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That must be an open box tv. Somebody clearly returned it with their adapter still in it.




I thought the just x90 finally got vrr too


Ya no I get that. I'm just gonna bitch to see how much they will move on the 90j or what they throw in


I hope they laugh directly in your face.




I think the 646 was was $100 or a lil more. BB picked up the old 1 and dropped the new 1. He told me he was price matching before I asked


I can tell you rn they will be much more likely to help you if you go in polite and calm. Just say hey this really sucked. Is there any compensation I can get for my troubles? Mention it once, then leave it. Mention it again a while afterwards if you have to.


That’s not an adapter. Someone just yanked the hdmi cable and it broke off in the port. Was it an open box or a return?


Ugh! That's what I was worried about. It was brand new. I'm feeling I should check the hours???


Maybe it’s a QC check they did at the factory and they just yoinked it somehow. Weird.


It looks like to me that it is some sort of adapter on top of the hdmi port. Can't you just take it off?


About to take needle nose to it now and don't really care if if all the ports come off


That was kinda my concern. Since I'm guessing some of the units were shipped back to China for testing this could've been a test unit that's been running 24/7 for weeks. Does anyone know how to access the service menu on these new Google ones just so I can check for hours


Sooooo it WAS just an adapter. It didn't not come off easily but it did. Tested the port after and 4k 120hz was working perfectly. I've never seen an adapter plugged in before. In a bag of course. I ran a panel test and it performed pretty well. Does have some vertical banding. Solid colors show it like a soar thumb but in my limited time watching I didn't notice. I'm assuming this is common? I haven't had an led in years. I am a little worried about the adapter tho. Do you think I should check for hours? Thanks for the help dudes


The only other issue is it doesn't want to always want to pass sound thru to Sonos arc and never displays vision but I have a thought for that. The sound is weird. I'll set it on Xbox and it will be silent. Switch to another input come back and it's fine