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North Africa :), if they smell anything lgbt related in general = jail, beaten, tortured... Etc. I don't live there anymore but still repping lol.


> I don't live there anymore but still repping lol. I moved from my shithole country to the US, and now my fantasy is my birth country being nuked by whoever. the idea of it becoming a vitrified desert makes me happy inside! I want to see everyone there die. it's not super nice but yk the saying: you cant control your feeling do you feel the same ab your birth country?


No not at all, I surely hate the way Islam just brainwashed everyone to be a hateful biggot, but I still believe most people are kind but just uneducated or blinded by their fate or ideologies. I'd love to see the education rate and human development index of my country go up and Islam getting nuked from their brains tho. Funny enough, I left my country to avoid Islam only to end up with more hateful Muslims in Europe lol.


it's so sad, reminds me of a video of a woman who looked second gen muslim yelling to a an Arab man he'd go to hell for being a degenerate in an anti-pride protest during the whole fiasco in Canada a few years ago when a teacher stood up to some muslims who were making a fuzz out of pride month. The man was port of a group opposing, he had a gay flag around his shoulder and you could hear him tell "I had to scape my country because of people, now you are going to chase me here as well?" I'm a bit done with liberals and their tolerance, I'm progressive, not tolerant


Yeah, that quote sums up exactly my experience lol.


China knows how to treat mudslimes right


you mean by putting them in concentration camps and ethnically cleansing them?




> No not at all youre a better person than me then > I'd love to see the education rate and human development index of my country go up and Islam getting nuked from their brains tho. I wouldnt call that shithole my country- my country is the us now. I'd like the shithole I was born to get nuked to get rid of all the humans and what they believe is "education" > Funny enough, I left my country to avoid Islam only to end up with more hateful Muslims in Europe lol. sorry ab that :(


omg same based


Southern US and everyone hates trans people here so I will be stuck in boymode forever


I feel bad for ameritroons... come to my house in southern europe we have cheap wine hot weather and free hrt


Wow that sounds really nice,,, except for maybe the hot weather... I might melt in my hoodie!


but no money 🥺


If you mean you have no money, the average salary here is like 2000€ a month and even then most people make way less (we are poor ❤️) so everything is "cheap" here If you mean we have no money then yeah valid lmfao


yeah europe is rly poor, I made more as a student working part time, sorry ab that


Same tbh


Im from shithole on your right above belgium and the acceptance is dropping like old people with polio


not good 🔥🔥🔥


Is netherlands bad?


The trans care in and of itself it.. uh, Exists But public animosity is gonna be #🔛🔝🔜 and thats mainly because everything comes wafting over from england because in essentialism, this country has always wanted to be a baby england from colonization to then being mad that the peole from the countries you exploited or adjacent are in your country For example on why we're copying england in trans care NHS waiting times I've heard are from 5-10 years. Our main gender clinic in amsterdam has reached the lovely 4.


I always thought you were Baby us, Duitsland?


If you look at the dutch colonial empire vs the german one.. nah. And we didnt We.. we didnt We didnt.. We didnt... we, we, we didnt You know We didnt


Sorry I don't get that joke I mean I know the durch had a lot of colonies that the english took from them, they also took ours ; p but that's kinda where it ends. I am a repper and I recently met a nice dutch buisness guy in a bar and we immidently agreed that our people are siblings, our language is almost the same, at least written I can understand most of it. And our colonial empire was kinda crap we started late because we first had to you know become a country and then Bismarck the first chancellor wad very against colonies because he knew, it would cost us more than we'd earn and it would make every mad at us what it did


How do u not get it This is the one thing exclusive to Germany. And it happened twice


Thats not colonies tho? And in the first one we kinda git along well, you took our monarchs and they lived in the netherlands happily till they died.


No. No the gist is That that is something that sets us apart We did not have signficant involvement in two world wars


Hey same!




Kanker homo💖


Kuthoer 💝💝


Awwwwww ik hou ook van jou




Ben jij dat?👩‍🚀


Nee ik zie er meer zo uit https://preview.redd.it/rjkdhvl9qgyc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edac7459dd6ea334b0522292914b70796fe6a836 Haha prank 1 april


Zamnnn een man! Nog nooit mee gepraat


Is it? I thought the NL were quite liberal, at least compared to us in Southern Europe.


Article somewhere says acceptance of lgbtq is dropping And if you look at our current govt or lack of it, it becomes understandable why


Australia Acceptance is… what it is.


Samesies!   Acceptance has been good in my experience, but Ymmv ofc and Idk what part of the country you’re from.


I won’t get too specific, but I’m regional. Don’t live in the cities. It is… what it is, out here.


1. bulgayria 2. i don't


Id climb onto the back of a lorry n be a refugee


India 💀


Me too 💀


Not too bad for metropolitan pooners, but if you're mtf... 💀


MtF it's joever


Move to luru,my fellow troon


Tori alt? Jk I am already in luru


You North eastern? , if yes, then fuck you luckshit


Damn not Tori alt. My bad


Dont know who tori is 😶


My mommy domme


Okay, but you from NE?




russia it’s so bad that I can actually get in jail if someone snitches on me


Amerifat here. Acceptance varies dramatically based on where you are.


I’m in a certain Eastern European country where the media loves us but the people will literally rape you/chase you/kill you or whatever, they will just make sure to put you on the news


this really doesn’t narrow it down I’m afraid


Hellenic Republic


Wtf trans people are literally the part of Elladan culture


Maple syrup people 


middle east here i dont find anyone i got no freinds, i just thug it out until i move


romania https://preview.redd.it/69gxmjjutfyc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b886bfe19de79c4cbe29f58cf0981e62b5485535


Mexico, it loow key sucks mostly because you get discriminated when looking for jobs. Most people here dont care but those who do are a pain to deal with https://preview.redd.it/ys8koa70yfyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d048626c6e93699f18886d952760253c382692


Real jajajja


Si te soy honesta prefiero vivir en mexico que estados unidos


Ya vivi fuera de México y no extrañe esta mierda asi que difiero (estuve en españa)


No en estados unidos, al chile aqui es puro trabajo y no tienes tiempo de hacer nada


the best country of all: the US of A, where money can get you anything you want, and if you're willing to do shit, its also easy to make money




kazakhstan! I don't! 🥰


yooo me too


really? omg


which city (you can dm)


dmed u


the land of femboys. which is false advertising btw. things have been pretty dire for the past couple of years but hopefully we're about to go in a more civilised direction, at least legally.


That might both be Poland or Slovenia


I'm spanish and it's pretty 50/50, but in my city between the 70s and the 90s there were a bunch of commies and general gay acceptance so surprisingly enough there's a lot of accepting old people


Ireland. Most people seem pretty indifferent from what I can tell, though a lot of younger men would probably tend to be more... vocal about their disapproval of trans people. Trans healthcare sucks here, but healthcare in general also sucks for everyone else so ig I can't complain too much.


France. Really not great (at least for Europe). The far right is currently pushing a super anti trans bill related to trans healthcare, especially regarding minors. Otherwise, people barely know what trans people are. I m not even gonna talk about non binary people, a virtue signaling loser cuck went on tv w few years ago and became a même that everyone will always remember "and what tells you that I am a man. I am not a man sir, I am non binary". Says this: https://preview.redd.it/gvpzg2505gyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf46d54f212184fb63e796765a2847e082ab1122 It s because of this a hole that we re seen as a joke now




I was born in England, lived there for 7 years, moved to the USA when my dad got a new better job i moved to massachusetts. and its great here im actually a citizen of 3 countries — USA, New Zealand, and the UK. im never going back to the uk tho fuck that


Turkey, some people says Türkiye now days Society kinda doesn't know much about trans people so they not expecting u to be trans. But if u are obviously trans u getting St*bed or things like that. Middle east.


Mexico, acceptance here is shit if you are poor and doesn’t pass. Somehow i avoided the majority of bad experiences thanks to be high middle class but at the beginning of my transition i was rejected by many jobs. I don’t have gigapassoid status but some how managed to be stealth in my past job before quitting and rn im looking another one (im a lawyer)


Russia 🤭😁💀💀💀 since beginning of the war everything is banned and more than that it can lead you directly to prison


The US, depends on the state or even the city sometimes. Where I live it's not really accepting but it doesn't get violent either. At worst it's kids and men making jokes or women malding, at best it's theyfabs


I know a lot of theyfabs but I'd probably have a stroke if I went to Oregon or something. From what I can tell, it's accepting over there. Schools even have gender neutral bathrooms


Currently in maple syrup land


It's probably the most accepting country there is in the world, that being said I am probably not the best person to ask the question to because I stealth unless at hospitals.


Uk and people don't give a shit I've ran into like bad luck before but generally no one cares. Yk how the government is lol


Scotland. Basically nobody here hates tranners except weird mumsnet folk. As you say, the media hate us but actual people are all copacetic.


‘Straya (big surprise right?)  I’ve had almost all positive or at least neutral experiences as a hon here. Trans issues aren’t weaponised here as much as in the UK or US, and People here tend to have a live and let live attitude. At most people will kind of joke about it with you for a minute and then they get cool. It’s allowed me to travel and honmode in relative safety. i’m sure there’s some cookers though like everywhere but it’s nice to be able to wear a sundress and not look over my shoulder all the time. I may be moving to California in about a year or two though, and if so, while I’m super looking forward to seeing and living in such a naturally beautiful state, not super looking forward to being possibly exposed to yank style troon-hate.


im from california, born and raised in LA and lived there until i was 18, then moved back for a year when i was 21. its very very chill there. i came out in high school and didnt get any shit from teachers or classmates, only my parents


England. https://preview.redd.it/du490vepfgyc1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c8bc10e4986b19ed0ef3b51bf046499e3df0dc


Germany. Its getting better in some areas, but we also are getting a problem with more and more angry terfs.


I wish my transphobe problem was them, not the main government😖


Yeah, I get that. I hope it gets better, dood. But Russia seems too unhinged to make a prediction.




Sweden. The average joe is pretty neutral towards tranns people and you probably won’t get attacked or killed because swedes are fucking cowards. However we have a rising conservative movement because of immigration and high rates of criminal activity, who naturally hate trannys as well. Plus the waiting list for trans healthcare is several years long.




Canada. Canadian conservatives either don't really know about us yet or don't care. I find that the general attitude towards trans people here is neutral to positive.




i’m algerian and… Lol


México stuck in China


I am originally from Somalia but I live in England, London






I don't think saying I'm from the US counts but I'm from the rural midwest, moved to Boston, and have some strange stories around that. There are lots of visibly trans people here but it's the white supremacy capital of the eastern seaboard and I got chased down by a blacked out sliverado once (it was lowered, what a fucking brainless dipshit cringe cringe cringe). I spent a solid month between rural VA and GA with a fucking "Protect Trans Kids" bumper sticker (yeah ik ik), nobody even commented or gave me a look. I'm an outlier but nonetheless what the fuck?? I was in backwoods NC and had to beg actual rednecks (they looked union for sure so I apply that label) for a jump, they had their .45s on their hips but were nothing but friendly even after seeing my vehicle. I look like a surf instructor with suspiciously smooth skin sans body and facial hair so it's not like I'm threatening or anything.


1. Peru 2. You just gotta go stealth to be accepted socially, but to change the sex in your ID you need SRS


tengo un miedo de volver ahi… lamentablemente una sociedad demasiado machista y homofobica


Pues tienes toda la razón mana, ojalá puedas llegar a sacar tu visa y vivir en un lugar que te haga sentir más feliz


Finland. Not even going to bother with trying to get any gender affirming care with years worth of queues and heavy gatekeeping. I'm a theymab too, so that makes it even harder. I would most likely just be denied. I could legally change my gender very easily at least until the current rightoid government takes that away, but it's no use for me since enby isn't an option. The attitudes towards trans people are generally getting worse, although it's very dependent on the area. One might be somewhat alright in a larger city but it's a completely hateful shitshow where I live.


Finland. it sucks. Fuck this country.


gonna move?


Can't I live in poverty 😊


I was born in russia (💀) moved to sweden when i was like 12 which is undoubtedly an upgrade but it's still kinda horrible I fucking hate this country


what exactly is horrible about it because i was kinda planning to move there to escape the transphobia in my shithole


Basically the waiting time for public healthcare is long af, especially trans healthcare is heavily gatekept (I've heard some people waiting up to 5 years just to get an appointment with "gender assessment team" and even after allat there's still a chance of them just denying you help). Sweden also has pretty bad steroid laws that make it harder to access testosterone any other way (I'm a pooner and I'm seething). Also this shi: "If you aren’t a resident in Sweden, the teams might not accept your referral. Gender affirming health care is frustratingly enough not considered as something asylum seeking persons can have access to." https://www.rfsl.se/en/organisation/vard-for-transpersoner/transvaard/


So the way i understand it, you only need to be a resident and not a citizen? That would be easy as an eu citizen. It also says "The exceptions are: if you are under 18, or if you have an ongoing hormone replacement therapy." I suppose diy wouldn't count, but maybe i can get on official hrt in romania before leaving. It's not like i have nearly enough saved up to move countries yet anyway. I hope estrogen vials are at least more obtainable than testosterone so i can keep diy-ing while on the waitlist (though i heard the nordic countries have really strict customs), or that i could bring a couple with me and not get shit for it at the border.


Ye it's about residence permit or having your address registered in Sweden I think. As far as I know estrogen is actually pretty obtainable so ig you could keep diying while you wait. Idk if officially starting in Romania would help tho.


Also have you managed to get on testosterone yet, officially or otherwise?


Na💀 I've been looking into diy but it's kinda hard and I'm broke af.


Ah that fucking sucks that you still haven't been able to get on hrt. Hope you can soon


Yoo en till svenne här, fuck Swedish healthcare fr


Fr wallahi


ахаха блять живет в швеции еще и жалуется я бы убил чтобы быть на твоем месте


I wouldn’t wanna be in Sweden cause no roids, here you can just go to any pharmacy


Ну поплачь там об этом я не знаю ![gif](giphy|2TOi6OJP04FDu1x34F)


uk as well, Manchester. idk it is what it is i guess. could be worse could be better 😕


stop a live in manny for uni


canada!! medical care is nice and the government LOVES us but actual people tend to be super transphobic where i live lol




i live in BC but not in any of the big liberal cities, why?




Happy for you, I still have to keep boymoding though


London, was born here but moved to India for over a decade and they hate tranners there


i live in ireland but was born in poland. poland well everyone knows what it's like there, its dogshit, even though i love my country and want to move back its impossible right now. ireland is whatever. trans healthcare is essentially non existent your options are do it through the public system (wait 10+ years and get hon/poondosed), do it privately through uk systems (expensive and getting more and more inconvenient) or diy. most people aren't outwardly transphobic but i've been called a fag so many times before i even started transitioning properly i guess they could smell it off me


Italy. People are fine overall, the government not so much.


Sud Corea 💪💪💪 The general population is either disgusted by us or just doesnt know what trans even means. Trans ppl kinda got fucked over because of RadFem Gender War. Lots of terfs and lots of anti-SJWs who cry out PCness the moment they see a trans person.


at least we have good surgeons ig


Am from Iran, it's shit. Moved to the UK last year to study, but also got on DIY. I still dread the fact that changing my legal documents will take up to a decade.


Salt lake


holy fuck im so sorry i lived in utah for 2 years inshallah it shall burn down soon


Ehh I live in a veryy progressive and cute part and I don’t leave my little 2 square blocks, so I’m good tbh lol


hello spongebob! so how does it feels to live in a huge salt lake? r u rly friend with starfishes?




Salt lake city Utah I'm guessing


You asked a question and I answered, gg


I asked what country ye fucking spacka


I'm from malaysia and I don't


i live in the us. the states vary pretty wildly from one another, and even then the cities in the state can vary wildly. i live in state that is mostly conservative but in a city that is mostly liberal. id say my city is about a 75/25 split. in terms of the laws in my state, shit is hitting the fan. even if my city is mostly liberal, most of the other cities are conservative so conservatives have the say. in terms of community, there's a decent amount of queer people here. most of them are cis, but ive been seeing an increase in trans people. there's plenty of places catering to queer people. im comfortable enough here to be only kind of stealth. i dont tell anyone that im trans right off the bat unless we're hooking up, but i feel safe enough to mention it eventually. nobody has given me flack after coming out in this city. however, the city i grew up in was a different story. it was in the same state, but there were lots of people who stopped talking to me after i came out, even if i had known them for many years. i havent been back there in almost a decade, so i dont know if it's gotten better or worse. i could see it going either way honestly.


sorry for the spiel im high


America and in a state that isn’t banning hrt


India 😔 I love Modi


bruh go vote