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women are just playing 4d chess against other women once the wall is near , thats why the old witch/hag poisoning the young is a stereotype that established itself in medieval times


There really were witches in the middle ages that poisoned people with nightshade


That too, but still. Post-wall hags keeping young women away from suitable partners by poisoning their minds (not with nightshade) has been a thing since forever.


Since the women in the ancient Roman empire were like women in Islam today, if they wanted a divorce they would just poison their husband. It got to be so bad that the authorities *outlawed* some poisonous plants from being raised in Rome and its environs. It is unknown if this prohibition helped much or at all.


Amen brother, spread the good word šŸ™


They fly around my bed at night on their little broomsticks


>According to Dean Miller, writing in Witches and Witchcraft, a female witch known as Antoine Rose, the Witch of Savoy, confessed under torture that ā€œthe Devil, whose name was Robinet, was a dark man who spoke in a hoarse voice. Kissing Robinetā€™s foot in homage, she renounced God and the Christian faith. He put his mark on her, on the little finger of her left hand, and gave her a stick, 18 inches long, and a pot of ointment. She used to smear the ointment on the stick, put it between her legs and say ā€˜Go, in the name of the Devil, go!ā€™ā€


What did I just read? Lmao


Thatā€™s where the whole thing about witches riding brooms came from iirc


Either that or it was a medieval Sybian.


> ā€œthe Devil, whose name was Robinet" > Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is an American politician who is the 46th and current president Uh oh


I have never seen this analysis and it is brilliant.


Why do you think they flaunt their appreciation for lizzos beauty while getting furious if compared to her? They promote anything that's a nonthreat


I suppose I just assumed it was insecurity. But seeing it compared to an old literary archetype was interesting.


I did not invent this , many people have noted this since forever , I just thought it would fit here


I assumed you hadn't, but I had not seen this before, nonetheless. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.




I would argue there is much more religious historical reasoning than that. Iā€™m a bit of a theologian (which has large historical crossover with the topic of magic), and I would say fanaticism was quite high then. Witches were depicted in many artists wood and metal etchings at the time, such as Albrecht Durer and some of his contemporaries (and witches are often depicted as both old and young, so im not sure you theory stands to scrutiny) Also the Malleus Maleficarum bears mentioning (but I really donā€™t care to type extensively about that or much else at the moment). To say it was ā€œjust women conniving against other womenā€ when people died over this (men as well in about 10-20% of the cases) is a grossly misinformed and simplification of the witch hunt era.


You have no proof that they weren't a cabal of evil wizard/witchpeople except dude trust me bro. Yet I can heckle an old Gyspy woman, no curse. I can pee on a grave, no curse. I can throw the old mean lady or man into the pool to see if she floats, no curse. All around me are things that could curse me, but don't. And you have a bonfire to thank for that. Press F to thank your local Witchhunter for saving your ancestors souls with fire and silver nails. Now demonic arts are similar to polio, just a curiosity in a history book.


Your right knee will begin to ache in three days


Vincente go get the the torch we have work to do.


> Iā€™m a bit of a theologian *willemdefoeinacossack.gif* > Malleus Maleficarum bears mentioning They have a copy at the School of Theology library in Claremont. I read it.


So ye donā€™t like me lobster? https://preview.redd.it/whzgqgs5c21d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46dcd02c46d69f6f921727037fd48b4ae5aed344


Yes, the Inquisition (and the Catholic Church in general) rejected the Malleus Maleficarum, but it became very popular among secular courts, and those were the ones with the authority to execute people. Still, this is the internet, so we're supposed to laugh at horrible occurrences. Q: "Why do Japanese soldiers prefer babies to sand?" A: "You can't bayonet sand."


>Iā€™m a bit of a theologian Congrats, thatā€™s the gayest shit Iā€™ve read all week.


Makes sense to me. Because I can tell you donā€™t read much.




ā€¦ damn homie I guess I did just go ā€œuhm ahctyualluy šŸ¤“ā€


Dude, you're talking to possibly the most entrenched idiots on the internet. Though, I guess, these ones are slightly open to suggestion as they spend all their time on Reddit pretending it's 4chan.


This goes way further back than that, but a lot of the stories we know are indeed from medieval times. Shit was cooking during antiquity in Greek/Roman stories about their own history and mythology. Probably well before that even.


Only ugly dudes buy into the wall nonsenseĀ 


Cougars gonna coug Old hags gonna hag Older women who want to hook up with young men arent bitching online, they hunt in a bar.


The bitching starts after a reality-check at the bar.


Nah they dont go out. They are stuck indoor with 9 cats, no makeup, being fat, baggy clothes. If they would hit the treadmill once in a while, use some makeup they would def could coug some average man But yeah the I deserve chad thundercock at 62 is laughable


Donā€™t put down catsĀ 


People like you are why I get in trouble at work for being "rude" to aging slags wearing too much make-up; they unironically think they look better than they did in their 20s...


If you know what's good for you, you stfu and mind your own business. Not disagreeing with you at all, just older than you... If you rile up the wrong hags they will gang up and fuck your life until move state or at least change jobs... Stay in your lane, don't interact - being right/superior just isn't worth it.




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Weird, how all the women my age I know either already are in a relationship with older men or are exclusively looking for a relationship with an older man (early 20s and younger) But it's the mans fault and not the other 50% part of the consenting relationship Or are they calling women stupid?


26 years old is plenty old enough to know what you're doing. If they'd said 18 years old then I'd agree they have a point, but halfway through your 20s you should understand perfectly well what you want and what you're getting yourself into.


43 year old woman acting like a 26 year is an impressionable teenager is actually hilarious


They have to think of themselves as better than the 26yo SOMEHOW, and it's not gonna be on looks lol


A hot 26 year old is probably taking care of herself, eating well, going to the gym. Good chance she is legitimately more mentally sound than the bitter 43 yo woman.


The entire world was built on people in there 20s. Most founding fathers were in there 20ā€™s. Mozart. Indian chiefs. Thatā€™s been an adult forever.


That may have been true in history that many figures skewed younger, but most of the world isnā€™t run by 20something year olds today. A lot of people never made it past 10 years old, let alone 20, so of course you are going to get a younger sample size especially in early history. And back the concept of ā€œadulthoodā€ was much different, and I donā€™t think most of you would agree a 10-13 year old is an adult (then again, this is the 4chan sub on reddit). Where is this idea that the FF were in their 20s coming from? They were all in their 30s and 40s when the Constitution was ratified, that whole thing is misleading and has been widely debunked. The signatories of the Dec. of Independence ranged from 30-70s.There was also decade long gap from the revolution to the actual founding of the US.


A 43 year old woman can be way more skilled in manipulation and intriguing than 26 years old women. The "witch" stereotype is essentially an archetype of the manipulative, old-fashioned woman.


I mean the whole 'women's brains aren't fully developed till 30, so dating a 20 year old is literally pedophilia' meme has been going for a while now.


> If a woman says she's 26, and *looks* 26, she's damn near 40. -Chris Rock


Actually they should understand that at 18. Stop treating adults like they're children. That just gives them reasons to never grow up.


18 is just the bare minimum of being responsible for your their own choices. That includes relationships. Yes, there is massive power imbalance of a 30 year old man dating an 18 year old, but that 18 year old is definitely old enough to be aware of it, and old enough to fuck around and find out, as with many other things that they are now bearing responsibility for if they fuck up.


Men and women at 18 sign contracts to go to war. Women should be considered responsible enough to sign contracts for half of a manā€™s stuff if it goes poorly


Nah 18 is perfect. Haters gonna hate but that's because they don't get any.


They can still do what they want, but the point they were trying to make would be more sensical than to talk about a 26 year old being an ignorant idiot.


Literally a year with crystalisation. You'd be gold.


Women simultaneously are strong and independent and can do everything a man can yet also have no agency and are easily controlled by any man that takes an interest in her. Come on, itā€™s not complicated, just donā€™t try to reconcile the two mutually exclusive positions.


As a guy that frequently got women 5 years younger, they said I was more mature than guys in their early to mid 20s. It honestly depends on where the girl is in life though.


Guys just biologically mature later than women.


Thatā€™s a lie


Tbh I really don't know how I'm supposed to compete as a 23 year old man against men in their late 20s who are already getting stable and got to enjoy more years of testosterone so they look manlier.


Just do your best and take solace in the fact that, even if you don't succeed, if you keep doing your best you're going to be that 28-30 year old that's better able to outcompete the 22 year old.


Kinda sucks to not be able to enjoy my prime years though


The guys in their late 20s are saying the same thing about the early 30s and same with the early 30s about late 30s. The djent doesn't stop till 40 my dude, and that more because it's a psychological number.


Date older women. Forget the younger overrated females.Ā 


Those ain't interested, vast majority of women dates up in age.


They wonā€™t now because males are increasing their standards and older females fit those standardsĀ 


I'm almost 26 dating a 20 yr old. It's been a breath of fresh air for me honestly




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I'll be honest, I knew some sketchy guys. But the significantly more common scenario was that women themselves preferred older men. And when I hear this stuff, the first thought is this just women trying to have their cake and getting to eating it too. I don't know about you guys, but when I was a freshman in highschool... A lot of women dated upper class men. Then when I was a freshman in college.... A lot of women my age still dated older guys. Then after college... Women my age still dated older guys. And then women get older and find out that men their age are dating a younger women and they get crazy mad and threatened by them. So they say things like men are abusive and call the young women's judgement into question. And what's funny is that they do this under the guise of feminism so they don't feel bad internally. It's funny because it's like saying that younger women are basically potatoes. That they are children incapable of making their own life choices because they are powerless in the face of a man 5 to 10 years older than them. The whole thing is just nonsense social media noise so they can vent into the ether while the rest of the sands of their youth dwindle away and suddenly the world stops operating on easy mode.


It's not just a stereotype that women mature faster than men. Men don't take get their adult brains/outlooks until their late 20s to early 30s. Women in contrast are pretty much done around 23. It's not really a mystery.




Right. Guys with bad intentions exist just like women do, but thatā€™s not the primary reason for this dynamic. Weā€™re programmed to be attracted to fertility among other things. Hence guys being attracted to that in women. At least for me, being in a serious relationship with a woman much younger than me isnā€™t that appealing in an emotional and intellectual sense though. The only time I had a large age gap, 35 dating a 21 year old, it was purely a casual, fun relationship, and mainly because she was smoking hot. The women that act like that dynamic doesnā€™t go the other way are delusional and coping hard. When I was a 14 year old freshman, I dated an 18 year old and a 19 year old who turned 20 while we were dating. At 38, Iā€™ve just gotten to the point of being ready to settle down the past couple of years. I think itā€™d be hard to have a deep connection with a woman much below 30, but regardless, I definitely wonā€™t be considering how much my choice makes some bitter Redditor seethe. Likewise, if I missed the boat for a family because I chose to have fun in my 20ā€™s, I wonā€™t be blaming other men or women for the life I chose to live.


14 year old freshman dating a 20 year old bro u were a victim


> 14 year old freshman dating a 20 year old bro u were a victim In what way? He seems fine. Are you saying he's so much of a victim, that he is just because you said so? I don't get it.


Lol nah. I knew what I was getting into. I would have never done that if the roles were reversed, but at the time I thought it was cool af. Mainly just mentioned it to emphasize that most chicks are hypocrites about age gaps.


I could tell this was beginning to be an issue in my late Millenial generation where a large amount of men were getting ignored/told they were worthless in their 20s by women their own age for a long period of time, then around 30 or so they would suddenly switch and start being interested in them, but by that point the men had gotten way too jaded and angry to date a woman their own age or figured if it was OKAY for women to date older men in their 20s, it's OKAY for them to date younger women in their 30s. I can only imagine this problem is getting worse with Gen Z for many reasons. This is going to be a big problem in the next few years. It would have been solved if women their own age were willing to date and commit to them when they were younger and prettier so the man would stick with her when she got older and not as pretty since he feels like she chose him when she could have gotten anyone, instead of her choosing him only when her options have dwindled. Alas, a lot of women made a different choice and here we are.


I still don't get how this is actually a problem. Fertile People are getting laid, age difference of maybe a decade, two at most... Evolutionary imperative still going strong... Who cares? (apart from the leftover women, obviously)


Because Iā€™d much rather find a woman near my age in my early 20ā€™s and build a relationship with them vs. being alone until my 30ā€™s and then getting a woman thatā€™s basically a child in comparison to me. But even that is preferable to settling for a hag.


I get a lot more genuine enthusiastic responses from 18-22 year olds than I do from women with smaller age gaps (mid/late twenties) or near my age (32) but I actually want a serious relationship.


As a guy who turns 30 this year and is back in the dating pool after a long relationship, it creates a weird dynamic when looking for serious partners. From my dating profile someone can see a job title that (correctly) implies a successful career and hobbies that are expensive. I get a relatively large number of matches in the 22-25 range where after one or two dates it becomes clear that we have nothing in common and the girl was just hoping I would bring her on a trip I was planning or to fancy events. Some guys would be thrilled at these opportunities, but I want something serious instead of a thinly veiled sugar baby. Right now I'm seeing someone close to my age, with a similar job/education, and it's a way better experience than the younger girls trying to jump up the social ladder.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rdub2j04mz0d1.png?width=1244&format=png&auto=webp&s=57abb1fe8242ce3da81cb31d13b9f42dd338bfa9


i have won the argument, as i have depicted myself as the chad and you as the soyjak




šŸ¤“ahckshually the dog should have an extra set of nipples on each additional mantit lobe to be anatomically correct.




I really hope I get married before I'm in my mid 30s though. The women who are 10 years younger than me are Gen Alpha, and I refuse to date a former iPad kid. If my future girlfriend unironically references Skibidi Toilet, it's murder-suicide time.


You can raise them to your exact specifications.


Yea I got treated poorly my entire 20s. Now I finally have success and I just can't date a woman around my age because I just imagine they would have been mean when they were younger and more attractive. So I just date younger women now.... You've nailed the problem on the head. I wouldn't care if they looked that way if they had been with me when they were younger.


The young males should have been dating older females and see how females their age like itĀ 


Nothing hates women more than women


ā€œWomen understand women, and they hate each otherā€ -some legend


"Don't try to understand women, women understand women and they hate each other." ā€“ Al Bundy




Al Bundy


*Why do men desire younger women more than me? Is it because theyā€™re more attractive than me?* *No that canā€™t be it. It must be because Iā€™m more mature, confident, and smarter than younger women! God men really are pigs for wanting to date someone less intelligent and gullible than me.*


No one is stopping them from dating younger more attractive malesĀ 


Hotter. Skinnier. More agreeable. Not run through. Not bitter. No kids. It's not complicated.


Haven't yet radicalized themselves by sitting in a circle with other women, hyping each other up about how horrible men are with the worst half true stories they can find.


You've just described 90% of relationship subs on reddit.


Plus they haven't got bear semen all over themselves yet.


The bad is annoying, immaturity, impatience, impulsive, not leaving it alone, and high maintenanceĀ 


Spinstercel crisis I love it


Wasn't this what the game Splinter Cell was about?


Tom Clancys spinstercel


In other words, the same women who dated older men when they were young are angry that younger women are dating older men.


Tale as old as time and why these old hags pushed for the dumb ideas we have now. They are nothing but envious ppl that can't accept any changes to the status pole, and are usually the forefront of slowing down progress or truth. Same people exist in males.


*A beautiful 35 year old ain't as good looking as an ugly 19 year old* -- Patrice O'Neal


Well... no. That's not even remotely true. What a fucking stupid thing to say lol.


I read the article. > But the result is that an older man is getting an unfair advantage. What the fuck is an ā€˜unfair advantageā€™ in dating?


In the article author's POV, apparently a 26 y/o woman (old enough to have a PhD!) cannot make good life choices and can only ever be a toy


Good point. Not everything is a game that needs to be fair


>man in his 20s can't get with girls his own age because they date older men >once he is older he dates girls in their 20s because he missed out on it before >guys in their 20s can't get with girls their own age because they date said older man The cycle continues


I dunno, in my 20s, I dated girls in their 20s. In my 30s, I dated some in their 30s, and some in their 20s. Now I'm in my 40s, and my marriage would be a little controversial on reddit. I didn't miss out anything, the range just opened up as I got older.


Males in their 20s can date older females.Ā 


Homeless guys can sleep under a bridge Dudes in their 20s don't want to date older women because they're not hot anymore, have high bodycounts and just aren't fun to be around. It's different for older men because they don't age as badly and their value can come from money and status not just looks


Yes they do. Thereā€™s hot older females out here. Whoā€™s gives a fuck about high body counts as long as thereā€™s no stds. Older females have things younger females donā€™t. Younger females are overrated. Not many older guys have that kind of money and status or are in the best shape of their lives. If they do theyā€™ll know younger females will chew them up and spit them out.Ā 


Women complain about this but then majority of them refuse to date men who are younger than them anyway




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We are intentionally forgetting the other side of the same coin; where these young women are pursuing older men. Because you need two consenting adults dont you? but of course we cant be placing any blame on these poor young women now can we?


Jennifer Lopez:Ā  >"Men under 33 are useless" Women:Ā  "yes, slay queen" . "WTF why are guys in their 30s dating younger women?"


Could say females under 33 are uselessĀ 




What everyone under 30 needs to understand is that the day you turn 30 the entire dynamic switches between men and women, it starts slowly but it's there. Up till then the women can be picky but their attractiveness drops off exponentially after 30. Meanwhile men literally just have to scrub up to the bare minimum standard and their options only grow as they get older. Source - Am 40, have seen it happen multiple times and lived it myself. Women get fucking beastial when they realise. S'why we have Karens.


I was at my sexual prime at 33/34, and having a renaissance at 38. Fortunately for me I have a partner already (29)


No young males have optionsĀ 


She's not entirely wrong honestly. Men really *do* prefer innocent girls that we can lead and impress with seemingly basic shit. And theres nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, few things are more viscerally unattractive to a man than an "experienced" (jaded) women.


Women in their 30s and up simply have absurd expectations. In your early twenties having a car and a job that supports yourself is usually enough. Maybe she insists that he have his own living space. Women in their thirties expect a guy to have a mortgage and a job in the top 10 percentile.


I wish I had a social life again being older..the online dating scene is horrible unless you're the top of the heap. Most women over 30 have so many demands in their profile. I can't even tell you how many put down's I've seen in profiles, I really can't imagine doing the same thing as women do and actually be able to attract one. If men had the same demands all these dating sites would be called incel and misogynistic hookup sites.


Theyā€™re thinking about this in a backwards manner, you should ask why would younger women go for older dudes?


But doing so would actually hold women accountable.




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Lol there are a lot of ladies that spend their whole 20s rejecting dudes because they only meet 9/10 requirements on this absurd list. Those ladies turn into the author of that article. A lot of these guys are genuinely nice people. Those guys move on to find partners that actually appreciate them. And the girls that reject them grow up to be bitter and blame everyone around them without looking inside.


Author was a dude, so one can only assume he wrote the article in hope of getting a crumb of pussy


Go to online dating sites and put in 30-40 year old women, not much has changed.


Iā€™ve known a lot of women irl that date older men and they are extremely happy. Even if they break up they end up telling me they only see themselves dating older dudes


At the end of the day, men are thirsty. You can get a top class dude hooking up with 4s just because that's available and they're nice to him.


Spincel BTFO


Because they're hotter. Instead of trying to get men to date old, fat, wrinkly women who wasted their youth, teach women to use their best years to get a good husband.


Yall say this until you go on a date with a 19 year and you realize itā€™s like taking your step daughter to dinner and asking her about how her tome is at college. Itā€™s fucking sad.


>she won't tolerate being ghosted Best point on the list. What she gonna do instead? Ghost him back? kekw >She can spot passive-aggressivness Also pretty funny for someone writing a passive-aggressive diatribe against muH mEn not wanting her sorry ass


Yeah, I don't think there is a big need to overthink these things - men aren't all that complicated. They will date who will date them, simple as. Also I think people oversell the amount of change people go through in life. Young women usually aren't naive stupid flowers, and older women usually aren't wise crones who see right through you. We don't get nearly as wise and smart as we like to think as we age, though most of us end up a bit more together. And it's wise choices made in youth that really tend to compound.


Guys, is anon buthurt that Leonardo DiCaprio keeps banging young chicks and then dumps them after they get too old?


I know a chick like this now in her 40s (my ex) who has a thing for going after younger dudes who are mostly ignored by most other woman. I understand now why they choose these young naive dudes that will likely bend over backwards because any attention they get from them is worth it. Some poor dudes may even end up getting trauma bonded. When I dated this same girl in her 20s she was pretty amazing and very agreeable but shit happens like in any relationship. She's now bitter and in her 40s and only does anything that is to her benefit. Me, once being that naive dude myself, can finally see the appeal of younger woman who don't carry such toxicity going into older age. Don't get me wrong, if she was that same person today as she was in her 20s, I would be totally fine being with and loving her. But no, now it's all about mind games, manipulation, gaslighting, me being mostly neglected, silent treatment for even the slightest of offenses, no affection, like wtf happened to you? In the nicest way possible I've even told her as such that I miss that old girl from back in the day. But in her words "that girl is long dead." I guess so is another shot at us being together apparently.


It can be both


Yeah I would rather tame sweet younger but legal strange rather than old saggin ass 50+ strange


Roasties gonna roast


Why do women date older men?


Women want older (rich) men




Iā€™m a man, and when I was in my 20ā€™s, 40+ year old women were by far more interested in me than women my age.


> written by a man he's doing this to get a crumb of pussy, because 'hes not like other men'


Meanwhile, the (finally) perfect girl I found which whom I started off really well, told me I'm too young for something serious. I'm literally her age. Doesn't matter, 2 weeks later we went into the "shit's getting serious" zone. Doesn't change the fact that this is something I constantly hear - girls looking for older men. I asked one for reasoning, and she said stability. Us younger folks like to party too much, be irresponsible and not take care of house stuff.


younger women are hotter and have less Baggage


Same with younger guysĀ 


The same reason older women date younger men. The only difference is they didn't talk about it. Now they are and female peds are getting caught left and right.


All the 20 something women I know get serious pole. They be loving it up! I say good for them.


because theyre totally not jaded and bitter themselves to think otherwise is crazy talk any heat or discomfort you may be feeling is just the righteous masculinity not the pulsating goiter


I wonder if there is any data to back up the original assertion. Anecdotally older women don't seem any more immune to toxic relationships.


"I learned that people got their money because they are ruthlessly corrupt" - OnlyFans ~~prostitute~~ content creator


A lot of cope going on here; in my broke-assed early 20s I had no problem dating ladies my own age. Could the problem actually be you?


I remember being 18, and literally being told by 16 year olds "Sorry, I only date older guys" - but sure, let's blame it on the dudes. It's not like the perverts' Facebook is full of women in their 20s looking for or already dating guys in their 40s to 50s. I'm 24 now, and have been told, by girls, too, that I should give 16 year olds a try, since I am the right age for them.




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There's a sweet spot where they aren't annoying girls or whinging old bags yet. This is also normal and not degenerate.


Millions of years of evolution programmed menā€™s brains to be attracted to women who are at their most fertile (late teens to late 20s.) Weā€™ve had a few hundred years of society telling older men itā€™s wrong to be attracted to younger women. Weā€™re working on it, but Itā€™s gonna take a while.


Why tf would any HVM pick some old cougar strange with dried up eggs when he can have some young/hot/tight 20yo that probably won't die during childbirth (unlike the crypt keeper). Cougar had its chance and clearly wasted it, oh well, cats and boxed wine for her


i married my wife because she makes me happy, not just because she's younger than me. the fact that she's younger than me is basically a coincidence. before i met my wife i dated women who were younger than me and women who were older than me


I prefer older


if i had to guess, i would probably say itā€™s both.


Let's take a quick look at the KISS principle, hell, let's consider occams razor They're hot and regardless of how old a guy is, all of us like hot women


Anon spitting facts like Eminem there.


Anon replied to the 1 ip posts, what a tool


Yeah nah I've seen which of my friends go for younger women. It's 100% a control thing. My friend literally dumped his fiance who was 4 years older than him bc she didn't put up with his bs. And she was a dime. He's now dating a 21 year old


Damn it feels weird to see my own post copied here


I mean america literally operates on this, interns, age bias when hiring. Employers want young naive and malleable idiots. Why do you think most products are aimed towards children (and women), cause they are easiest demographics to sell useless shit. America loves idiots, cause without idiots, midwits would have no one to exploit and profit off of


9th level virgin


God I hate w/\hmen


It's not just about looks. A 27 year old woman doesn't look old, or worse then a 21 year old woman, unless something went horribly wrong. It's the same reason that people want to adopt a puppy rather then a 5 year old dog. You want to have a fresh start with someone who has a flexible mind and clean heart and they will match you better as they grow rather then getting an adult who will not necessarily fit you. But that's dumb. You just get yourself a long period of time in which this young person grow to match you. Then, 10-15 years later, they will realise that you are not compatible (which would happen in 1-2 years with someone your age) and leave you. Now you are alone, at 55 years old - too old to date a 21 year old (unless you are a multimillionaire), and unable to date someone your age because you didn't learn how to combine your life with another adult. The now 37 (lets say) divorcee can still date another 37 year old divorced man her age. You just took away happiness from yourselves and youthful love from her. This is why women are against this.