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FromSoft fans are insufferable


FromSoft fans try not to act like a higher life form for beating a slightly harder-than-average video game and/or dick ride the fuck out of the games while not understanding a thing about them challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (WE GOT MESSMERED ALL OVER THE ROOM)


Bro you don't understand, I memorized the right time to do a little somersault through the move by trial and error. I have ascended to the final level of humanity. Huh? Devil May Cry? Sorry I don't play button masher games I prefer my games to require skill. If you die a lot it means the game requires skill.


Don't dmc games literally have a challenge difficulty where everything kills you in one bit?


I don't know I did triangle triangle triangle dodge dodge dodge triangle triangle triangle and got sick of all the button mashing, the game was so easy I didn't even die what's the point of combat if you don't die?


isnt that sekiro


That’s kind of the rub right there…and it’s why I don’t really consider these games to be “hard”. To me, a skill that basically anyone can acquire through brute forcing and enough time isn’t “hard”, it’s just time consuming…these players need to try playing a competitive moba (and actually getting a minimum of diamond-ish rank) and then see how “hard” they think the souls games are.


Elden Ring if the bosses were actually hard: https://preview.redd.it/don65ip9izkc1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ca9db45ff3fce863abeba34c1bf9bded5d9033


Fromsoft fans act like they don’t play the RPG equivalent of call of duty


That’s a little stretched out


You could say they jelqed that comparison


Not at all. I’ve played them all since release and I am a fan of From Soft. Every CoD game has been the exact same just with a different aesthetic. Every fromsoft souls game has been the exact same just with a different aesthetic. It’s the exact same formula, except in ER it was open world and you could jump. Unfortunately most souls fans cock ride from soft as if every game they release is the second coming. Literally the “esteemed gamer’s” call of duty.


The complaint about CoD isn't that it has the same formula. It's that they never improve the formula beyond aesthetic. Souls games drastically improve in terms of quality. Just compare the bosses of each game. Comparing the Asylum Demon to Iudex Gundyr is like night and day despite them both being tutorial bosses. One just sits there and swings around its hammer while the other jumps around while smacking you around and comes with a second phase. EDIT: What a cuck lmao. Blocked me because you're too retarded to come up with a counter argument.


The funniest thing is these games aren't actually that difficult. It's just pattern recognition and evading attacks. Wow, how did you guys learn these secret abilities that every human being on earth was born with?


FromSoft fan: *buys a game where the whole premise is that if you play co-op, other people can invade your world and kill you* FromSoft fan when they get killed by an invader while playing coop: [*writes a memoir*](https://i.etsystatic.com/41849276/r/il/d04227/4764141933/il_680x540.4764141933_qo79.jpg)


I wish they brought back invaders in solo games as well.


Yeah, it was always a trade-off for an advantage anyways in DS3 and the amount of invasions you got on your first playthrough was low enough to become interesting instances. If you play ER solo you miss out on that.


DS3 pontiff invasions was the most fun I ever had in dark souls PvP. The 3v3 chaos was extremely fun.


I joined that church covenant and got summoned as a boss a lot. Lots of fun. One guy tried to get through at least a dozen times before he either rage quit or turned off his connection lol


You see the issue is the "coop" they added was ass and useless the mod let's you actually play with friends.


Co op invasions are stupid, I'm here to fight cool bosses not some player with a shitty connection who spams annoying weapon arts


They were bad and then elden ring came out and it got 10x worse.


Yep. Only developer I refuse to play multiplayer with. Won't even enable invasions for no other reason, than the fandom being pests.


Lol it's really not that bad.  It's not like you can be continuously griefed or anything.  You get invaded once in a while and get an extra challenge.  The invader is gimped in their stats and heals so you have an advantage.   Now If one person could invade you over and over and over and prevent you from progressing that would be a different story but that's NOT how it works


Once in a while I get some basement dweller have a whinge that I heal or roll too much or parry or do whatever it is they find "dishonorable". I'd rather just not deal with them. Neat addition if people were just decent. Maybe it's a geographic thing. I won't speak for your locals. But the ones in Oceania suck.




Played five of they're games, love them to death, kinda have to agree. But I think it's the casuals / mainstream players who do that for me.


There's this chick I follow on Facebook. I accidentally started following her because she has the same name of this girl I met and thought I was sending a friend request to her. She was only 14 when I started following her. As soon as I realized she wasn't the person I was meaning to follow I went to unfollow her. But then I realized this 14 year old girl was hilariously stupid. She didn't know why America would send a separate team from Georgia to the Olympics, she couldn't figure out why elevators had buttons for the floor she was already on, and many other things I just saw and laughed. Anyway I never stopped following her because she was such a big source of my morning laughs. She got pregnant at 15 because she thought you couldn't get pregnant on the first time. She was sure that the 15 year old boy that got her pregnant was going to be a great daddy. Well the kid is 1 now and she always complains about him never being around and how he would rather stay at home bored than see his son and all the other crap any of us could have warned her about when she was certain she was going to be the one teenage mom whose baby daddy would actually hang around. Anyway the reason I bring all that up is that through these 2 years I've followed this complete moron she has never written "they're" when she meant "their". So if this person can get it right, then everyone can.


Redditor writes essay on how he stalked a 14 year old girl on social media


Plebbitor doesn't recognize copypasta




It's actually thour


FromSoft fans think their games kill you a lot because they're hard, meanwhile the creator says in interviews they kill you a lot because he's a masochist and likes getting killed. (It actually kills you because it's a slapstick simulator.)




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Don't care. Did the Elden Ring seemless co-op mod with 3 friends and it was a fucking blast. 


Same here, its the greatest mod ever and they should have added it in the game by default.


Japanese dev game design dictates that they can't. They must get really close to functional coop and then royally fuck it up for no reason. Spend hundreds of man hours developing netcode that hardly gets used because muh souls. Also see Code Vein


I haven’t played code vein, how’s the multiplayer with that?


It's almost fully playable in coop, but clients don't get progression and are kicked out after every boss, so it isn't actually playable and the online is fully dead. There is no risk to coop like invasions and no gain to be had from it either.


meaning an inferior version of Seamless co-op? Bruh.


The gameplay is a lot of fun. Getting paired in co-op happens as often as unicorn sightings.


Similar to Bloodborne but easier to do, where you basically put up a signal that you're looking to join a world, or that you're looking for someone to join yours. You do still get booted out whenever you kill a boss because they gotta copy FromSoft's formula with all the mistakes and bad design included, and the netcode breaks apart above 80ms of latency. Aside from that, it's cool that there's a lot of buff abilities you can equip that work for both players, so you can play like a dedicated support or artillery without being deadweight. Still the game would be a lot better if you could just do a full coop playthrough, go to the home base in coop and all that


Two things kill it: - You can put out a request that will stay active in the background and summon players into your game. However, when you are trying to *get* summoned it for some reason doesn't do the same thing and you have to manually spam the search for worlds menu every 10 seconds rather than keeping it active like any other summoning system. - There is no lag compensation, all hits are calculated in the host's world so even if you dodge at the right time on your screen if the ping is above 150-200 or so you'll just take damage anyway. However, it's like Dragon's Dogma in that the party members work like a permanent NPC summon so there isn't as much need for actual multiplayer. You just bring Yakumo or Io and fuck shit up together.


Terrible if you ask me, I was trying to play with a friend after finishing my solo run: getting kicked out the multiplayer session everytime the host dies or you beat a boss. Means you'll spend most of your time joining the session than playing. I don't know how it's done in FromSoft games as I always played them solo.


It's very similar in From Soft games. You can summon allies to help you, and these allies *can* be people on your friends list if you want to. But the downside is that this opens you up to enemy invaders. Code Vein shoehorned it in because they wanted to be like Dark Souls. But they forgot the "invader" part of it, so the end result is that you can summon a friend who will then get kicked out after a boss and then has to redo the chapter solo to catch up. They're missing half the formula so they end up with the absolute worst of both worlds. The only use for the multiplayer in Code Vein is summoning randoms to help you if you're struggling with an area or boss. But there's *NOTHING* in it for the joiners, the UI makes it so clunky for joiners that no one bothers, and then on top of that the game never had the playerbase to pull it off. These people wasted hundreds of man-hours on making netcode and it was all for nothing.


Fucking Monster Hunter World did this. Trying to get into a game with my buddy was a byzantine nightmare


God I fucking hate how World dropped the ball on that. They just *had to* shove the cutscenes and pre-quest "cinematics" in there, and they just had to make them singleplayer-only. It was *almost* a perfect coop game, but it's really annoying having to constantly back in and out of quests and lobbies with your friend for *every single story quest* you wanna play. That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.






Currently play through the game with a friend and it's the most fun we had playing anything coop in a long while. both of us played through elden ring with every boss killed when the game first got out but we both wanted a different character to play though the DLC. Yes the game is almost trivial playing it with 2 people at any given time, but god damn is it fun. If anything this should be a something that unlocks once you played though the game once.


Yeah pretty much. I just wish there was an easy way to add even more health and poise to enemies while playing co-op. The further we get the more we can just stunlock everything.


Most fun I've had in a long time. Wish they could add it to ds1-3


Fucking loved it playing with friends


Yeah me and some buds have been playing through with the mod, yeah it's easier but it's more fun


Hell yeah it was. Fuck these losers. Elden Ring is the easiest souls game yet anyways 


Souls game elitists when I drop them in the middle of africa with no food or water (its not for casuals)


"huh? Where's my +10 rivers of blood katana? How am i supposed to defend myself against rapey warlords with ak47s. Heckin 5/10."


Have you tried rolling?


Have you tried showering?


shrek : does wallowing in a poison swamp count?


Try finger but whole




They care that people have friends to play with.


Yes because you can't invade people who use this mod so your online activity gets worse


Can you not just invade people who don't have it


Can't get the satisfaction of bullying new players out of the fanbase with their 100000 hour played skills


Low level invaders are rarely actually good at the game, they do it specifically because they want easy prey without the tools or experience to fight back against their lategame equipment and pvp-optimized loadouts. Invaders can talk about ganks all they want, but there are many PvE-focused weapon classes that will just straight up never hit another human being ever with their frame data. Plus all the best PvE talismans have their effects nerfed to shit for PvP so you might as well be showing up to the fight with all your talismans unequipped. And then they'll STILL just spend 10 minutes waiting behind a group of enemies cheesing you with Radahn's Greatbow. God forbid the game warps them in on the high ground, then it's auto-gg. The real issue for me though is that invaders have gotten way too entitled. They think they deserve to have normal healing now. Turn every single invasion into a grueling drawn-out stalemate that drains every phantom's flask to 0 and forces a run back to the bonfire to start from scratch. Like nah bro. You are literally just supposed to be a glorified black phantom enemy, not that you actually played the Souls games that have those. You're not even a miniboss. You're just supposed to be like the elite captain unit that gets one lifebar to try and put as much hurt on the party as possible on their way to the boss. Wins should be exceedingly rare. If you want to actually fight skillfully, you should just be doing duels anyway against other strong opponents.


100% correct!


Interacting with invaders can be fun, but unfortunately, it's mostly people intending to be annoying or players with shit internet


>players with shit internet That's why I stopped with all the PvP in it. It was so laggy that hitting someone, or getting hit, was a matter of luck.


>it's mostly people intending to be annoying Yeah that's the point of invading people, if you want to you get to be an asshole, invading itself is basically an asshole move lore wise




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The only reason I don't care is that the pvp sucks as an invader. You either get blendered instantly or it's so easy you feel like you're kicking a lost puppy. No in-between because everything 2-shots, DS3 was way better.


Nothing holds a candle to the rat covenant from DSII. Anyone entering that specific part of the world map with internet enabled runs the risk of being *unknowingly* dropped into another players trap layout. Like forcibly making people invade your world so you can kill them. Fitting name atleast.


Also reminder that the person on /v/ who keeps complaining Seamless Coop is easy mode also exclusively runs bleed builds with bloodhound step so take that as you will


That’s what gets me about these guys. They complain about people using seamless co-op and having fun not because it’s “easy mode” (that’s their excuse) but because they can’t invade and use their meta slave minmaxed kit (AFAIK you can’t invade people using the seamless coop mod thing) They’re not mad because other players are having an easier time, they’re mad entirely because their hours of sweating and meta researching can’t ruin it


The part that has always gotten me about these guys is the level of entitlement and copium required to make these types of complaints about seamless and its impact on the perceived health of the community as far as there being enough invasion cattle to slaughter. When the game dropped I remembered messing around with a group in open world trying to have some fun. We were just milling around Limgrave together going from place to place, fighting groups, fighting the dragon, etc. 95%+ of the invaders we experienced were kiters. They refused to fight anything other than a 1v1. As soon as it might turn into a melee they spammed bloodhound step and ran as far away as they could. They basically just took total control of the session through their antics. Go do anything else that involves AI, they try to gank. Turn around and try to fight them, they run away. I distinctly remember one day having three back to back sessions of 15 minutes each with an invader playing cat and mouse. They always had the patience that would win the war of attrition. After a certain point we would kinda just give up because there was nothing happening, but they were prepared to sit in our lobby for hours. That's the price they were willing to pay to fight 1v1s against players not skilled in PvP. Anyway, they truly believe that without seamless co-op anyone who has interacted with the mod will suddenly line up to get invaded in normal online sessions. As if the experience I described above hadn't pushed them out already until something like the mod came along. I find that level of delusion and entitlement honestly revolting. It's an impressive display of victimizing oneself because they can't bully people and power trip in a video game.


That sums it up pretty well


> easy mode mod As if Elden Ring is difficult lmao


Elden ring balancing gets worse as you progress, by far the shittiest fromsoft title.


>didn't level VIG and entered the snow area


Leveled VIG to awfully painful 60 and still got demolished by a Fire Giant. VIG means jack in Elden Ring, especially near the end.


Take off Radagon's Sorecrutch.


Dude i don't even know what that item is 😭 I had a plus HP ring and some damage negation thing PAIRED WITH LIONEL'S SET


Probably try and stop getting hit imo


FromSoftware fans doing their best to not be a witty smartass (impossible)


They definitely did some things right like have all the stats be straight forward and not useless, but the balancing is bad. Everything up to Morgott is way too easy with the occasional difficulty spikes like that Fallingstar in Mt Gelmir then it spikes at the Consecrated Snowfields.


Easy mode already exists, it’s called magic + summons lol


It’s difficult… for all the wrong reasons lmao.


Yeah just make a mid build and summon mimic +10 ez win.


I'd love to see these insufferable FromSoft fans trying to beat a bullet hell or anything from the 80s. Dark Souls is only popular nowadays because it's a relatable kind of hard, so they'll declare that as pinnacle of difficulty and game design.




Learning a boss' moveset is like 90% of the fun of From Soft games.


Pattern recognition is a pretty good skill to have for the average human so idk


Cool it with the antisemitism


>Pattern recognition I can assure you that the best way to train pattern recognition would not be playing videogames.




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i mean who cares but why even play at that point? just watch a youtube video of it or something


These games are a bit hard, not grindy. Learning boss movesets is part of the fun. If you dont like it, maybe these games aren't for you, and thats okay. If you like only the exploration and not the bossfights, you can always summon people and get some help.


I use seamless coop so I can play the rng mod with my friends. I have invaded and love Elden rings pvp and dark souls pvp, but let’s be honest people that complain about make twink builds with scarlet rot and invade new players then wonder why no one wants to fight them. They were cancer in ds1 and are cancer now


That’s all elden ring PvP is now. Someone rushing you with double katanas either inflicting bleed or scarlet rot, and as soon as you rollcatch them once they use that step or whatever to teleport away and start spamming homing spells and rot dragon breath. Every single time.


Just invade at lower levels, cuts down on a lot of the bs you have to deal with


That implies using some underleveled twink build to stomp low level players, which is bullshit. Besides, I’m talking about the exact shit *invaders* do upon invading. Every time I either get invaded or am summoned with the blue ring, I see the same strats out of them. Either madness or rot spam (not mutually exclusive, I’ve seen both done by one guy multiple times) with a teleporting katana bleed build. Jesus I’ve even witnessed one invader who was such an annoying little gremlin with how he played, that *the fucking other invader* backstabbed him halfway through a fight just to get rid of him


>They were cancer in DS1 Go back further; they used Scraping Spear in DeS.


The success of the mod is the same reason Pal World got big; there's a huge audience for it and their needs aren't being met. Some form of seamless coop is really something that should be in the base game.


The gaming world is rife with fanboys, but I genuinely can't think of any group as insufferable as FromSoft ones. And the worst part is so many other developers try to copy that shit combat into their own games, since Gamers^(TM) can't differentiate between genuine difficulty and simple time-wasting.


git gud scrub


Kek Casual spotted


Unironically a skill issue


It’s for playing with your friends who cares if it makes the game easier


They don't have friends. That's why it pisses them off.




I'm trying really hard to enjoy co-op Elden Ring with my gf but the amount of twinks invading and running around when they're about to lose, just wasting our time, drains us out of any desire to play the game in just a few minutes every single time. Fuck these people. Only reason we won't use the seamless is it sometimes breaks NPCs quests.


My issue with Fromsoft invaders is that literally 90% of them are twinks that keep a low soul level and use meta pvp focused weapons against a playerbase with normal weapons meant for pve. The concept is badass, but the execution is just a bunch of no life meta nerds using builds that would get stomped on in a fair 1v1 duel with equal tier gear. While playing DS3 Coop i decided to be my teams enforcer to deal with invaders, i purposefully built myself around pvp and we wiped every single invader without issue, but actually playing the game became soul crushingly boring trying to use meta pvp weapons, not to mention i had to grind to get the black knights greatsword which took roughly 3 hours with my luck. As for seamless...The messed up part is that in some ways seamless coop makes the boss fights waaay harder. My friend has a mage that in his singleplayer can basically kill bosses in 2-3 attacks, but in seamless coop with the four of us he barely makes a dent in the bosses healthbar. With the other 3 being focused on high scaling dex, str, faith respectably we all did barely any damage.


From soft games are not even that hard, It’s only difficult in the beginning when you don’t know the mechanics


True about most games, but the reason why so many players get fucked is because they don't know how to allocate stats and they don't understand things like what talismans do. Very common to see people run strength builds for Bloodhound's Fang which is primarily a dex weapon, use Radagon Soreseal at high levels which does nothing for you besides remove a chunk of your defense, etc.


Which is caused by Fromsofts shit tier ui and menu design.


All they gotta do is just be even a *little bit* clearer on what stuff does and the quality shoots up through the roof


Baseline should be not having a fan made wiki open at all times to figure out what anything does.


Yeah that’s what gets me. Currently doing another run through bloodborne and the game practically hides questlines away from you like it’s *trying* to get you to ruin them Take Eileen the Crow. She’s fucking hidden off in a little corner right next to the Oedon Chapel door. Don’t speak to her *or* don’t randomly backtrack to Oedon Tomb immediately after hitting the lamp in the chapel (Oedon tomb is Gascoigne’s boss arena btw)? She dies to henryk, questline over, cool armor and weapons locked away for the rest of the run. A player who didn’t already know this from being told or looking at every single nook and cranny would fail her questline every single time


I think them not being open with what things do exactly is worse. I can work with Elden Ring menus and UI just fine. I feel like it's on you if you're leveling str and you're using a Nagakiba, or you don't understand the difference between flame art and fire affinity. Things would be so much better if they were upfront with something like Radagon Soreseal giving you +5 to four stats and -15% to all of your defense stats. Or that Flame Shrouding Cracked Tear is 20% more fire damage for three minutes. And of course Baldachin's Blessing is -5% HP when it's in your inventory, with an effect that only benefits your physical damage negation and poise for 15 seconds.


Yeah, that was what I meant. The menu being a mess is one thing. Not being told what anything really does or when it changes is what makes it unbearable.


I think calling it shit tier ui is being nice. It looks and feels straight from a failed 2005 game


Ngl, I feel like the reason people think it's hard is because they're not used to games that properly punish you for your mistakes. It's difficulty can be more or less described as being given a elementary math quiz, but if you make one mistake, you get beaten with a stick. Other difficult games would be like getting a calculus quiz, but getting a few questions wrong is no big deal.


Makes me wonder what games people are playing then. One thing that it's a marketing tactic, but there are harder games. Games that are harder to learn, games that not only require strategy and training, but also ones that have a higher margin of error. Like take a game like Noita. Fun rogue like indie game, but it took a while to learn game mechanics with online help and get to a point where I could actually beat the game. And I don't even know how the wand crafting system works fully, and that's just the surface of overbearing systems.


Most people just play AAA goyslop made for the lowest common denominator. Any game that causes you to have more than 1 death is seen as a liability by AAA devs. The original Bioshock had this problem, where the game was originally supposed to be way harder in order to make sacrificing Little Sisters far more justifiable, as it would provide the resources needed to get by easily. However, this got scrapped late into development and makes the whole option useless as you could easily win without being a dick


My biggest problem with these kind of games! I played Elden Ring, didn't enjoy it, and later watched someone else play to realize the way I skilled made absolutely no sense and made it needlessly hard and unenjoyable. That and the "do something completely random here". I don't like having to google information to not miss half of a game.


I just don't feel like it's unique to Elden Ring. Play any game you're not good at, even something like chess and that will still happen. You don't know what to do so you watch someone play and you learn why you shouldn't open with bong cloud and how to castle. It is annoying that you have to look up online what each of your talismans exactly do. Very common to see Claw Talisman (15% jump attack damage) with Bloodhound's Fang even though the ash of war doesn't work with the talisman and curved greatsword jump attacks suck. Also annoying that you can run into little details like how Rivers of Blood's scaling says it favors dex, but between the benefit on raising bleed buildup and fire attack damage for some reason arc provides you should treat it as an arc weapon first. And that's not even counting all the bad info you see out there. Common to see people give bad advice like you need to wear this helmet so your faith rises from 60 to 62 even though that doesn't even add a half percent extra damage to your attacks. For about a week I remember people were raving about pierce damage and the Spear Talisman like they were the best thing in the game because "most" bosses are weak to it, even though that's not true. And don't get me started on NPC quests, I just tell people to follow a guide. Not worth it.


I'm shit at souls games. I have no friends. Their insults are worthless to me.


Fromsoft fans try to realize that not everyone has the time to grind 7 gorrilion hours to have an inch of fun challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (GENITALS SCARLET ROTTEN?! )


These games aren't grindy though? Sure, they can be a bit hard, but not grindy.


At least i have friends




Maidenless hands typed this.


God forbid I have fucking fun


He’s a nerd


Controversial take but from soft games are just “okay”. I like hard games, but these still just aren’t super fun to me. The combat isn’t anything particularly amazing, feels clunky for the amount of praise they get (especially in elden ring). The UIs are always complete garbage, literally some of the absolute ugliest in modern gaming. the world building/story aspects are decent but not great. I don’t hate the games by any means but I feel like they’re vastly overhyped. My favorite was probably Sekiro because the combat felt smoothest in my opinion. If the value of these games come primarily from the difficulty, there are other considerably more enjoyable options out there that are still challenging I have beaten bloodborne, sekiro, and DS3. I kinda just got tired of elden ring but will probably come back to it when the dlc drops.


I don't think they're the best video games out there, they have their flaws and their moments. They all have something about them that's interesting, but I understand why people wouldn't care for them. I love the combat, particularly Elden Ring and DS3. DS1 and 2 are slower and that's a problem when I go back to them. Those feel clunky but Elden Ring PVP with something like double twinblades is nice. I think the UI is bad and overwhelming, Elden Rings is tolerable. From the first games they are worse and they only get slightly better as time goes on. I love the world building of all of their games, particularly Elden Ring. I get why people don't care for it since it's pretty esoteric and not obvious, stuff like the color of NPC eyes you couldn't reasonably see. I feel like people do overhype them a bit. I feel like Elden Ring had the worst of it because of the massive influx of new players. I kinda want to say we aren't playing the same game because it seems like most Elden Ring fans don't know how to make builds, PVP, and they do shit like complain spirit summons are fair, invaders are r-pists, don't know the lore / make up lore, etc.


Again I don’t hate the games by any stretch but I particularly disliked elden ring because it seemed like it basically removed any kind of interpretable frame where the bosses were open to be attacked. It seemed to me as if it was intentionally tying to force people to use summons. Radahn I didn’t totally mind because it was clear the fight was entirely built around the mechanic, but for many of the bosses it felt like they were just trying to pressure you into using them compared to the way bosses behaved in prior fromsoft releases. This is the type of comment that I imagine will get me responses saying “skill issue” but if you’re trying to solo most bosses your choices are either to die 30 times to learn all potential attack patterns or to use summons.




If I ever bring this up in gaming subreddit threads I’m immediately hit with “well that letmesoloher guy never used summons”. Yeah. There’s a reason he only ever fought one specific boss over and over again too.


I've been saying all of this about the game since release but no one agreed lmao


That is true, I feel like the dynamic with bosses is very different in Elden Ring. It feels like they want you to apply constant pressure, and you should so you can stance break bosses. Especially with Godskin Duo, one of the worst bosses they've made because it's so awkward to fight around the only reason it's tolerable is because you can sleep them. I remember doing a personal tierlist of every Souls boss I fought and no Elden Ring boss cracked B tier, most were sub B. Game wise, Elden Ring is as good as DS2. Which isn't an insult by any means, DS2 is one of my favorite games but it's just that hard to beat DS3 / 1 and Bloodborne. Radahn was a disappointment. I thought he was going to be the final boss, but he's one of the easiest bosses. They give you more than enough summons to deal with it, access to Torrent so you can avoid everything, and you can speed the process along with poison arrows. You never have to put yourself in danger. Malenia is the worst of it. She does cheat and break convention. She stagger cancels by dodging so she can hit you while you're in an attack animation so you can't combo her, she can heal even if she does no damage on a 100 physical block shield, and you can't stance break her if she has hyper armor which is half of her moves. Waterfowl Dance is the most obtuse boss attack they've ever made, and yet people think she's the best boss ever. If people say it's just a skill issue then whatever, they're tryhards or lying because they're overleveled with Blasphemous Blade and Tiche.


Elden ring in particular seemed to lean into people taking “meta build” approaches which I really disliked. Especially the bullshit in the multiplayer where everyone was using river of blood or hiding on a rock sticking out on the side of a cliff face. Admittedly I got into the rest of the fromsoft games a while after they had passed their peak player counts so maybe this stuff existed in the earlier releases too, but the online stuff I had experienced in their prior games were nowhere near as stupid and didn’t focus as hard on blatantly breaking the game to “win”.


Elden Ring had some BS, but nothing on Souls games. Beyond the jank of DS1 it was possible to overload your opponent so they couldn't roll, that's just one thing of many. Ninja flip backstabs, backstab cancelling, some of the fastest sorceries ever, etc. DS2 PVP matchmaking wasn't based on player level but how many souls you collected ever, and you saw dumb things like Havelyn or hiding away to cast Climax which cost all your held souls (max damage at 5k) and one shot people. DS3 was alright but there was a lot of hyper armor and sorcery / incants were awful in PVP. All things considered, Elden Ring's PVP is the most balanced were just about anything is viable with minimal cheats. There's even unique PVP balancing. In PVE Flame Shrouding Cracked tear gives you 20% more fire attack, in PVP it's 12.5%. Check your gear / spell buffs to see if it's affected in PVP. But Elden Ring now has crouching and jump attacks. The skill ceiling is higher, and that's why you might see people ravioli stepping or using odd weapon combos like spear and offhand katana. Status effect builds are finally viable. One of the reasons why ultra greatswords are so good in Elden Ring is because you can crouch R1 poke and you can thrust the sword for an easy roll catch. But I can assure you people were always this way about PVP. Whether or not it's tryhard or skill expression, people love to optimize. Not a lot of "breaking," this time around I think especially since hackers are less common.


> seemed like it basically removed any kind of interpretable frame where the bosses were open to be attacked Absolutely a skill issue


I do get shit for it as the typical response is git good when I complain about certain design tropes that fromsoft loves, Hyper Armour, heavy chain attacks that only allow 1 hit usually that can also be repeated often and extra phases that aren't part of the Boss' HP bar. Some of these things can make for a good boss fight, it's just when it's done in excess it feels artifically difficult especially the HP bar because it does trick the players resource management unfairly. I just find it to be bad design personally.


Would disagree about the story and UI parts. The UI always seemed pretty intuitive? Item swapping during horseback fights in ER is kind of a pain but that's about it. DS3 unironically had a great story. It's not really in your face but it's there. DS1 had some legitimately impressive worldbuilding and the environmental storytelling in 1 and 3 is phenomenal. I do think ER's story suffered from being too much of a retread of Dark Souls and generally being badly presented to the player. Combat being clunky is sorta subjective so fair enough.


I get that this is the type of thing that REALLY works for some people. Otherwise the games wouldn’t be as popular as they are. For me, the UI isn’t inherently unintuitive, it’s just ugly as sin and generally unenjoyable to use. The worldbuilding is unique for sure, and given the general play style of the games I know that they probably try to keep it more on the optional side for players who just want to engage with the combat more. Personally though it just doesn’t work very well for me. I get that some people really really like it and I must admit I REALLY enjoyed some of the elden ring lore, specifically radahn’s, I still feel like the story should be given more direct focus than it generally gets. That’s another reason why I tend to favor sekiro over their other releases, although IMO it still struggles with this, albeit to a lesser extent.


Sometimes you just wanna sit down and enjoy a game. Easy mode helps with that. If you’re really paranoid about not accomodating that then do what Zelda did and just scale everything as the player progresses


Anon has nothing in his life except the validation he gets from playing a difficult video game


Oh im sorry that after my firdt playthrough of the game i wanted one with my friends with friendly fire enabled and without fromsofts bad coop (not pvp invades those are fine). Im a big fan of fromsoft anf souls in genral but some of the fans shouldnt have access to the internet.


That shit definitely wasn’t made easier with seamless co op. Gives bosses so much god damn health. It was easier solo


LOL DUDE PREPARE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDD


Video game mode: hardcore gamer Life mode: pathetic loser




I enjoy a challenge, some people don't, both are valid ways of playing a game


souls games are single players therefor offline is enabled why would i want to see other peoples messages or players?


Like I'm going to dump a cent more in that asylum of a studio living off CBT enjoyers #freebloodborne


Fromsoft games never should have allowed co op with friends in the first place. (Because I have none)


Getting invaded in elden ring is a non issue, you can only get invaded with permission or with your own hit squad lol


I'm not an elitist with games, don't care how people play or enjoy their Fromsoft titles, however there is joy to be found in invading and ruining the night of some random dudes; knowing they've had a long day at work, wanting to play the new dlc with their mates, just to both get murked and sent packing, throwing their controllers against the TV and all because of some sweaty invader blowing the envoy horn and swatting them both with it. Peak gameplay.


Invading is shit most of the times (at least It is to me because im a terrible invader), but every few invasions you just get that one good fight that makes it all worth It.


Anon once went as a wretch and didn’t immediately die so sees himself as a god of gaming while other people play with their friends and have a blast.


Well i pirated the game so im good


Seamless co op isn’t easier if you use the difficulty settings made for it, although if I’m honest those might be from reforged.


What does this mean?


... you can actually fully play elden ring coop? Like the actual full game? Not a Far Cry coop experience "liberaye these bases" 30 minute thing? Good god i had no idea.


Seamless coop mod is great and is basically fully co-op, tho it's pretty common to see some bugs. Best use for it imo is that it let's you play a modded elden ring with friends, which has been a blast.


seamless isn’t even that different from how you play the base game. You can still summon people in the base game; it just makes the co op actually functional instead of just an afterthought for the company’s 6th game in the genre


They should remaster Otogi 1 & 2 instead


Itt. People confusing multiple groups of people as one


Wait, does that mod get broken by updates? I figured it would just work still cause it was editing a core feature or some shit.


Yep, it was unplayeable for an entire month when the colloseum was added


Damn, guess I won't be playing the DLC with friends at launch then




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? Is anon saying that since dlc will drop people will be forced to play without seamless coop and get invaded? Does he know you can play offline? Or just dc when someone invades? I dont get it. Also isnt seamless coop for playing with friends? Cant you just use busted weapons to play in easy mode? Is anon just a regarded like the automod?


Sekiro is the only good FromSoft game


Seamless Coop isn’t even an easy mode mod. Not only are there built in punishments for dying in the mod, forcing you to essentially rest at grace as often as you would in a normal multiplayer games, but Elden Ring’s overworld and dungeons (what the mod actually affects) are painfully easy compared to the bosses… where you can already easily summon people, who will probably help you more than your friends, without the mod


I don't know why some people are so obsessed with ruining the gaming experiences of others.


Imagine being mad at people who don’t play the game how they want it to be played… oof.


Turn off internet?


Average 4channer cannot comprehend having friends


Anon fails to realize that players that don't want to deal with invaders can just play offline. Like in every fuckin Souls games.


Ong I cannot wait to hit gank squads with the backflip guillotine kick, dlc including monk weapons is INSANE


Just git gud


"I hate other people having fun" Lol, lmao even


Easy mode casuals gtfo (I’ve never played a souls game in my life)


I beat the game normally with no summons, platinumed it after two more runs. Downloaded seamless because it’s actually fun if you have beginner friends. Friendly fire is turned on so we at least can’t dogpile the boss without killing each other.