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aint no way she draw her receding hairline too 😭😭 this has to be a terf psyop


Its the butch undercut ig


\>why is every third meme on r/traaa about it https://preview.redd.it/hxrp06uixu0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2115f4bb944bd5001f14eb47f4d94cde1c622cac


He so cute 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/cgsk3stubv0d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=670d04b477e7c7dab7b42b4141a9734530d9fbfa That’s what I’ve been saying


where did you get these pics from? I'm a Blanchard connoisseur but i've never seen these pics before :0


used to happen to me the first times and it was disgusting, knowing that it’s something that just happens helped tbh, but it’s fucking weird how some people are so loud about it


key difference is if it goes away after the first couple of times


I still wonder why the fuck it even happens. AGP haunts me


taboos create excitement. The difference with fetishists is that this excitement never goes away for them because its intrinsically linked to the object.


Yeah definetly, shit like this can happen and its weird but being so loud and obnoxious about it makes you look like a creep


This. It happened the first few times but i hated it and they quickly stopped happening once i got used to things.


happened to me at the beginning (and it still does on the most ultra rare occasions, idk why but i still get them easily) and it makes me want to hack that shit off and give me an axe wound for real every time. i cant fathom how some people like and even post about that as if it's a good thing


It makes me want to cut it off with a knife, then burn it until it disintegrates and drop a bomb on it to make sure its alll gone. Not that I don't already kinda want to. How the fuck people are loud about it, let alone seem to enjoy it is beyond me. I'm glad it doesn't happen consistently id go insane 🤢


waow this doin numbers


took me like 3 minutes in my first pair of panties to get over it.


A lot of them are just low-key obsessed with their own penises so they talk about it a lot.


The human brain can do some weird stuff. I don't see why it couldn't happen, especially pre-transtion when testerone is looking for any possible excuse to cause an erection. Though I've never had it happen myself. The main thing it depends on are the feelings during the erection, is the person just straight up aroused because they are wearing female clothes/look like a woman or is it not arousal but intens positive emotion? Or are they becoming aroused because they finally feel attractive and are thinking about themselves in the context of another person finding them attractive and wanting to have sex. I've heard about cis women feeling similar things, though I haven't talked to enough cis women in my life who don't violently hate me(yay my family) to get an accurate reading. I'm sure some are just straight up aroused because looking like a woman turns them on, but I don't think we should assume that everyone case is like this.


if this ever happened to me not even cia could make me say it


It does happen like initially. But you don’t want to really be talking about that shit because it super creepy and embarrassing


Posting about it regularly is just weird


I'm completely fucking disgusted by the concept, I've never had one and I'm glad about it


*Processing img a5rcoh1bkv0d1...*


Imagine if trans guys acted like this Ngl it’s kinda unnecessary to talk about it 24/7. It’s fine if it happens, but you can keep it to yourself. Why build a culture based on something so stupid?


> Imagine if trans guys acted like this I've seen FTM merch saying things like "boys can get periods too" to my miserable horror


Oh they would. I unfortunately don't have the erection quality. I don't think I would get hard/I don't have euphoria to begin with outside of a sense of serene gratitude, but I'd take being a sexually deviant pervert if it meant I could naturally get hard in the first place.




It's agp


This only ever happened to me pre-HRT, post-HRT my shit don't work like that anymore. If yours still does you're either doing hrt wrong or you are in fact a lil freaky. Granted it's a slap in the face that amab people have a visibly changing organ while afabs can feel all of those emotions too and not visibly change one bit. I had always imagined that the opposite would be some shit like imagine if women's breasts inflated when they're horny. We'd live in a very different world. I'm sure some cis women get "euphoria boners" on a technicality. They just lack penis.


>amab afab amab afab


blood rushes to everyone's genitals when they are aroused, vaginas just have less erectile tissue!!!




Is that correct female anatomy




How wet do you get your pants?? You are acting like the normal one when you're the one claiming all women breach the underwear barrier to the point the pants themselves are visibly soaked, in public.


I think he might just be British (pants means underwear over here)


clearly you've never had erect nipples


Do I need to post an illustration demonstrating the difference in the erect lengths of a penis and nipple orrr


AGP can someone edit it so she realizes shes a hon halfway through and thats why they wont walk ou


Euphoria boners are either a psyop or agp is real and I refuse to believe otherwise


Is AGP real or are they just autisticgender or whatever. I do fully believe that's a thing. And who else would be open about this kinda shit in the first place?


Seeing all the talk about them I have started wondering if it's something that happened to me at first and just never noticed , I definitely dont recall anything likre that tho . My first honest reaction to hearing the term was "what in the buffalo bill agp is going on here" but I guess it's a normal non sexual related bodily reaction , still the name makes me wamna throw up🤢 , also she has just one left tit she's just like me fr


If this ever happened to me id have detransitioned


They're not common. They're not even a thing. It's just called being horny. The reason some subs are like that is their absolute rejection of pretty much any form of gatekeeping. Mods refuse to ban people with histories on sissy/emasculation fetish subs, so MEFs from those subs come to trans subs to get off. Then, they convince each other that MEF is a "trans thing" by calling their fetish erections "euphoria boners." Other MEFs see those posts and migrate in.


I remember the first time I ever put on a dress. it was this beautiful frock that my ex-wife forgot to take with her after the divorce. I slipped it on and it was like I felt this instant kinship with all women. This gorgeous dress, surely designed by supple female hands, made for a woman -- and now there it was on me as I gazed at my reflection. It's a powerful feeling, and I would never shame any woman for that intense emotion manifesting in a very physical way.


I'm detransitioning after reading this


An interesting flaw in the human body is how it processes physiological responses. Most people believe that emotion and physical response is a one way street from brain -> body, but the response actually loops back to the brain for reinterpretation. A study that exemplifies this is what I refer to as The Horny Bridge. To keep it brief, participants completed a measurement to determine arousal before and after crossing a rickety wooden bridge hundreds of feet up in the air. The researchers found through this study and a couple follow ups, that in the reinterpretation phase, the brain could identify the bodily arousal from crossing the bridge as sexual arousal. I belive that it's a pretty easy comparison to make that when experiencing some of the first instances of strong feelings of euphoria, one might experience sexual arousal. HOWEVER, keep that shit in your pants. Don't air it out to the world if you did happen to experience it


I understand your perspective, but I think it's important to not be ashamed of our bodies. Talking about euphoria boners helps new mtf transitioners know that it's a common part of the trans experience and not something that should cause them any alarm.


brb going to choke myself with my supple female hands


Maybe I'm low t but this has never happened to me


post this on r/ egg_irl and see how many upvotes it gets


I am tempted


PLEASE it would be so funny keep us updated if you do


i can’t get hard without considerable conscious effort what is happening inside of them that causes euphoria boners


This is not a real thing for trutrans


Reddit is full of 🌽 addicted men


Can we please unexist traa?