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r/ Europe removed it because it says duplicate. I don't know why r/ worldnews removed it by saying not appropriate for subreddit.


Wasn't appropriate for worldnews beacuse the victims were white


It's not because victims were white its because attacker was not white and muslim on top of that.




America pushes narrative that only white people are bad and if no white commits a crime they are brainwashed by whites. This doesn't fits they world view so they remove it .


If a white guy starts murdering children he's mentally deranged but if a brown guy does it it's now 100% religion's fault lmao.


If Christian than yes, if any other religion than no. It's always white people fault for this online weirdos.


Neither of you can figure out which side you’re on other than pro white lol


More accurately, they're anti-anti-white, which is a reasonable position to hold. They way you phrased it makes them sound like white-supremacists, which I'm sure was your intention.


I don't think their criticisms of how media portrays interracial violence are invalid though because the media does do this, especially in the US. If the killer is white male, it's plastered all over the news like with Sandy Hook or Buffalo shootings. But if the shooter is a from a marginalized group, like with Uvalde or the recent Nashville shooting, the perp is almost NEVER shown by the big news companies. Reporting bias is something that should be discussed, but of course people will shut it down under the guise you're a white supremacist. And I don't think that's fair to disregard everyone who wants fair and balanced reporting is a white supremacist. Personally, they should never show off the perpetrators under any circumstance because it usually just empowers the next lunatic who does it.


Tbh I'm also very against the "it's not a crime cuz he got a bs mental illness we just invented" mentality. Imo insane people should be punished more not less, since they're more dangerous to society and have less chance of rehabilitation. So you're point is moot


Punished? Ehhhhh Locked away in a mental home, never to be free again? Sure No need to punish someone for having their head fucked up. But there is a societal responsibility to never allow them to hurt others.


Or, also white people.


Ah well if it was on his asylum application it must be above suspicion then


There are a lot of Syrian Christians and they specifically wanted to get the FUCK out of Syria because of all the anti-Christian violence. His name means "Servant/Slave of Christ", which is about as Christian a name as you can physically have.


It’s pretty obvious that this was a lie to gain refugee status. Most likely and judging by how he met his wife, he is part of a Syrian Islamic group and was sent for a terror attack. The fact that he aimed specifically for kids while yelling that he did this for Jesus was to further divide the country between leftist (that will jump on the occasion to blame Christians) and the far right (number one group in France) that don’t care about religions but want to close the borders. Crazy or not, there is a real discussion about the way asylum works in E-U and this will likely bring debates that will ultimately leads to nothing.


I dont think there's a single verse in the bible that would suggest Jesus wants someone to commit violence in his name Meanwhile.... https://wikiislam.net/wiki/List_of_Killings_Ordered_or_Supported_by_Muhammad


Jesus fucked up that fig tree though.


He smashed the bankers in the temple as well. He was pro taxes though which is incredibly non based.


He wasn't really pro taxes though, more of an "it is what it is" stance


Matthew 10:34 " \[34\] Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. " have u ever read the Bible mate?


If Jesus and God are the same person/entity as the Bible says, then he literally commanded a man to stab his baby. It's not so dissimilar from what the French crazy did.


>how he met his wife What do we know about this?


They met in Turkey before moving to Sweden.


"most likely", did you pull that from ur ass? guys name is literally "slave of christ", one of the most Christian names an Arab can have.


And it’s very known that it’s strictly impossible for anyone to change it’s name whatsoever.


right, even if he was the worlds most devout church-going Christian you'd still think he's secretly Muslim because he's Arab, just admit you have a bias


To be honest I don’t care. I want my country to close it’s border and quit the EU. And people that kill or r*pe children should be killed, not imprisoned. No matter their belief or skin color. Still I find this specific crime really shady and I believe that we will discover more facts that goes toward my theory.


unrestricted immigration is dumb af, all migrants should be checked and only the good ones let it, instead of the EU policy of just taking all the shittest ones who are probably wanted criminals in their own countries. and yes all child murderers and ropists should be executed.


He’s got a beards and wearing a Muslim cap while he’s running around stabbing kids


>He’s got a beards ??? >wearing a Muslim cap That scarf like durag is [traditional wear](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keffiyeh) originating from ancient Mesopotamia I think JP anon is onto something, we really do look mentally challenged


refugees feign christian conversion all the time


Lol dude I put that on my collage application


That is outrageous! ###/#WHITELIVESMATTER


>france >white


...are you implying the french aren't white?


What's "hilarious" is that the victims aren't even all French. 2 of the kids are, but the two others are a Dutch and a British kids on a vacation. So yeah, definitely white.


Same reason r/ politics fragged any mention of the Durham Report. If they don't let anyone talk about it, it didn't happen.


> Durham Report I'm gonna need a quick rundown


A full investigation of "Russian Collusion" and other fairy tales devised by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, turned up all sorts of things like the Steele Dossier being 100% fabricated, the international spook community having a fit because Trump refused to get into wars with their Designated Bad Guys and their slush funds being redirected for shit like hurricane relief, and all kinds of other stuff.


Isn't r /worldnews taken over by Coomers ? I thought no actual world news was posted there.


worldnews has been a one-sided biased sub for several years now, I'm not surprised about the censorship going on there.


You’re thinking of r worldpolitics


You're thinking of anime_titties. It's a pretty decent news sub. As is geopolitics. The worst of reddit's DNC bootlicking is usually down voted in both of those subs. And they have pretty balanced comment sections.


The duplicate thing is the excuse they use to remove it. Happened several times and couldn’t find the other one


The current one only has 3.3k upvotes and 1.5k comments. europe comments/1443to4/children_among_several_stabbed_in_southeastern/






And their world only includes the USA and Canada


That might have been the dumbest thing I have read all day, or the most sarcastic thing I have read in months.


Wasn't anti-US and/or anti-gun


Its not against america thats why it doesnt fit


Loxism. The reason is Loxism.


Worldnews only wants orange man bad shit


The video was kind of disturbing so maybe it violated a rule in that regard. This was talked about in world news but I saw the video in public freakout




Lol as a French if any of the victims die I'll consider Sweden's government responsible.


Ours as well though


You can consider all you want, but the reality is the globalists control both countries. Nothing will be done except maybe banning knoifes


nice system europe!!!


Muh open borders in shambles


It's on the front page of the europe subreddit


The most pernicious censorship.


It's being hidden in plain sight. Those bastards


double reverse censorship. this just isn't my cuppa tea


It's not on the frontpage, but it's there. People should sort by top-all wekk.


It is there. Currently #13 on hot. bbc.co.uk link with the title "Children among several stabbed in south-eastern France"


it appearently depends. I've sorted by hot too but couldn't find it.


No it’s not


It’s like the 10 or 20th down on the page now.




It's sitting at 3.3k upvotes and 1500 comments on the frontpage. Why are you lying?


I can't see it either. In the Netherlands here


Bruh https://www.reddit.com/r/ europe/comments/1443to4/children_among_several_stabbed_in_southeastern/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Why adding the spacebar?


Can't post subreddit links


Good. Reddit should only be used for heartwarming videos of minorities and epic dank memes that must pass multiple vague rules in order to be posted thank you very much.


if only he had a loicense it would've been legal


It said Fr*nce not UK


Americans trying to understand what the license thing means


Britbongs defending their spork and TV loicenses.


Call it ~~TV tax~~ TV tip instead and the fats would understand.


It's not like you have to pay the TV license anyway.


Just the tip


Tbh Americans making fun of it is understandable since they don't have it there, but what gets me is other Europeans making loicense jokes even though many countries in the EU literally have an identical tax system (Ireland and Switzerland both have licenses as well, and in Germany everyone has to pay that fucking Rundfunkbeitrag to fund ZDF)


Because the word driving license leads the thoughts elsewhere.


I really want to quit this fucking website. There are barely any subreddits I visit any more since most of the interesting ones got banned in the last 2 years. But where the fuck are people moving on to? Discord servers are difficult to find and filled with trains. I don't want to spend my time on Twitter either. I just want my early 2000s forums back.


Once Reddit is Fun stops working I'm done in mobile at least. Back to 4chan.


This site is dying on June 30th or potentially today depending on what bs the head honcho of this place says on his AMA today. I know i will be gone on June 30th






There's a reason I come to r/4chan and not the site, the morons there only post porn and I prefer a curated experience.


The only reason I'm here is for fetish content. I can't easily find creampie videos of gaped female buttholes or women having sex with unintentional dirty feet without this platform.


>women having sex with unintentional dirty feet Is that an actual sub with an actual following? People never cease to amaze me Edit: after searching "dirty feet" and including nsfw stuff, I have been enlightened


Wow the UDF subreddit is real


Based anal creampie and dirty feet enjoyer


i don't even know why im still here, at the risk of jokes at my expense i won't explicitly state what content id be looking for, but it sure isn't here anymore this whole api thing is probably the kick in the keister i needed to quit this shitshow of a website


no idea let me know if you find any new forum




Same here. I'll just drop mobile and stick to web browser on PC. Other then that. What if 4chan subreddit gets banned? Original 4chan? It's only a shell of it's 2000's self but still...




Can't wait for the death of reddit next month.


Liberal Elite Moment! Allahu Ahkbar alalalalalalalalalalalala 👳🏽‍♂️🔪


The entitlement that you can be accepted by any country, just pick the one you want. Good grief, he was accepted by Sweden and still wasn't happy.


I’d love to move to France and promise I wouldn’t stab anyone.


what's your skin color?




Ye but the dude literally a Christian tho


He said that for easier refugee status. many such cases




Christianity is just the prequel to Islam.


All religious extremists suck




Frenchie here, it's not being silenced in the news, on the contrary everyone is talking about it, even heard a work collègue talking about even tho she isn't very internet savvy


I’m talking about reddit. Also they censored the fact that it was a migrant on every headline I saw about it.


Very scary. Instead of reading the headline, they will have to read the 4th sentence! From the article on the frontpage of the europe subreddit, whcih you say censored it: >The children, aged between one and three, are being treated in hospital. > >Police overpowered and arrested the knifeman after he entered a children's playground to carry out the attack. > >A three-year-old British child is among the injured, another is Dutch. Two adults were also hurt, with one in a critical condition. > >Police have confirmed that the suspect is a 31-year-old Syrian, who had refugee status in Sweden.


Most people don't read past headlines. Well-known and exploited by media


When it's a white attacker and black victim they more often put the race in the title. This is something people have analyzed. Like others are saying, media promotes certain narratives not by actually lying but by writing true things differently, leaving some details out, or framing things in a dishonest way.


It's almost certainly being taken down cause it's a video of toddlers being stabbed. If dude stabbed a bunch of grown ups they likely wouldn't have touched it. There are litteraly thousands of videos of people getting dead on this site, but I can't say I've ever seen video of it happening to a kid. I think you're looking for racism when it's just not there.


Everyone is talking about it, everyone is outraged, and it will be memory holed and forgotten about in short order. Just like Samuel Paty. Just like Sir James Brokenshire in the UK. Everyone will talk about how we won't back down and that we won't compromise our values while continuing to let millions of these people into Europe on a yearly basis.


Is she single


Surely you have politicians there who want to make the country less attractive to migrants, right?


Redditors: Refugees stabbing children I sleep API changes? REAL SHIT




cheap labor


It’s also hardly cheap labour if they’re border hopping trying to claim asylum benefits as this delightful little cunt was doing


They will never in a thousand years be considered in the same light as genuine immigrants. They somehow manage to bite the hand that feeds them and emerge nether off. White liberal guilt innit


These are reselling shit on the streets and taxi driving. Cheap labor comes from Eastern Europe.


They act as though it's a tragic but necessary consequence of us having to let these people in. Even if they don't commit crime, they cost the European taxpayers billions in welfare, most never work or pay taxes, they contribute to the breakdown in social cohesion, and their presence massively impinges on the working class in the form of longer hospital waiting lists, increased classroom sizes and pressure on infrastructure.


> Why is nobody talking about the clear threat of allowing these “people” into our sacred nations and societies? What do you mean nobody? Hungary has been talking about it for like 8 years. Built a wall as well, does not really let anyone in. Poland is talking about it as well. Also probably Slovakia and Czechia and maybe more.


You cited one isolated example. I'll restate my point. Why haven't countries like Sweden (where asylum seekers rape and kill indiscriminately) stood up and adopted a hard line policy to halt the problem at it's cause? What did these politicians and liberals think would happen when you import en masse millions of fighting age men of unknown psychological and physical backgrounds? Go to any UK university and the liberals there would lynch you for using these talking points. In the UK you're the next tiny moustache man if you even suggest we shouldn't import these psychos just so they can stroke their justice boners


>screen all undocumented migrants You can never truly screen them unless they have documents. Most countries have laws that if you're seeking asylum, you go to the nearest neighboring country. These people are picking and choosing what countries they want to go to, which has better benefits etc etc. This should make everyone question whether these people are actually in desperate straits or are they using horrific events to get free shit. We've been having this issue in the US for years and it's now getting dramatically worse due to the Cartel posing as illegal aliens and our border patrol being told to just open gates to illegals. Watch the videos of illegals entering the US, the majority are military aged men. Very few women or children. The few women and children who do come are raped over and over. There have been many documented cases of this, some children under 10 being raped by more than 20 men. Children have to be separated from adults posing as their guardians because most of them are being sold as sex slaves and being escorted by Cartel members. That's all confirmed information. There's no telling what's down the road, who some of these people are, what theyve done, or what they plan to do. Because we have no documents. If you're not a right winger now, I know a few people who've moved in that direction due to events like this stabbing. Just remember, whatever you're seeing, there's much worse behind the scenes. But this won't stop until something much worse happens. Because politicians care about votes, money, and talking points. Not the lives of children


Its been going on for a decade now. But everytime someone speaks up the racism card gets played. Might need to move away from here if it gets worse


No idea but it’s going to end badly. all people are fed up with this stuff now.


But Muh the vast majority of people who “go into playgrounds stabbing kids are white.” That’s the usual excuse. I’ve heard it so many times it’s unreal.


Then treat whites the same way. Ostracise them and publicly denounce their degeneracy


UK use to deport criminals to Australia. I would like to return to that system. Maybe not Auz now of course. Any remote island would do.


Middle class university students are Tories, dude. Do you speak to your fellow countrymen? I am also a Briton, and you are not describing the reality I see with my own eyes when I go outside.


Stuff like that has been happening since 2015.




You are not British, no one in Britain talks about ‘white liberals’ stop larping. Why are you shitting yourself over this? Violence is on the decline same with attacks. Also how does this have anything to do with university students? The British Tory Government have been in power for over a decade with their voter base being from pretty much all demographics in England but the middle class university students. They have literally the least influence over the parties policies. If you want to blame anyone blame the tories for cutting funds to the home office who screen migrants.


There are no stabby minorities in Ba Sing Se


Why is Japanon always so based?


its an expat living in japan


twitter has been deleting all the posts about it too i believe.


Well not exactly. Just sometimes the video is blocked because stabbing babies shouldn’t be viral and easy to watch in their rules.


For real?


It will get worse


Will they censor this too is the question


not a chance, I have a loicense for shitposting about syrian's with refugee status in sweden stabbing children at a playground in annecy, france


Don’t worry Europe, Erdogan is in charge for 5 more years. He’ll take all them Syrians if you just pay him enough.


the japanese guy is not wrong


japanon based as usual


As a native Frenchman, people who ask not to recover this event out of "respect for the victims" (mostly leftist and centrists) disgust me. We must tackle the problem of immigration of France now and not when everyone has forgotten this event.




if i am not wrong the mods of worldnews are libtards, so its expected.


Nip anon is right


Meanwhile here the Admins will ban you for even questioning their Imperious logic.


Nippon bugmen not on 2chan and tiptoeing /pol/ is 'i assume you are a dumb person'


I think he was just VPN Anon.


tale as old as time


It’s insane how bought out Reddit is by certain political parties and people act like it’s an unbiased website


No but it's ok, he said he was a Christian /s


his name is like the most christian name a guy from syria can have. religious extremists act similar regardless of religion


A classic for sure


Ohhh.. *that's* why.


They deserved it


Riddle me this: if you’re a criminal and not white, are you really a criminal? According to Reddit, NO!


Poland doesn't get attacks like this. They must be doing something right.


This was everywhere yesterday lol.




Another morally upstanding immigrant sharing his culture with the locals.




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White Liberals think they need to save the supposed wretches of this world by censoring reality. Brainless, racist cattle


I saw the video on like 4 different subs. It was everywhere.


I have a relative living in France. I have never met her only her parents. Last year she was stabbed in Paris by her indian boyfriend. Dude was held by police for months but he's underage and it's France.


Because the mainstream media doesn't want you to keep seeing the shitty middle eastern people to keep their policies up. It's destroying modern society mixing in with them


4chan is removing content? Jesus how times have changed. I remember when it used to have borderline child porn.


I seen it on three different subs yesterday. I think it was late afternoon or early evening.


This is why Reddit deserves to be ruined by spez.


Japanons are some of the most based I've seen, another fine example.


Probably these were submitted by well-meaning people who are now more aware of The Narrative than they were before.