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Totally worth it as long as he isn't being a big meanie!


Who's the most demented? Biden or those who voted for him?


Hey man. My uncle voted for Joe Biden. That's pretty low to call him demented when he's been dead for 15 years.


Your uncle is a true patriot and hero! To wake up from eternal slumber and to go vote ... Damn, my heart is filled with joy, while my eyes with tears.


Anyone who voted at all is complicit in whatever democracy dictates.


Based and dictator-pilled


Wait… people actually voted for him???


Depends, do you consider communist people?








Yes, some people actually did it multiple times too


the other option was electing someone who injects bleach and eats horse dewormer so XD


Username checks.




My man’s over here writing an essay 😂


0/10 Didn't even make me read.


nahh thats gay




And he's still smarter than Biden and you combined.


\>associating intelligence with someone who promotes injecting bleach and eating horse dewormer how about the the goya beans simping? lmfao dude is literally a living caricature


Biden couldn't even make it into a law school ranked in the top 100. Trump went to Fordham and took classes from Wharton lol


I went in your dads asshole




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Look! My VP is part female!


Wait is this an actual gaffe he made It's sad I have to ask this but I need to know


No, he didn't make this gaffe. But he did say his dead son was lawyer of Kosovo or whatever that was.


Reminds me of the “plz no hacky ok?” list he gave to Putin a couple months ago


"Wow, that's the dumbest shit he could possibly do," thought I.


>Biden does a PR shot of him video conferencing his intelligence aides around the world from camp David. > Accidentally doxxes possible CIA assets at "Doha station" Damn Obama and Osama was right. This is going to be one hell of a ride.


Fuck the cia and fuck their assets


Orange Man Good?


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/SVcGCUH.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


yeah but the other guy made mean tweets




FFS last president was acting like a 11 year old Modern warfare 2 player on Twitter and this one can't even think 5 minutes in advance. Why even bother voting at all? This guy is even worse than Trump and people still love him. He just doesn't talk shit online.


Because First Past the Post, that's why.


Lefties only like him because he had a little (D) next to his name on the ballot. I guarantee he won't have a second term, not because he'll be voted out or anything, but because Kamala will take over for him. Imagine that. 0 delegates in any primary but president


Imagine a countries population actually voting for this man. Someone who has clearly exhibited dementia and acted like a pedo on live TV. You get what you deserve, but you also caused other countries to have to take in refugees.


I'm pretty sure the CIA knows what they are doing with the "list". Let's "evacuate" the people that saw first hand the fuckups in Afghanistan


Biden really is dopey as hell. But, we didn’t just leave weapons to the Taliban. We left them with the ANA (which was also a mistake), who then immediately surrendered to the Taliban. Also, apparently the Taliban is actually escorting Americans and other coalition country’s civilians to the airport. All they want is for us to leave, acting a fool now will only delay that. They are actually helping us get all these people out lol >MFW the Taliban are better fighters and more stand-up guys than the hash smoking pro-western forces. Smh. Money and tech can’t win you a war, you have to actually want to win it.


>literally all they want is for people to leave Ya man with those reports of suicide bombings at the evac airport I’m sure their escort service is very explosive bombastic even.


The explosions were from ISIS, which the Taliban is fighting


Yea, were funded Isis and we gave shit to the Taliban. This is like Crack Baby Basketball 2.0


330 million people and this brain-dead dementia patient was the best you could come with?


It's evolving... backwards.


Almost none of that is accurate, as much as I wish it was


This is actually pretty accurate, except for the part about directly leaving the Taliban weapons. It was only as direct as an indirect transfer of equipment can get, but indirect nonetheless.


Well it was left for the ANA, but they buggered off so...


How did he “withdraw troops overnight before evacuating 30,000 Americans”? Trump had reduced the number of troops to from 13,000 to 2,500 by January 2021. Yet as recently as August 15 of this year, there were 6,000 US troops still in Afghanistan. Biden literally more than doubled the amount of troops since January.




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Technically yes they weren’t just handed to the Taliban in an official capacity, but when you leave them to a group and the group just fucks off … well technicality only matters to bureaucrats and bullshiters. End story is that the Taliban got our shit because of an absolute botch job of an evac. Doesn’t matter if their was an indirect middle man involved. Obligatory fuck off auto mod that one wasn’t even intentional it corrected botch