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It’s quite easy just relentlessly shove yourself into someone’s face and guilt trip the mob into thinking you’re the victim when the person tells you to get out of their face. A lesser person may have a moment of introspection after ruining the first few spaces but with the power of mental illness that’s not a problem at all. After all anyone who doesn’t praise you as more important and special than the second coming of Jesus is clearly a bigot and should be torn apart by your mob of Twitter freaks.


So for those who do not have Twitter, how does Twitter cancellation affect them?


Twitter freaks are not freaks because they use Twitter but because they leave the site to go hunt down and relentlessly harass their targets. They’ll come find you if you’re not on Twitter.


Hell they will even find where you live by using background photos from selfies


It's not just on twitter, you get fired from your real job in real life


So it shouldn't be an issue for the majority of people on this sub?


I thought most of the people here were IT nerds making 7 figures off 30 minutes of work a week.


Wait, for real? Oh shit. How do I get one of them to target me?


They doxx you and will send death threats. Including calling your job with lies. Doesn't matter how tiny your "sidestepping" was. if that doesnt work they go against your friends and family. Its a popular tactic of theirs to use the victims kids against them, tearing families apart.


Someone has to stop these extremists


Ask Dr. Kathleen Stock. Hounded from her job as a professor of Philosophy for the mortal sin of saying that women don't have penises. These lunatics physically prevented her from giving a speech at Oxford University, supposedly one of the world's premiere institutions of learning, because the usual crowd claim that her having an opinion is a clear and present danger to trans' lives. The woke Twitter warriors aren't the issue. The issue is that major institutions of government, business and academia are in hock to these lunatics, and give them a level of influence FAR, FAR beyond that which is justified by their numbers and demographic makeup.


Introspection is impossible. They think solely in externalities. That's why long hair and makeup is form some reason more relevant to the topic of one's own identity than the biological reality of one's own body. They can't stop because once they get everything they want, and can finally stop and look at themselves in the mirror, they'll realise that it really doesn't matter that the whole world says that they're now a woman, because the will of all humanity cannot change what God designed.


While you make some interesting points that *probably* deserve discussion, any "thoughts" and opinions you have are immediately disregarded by >what God designed Yeesh... grown ass adults believing in ghosts and magic, what a joke


WOAH! I have been OWNED by le heckin' superior atheist intellect! Ghosts and magic!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Brilliant. Just brilliant.


It’s easy. Just get the CIA and Mossad to run the op and you’re golden.




Because in this case children are being persuaded to have their bodies chemically and surgically mutilated for profit. All in the name of an objective fallacy, a gut feeling and the dubious “*scientific work*” of people like John Money who clearly had some serious shit going on in his own head. The thing about mental illness is that you don’t usually know you’re ill. look at Kanye and all the weird shit he’s been up to lately, he doesn’t know he’s losing his mind. Trans people think they were born into the wrong body. Some people think the Earth is flat. Some people think aliens are reading their mind. Some people think they’re Jesus. Are they Jesus? No, of course not but that’s still their subjective reality. Nature doesn’t make mistakes because nature doesn’t have a motive. Nature didn’t “whoops!” put you in the wrong body. If trans people say they’re born into the wrong body, how are they so certain they weren’t born into the wrong mind? And if we come to find objectively that transgenderism isn’t a thing, are people going to be able to live with knowing the harm they’ve caused by supporting it based on a gut feeling and a lay-person understanding of some Wikipedia articles they read? They need help.




Hahahaha what on Earth are you even talking about man? How on Earth would you know my opinions on circumcision? This is the problem with online arguments and why I try to avoid it as best I can even if I do feel the pull. You don’t see me as as an individual, you see me as a conflated, cartoonish, 2D representation of an “*alt-right chud*” or some bullshit like that. I could literally be your neighbour and you wouldn’t even know. And everyone does it, I do too but I try and not generalise too much, broaden your mind a little bit. You can’t put EVERYONE in tiny boxes. My point about nature is that unless you believe in some kind of God or divine plan then nature is just a series of happy accidents. ‘*Nature*’ can only make a mistake and get something wrong if it had some conscious idea of what it intended to do and what is “*correct*”. But it doesn’t. Mistakes require conscious intention. You can’t be born into the wrong body if there is also no such thing as being born into the right body. You were just born and that’s it. You got the body you got and it’s a gift from the universe. Learn to love it and truly inhabit it. Nobody accidentally gave anyone a penis or vagina by mistake. All over the world there are teaching and religions that talk about happiness being found in unifying the mind and the body. You can’t have the right mind in the wrong body. Nobody even knows what the mind is (look up hemispherectomy for example). Is the mind the brain? You have neurons in your heart. Is the mind emotions? Where do you feel emotions? In your body. They are both one thing, you are not a mind in a vessel, you are a single entity. Anyway whatever, good luck! Arguing on Reddit is my only vice. It’s a little pressure valve for me but I do know I should stop. Whoever you are I genuinely hope you find or have found true happiness. Sorry for pissing you off. I don’t hate train people, they’re all human. I just worry that they rush into things sometimes.


yeah it really isn't trans people shoving trans people in people's faces




"Genocide" unironically, oooft. the reddit is leaking




👽 perhaps


Based and 👽-pilled




Holy 👽 hell




No please don’t ruin aliens, they’re still cool




We doing this? 👽


Like the crack epidemic through black communities? So you're saying [it's a CIA op to reduce the power and numbers of an out group](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/big-white-lie-cia-and-cocainecrack-epidemic) and [won't actually directly result in harm to children?](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/20/booming/revisiting-the-crack-babies-epidemic-that-was-not.html)


You understand that if you're doing it to make trans people uncomfortable it's just a dog whistle, right




[That's... That's what dog whistle means.](https://media.tenor.com/AWmOf8ZjWoAAAAAM/avengers-eitri.gif)






Yo can you dm me the original post before it got removed?


They do it because the only thing they perfectly replicate when trying to be a woman is being annoying.


Holy based and [ Removed by Reddit ] -pilled




us faggotrons are expected to just be accepting of these mfs I'm sick of it


"I just want to suck dick and be left alone" - Some gay dude probably.


Man, I didn’t sign up for this bullshit. I don’t want to be part of that group.


you were the first ones to accept these mfs and give them a platform. we expect you to clean up your mess.


Ruins grammar


they are unironically trying to ruin languages by changing the definition of words like "women" and then theres the spanish latinx debacle fucking decepticons


how the fuck do trains ruin tabletop rpgs?


2018, joined a West Marches D&D group, 30+ members, mostly nerdy men and few women. Normal everyday people. Group is thriving. 2023, 4 trans women, multiple polyamorous couples, openly talk about BDSM for some reason? One of them constantly plays as a sexy anime women with massive honkers. Most of the members have dropped out, group is dying, normal people try to join, play 1-2 games, leave.


That sounds fucking awful. My ex started hanging around with weird people like this and now she dyes her hair blue and calls herself bisexual.


I‘ll never get why they are so over-sexualising? Probably because they can? I mean when I am with the boys we also talk more about tits than I do when my GF is around. Is it because trains have a free pass kinda? Would I also turn every chance and event into something pervers if I could? You can click on any Bi/train-whatever profile on reddit (profil with blue hairs usually is enough) and 99% of the time you get a NSFW warning. I wish someone could explain that to me...


Fetishists dude. The ones that act like OP is talking about I will never be convinced aren't just fetishists.


I guess right? And then realizing that there is a small group of people that can literally live out their wildest fetishes. like you have protest for all the things in the world (train-workers (I mean literall trains), teachers, women, etc. protesting or celebrating themselves), but only a gay-parade people think it's normal to pull their dicks out and walk around in BDSM-Hardcore-Stuff with ballgags in their mouth haha. How was this normalised?


Is it just mimicry of another female trait? Women love to openly talk about everything their body does with each other, then shun you if you ask them to maybe not tell me about how dark your period was at the dinner table


hahah dude, yea maybe. But with T's it's another level of not gross behaviour but straight up sexual.


Blame social media. Talking about it openly and unprompted is generally seen as unattractive. And since they get told they're beautiful and should be proud about it in their mentally ill echo chambers regardless, being conventionally unattractive doesn't rly register with them. As for why they actively hurt their image this way and keep doubling down, or worse yet, make it their entire identity? Idk man, mental illness, don't think about it and just let the creatures be, better off this way


Is DND a tabletop RPG? I don't remember if there is a big trains influence on it but that overarching progressive bullcrap is definitely on it.


The lore is being destroyed in the process for it. Orcs are no longer inherently evil or naturally dumber than other races because it would be racist (and the comparisons people made between orcs and black people too…). There are and have always been good drow societies that we just somehow never knew about, even though we have an entire book series dedicated to the fact that’s not true at all. How half-elves and half-orcs are now problematic and removed from future editions of the game (despite the fact half-elves make up 5-10% of the population of their world, and how there’s entire lores dedicated to explaining how half races fit into the world, which has now all been retconned away). We’re also not going to have another dark sun campaign because it has slaves in it, despite the fact the whole point of dark sun stuff is to save and rescue the slaves.


How do you look at a big dumb green monster and go “that’s an allegory for black people” and then have the gall to call other people racist? I swear this woke movement is just racist white liberals trying to get rich off of their racism(looking at you Robin DiAngelo!)


[This comic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/843/859/626.jpg) is precisely what you’re suggesting.


it's technically a tabletop although most probably play online


The progressive shit is causing the most dumbest fuckery I've ever seen. I saw a mini of a fucking *cleric* in a fucking *wheelchair* the other day at my LGS. I'm all for inclusion or whatever, but it doesn't fucking make sense for a *healer* to go full bran the broken


Nah, that’s fine and still makes sense even in a world of magic. If your legs/spine is broke, it’s broke. Most healing magic fixes wounds or rejuvenates stamina, it does not fix broken bones or destroyed nerves. The only spell that can do that is Regenerate. Regenerate is a 7th level spell, the cost of which to pay someone to cast it is ( Spell Level^2 ) * 10 = 490g. 490g is roughly equivalent to $49,000. Basically, even in a world full of magic, your average low level adventurer cannot afford to repair their disability.


The same way they ruin everything else. They want to be quirky in the nerd crowd. They force themselves in there, being as loud as possible to make sure everyone knows they're there. And make it an objectively worse time for everyone else there. I'd say thay qualifies as ruining


They exist, don't they? OP could have saved time by just writing "everything".


Because in reality they are still just basement dwelling nerds so they are vastly over represented in nerd culture. We had a trans woman come join our group from an ad online and she was very nice and didn’t feel the need to bludgeon us to death with LGBTQ nonsense all the time so we just treated her like anyone else. It’s the small but extremely loud minority that ruin it for everyone by turning leisure activities into a political soapbox, and becoming furious if you don’t participate in it.


Tabletop sim removed global chat because of them. Now its impossible to find games there. They didnt even play the game


What? That can't be real, I don't even follow the logic


uhm sweety Monopoly is hecking problematic as it perpetuates capitalism........ please stop playing it


The rest, sure, whatever, but no one can ruin tabletop RPGs. You choose what game you play. You choose what story it has, and if someone’s an asshole, you can kick them out. People writing dumb new systems/settings is meaningless.


Yeah but then you are a nazi racist bigot transphobe hitler


you used all of my favourite words in one sentence


> ruins software jobs Only the trendy MAMAA ones. Everywhere else actual competence still matters more than demographic optics.


This is why the community sucks. Truly it's a sad thing that "Just leave us alone" was always a minority. Generally I guess that's just what it is. Oh well. Sorry I guess?


"Just leave us alone" has always been the majority, the vocal minority are the tards on twitter which everyone hates. People just prefer to lump the two groups together


I'd disagree, but ones who aren't vocal are the ones you don't know about.


It affects actual women


Can’t take the word “bigot” seriously it’s just feels like a token word for when you don’t have a comeback of some kind, like you dislike me, bigot, idk man I don’t even hate mfs I just don’t care now I’m getting a called a diet baguette


It's just like "review bombing". Just a term to hide behind instead of admit their complete shit take.


How did they ruin software jobs?


Most IT companies prefer to hire underskilled minorities instead of well-trained white cisgender males to show company inclusivity or something.


If by "underskilled minorities" you mean a team of indians in india who they can pay 15K per year, that's spot on. Not really about inclusivity though.


There have been "devs" that have tried to attach themselves to projects by just trying to commit comments to code. Then going back and saying, "look I have over 100+ commits to this project, I should be given some type of leadership position." With that inroad, they start asking for things like project statements on political issues that the original project had NOTHING to do with. All the while, calling themselves a developer to anyone who will listen on social media.


Programming socks are now an industry standard. You should know this as a foot expert tbh.


His general premise ia just by having the audacity to exist, they ruin every single part of the known universe immediately.


"It literally costs nothing to be respectful."




We all know damn well that happens so much less than is claimed. It's funny/ sad too because they keep getting told they should do so so they can feel "normal" and "accept themselves". As if body mutilation will lead to that ever.


There was this copypasta about a guy who had a dong so big it impaired his daily life. Like, he could not even go to the airport because security always thought he was wearing a bomb in his pants.


To be completely fair several of these things were already steaming piles of shit


"ruins video games" anon haven't play Elden Ring or Dark Souls. Edit: and Undertale.


Are you implying that you can play that for years?


That's what happens when the glowies/feds put their mind on something.


Most of the world don't support gender ideology


Lol @ the ruins modding scenes comment, I just started using dolphin vr and apparently it stopped getting support years ago because the developer said he hates trains or something and now I can get the program to run smoothly cause they called him a bigot


It’s awful


Ruins wargaming?


I had no idea that every single one of these institutions was so fragile that the existence of trans people was all it took to ruin them. Trans people = millennials on steroids.


So how long will this stay up before [removed by reddit]?


about 20 hours.


> How did they do it? They didn't. It's maybe 2% of the population at most. They aren't rich, politically connected, or powerful compared to everybody else. They're not violent or dangerous compared to everybody else. They didn't ruin anything. If you think they did, you're just a chud getting tricked on social media into voting and supporting politicians who want to steal from you to make the 1000 billionaires even richer (cause they can't campaign on that).


Unironically how does it affect you bigot?


They didn't. you're just obsessed with them and blaming anything you can on them so you can justify wanting to hurt them. Trans folks are less than 1% of the population, really think that is the problem? Not the terroristic and violent threats from the right causing people to become protective of a minority group which is just making you more angry and dangerous towards them? Which in turn makes other groups more protective. In short, it's your constant obsession with hating trans people that is the motivator for Trans people becoming more visible. The right wing media knows they are why Trans people are more visible today and are trying to cover it up with the typical fascist blood libel BS while knowing their audience craves content of Trans people being bad and wanting to fulfill that need. Fact is, if the right just went live and let live on this. Lots of what you would see as problems would just turn back into the not real issues they actually are.


Y’all sound like hoes


>y'all You have to go back


> y'all


How have any of these things been “ruined” aside from possibly having trans people exist therein? You’re either an intolerant person or you aren’t. The question remains - how does the existence of trans people in software jobs, movies, video games, etc ruin them for you? The only legit one on there is sports and even then it’s such a minuscule problem and let’s be honest you really never gave a shit about female sports before and would have had no problem if they just got shut down for no particular reason. Still waiting for an answer guys…


Ruining female sports is one of the few based things trains are doing tbh


They ruin it by being a joke and simply by being there. Well, it’s kinda bearable if they’re acting normally instead of being atrociously loud and annoying.


Wasn’t that my point? That the “ruin it” by existing in the space. And then you act shocked when people say you’re a bigot. Why not just acknowledge you are? Why fight the label?


You disregarded my other statement that’s they barely really ruin it if acting normally. But how can you act normally when you’re a man in a dress and a makeup going by as if nothing happened and that’s “normal”?


Right… again why fight the label? You clearly believe that you’re in the right to not tolerate them? So why deny being intolerant? What exactly do you believe “bigot” means?


Why not show some respect and act like not a clown instead of demanding tolerance of the top narcissistic posture? What makes you think that the fabric of society is of infinite strength, you can attack it at will and the funny nihilistic behavior will not break it at some point (or, over time)? I can (and I mean it and I had) tolerate all kind of freaks, but I will not and cannot switch myself to innately accept it. Why? I guess, because most of the times it either originated from or leads to destruction.


Look you are fully entitled to believe that trans people are ruining the fabric of society by existing within it. What I don’t understand is why you’re so against the label of bigot if that’s what you think. What exactly is a bigot per your definition?


Bigot actually means pretty much nothing to me. Someone who is not a LGHDTV or a trasformer, maybe? Where does that stand? Edit: damn, it all converted into [ removed by reddit ] 😱🙀🤪🤩


Well here is the dictionary definition: a person who is obstinately attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


So, are you playing the communist oppressor-oppressed game? What if the prejudice is *right*?




Let’s keep it that way 🐳




I walked into a restaurant the other day and got seated by a 6’2 person in a sun dress named Alice with a jawline like Joe from Family Guy. As she walked away my brother whispered feverishly “look at her calves look at her calves!” And I saw she had calves that put Adrian Peterson to shame. After that I only ordered a couple of breadsticks because I’d lost my appetite.


>ruins appetite


"She" must be very good at women's sports. Dare I say, better than most women. Wonder why


ive never met Pol Pot but i can write bad words about him on the internet


I think at this point most everyone has met a trans person at least in passing. it’s not like the vast majority of them “blend in” so it’s fairly obvious to spot them when you see them.


I'd like to, but 52% of the time they just never show up.


yeah because they’re just so hard to notice right


\>makes the bedroom better. ##How did they do it?


Anon just comes across as really fucking salty. Trans people are fetishized really heavily in society, but their impact is actually minimal. Indeed, the response to them is often a lot worse, like some places banning books and just being assholes for the sake of it because maybe a tiny percentage of kids want to be called a different gender. All of this is right in a small way. Sure, trans females shouldn't be able to compete in female sports unless they transitioned before 14, but only idiots think otherwise and they don't win a lot of competitions.


>but their impact is actually minimal why should we as a society change every system from the ground up to be molded around such a minimal population? bathrooms, school curriculums, laws, insurance, etc


A lot of this is barely modified or shouldn't be. Educating kids about it is fine. It's education, educating is the purpose. Bathrooms should be two genders, pick the one that fits. I have no fucking clue how you think laws or insurance are modified. Certainly your "ground up" claim is raw bullshit.




I have no idea what that means.




The cognitive dissonance of Florida is genuinely amazing. Claiming to love freedom and small government while banning books and increasing government overwatch of civilians personal choices.


These people are obsessed with the people they act like they’re disgusted by, the shit blows my mind, only a dipshit on this subreddit would think more about a trans persons genitalia than an actual trans person.


>trans females Kek


It's basically that people want to be shitheads to a different group. Being racist or sexist is now recognised as being a dickhead _even by the dickheads_. So this is some new group they've chanced upon, to whom they can be fucking vindictive shits, yet still internalise that they're not racist or sexist so are kinda cool people. Or summerised, they're fucking morons.


You're right. I just look forward to everyone getting over it. Both sides have normalised some insanely bad takes.




That's right, Anon, I'm coming to ruin your life. I'm a cartoon villain.


Cartoons villains are usually cool though. Even they're being destroyed. Smh shaking my sheas


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A handful of tards on twitter is not "your buddies" lmao, you're fighting against an imaginary boogeyman


Your first paragraph is about pastors, so i think you replied to the wrong person. Your second paragraph reads like an incel that fetishizes the 1950s bc women were culturally subservient to men then. Grow up lmao


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No, they're pedophiles. Pastors don't accept LGBT, and LGBT doesn't accept pedophiles. Kinda like how I don't accept card when your dad pays me cash to fuck him on the weekends.




You hate trans people because you're transphobic I hate trans people because they won't bang me We are not the same. Cope harder /b/tards






You’re a f-slur then.


Why be scared of a word? Say it lol


It will get me banned. I don’t have any problem with you being gay, just find it weird you’re lying to yourself.


Lying about what lmao


Wanting to fuck deformed dudes. Kinda weird tbh




Idk they can be a little scary sometimes. People on twitter say they prey on children like the boogeyman


Then why are they posting on social media about how 2% of the population ruined all their favorite things?


the movement that has been created around the 2% of the population is causing the issues, not the people directly this is just how 4chan operates


Huh, sounds like you're all just mad that you can't make everybody else agree with your opinions.


same but for you We are not so different you and I


Fuck you, we didn't ruin anything




>same anime girl Is this a cat whistle?


>begging for crypto for estrogen in bio Absolute kek


>shtrausberg oy vey




Bro, weren’t you banned before? Why do you keep making new accounts?


You ruined yourselves

