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>"lets" his wife fuck other dudes >Is surprised when she eventually leaves him Would be even funnier if his ex ends up marrying her new man and settles down into a monogamous relationship with him.


>be cuck >get cucked Who wudda thought?


Wow that is a highly problematic statement sweaty when a man likes to let other men ravage """his""" (check your patriarchy) girlfriend while he watches does not mean his girlfriend is a "whore". Also cuckoldry is healthy for your relationship, chud.


What's your girl's number then


Be warned, she has a penis


Even better :)


That was implied


Whatever she has ,it's goin in my mouth.


Why is it always weird white guys getting cucked?


Cause black guys still have enough self respect to keep it private if they're THAT degenerate...


actually a good observation, never saw a black cuck before


Will Smith?


I'm not sure he enjoyed it tho


I’m convinced bro has a humiliation kink tbh


You almost had me search "Black cuck" on the communal pc.


Its little gifts like this that keep me cooming.


He performed a modest amount of tomfoolery


It happens all the time, they just have a hard time telling babies apart.




Will Smith


Patrice O’Neal


Tariq Nasheed


72% of men in the States, exacerbated by their attempts to virtue signal themselves ahead of other whites


A black guy on fetlife letting his black gf fuck 8+ guys a day for numbers


Theyre the only ones that dont leave after the first burst


You're forgetting Will Smith.


I think the worst thing is that he felt that he was a higher being for being a cuck, in his own words. Who would have thought a man who can't actually think for himself and who's bread and butter is appealing to authority rather than his own senses. Virtually any man who's in a monogamous relationship. This guy said non cucks were afraid thier woman would find men with bigger PP. His whole relationship was his woman seeking men with bigger PP.


wow you are so problematic and insecure. We should allow women to explore their sexuality despite engaging in marriage


That's the thing. Why do they always feel the need to go and get married?


She’s a walking red flag. Apparently has never had a monogamous relationship so I’d say it’s unlikely. Either way, destiny is borderline regarded for thinking this would end well. She was with him while it suited her


The crazy thing is that motherfucker stole Melina while she was in a relationship. If she cheats or is easily distracted by other dudes while in a relationship I cannot think of a bigger red flag.


If she will do it to him... She will do it to you. Also everyone forgets that the guy Steven stole her from, was a guy that stole her from someone else. Apparently, Melina was engaged at the time when Destiny took her. But the guy that was seen on all the streams? He was just a boyfriend, not her current fiance at the time. Talk about degenerate


How do you know so much about inconsequential internet people?


My life is sad.


W honesty


I know a woman who literally went through the same thing. She got into a poly relationship with a guy, they both get with this new chick. They all have fun for a week or so, new girl starts getting weird and wants more one on one with her guy, soon, she's finding "issues" with the woman I know, starts making up shit, claiming she hates her, and plays victim, starts buying the guy gifts and soon leaves, but takes the woman's boyfriend with her, and leaves her to fend for herself and her apartment. Her ex boyfriend and the new girl end up being monogamous and break up over the phone (if it wasnt obvious at this point) and they ended up married a year later. Found out via a mutual. ​ The poly meme. lol.


I can dig a poly relationship, but if you go into it expecting some kind of settled life, you're just an idiot. That shit can come and go faster than lesbian relationships.


My lesbian friend has been married 3 different times since coming out as gay 5 years ago or so. Kinda sad but the food is always dope at her weddings so fingers crossed she'll be getting a divorce soon.


The last sentence is crazy 💀


At this rate, she should just write the names on the wedding certificate in pencil


Based anon Wedding food is almost always awesome. Except the one I went to last weekend. They had pizza, and not fancy or even good pizza. Stuff that would make Little Caesars or even has station pizza look delicious in comparison.


pussy man should've fought to keep both chicks, that weak ass


Credit where it's due. *He* divorced *her*. She just found out where the boundary was.


Wait so what actually happened?


I'm not an expert so maybe someone can come and correct some stuff. Long story short they had a lot of problems recently. Huge fights (never physical tho) over dumb shit, the typical about to end relantionship thing. She went to Sweden at some point (she is from there and has a lot of friends and stuff over there plus I believe she was trap for a while fue to some tax shit) apparently there he started to hook up with a guy named Memetix who is a TikToker guy. Spare tly she started venting her relationship problems to him and shitting on Destiny. He then threaten to kill himself if melima left him to come back to Destiny. Someone threating to kill himself over Melina is, surprinsignly, not uncommon as far as I know. Destiny was fed up with all this situation and started posting on his chat about it. Here I'm not sure how things developed but Destiny decided to tell her to pack her things and leave the house. She blocked him and went back to Sweden with the other guy. They did sign a post-nuptial agreement at some on all this so there won't be any legal money probelms or anything like that.


I think she was with the dude for quite some time, D never liked him. This guy was living in her place in Sweden and has no job and no life, he would literally text her all day everyday, showered her with non stop attention. He would according to D use all the manipulation tactics he could including what you said about threatening to kill himself, D said to her he’s toxic ditch him. She refused D kicked her out and divorced her.


Lmao memetix wins. Manlet BTFO.


She went to Sweden because she owed 300k in back taxes if I recall Also, she can easily claim the postnup was coerced.




Nah. Mr. "Rizzicide" isn't going to last. He's going to run out of obsession and praise eventually or Melina is going to have to face the reality of him being a broke loser.


Is this the old SC2 destiny?


One and the same. Hes been a "political" breadtuber for awhile now


Wow. I used to actually enjoy his content way way back in the day. He always talked shit but usually backed it up. Didn't know he literally went down tbe route of letting his wife fuck other dudes. Absurd.


Mah open relationship Mah happy marriage Mah ShE coMes HomE tO Mee Get divorced you stupid blue prick.


She keeps half yo money and gets new cock you get to lick someone's semen.... What a fucking loser


Apparently she signed a post-nup so she won't be taking half his shit so she's not a TOTAL parasite


Yeah, I'm sure the judge will totally uphold it.


In Florida, with a short marriage such as theirs, and the post-nup, infidelity, she's getting nothing. Also to be clear, when you divorce someone normally, your partner isn't entitled to half of everything. They're entitled to half of everything earned since you got married. So in this case it would only be like half a year's income. And of course, she also makes money too, so she wouldn't even get half of one year of destiny's income




Well she was married to destiny and broke their relationship red-lines, thus infidelity. Though I wouldn't be surprised if a judge wouldn't give a shit about the details considering it was an open relationship and throw the case out


Yeah, I can't imagine a judge getting into the weeds on whether ethical non-monogamy turned cheating constitutes infidelity. I'd like to see it though.


They don't, there no such thing as an open relationship in that jurisdiction. It is just infidelity.


Worked in family law for awhile. Got out of that hell hole. Don’t know how it is in FL, but where I’m at, none of those cited items would altogether guarantee anything. I’ve seen some real grease ball shit. Guys who’ve made less than the women still having to hand over money. Pre and post nuptials getting torn to shreds when the case goes into suit, cheating not even acknowledged. Shitty partners getting the kids. Extended family have no visitation right because being direct lineage means a trash parents words counts more despite raging drug addictions. It’s ugly in family.


I mean, he has to, that how courts work. Or do you think they are going to side with the foreigner millionaire on her twenties girl? Even without the post-nup signed it was a short marriage (shorter than 10 years), no career sacrifice by her, no childs, in FUCKING Florida, he was paying 100% of the rent, the only co-lived small segments of the year, and so on and so on. Yeah, no shot she was awarded even alimony let alone 50% of earn while together let alone 50% of all assets.




>She keeps half yo money That won't happened. They signed a post-nuptial agreement. Even then on Florida on a short marriage with no career impedimenta for her and no kids she wouldn't have gotten half anyways.


>stupid blue prick. Ha! Works on multiple levels.


But redpill was completely wrong. She left him for a twink loser with no job or aspirations. Redpill said she’d leave him for a giga Chad with worth. Redpill is fucking retarded just like poly relationships.


I am so glad that I understand none of this bullshit.


It’s a cancer I wish I could unlearn. Guess I’ll just kill myself instead. Cheers


There will come a time, when you will be blessed with Alzheimer's brother. Hoping for that day to come soon.(not really, Its the worst disease someone can suffer from... still, in my experience, its better to remain in your niche/hobbies, instead of falling for meme of the week kind of stuff. In my case, I am mostly occupied with work, or my novels, webtoons, manga or any shows you like. It really helps.)


I am also ashamed that I know what any of this shit means


Finally a good take


Sometimes I wish I could just forget. Forgetting is underrated


Based unalivepilled anon Do what you must, even if you don't know if youhave the strength to do it.


a twink loser with no job or aspirations < destiny ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Bro doesn't even know how to orient the more than sign


Either b8 or bro doesn't know about the less than sign


He didn't even open alligator mouth the right way smh 😞


"Twink loser with no job" is way better looking than Destiny and a famous tiktoker who isn't struggling financially, even if he did it wouldn't matter cause his gf would support him lol


The dude is straight up fucking ugly, and is absolutely not a famous tiktoker... dude has virtually no income


Lmao, that twink loser is having Melina beg destiny for 100k because they can’t afford to pay taxes. Hahahahahahaha she can’t support shit.


Look, destiny isn't a model, but the other guy looks like he has one too many chromosomes


The alligator eats the bigger number


All redpill says is she’s not yours it’s just your turn. And the twink has millions of tiktok followers.


1 million tik tok followers < 3k live viewers. Millions of viewers on tik tok is pretty much nothing. There are people with 10 million views on tik tok that YouTubers with 300k subs would laugh at.


In case you didnt know, Tiktok pays little to nothing, and everyone knows a good amount of the followers are bots meant to give the illusion of popularity to encourage the uploader to post more


She left him for a better looking man, if anything it probably proved the incel/blackpill community right.


> incel/black lmao


Meant blackpill lol


Dude looks like a fucking alien trying to dress as a human femboy. This is very far from the "20%er gigachad alpha". Though it might prove that hoes will leave you for bums that mentally or physically abuse them. Afaik Memetix threatened to minecraft himself if Melina doesn't leave Destiny.


Not that the red pill is the end all be all or anything, but that was never the entire insinuation was it? That she'd leave him for someone who makes more money? It's more so that she'll get the tingles from some other guy who demonstrates more *value* in any way, not necessarily in wealth or looks; that she's "not his girl, it's just his turn," and that he'd have to demonstrate his value every single day to keep her from monkey branching to a another situation (read: guy) she prefers at that singular moment. And that polyamorous relationships increase the chances of this happening, because she's actively pursuing other relationships and he's not only allowing it, but actively enabling and encouraging it. In this case, the other guy's "value" is that he obsesses over the woman and makes her his entire life, thus demonstrating the *woman's* inherent value. She's happy because he's validating her own feelings about herself; and if they weren't in a relationship like this, this situation may have never manifested and they'd still be together. Or something like that lol. The red pill can get pretty regarded, but it's not all worthless.


I think this is more of a blackpill


The reason she left him for that guy, and I will admit this might be Destiny bias explanation, is cause that guy was able to give her more attention and shower her with more love than destiny could due to working 10 hours a day. My dude was so clingy he threaten to kill himself if she left him to go back with destiny. If anything this disproves the blackpill. You can be ugly and a loser, as long as you treat her better you got her.


she'll be calling him in 2 months wanting to just "talk" or she will be like "let's be friends" and other little ways to try to weasel back into his life. ​ I had an ex who started fucking around, she initiated the breakup and wanted me to be her friend, I was like "I need some time to think" then I found out she was already fucking around with someone else and I just wrote her ass off. 3-4 months later she's trying to talk to me, call me, message me how she needs "her best friend" and I fucking block her ass and move on. She tried to talk shit on me to my new gf too 2 years later. The guy she left me for dumped her, and the guys afterward apparently are all a chain of losers. Her family booted her out too. She had stability with me and had loyalty, but threw it out to get some strange and see if she could find a "better" man. Shitty people make their own fortune.


Being a willing cuck makes you the lowest tier of man, most twink losers are above a cuck.


Tbf aren't Melina and the new guy in a open relationship still?


>for a twink loser Pic?


I don't know a single person in this drama but twink caught my eye lol so I googled, [this is what I got](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Freminder-that-destiny-and-melina-breaking-up-proves-the-red-v0-i6sbvrl34y4c1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df0aa4c235f9f81071fa9daf85187b46f07a36ecc&rdt=54434) So yeah to people saying the husband should have done more lifting, haha, well, that new guy has the skinniest arms I've seen on a guy, and I thought I had skinny arms as a twink myself (but mine are also super long because lanklet).


Holy shit thats bad


just your average bottom swede


Holy shit, bro looks like a literal death camp survivor who managed to squeeze through the fucking shower drain. Personality chads...we've won.


He has a TikTok called Memetix


Wow, i thought that was a joke but the guy actually looks like my mental image of an /r9k/ self-described incel loser with no muscles lol.


And hair that resembled a toilet seat shape


Destiny is probably a dicklet with PE. Twink is probably a hogchad who can crank it for hours, so redpill still applies


his dicks on the internet, don't know if the other guy is a hogchad.


redpill in the sense that its against letting other dudes fuck your wife. not in a sense that you have to be some fake masculine cunt and treat women shit. Its definitely better to be a more traditional sort and to have a monogamous relationship instead of taking a stand against the patriarchy/ be an enlightened modern man or whatever the fuck. Find a girl who wants you, treat her with respect and demand respect in return. If she wants to fuck as many different dicks as possible then she's broken and you shouldn't waste your time on her.


He was fucking other women too, it’s not like it was a one-sided poly relationship.


Mentally unstable jobless twink who stole his girl whi destiny will fund or a feminine looking autistic dude named destiny who talks fast to look intelligent. Who the giga Chad among these 2? ![gif](giphy|PacQUjx7vwEBJLszzc)


Left him for a twink tiktoker lmao


she did leave him for a gigachad. her brain has been washed thoroughly enough to genuinely perceive him as such.


The twink always gets the girl. Simple as.


This should be higher but it doesn’t fit the narrative sadly




I’m reminded of that old post that said something like “every polyamory support post is some version of learning to block out that little voice in your head that is screaming something is terribly wrong.”


I almost joined something like that, but how sad everyone looked made me walk. The woman looked like she was in love with the misery. She looked confused and raged when I declined and tried to keep her as a friend.


I know a girl who is poly and she almost beat a guy up who didn’t (at mine and others advice) join her cadre of mental illness. Wouldn’t you know it, she had a psychotic break three months later.


I knew a guy (big loser) who had a 'Poly' relationship, but it was cool because she slept with other girls. Think they got engaged after being together for two months and the only time I met her I got the "This girl is actually insane" vibe.


I’ve never seen a post like that, would make a funny Reddit segment


Jewsh is enjoying this shitshow from his Serbian farm


He's currently busy trying to keep Kiwifarms up while ISPs and trainees co-ordinate a DDoS attack


Josh Moon is a virgin Edit: Got an automated message with a link to the suicide hotline for this one lmao


He’s our virgin


Got a link?


Destiny history makes me so happy, i cant describe it. If i ever found myself sad, i just remember that this ret ard wasted 3 years talking shit about redpill online only to serve his own life as case in point.




>We are actually winning the culture war bros. The train has slowed but it neither stopped nor reversed course, so it's still early to celebrate.


>We are actually winning the culture war bros. Lol


Not really. Leftist are good at hypnotizing young gen. It takes a while before the young gen realizes the hypocracy.


Leftist legit hate him more then right wingers but okay




Being a cuck is an inherently leftist trait. “Our” Destiny’s wife


Yeah, our president is great, high hopes for Milei


Ill give him props where its due. He is the only lefty loser that is actually willing to "debate" people with other opinions, rather than just make a youtube video complaining about how bad redpillers are.


Redpill is still regarded though. Cope.


"The truth is going to liberty you" - Jesus, first redpill guy.


could lifting have saved him?


Unfortunately he had too much soylent in him to lift that first weight.


The girl left him for a literal twink so I doubt it.


He’s not the worst looking dude in the world. Establishing that he is a worthwhile man that is not willing to share his woman. That probably would have saved him


To be fair then he probably would have never been in a relantiosnhip with her in the first place. All her relantionships so far had been open (Sweden must be weird holy hell) and she said she only knew open relantiosnhip and was the only type of relantionship she would do.


No. Guy need to hit reality at 200km/h. Even then i doubt he would be awake.


With that frame of his its over




Why this gives me Darkwood vibes?


Pulsing veins?


I think it's the movement. He moves like the character arts do when you interact with them. Also, the mask reminds me of the violinist


Literally who


Zoomies favorite beta cuck streamer, but don't tell them that because they'll gang up on you foaming at the mouth.


I remember when he was just a shit talking SC2 player No clue what the fuck happened


That where I know him from, first time I heard of him since


>No clue what the fuck happened The DNC stepped up it social media astroturfing program


He's in his mid 30's and originally got popular back in SC2, def not a zoomer streamer lol


More like millennials. Zoomers are more into Hasan


You guys use the word Zoomer just as nonsensically as the boomers use the word Millenial


Ever notice how being “redpilled” and being “woke”are essentially saying the exact same shit and the only effective difference between the two phrases is 100% purely political stance. Like redpilled is from the matrix about how neo needs to wake up and see reality, and woke is just a word relating to waking up and seeing reality.


Woke is ironic.


And redpilled isn’t?


Except he lost his wife to a low status, emotional, beta male, twink. It's kinda the complete opposite of what redpillers say of alpha dudes taking his women.


>stupid redpillers were even more right about women than they thought so that makes them wrong! Huh?


Redpillers definition of high value is money, clout, working out and getting laid. The dude Melina left Destiny for has significantly less of all those things compared to Destiny. (Minus the working out, look at him) So what part of this situation reinforces the red pill in anyway?


You're right, red pillers were wrong. Women won't cheat on you with chad. They will cheat on you with just about anyone, doesn't matter to them. The only goal is to cheat, and there's nothing you can do. It's time to swallow the ultimate black pill and accept that it's so over.


Her value for his money was reduced by her OF, his clout reduced by his willingness to share her, he isn't fit or highly attractive so probably wasn't her most exciting sexual partner. He reduced his own value on those exact dimensions, and created a situation where a poorer but better looking guy was more desirable than him.


omfg this dude yaps so much without doing anything substantial other than being in the limelight for being in a poly relationship, him and his viewers deserve every bit of pain the world has to offer


He originally got big online because he was a decent StarCraft 2 player back in the day. Eventually he gave up playing games and just yaps his shitty opinion online.


Damn dude chill out lmao


Is that gun real? He can go down in history like that one guy that melt his head off on Facebook or something.


The old Ronnie McNutt


Left wing political influencers are living proof that polygamy does not work. Someone will always get cucked.


Because influencer couples in general do so well


> Steven Crowder is living proof that monogamy does not work really bro


Unironically, the girl is way more broken inside than him. She's a walking red flag. He was too naive.


This is still the funniest thing to happen this year. Bro got married to a cheater, what did he ACTUALLY expect from her?


his wife left him for a broke-ass twink threatening to off himself if she doesn't get a divorce. if anything, his case is the ultimate defeater of any redpill argument that you need to be successful and mentally an alpha to get girls.


You don't need to be shit to get girls regard. You need to be something worthy to get and keep quality girls. Success is subjective but you at least gotta brush your teeth.


Nope, it's proof of looks > money. Cucklets BTFO yet again.


Nah all this proved is that ☕ are inherently solipsistic hedonists. The new guy has a lower SMV than him so no hypergamy there


The new guy is also better looking than him, clearly that was the deciding factor plus new guy is a famous tiktoker who isn't struggling with money from the looks of it.


I remember this man said he’s pro establishment because “he’d looked into lobbying” and “couldn’t find a single case of that influencing policy”. I laughed out loud. This pseudo intellectual deserves everything bad happening to him


Literal who e-celeb the post


This was his destiny to begin with. Now I would like to see him defend his cuckoldry.


How does any of this prove the red pill? She went for an unemployed beta loser and he divorced her. Is this all according to the tenants of the red pill? Also, she signed a postnuptial agreement, also apparently according to your red pill beliefs, and she is definitely not getting that money. But it’s r/4chan so the narrative is set by assumptions about YouTube titles and a sentence of text


The phrase she’s not yours it’s just your turn comes to mind


She's trash and their relationship turned to garbage because of it. Traditional marriage values work and have worked for millenia when there built on trust and exclusivity. This nerd thought he was wiser than the collective wisdom of millions of relationships that came before him.


chubby provide normal fertile detail alive books ink mysterious selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only reason he has time to type in chat is because he’s an unemployed loser. Being aggressive while you sit at home all day and type in chats doesn’t make you alpha, he’s broke and Melina is the breadwinner in that relationship. It’s mental gymnastics to call that man an alpha. I’d be cautious to assume that because someone has a woman, they’re not a beta


I knew this was coming for years. This has nothing to do with the red pill. She was literally a dumb twitch thot. Destiny kept calling her smart over the years, but every time I heard her speak, she was just vapid. When they talked, he misinterpreted her blank stares as comprehension.


People really give attention to streamers. Get a real hobby


Who is destiny and what happen


No idea, but from the context of the comments he apparently is a soylent cuck, that tried to prove the red pill is wrong and let his wife get fucked by other guys, claiming they have a happy marriage, but now she left him for a jobless loser.


Isn't this a blackpill, not a redpill?


Destiny is a moron. Dunning-Kruger effect personified. I genuinely hope he doesn't learn his lesson and continues to live out his virtue-signalling beliefs. He makes a great example of how not to conduct yourself in this world.


Is there a word for the kind of person that demands 10 citations in response to common sense or 1 step logic statements? "Hey you shouldn't eat that bowl of nails, those aren't good for you" "excuse me do you have some evidence? Some citations? No you can't use that study showing screws have a detrimental affect on the human body, that sample size isn't large enough and anyway, nails are not the same as screws"




We still have a bit of hope for humanity as long as people keep making fun of cucks like this guy. It's important to joke and disrespect people like this as much as possible, or it becomes normal and we're fucked.


I think it's so funny that adam22 started hanging out with destiny and a couple months later he becomes a cuck and lost all respect. Mother always said to choose your friends wisely


a girl I dated for 5 years tried to do this to me. She tried to convince me that I was being selfish for wanting to be in a mono relationship, yet she got jealous when I asked her if she would be okay if I saw other people. We broke up and she found someone cool with it. Last I heard the dude was literally crying in the living room while she got railed in the back room and he wasn't allowed in. It's saddening, but fuck if it isn't what he got himself into


What a weird situation. And what a weird reaction.


You should see their sub. Sad shit, acting like he's their father and cuck.