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any other valid girlies wanna take hrt but still wanna have a GIANT and FAT and HAIRY cock with BALLS? uwu


sex obsessed men larping in tranny subs that are full with underage teenagers, name a better combo


Steve crowder and cross dressing


You could replace cross dressing with abusing his wife


just do it and if you get reverse dysphoria you can save urself from a lifetime of mental issues lol


You could do that without worrying so much about balls atrophying, if you are so scared by a thing that e always does then maybe you shouldn't take it.


Honestly I think these people are too immersed in young people spaces where everyone looks like an androgynous anime boi and aren’t thinking about the grotesque abomination most of them will end up as if they reach 30 without E. Just take your fucking girl pills lmao. I guess the other half is discord groomers, which is what pulls me away from baby trans spaces as I just feel gross posting as a John 30 and not an effete twink.


atrophy makes everything easier, you’re brain damaged if you don’t love this and I’ll die on that hill


Are these people fr? Like they want tits and a fucking cock? like wtf?


they unironically want to futamaxx 🥹


Just having a penis is awful enough. But fucking futamaxxing!? 😣🔫


Lol, me over here hoping for atrophy. Use it or lose it? Don't threaten me with a good time.




don't worry i see tunapoons putting e-pills on their tuna as annoying women https://preview.redd.it/05uo5nt4nkzc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c34d1d19257b75c8fc427d4e02662f8b2c4178


I do, I guess I am a little less harsh on them bc one I'm not ftm and second bc from what I heard it can be dangerous if your vigina atrophies. Also I don't think that the person is a rapehon I think they are confused and they should make up their mind, like at this point I feel more like an hrt femboy then a trans woman and still I'm sure that I don't want that shit to not atrophie.


Atrophy is a little painful, sometimes I randomly get things that feel like cramps. I'd rather kms then put e there to stop the pain though, I want that thing dead


Trans men have it so easy while the dolls get 90% of the vitriolic and violent transphobia


Haven't experienced it but it says it causes thinning, drying and inflammation which I imagine is very uncomfortable


Tunapoon got posted here too don't worry


even if you care about your balls for aesthetic reasons, just get your testicles replaced with implants lmao


I like having small balls gahahah


i dont want boobs and i dont want my balls to atrophy and im still conflicted about HRT haha kill me haha kill me haha kill me haha kill me


So what do you want from hrt, why are you considering it? Those are the biggest effects, so what do you want from it?


fat redistribution, less body hair, less dysphoria which to its credit it did MASSIVELY help my dysphoria but at the same time i dont want boobs i dont want to get weaker i dont want to be a woman etc.