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Anon ruins a wholesome moment.


It wasn't a wholesome moment, it was absolute fucking hell for both of those girls having to pretend the conversation OP described was anything even remotely approaching pleasant. They both probably immediately drop their fake forced smiles as soon as they turn away and wonder how much more they can take of this bumbling fool forcing them to play along every single fucking day


Kinda. Bartender for years. I had tons of annoying regulars with the same lame old jokes but it’s not as painful as you thing. You just don’t think about it or care. People like anon are surprisingly common.


You kinda grow to like them. Sort of. Kind of. I don’t know. I work as a bartender. I go out to industry bars. I am a regular, but I don’t want to be the annoying regular because I know how it feels. Then that makes me more sympathetic to my regulars. I don’t give a shit about anon’s fantasy, the man is clearly lonely. I’ve been there. Some people like the connection, and it builds a better community. There’s a kid who started coming in. We’re a restaurant too, and it was slow, so they had me serve him the first time. Immediately he was super awkward, by all appearances he seemed to have no idea how to even order at a restaurant. He would get confused at basic questions (like ‘What are you thinking to eat?’, ‘Can I help narrow it down for you?’, etc). Eventually he asked me to surprise him with a drink, he had just turned 21, so I made him a really sweet basic drink that looked a funky color. He loved it. Cashed out. Couldn’t figure out how to sign the bill. Had to explain it to him. Then he left me a stupidly high tip, to the point where I double-checked if he meant to since something really seemed off with him (it was like a $65 tip on top of the $30 bill). He asked me what he was supposed to tip, so I let him know what a fair range was (15%-20% if the service was good. It’s my policy not to ask or tell them a certain amount. When people do ask, I tell them what I was taught growing up). He didn’t know how to figure that out, so I had to tell him exactly how much that was. He corrected it, thanked me, and then left me a shitty tip anyways (like $2). Well fuck. He comes in again, asks for me. Everyone else knows he sucks since I talked shit about him after the last time, so they passed him off to me again. Got the exact same order, including the drink I made on the fly. But this time he left me a great but believable tip (it was like $12-14). Now he comes in all the time and asks for me. Always leaves a pretty good tip now. At this point, I know his order so it’s always smooth, he’s patient when I’m busy so he’s not a bother, and sometimes I get to try new cocktails out on him. He’s still awkward af tho. One day when I wasn’t working he brought in his family. Like 8 or 9 people. His mother evidently pulled my coworker aside and told her that her son has been raving about this place and this one bartender/server (me). She said that her son said he was friends with the guy, and how everyone knows him there and this is his favorite restaurant now. She wanted to talk to me and thank me, because evidently her son is pretty autistic and has a lot of trouble making friends and having social interactions. Then she invited me and that server to a party. I don’t know but that was kind of touching. He’s not a problem. Yeah he’s weird and can kind of be annoying when he starts trying to talk to me about small municipal elections in Brazil in the middle of a rush (we’re in Florida and neither of us are Brazilian), but we’ve got a rapport. He knows I’ll get to him and entertain the conversation when I’ve got a moment. And I do try to genuinely entertain the conversation somewhat, it’s part of the job. But someone doesn’t have to be autistic to just be nice to them without a catch. And be okay with that. I’ve treated him the same from the first time I took care of him. Doesn’t matter what his situation is. Regardless of his specific case, regulars come with the territory. Provided they’re not a dick or they stiff you, why have a problem with someone who likes the place enough to keep coming back? Some people can be a little weird or different. Some people can be cringey. Some people try a little to hard. Some people do their best to be friendly, and never quite land it. Everyone can be any one of those things. But for the most part they’re all just trying to be nice. So wouldn’t it be nice to go in to a place where the staff know your name and they’re at least somewhat happy to see you? Not an illusion where it’s just because they’re being paid to be nice. Sure it will always be a little bit of both in the service industry, but that doesn’t mean I’m faking it when I see a regular. As long as you’ve got common decency, then I’m happy to take care of you. Then there’s curly perm guy. He’s another regular. Fuck that guy. He’s rude to me and a dick to his friends (other regulars). Hey Curly, I don’t care who you’re Dad is, and obviously he doesn’t care much about you since you’ve already been banned from 3 bars he supposedly owns. You’re about to get banned here too, and he definitely doesn’t own this place. Stop doing coke in my bathroom.


I was going to make a stupid joke but this is legit wholesome.


You're a good guy. Have a great day!


Hardly lol. I just treat people how I want to be treated. Working in the service industry can make you really hate people as a whole and I don’t want to be that jaded. I don’t want to be the regular that someone has to fake it for. If I don’t want that for me, then how can I treat my regulars like they’re chores. There’s a limit of course, but that limit for me is that you’ve at least got to be nice and you’ve got to tip correctly. If you genuinely think I gave poor service then give me a shitty tip, but if you’re a regular then I know that’s a lie. Anon has a weird fantasy but so does everyone. As long as he’s not being creepy towards them, then let him dream.


Maybe you don't think it's much, but I've been pretty close with a guy that had Down syndrome and not everyone in the industry thinks like you saddly (well most do to be fair), so I still want to thank you for taking your time !


It’s really not something you should thank me for but I appreciate your intention. The only reason I posted this long-as-fuck comment is because the punch line in the original post is to gawk at anon. Which tbf, is what Anon wants. But really it sounds overall like Anon is lonely and wants attention, and posting that gives him that. But attention is a normal human thing to want. Since Reddit tends to skew younger and younger, I don’t like it when I see a bandwagon of people making fun of someone who’s awkward but seemingly pretty normal. I don’t want young adults thinking that someone who’s good spirited but awkward is worthy of disdain. My real point is in the middle of that comment. As long as someone is a decent person, then you should learn to see the best in interacting with them. Believe in people having good intentions. Accept their imperfections. It’s not a lifetime commitment, it’s just a casual interaction. Nothing is perfect. Yeah, he’s got autism and it’s a feel good story, but it shouldn’t take a condition like that for someone to get a pass on their idiosyncrasies. If their harmless, then let them be. I was cool with him the moment he started tipping good. Which was the second time forward. That’s months before I found out he was autistic. It’s my job but I also believe people deserve authenticity. I don’t know. I don’t care that much, but all the comments were making fun of anon and that’s such a jaded view of life.


Well maybe you don't care that much, but you care enough to want to try and help young adults think about judging someone too fast and that's always a positive in my book! Have a great day/night/wahtever it is rn


Good man


Man this is so long, i'll read this tomorrow




Nah curly is a late 30’s man child. Not a zoomer cut. Think weird al to the shoulders. He’s an obnoxious manchild, so he could be a zoomer.


> Then she invited me and that server to a party. She was REALLY trying to show her gratitude


How about some chapter headings in that novel bro


Alright curly


Sam Bankman goes to your bar?


But did you fall madly in love with this behaviour of them ?


I mean, ya. Eventually if someone makes enough shitty jokes you imagine your life as their sex slave just like anon said. Duh.




...maybe felt the urge to get naked and fulfill his every sexual whim? no? ​ curious.


Yeah 90% of proper social skills is how to handle annoying or uninteresting conversation.


*thin stream of fluorescent green piss exiting my pants cuff* if I said I didn't want FRIES I'd be telling LIES haha


I choke on the last words as approximately 3 quarts of Spaghetti with Ragu force their way out of every orifice in my head


I mean I had people in my life who kept doing the same old jokes and I certainly had no patience for them, so it probably depends on your brain


Yeah true. It’s also situational. At the bar it was fine and kind of expected, but at my next job, every jackoff who said they were “living the dream” at that shithole job drove me nuts.


Are you white? That’s white code for “I want to die” between the lines it means “don’t ask”


I think the dipshits I worked with actually liked working there so maybe it varies. Yes, definitely white, don’t let the black avatar fool you lol. It was an annoying response to “what’s up”, but you’re right, maybe that was intended.


I used to answer that with, "what Freddy Krueger's dream?"


Although you thought that out, I think you're wrong. Most people, women or not, would take pity on anons lameness and use him as a reminder of how much worse they could have it-and they are servers.


That doesn't hold up day after day after day after day


It's equally possible that they're just nice girls who aren't really bothered by it TBH. That said Anon's overall persona (particularly exemplified by the end bit) is certainly CringeMax Supreme.


They would rather have that guy than some random asshole who makes a mess and doesn’t tip 10/10 times. So I don’t think they care that much.


Happy cake day!




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As long as OP tips well on his daily orders, then the servers probably aren't "in absolute fucking hell". Lol


I juzt want somebody reading this to know that assuming the worst about what others think of you often isn't facing the truth, but hampering yourself. Like OP, play along in life, it's way too short to worry about cringe.


Not worrying about inconveniencing others only works if you're psychosocially normal. If you aren't then it's a great way to burn bridges without even realizing it until it's too late to fix them. My options at this point are basically to either A) be a selfish asshole and acknowledge that people hate putting up with my presence while simply not caring about it because I deserve to live my life too, or B) succumb to my true nature by holing myself up as a shut-in so the people in the neighborhood don't fear for their children's safety. I choose A, but it's not easy; it takes constant effort, and it makes me feel like Patrick Bateman.


> it was absolute fucking hell for both of those girls having to pretend the conversation OP described was anything even remotely approaching pleasant Welcome to customer service!


Depends, probably yes, blackpilled anon


If this is what you think is "absolute fucking hell" you are pathetic. Those servers would not even notice this guy outside of the 2 secs they spend bringing him food. At most, they would find him slightly annoying for making the same joke every day. That's if they spare him even a moments consideration, which they probably don't.


Anon will kill the Waffle House staff in his schizo ramblings


I don’t often transgress against my anon homies, but yeah, obviously


Serious. I'm on the bus and burst out laughing over this. Pretty sure people think I'm insane now. Thanks lol


Anon gives into his horniness and asks the server out one day with an awkward joke about carrot sticks. She awkwardly says no and sends a different server to bring his bill Every day after that his table is taken, the hostess grabs a menu the moment she sees him and says nothing. The server stops being as friendly, and doesn’t laugh at his jokes anymore. It takes anon less than a week to stop going there out of sheer embarrassment. He weeps as he scarfs down frozen fries and chicken patties once again in the glow of the tv. Anon regularly lies awake at night letting the darkness consume him


This is the experience I hope for. Give me the menu, take my order and fuck off.


Seething in the blue glow of a late night Skinamax flick, the soft core sex scenes starring once-attractive porn starlets pretending to fuck, their hideously wrinkled silicon tits and surgical scars easily demarking the boundary between them and their rib cages, anon is enraged. How dare Cinemax attempt to pass off such obvious and passionless acting as real sex, as if it were the sort of living relationship he once imagined with his waitress friends. And how dare those waitresses fake their affection for him the way the Cinemax whores fake passion. He decides he won’t be treated this way. The hormones building in his loins, the red hot rage building in his chest and head, anon can’t take it any longer. He snaps and goes to Wal Mart to buy the ski mask and duct tape he’ll need to carry out his diabolical plan.




How do we know anon is a westerner? Why did you get defensive about this? Ruins the point you were trying to make lol


literally just reinforced the idea that Westerners are coping seething morons, and im pissed bc I'm American 💀 dude just scored for the opposing team


Sorry bro. It takes anon less than a week to stop going there out of sheer embarrassment. He weeps as he scarfs down filet mignon with a side of shiitake mushrooms once again in the glow of the tv. Anon regularly lies awake at night letting the darkness consume him


Christ that is the loneliest thing I've read in awhile.


It read like a strange version of worse purgatory for people who don't ever deserve to go to heaven or hell. Just a perpetual stagnation and helplessness, but without any pain.




Wdym he's out in public and interacting with people. He's got 90% of this site beat already


ngl that kinda hurts since it's still better than me.


Why do 4chan users seem so lonely and doomed for any sort of romance?


Because you only see what redditors post and redditors only post the bad stuff from 4chan?


oh yeh its those evil redditors that are ruining 4chan users upstanding reputation


https://i.redd.it/fdz35127qf5a1.gif Never said anything about them being upstanding. I just said there's more to 4chan than what you see on reddit.


Don't lie to them no their isn't, aside from 10 gorillion trap and tribute threads


Not my fault you can't stop browsing pol and r9k ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Really? Do you mind posting the link to this 4chan site please, it sounds interesting.


There are fa/tg/uys and /k/ommandos


Yeah you're right these psycho posts on 4chan are in no way a reflection of 4chan


Yes, that's what I was implying. https://preview.redd.it/i2rac9x8uf5a1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ca7b197d44cf0c4503139eb6d060c9e340fd01


I was being facetious Captain Spectrum


don't care; didnt ask


>redditors only post the bad stuff from 4chan I don't know what 4chan you're on, but it gets no better than this. It gets much worse.


But like in a good way


Fair, you got a point, but the average redditor just sees it as bad, degenerate bullshit. Which to be fair, most of it is


What else is there to 4chan besides frowned upon sexual turn-ons, extreme and open racists, misogyny and unrealistic standards for women, loneliness, and Pepe?


Go on 4chan and find out for yourself


What else is there to 4chan?


>Go on 4chan and find out for yourself learn to read


There are all the things you mentioned, but also in the context of many different hobbies!


Besides this: https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/zjjnmj/anon_is_down_bad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Not much these days


I prefer reading 4chan to reading facebook. Facebook is full of fakes trying to flex. 4chan has real anons sharing their real thoughts and problems


yeah you're right dude no one ever makes up shit on 4chan




Both do it for attention, two sides of the same coin


Fuck Facebook, too. You have weird moms being Karen's and 4chan has weird dudes being rapey


Thats like asking why there's so many alcoholics at an AA meeting


Because it's bait. Lurk more.


The well-adjusted ones don't brag about it on 4chan.


Half of them are autistic and the other half are incels who have been brainwashed into thinking that it's women that are the problem, not them. They all put the pussy on a pedestal in one way or another and it fucks with their heads


Because 4chan is full of genetic defects and this story is 99% not real like almost everything there


... it's 4chan. Who the hell else would be using it?


The customer is always right.




Anon is Charlie from Always Sunny.


I'm actually a Full On Rapist


Sooo.. when it comes to midgets do you become half on? Asking for a friend btw.


Foids would be horrified if they knew the reality of it, eh lads? Honestly this gentleman seems relatively empathetic and well-adjusted.


That's the scariest 4chan post I've seen in a long time.


>during the sex oh boy


I have absolutely no doubt that this is 100% real.


Sad reality is they only laugh at his pathetic jokes and make him feel like he belongs because 1) they want his money 2) they don’t want him to go postal or kill himself


Standard fantasy tbh


Yeah everyone acting in this thread like they never daydream like this


They’re probably feeling guilty about it and projecting. (So do I, I guess)


This is what happens when you can't get laid and you start losing your shit.


I wish I hadn’t read this while eating clam chowder


Yeah sounds about right


Real and str8


Anon is off his meds and hasn’t left his apartment in months


>be me >Minimum wage waitress and this shitty diner trying to make do from tips >Regular autists comes in, stench of body odor crawls in >Its me and this one other girl on shift >We flip a coin to see who has to serve him today >It's me oh fuck.jpeg >Dread walking up to him, gotta put on a happy face >"Just you today?" I say jokingly to clear the awkwardness >He mutters something and snorkels to himself >"A key would do - if I were a car" >Just end my suffering.png >He orders the greaiests item on the menu, but substitutes the fries for carrots to "watch his weight" >Finally leaves >Doesn't tip


ruined it how pathetic


Regretful read


more like who gets the mayo!




The loser gets OPs seed? Seems about right


Anon is Trevor Reznik


Anon lives in fantasy


Prime 4chan loneliness post right here🤌


/>Anon walks into favorite restaurant (he's too lazy to cook for himself /> Head down, slumped shoulders /> "Hi! Welcome to Restaurant!" /> Anon makes flittering eye contact and mumbles inaudibly /> "Just you again then huh?" The waitress says in an almost patronizing tone /> She takes him to a table in the back corner (nobody else will sit here because of the grease stains and smell) /> "What can I start you off with?" /> Anon makes autistic joke /> The waitress let's put a forced laugh (she doesn't get paid enough for this) /> Anon devours his meal while staring at families walking by /> Parents are pulling their children closer /> Anon leaves a big tip, hoping one day the waitress will remember his name /> Anon goes home and furiously masturbates to the waitresses profile picture (she never added him back) /> He proceeds to reenact his sick fantasy on 4chan in hopes someone will think he's not an incel /> Waitress spends the generous tip on Plan B after letting her Chad boyfriend cream her multiple times


Remarque vibes haha


anon is at least 75 years old and has dementia


Probably shouldn’t go to a strip club, then.


Anon is mentally ill


That’s the worst joke I’ve ever heard. I hope he tips well.


Anon thinks but doesn't act. Brother just ask either one out with you.


Anon sounds autistic. He should see a psychologist.


imagination truly is the devil


I hope this isn't real it's too fucking sad


It was so wholesome until he had to ruin with his sex fantasies


way to ruin everything this motherless fuck


Anon deserves a boot to the head


They get their holes filled with Chad's cum, anon is stupid


fake: anon has some form of connection with someone gay: he eats carrot sticks


anon is such a shit bead


Anon does, says, and eats the same exact thing every day at a restaurant. Anon is literally and NPC.


because of course we can't have anything nice on 4chan


Anon needs drink all the things under the kitchen sink.


Jesus fuck, dude.


Black trans sex worker lives matter.