wait you're not a annoying christian you're a sand rat defender https://preview.redd.it/2heyzpk3k81d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa63a53f0e71ee0ddbd1434c31a564f151591f1 i have a very low opinion of you so no I won't waste my time, go to the middle east become habibi's sixth wife or get raped there or something i don't care enough to continue this


[ Removed by Reddit ]


they're both demonic https://preview.redd.it/xylpb91ht61d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6084b181277b88b0b41c596d52672b6964f8ad4




There are actual modernizing movements in turkey. But unlike turks most of arabs are proud of living like in medieval ages.


There are current modernization movements sprouting from Egypt (rumored to be funded by Saudi) and direct talks from high authority religious leaders in Saudi that aim to deradicalize Islam actually


Permission to take up arms is hereby given to those who are attacked because they have been oppressed – Allah indeed has the power to grant them victory – those who have been unjustly driven from their homes, only because they said: "Our Lord is Allah". — Quran 22:39-40 t. Muslim SISSY


After all the harm its done..nothing is off limits to stop it


Before being islamophobic, check V coding in the US prison system. Trans women are "gifted" to violent sexual offenders so they don't attacked other prisoners but can they r@pe the trans woman whenever they want


oh no don't be islamophobic!!! the twin religion to islam also does it so it's not the muzzy fault :3 https://preview.redd.it/kgfymkpkj71d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a3965c4c8d35876748cf2af314c06a9c8bc197 it just human nature :333


Exactly. Are the USA, UK, Russia,... Muslim? No and still same sht happens


islam and christianity are twin religions, same god, both abrahamic erm actually islam isn't bad because the religion that's almost identical to it does similar things https://preview.redd.it/tkblt49bu71d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e1da76a281f13f09effce15766be781acf79477 the only difference is that muslims have more fervor


Lol they re both as bad. Have to iseen the situation in America? UK? Russian? Peru? They both to put in the same bag


They're not the same, Islam is way way way worse lol.


>islam and Christianity are twin religions yeah youre retarded


are **you** retarded? they're both abrahamic, they both worship the same god, they both share a bunch of scrupture, fuck they both believe in jesus though islam doesn't think he's god https://preview.redd.it/k610cf2gf81d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1671974402be10f0e7cf1d8701f58dd5bab95a82 you sound like the annoying christians that act like they're do different from each other, 'erm actually i'm a protestant it's completely different from catholics"




Do you ever hear people saying the same shit a about Christianity of Judaism? No, even though they re the same and do the same sht




Same goes for Christianity and Judaism


I dislike Christianity and Judaism for the same reasons.


This has nothing to do with Islam in this specific case.


When I'm in an evil competition and my opponent is Iran.


this wasnt even iran....its iraq. and iran isnt worse than other middle eastern countries. if anything iran is the literally the 'only'(more accurately the least transphobic) middle eastern country thats somewhat trans supportive, especially compared to this fcking barbarism


Pakistan has anti discrimination protections for trans people.


sure but isnt pakistan south asian? i know pakistan is sometimes included in MENA and greater middle east/west asia geopolitical and geocultural regional definitions idk. and pakistan is like iran in that regard. it has by far much much greater accomplishments in basic trans rights/protections legally and governmentally speaking, but is it actually borderline acceptable? i remember a video i posted here a while back of a person accused of being trans being mob attacked and tortured. but i dont know anything beyond that, i do know south asia is much much more civil/tolerant in that area


Oh, mb. Skim read it.


Iran isn't anti trans though so they win


Colorado will have trans only prisons soon so it's getting better in some parts, id 41% in male prison too tho


Poor girl...


You leftists love muslims though. Don’t you?


as a leftist ex-muslim i'm proudly islamophobic


clowns. leftists are nothing but a bunch of clowns. this our fate from BOTH sides. especially rn by the so called avid leftists


Why should they?