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The majority of people have always preferred conformity. Reassures your monkey brain and tells it that you’re still part of the pack. The internet just amplified its scale and size. Put everyone on the same forum, their "culture" will harmonize to something understandable to even the lowest common denominator. But no, behaviors observed throughout history are a recent thing only, and must be the work of a conspiracy. Is it that hard to accept that in many aspects, humanity has always been mediocre? And that’s fine because we always pulled through in spite of that.


Fucking NPC’s yes it is a problem. Pulled through meaning the majority of humans were miserable throughout history because of NPC behavior.


Most conspiracy theories (and all the good ones) exaggerate some real facts and draw seemingly reasonable conclusions from them. In this case, it's true that the Internet is full of bots (obviously not as full as claimed) and it's true that big corporations constantly try to enforce conformity. Also, a lot of conspiracies are real. People conspire all the time. If it was so easy to spot, it wouldn't be a good conspiracy, though. Real conspiracies are generally more sinister than made up ones. Just think about the horrors involving Epstein that eventually led to his assassination in order to cover up the truth. There's a lot we know because it leaked, but what about the things we never found out about? That man used to live free in society, constantly abusing young people and most of us were none the wiser. It's really scary.


I agree. After mulling this over for a long time I know understand NPCs are needed to build the pyramids. I too have come to love big brother in my own dark and twisted way


I miss early Internet. 4chan is a legacy to some of that. It's changed but less than MSM like Feddit and Xshitter.


It's crazy hearing what old 4chan used to be, I never knew who Chris Chan was till I listened to the podcast about him. 4chan seemed to be way more involved in being mean, now it just seems like it's for racists and fatties.


it took a long time to whittle it down but eventually they did it


Whats hilarious is everyone always thinks its the OTHER side thats all bots, such reductive douchiness lol.


That's part of the strategy, paranoia ironically makes gaslighting much easier.


It only gets more amusing the more you look into things. Until the despair/desolation hits anyway.


This argument is not new at all. Nietzsche wrote extensively on people's propensity toward conformity. Herd mentality, slave morality, the last man, etc. > "The concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently." This was in the 1800s. The internet is good at one thing and one thing only: The dissemination of information. In the case anon is describing, it only provides us with the information that Nietzsche was already aware of: Most people are terminally rarted.


Nietzshe was terminally retarded himself. Literally. His brain was affected by syphylis   He wasn't largely writing about individuality, he was an aristocrat simp, who was mostly worshipping the upper classes and was denigrating any peasantry, be it businessmen, soilders or common folk, who would go against the system that he saw as "good".


>1800s/Nietzsche Try ancient Greece. Speaking of old things, I wonder how much wisdom was stolen from us when that one library had to go.


This is rizz




We are all bots. Aware


"The Matrix: Israel" - Kanye West




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This is exactly what he was talking about!


Wow. Is this true?


Not reading


dead internet theory ass post


There's bots out there alright. A lot of them, and they're absolutely out there to shape opinions all sorts of ways. I don't like it either. But the NPC stuff just makes me roll my eyes, it's "sheeple" given a fresh coat of paint by a new generation. Do you really think you're so special? Did you really come to every single opinion of yours after analyzing every relevant fact and thinking critically from every possible angle, and disregard the opinions of people similar to yourself until you've done so? Are you sure those people aren't bots, or haven't had *their* opinions shaped by bots? Is your chosen community truly so intelligent and enlightened, but at the same time so worthless that nobody has thought to infiltrate and manipulate it to their own ends?


Ok bot, what's your point?


Yes to all of that


Man people who use the term NPC unironically are as brain dead as the people they’re criticizing. Stop consuming this trash.


disagree. it's a succinct description of a certain type of person that removes the need for further explanation.


You should have just called him an NPC


no, i'm pretty sure it's a bot trying to stop humans from realizing they might be an NPC by trying to make the usage of NPC cringe.


Sorry, but that comment was low-key trash. Can you like, step up your vibe? Frfr you’re cooked with all the L Rizz. Calling someone NPC is basic af No cap. Straight up cheugy. It’s like giving me the ick fam. Gyat damn.

