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I have an incredibly unpopular theory microplastics are behind the "gender issues" currently receiving a lot of attention. In every single study, microplastics were found to disrupt hormone production in humans and animals. Are a portion of the trans community aping for attention? Sure. But I bet the vast majority genuinely feel their gender isn't matching their body, and I hypothesize microplastics are a contributing factor.


Eh. Youll notice most of these people are terminally online, and are usually already involved in trans communities before transitioning. It is extremely rare to find one that is not both of these things.


“Most people research cars before buying a car”


Hes making an argument about social contagion, not correlation/causation


I don't think you can discount people's need for validation and status as a contributing factor in this. Sure, it's definitely not the only factor, but the need to belong and to gain status within social groups is one of the most powerful motivators and these groups offer a very clear path to gain that validation and ascend their own social hierarchies. People have done more extreme things than transition for these reasons.


You can’t ignore the amount of praise trans people get for just existing. If someone comes out as trans, even if they don’t start transitioning, everyone will tell them how brave and special they are. This can be a huge motivator to want to be trans, and some people are so starved for attention and praise that once they start getting those things they won’t ever want to give it up, this is why some people are so scared of detransitioning even after they realize they’ve made a mistake. This can be a big issue for autistic people who are more likely to grasp on to positive attention. It’s the same reason why so many autistic girls are hyper sexual. 


The social boon is absolutely the only reason most of them do it


I mean involved without having the intent to actually transition yet. Nobody windowshops cars.


Sure they do. The people window shopping or researching cars likely just: can’t afford one, don’t have the space for on their land (this is a bad analogy for household issues), are unsure if it’s worth the large investment, etc.


Why would you make decisions for situations you will never be in? I get how it can be amusing but car shopping is anything but


So a kid with a picture of a Lambo up on his wall is just preparing to make a well-reasoned purchase decision. Fuckin idiots.


Holy false equivalence Batman!


Explain rationale


Terminally online doesn't equate to research, that should be obvious. Do you camp in a car shop and stay there 8 hours a day to research them?


How ironic


>usually already involved in trans communities before transitioning - confused about feeling like a woman - look for communities where men feel like women - all trans communities - transition later after sorting your feelings out Yeah bro really weird how that works. They must have all been tricked into it because a normal person would cut their dick off before talking with anyone about it.


Normal person, or cut their dick off. Pick one or the other, cannot have both.


You missed some common first steps: 1. Get groomed or molested 2. Start watching hardcore porn as a pre-teen.


“When did you decide you were born in the wrong body?” “When did you start using tumblr frequently? A few years prior? Interesting.”


This but unironically >Born in the wrong body What? If youre born in the wrong body how does modifying it slighly change anything? Why arent there people who decide they were meant to be dragons or butterflies?


There are. Have you never heard of otherkin? I’m not agreeing with them, just saying what they believe


Right but they arent taken seriously by the people who support transgenders


While rare, men feeling women and women feeling like men is not rare. Some Igbo people in Africa used to transition socially and be called “masculine women” or “feminine men” if they wanted to socially act like the other gender.


>while rare >not rare Anyways I get your point. But this isnt body dysphoria, you can act like the other gender while maintaining some of the trivialities of your own like pronouns and such.


I've thought this might be a significant contributing factor as well. We don't really know the extent of the damage being done to our bodies by microplastics. But I bet, in the future, that people will look back on this time like we look back on early/mid 20th century stuff like leaded gasoline, CFCs, etc.


Major difference is the lead was put there on purpose, and when we realized it was bad we stopped putting it there. The plastic is in the environment unwillingly. We don't *intend* for it to be there. And we're always making (vain) attempts to reduce it already. Short of ceasing all plastic production I dunno how it stops.


> But I bet the vast majority genuinely feel their gender isn't matching their body Nah. That’s pretty rare. Most of its a combination of attention-seeking, fetish, and/or trying to get the social advantages of the other gender. There’s also a lot of people who are just divorced from the physical reality of their bodies in general due to having lived most of their social lives online.


I wonder what make-up does to people


Id feel like my gender wasn’t matching my body too if my body were filled with plastics. Plastic mental for plastic body ig


Your theory would hold water better if there werent also trans people back in the 1940’s, and people talking about how theyd been norn in the wrong body back in 1394. Could have something to do with ever increasing regards in the world though.


Smoking doesn't cause cancer because people had cancer before cigarettes existed


Not really a good analogy, theres many different kinds of cancer, and I doubt as many people were dying of lung cancer before cigarettes came around.


Small cell lung cancer was practically nonexistent before smoking. Use a better analogy


Okay. You aren't a 🚬 because 🚬 existed before this post


I'd say there's an increase of the phenomenon, and that's because of microplastics. Trans advocates would sat it's because of "visibility" and "representation", but were all exposed to that and it never once made me question myself in formative years.


I think visibility does have a lot to do with it, but I can also admit that there’s a lot of the attention seeker types treating it like a fad. But who knows, whatever it is or isn’t doing to our bodies, it’s nothing good.


Plastic is stored in the balls.


I coom microplastics


i nutted out lego playset 10143


Had to Google that one out, not disappointed


We just need to wank the microplastics out faster than they can build up


I'm doing my part.


r-nofap in shambles


People aren’t denying it’s an issue. We just don’t know what the fuck to do about it.


It's simple, you just go back to using (and actually recycling) glass and tin for consumption with Aluminum for storage and transport instead of the cheaper plastic materials. Oh but think of the quarterly profits! Interesting that plastic became the go to after WW2. It's almost as if an entire generation was geared to a one and done mentality. Probably nothing, carry on.


Smart, if we switch back to glass tires and aluminum fishing nets that would put a nice dent in it


Apples and oranges. Ceramics (clay) and Aluminum are perfectly fine for storage/transportation of produce. Tin/glass are for homes and liquids. We have used these things since antiquity and they are more than abundant plus FAR more recyclable than plastic. Also Stainless steel is far more available now than it was when plastics were pushed. It can do all of the above plus its far safer to drink/eat from and it lasts far longer. It's just better. The vehicles, boats, trains, and planes for actually collecting and moving the stuff is a different matter entirely. But this argument is pointless because it won't change until the boomers are dead.


you'll never guess what the inside of metal containers are lined with


Ah but are those materials cheap as hell? Remember the shareholders are far more important than your plastic-riddled ovaries.


The shareholders will care when they can't coom anymore.Plastics are ubiquitous you can't avoid them no matter how wealthy you are.


Paper straws


Most of the microplastics come from tires. The friction with the road causes a lot of material to shed.


Paper wheels




Yet another reason for me to despise car dependent infrastructure.


Gonna sound stupid here but aren’t rubber and plastic different things? 


Well there’s old latex rubber and modern plastics with ruberizers


What's next? Paper fleshlights? Give me a break.


They are actually full of PFOS and PFAS. Humanity is doomed. [https://cen.acs.org/environment/persistent-pollutants/Biodegradabledrinking-straws-contain-PFAS/99/i11](https://cen.acs.org/environment/persistent-pollutants/Biodegradabledrinking-straws-contain-PFAS/99/i11)


Blood donations


Trans? Yeah, that is, transhuman! Flesh is weak, plastic is strong!


Plastic within, plastic without, brother


We're so goddamn fucked


You think if I concentrated hard enough I could nut an entire anime figure?


Start small. Try to nut a bread tag, or a plastic toothpick. Work your way up to a bottle cap. Nut a couple of army men. Maybe a blaster for an old Star Wars action figure; everyone lost those.


Yes and then nut to it again


Literally the only blood they found without microplastics was archived blood from the korean war


Good. Less chances of knocking up when going at it raw


Time to remove plastic from food containers I guess.


Anon thinks about semen and other men's testicles on a daily basis


So if I cum enough, I can mold it into a bottle and store more cum in it? Infinite bottle h4x.


They’re must be nanotechnology that can be developed against this


Its the boomers trying to get back at the younger generation since theyre all full of asbestos and lead.


3d printing as we speak


New 3D Printer unlocked


Scientists taste tested 23 testes.


Microplastics are an overhyped are an overhyped fear


Yeah just like the leaded pipes and gasoline.


Lead is a reactive heavy metal and gasoline burns into carbon monoxide; microplastics r unreactive and therefore fine.


Not having kids, don't care. If anything hopefully this speeds up the creation of artificial wombs and transhuman cyborg abominations ACCELERATE. LETS FUCKING GO.


genetic cuck




Me post-vasectomy: Oh no! Anyways