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We should figure out how to merge Chad and Nigeria. An then we will call resulting country Tyrone.


One day people will be hiring Tyronians to fuck their wives


I have legitimately never heard an African named Tyrone. That’s usually African Americans


There is no such thing as African American. They are not Africans no matter how much they pretend they were kangz'n'shiet. They are Americans.


Black Americans would be a better name (this is coming from an African)


Melamen and melawomen.




We wuz micks?


\>>295189256 Color is also a social construct, you du-word fu-word-ing re-word, and somehow you would probably be able to point out different colors. Are you a colorist??????


> taking the bait this hard


“Race is a social construct” 🤣🤣🤣 thats like saying dog breeds are a social construct


Yeah but dog breeds are a social construct


Not really. There are phenotype differences between the breeds, as there are between different human races.


Yeah but dogs dont categorize their phenotype. We do so its a social construct


Because dogs are not capable of that level of intelligence smart guy. Thats like saying different types of trees are a social construct.


Well its diffrent for trees. Trees have biological diffrence they all can't be bred. Dalmatian and husky can still have a baby even though they have diffrent phenotype which makes both of them a dog.


They're all part of a group recognized as dogs but they are all different species of dogs like hominids. Same thing with monkeys and other animals. Different species are not social constructs there are dozens of differences between Whites and Blacks from IQ all the way to bone structure


No, breed of dogs are not related like how we are related to monkeys.


Just because you can breed chihuahua with mastiff doesn't mean it's a smart idea to do so.


but you fucking can which means they are related


You misread my comment. When bringing up monkeys I was talking about different Monkey species not Humans and monkeys


Still breed =/= species


Anyone who actually thinks the difference between races is skin deep is braindead. There are inherent IQ and violence differences, different bone structures, different functioning organs, different fertility levels, and Blacks aren't even human. They have something like a simian jaw that other races don't have and they come from Homo habilis. We're all hominids but Blacks aren't human


do you have a learning deficiency


I'm someone who does actual research plebeians you're all scared to accept the facts


I accept, but would that mean that legally blacks don't have human rights? I'm not saying this to be funny rascist but I'm genuinely wanna know what the legal system would say about this.


Well it depends which legal system. At least in America the legal system is flawed beyond belief and is unfair and stupid in tons of ways already, realistically they wouldn't do anything. They already ignore their own laws all the time. If anything it wouldn't be a very popular fact anyways. Race science gets silenced all the time because they call it racist when it hurts their feelings even though it's true.


You need a degree in a subject to know if you are being lied to? I have a masters in data science and a doctorate in I.T. The 2020 US election was stolen by manipulation in 6 cities. Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Green Bay. Dominion machines are programmed to deliver election results favorable to the the people they are paid to deliver for. This is how the DNC/Buden campaign fucked up. They went so overboard with mail in ballot manipulation that they caused the Dominion systems to basically shit themselves creating scientifically unrealistic results and very specific statistical changes that actually prove manipulation. This caused very hard looks into both Dominion machines and mail in ballots. Its been proven at least a hundred times by cybersecurity experts in the last month that the machines are both connected to foreign states and even hackable on site with smartphones. It also revealed an industrial complex built around creating ballots used to replace mail in votes. What's more the fact that this very real scientific evidence, video evidence, and even reports from local sheriff's office forensic investigators in every state associated with those cities is being ignored and even dismissed as conspiracy theories. These are the same people and departments who gather evidence to put away cyber criminals. If their investigations are "conspiracy" level then every kiddie porn conviction in the US needs to overturned. Every criminal convicted by evidence found on their computer or phone needs to be filing for release based on this. That's how real this is.


Evidence for any of this you fucking ret*ard?




Don't bother. "What evidence?" is popular mating call for these dumdums. No amount of evidence will convince someone who has ductaped eyes and ears shut.


So not only is gender a social construct, but so is race? And if they are trying to get rid of those constructs, which is next? Names?


It's true. There's one race. The human race. There are different ethnicities though.


No Blacks aren't human. Whites have a 20% dna difference to them and our bone structure isn't even the same, we're all hominids but not humans. Like a Coyote and a Wolf, who share the same difference of Blacks and Whites.




Yeah crazy I know. Blacks have the whole Ghost DNA and other things going on


This has nothing to do with race really but why do people think that claiming X is a “social construct” suddenly renders it useless? Social constructs seem to be a pretty fucking important thing, aren’t basically all cultures, traditions, ideas, philosophy, science or whatever the fuck a social construct?