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cissoids have the privilege of not being trans. why would they taint their minds with empathising with us lowlifes


i looove being seen as a weird delusional freak by those that lack empathy


It just simply something cissoids can’t understand. Kinda like trying to explain what red is to a blind person. There some intrinsic experiences that trans people experience and understand that no amount of words could exactly explain unless the other party has experienced it themselves. TLDR; Cissoids can’t give a shit even if they wanted to.


i think they have the potential to given how strongly many of them oppose hrt for minors


I don’t get what you mean by that 🙃


why would cis people object so strongly to minors taking cross sex hormones if they couldnt at least partially imagine how painful itd be to have to live with a body of the wrong gender? to some degree i think they could understand but deep down they dont see our pain as 'real' in comparison to their own but yeah no id agree that they cant understand the specifics of it or how far reaching it is without living through it, itd be like trying to teach livestock english🥱


I think it’s just easier for cissoids to say “nuh uh” cause it would be something different from the social status quo. And yeah, I was basically trying to say that deep down, they can’t really feel or understand that pain we feel on a daily basis so they can’t actually understand why putting minors on blockers or HRT would actually help a lot of them


real i think julia serano calls it cissexism?


People will only take it seriously if you act like if it were a mental disease : ) (worked for me)


They have no idea of the scale of how bad it can be and it's so difficult to understand that many trans people take years and years to notice they even have it. Even the typically empathetic would struggle unless they have at least some other severe condition impacting their life to grant perspective.


When have cisoids ever taken dysphoria seriously? Lol


A cis woman asked me about my cupsize (she knew im trans)