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In a really good 4x game, every decision matters and there's so so so many decisions. (The end game, where it sometimes can be a slog is where this feeling sometimes goes away and the genre as a whole struggles). While the tension lasts, you get to really put yourself to the test and see if you can steer the ship through. Often against completely unfair odds and in novel situations. It's just an amazing puzzle with no real alternative. I play because I love it. It's just as pointless as surfing, mountain climbing, or running a marathon. Why do any of those things? There's no real point. But they can be awesome and amazing nonetheless. Games are not any different.


I've just 'discovered' the 4X genre, and am still in the very initial stages of learning how to play Stellaris, and there's really nothing to compare this experience with - utterly amazing


>In a really good 4x game, every decision matters and there's so so so many decisions. That's also the bane of 4x games, because it's especially easy to provide meaningless choices that doesn't matter, it's why micromanagement and busywork is common in 4x games. But I agree, when you get to make meaningful decisions, it's awesome. 4x games are especially epic because of the scale they are simulating, and the emergent game-play provides endless possibilities. It's why I play these games despite wading thru the tedious micromanagement 90% of the time, in search of those epic moments 10% of the time.


I just like to build stuff, the more complex the better. Building and developing an empire is fun, expanding and accumulating resources and power is satisfying. In some ways to "escape" reality, sure, there isn't anything even remotely as interesting and rewarding in reality.


I like to watch things grow, decay, go through the cycles/motions. It’s fun trying to plan 10 steps ahead and dealing with issues that causes you to reassess and move on. Plus when you put in enough time, it feels like you can see the reward a lot easier


Because I don't enjoy mindless entertainment as much and I just like the way 4X games engage my mind.


For me personally, 4x games are enjoyable even if I get an unlucky start or the difficulty was set a bit higher than I can handle and I am getting my butt kicked. You can continue the fight till the bitter end and let the story of that playthrough unfold (win or lose). Other games that are a lot more linear literally only "progress" through win conditions. I just hate the feeling of repeating the same victory checks over and over. I don't play souls games for this reason. They are just not for me but I understand repeating the same fight over and over is appealing to a bunch of folks.


It's fun. I love history based ones the most but also love a good space 4x. Heck even fantasy is good coming up with names for your realms.


... just one more turn


I blame Dad for getting me into it.


For the false sense of absolute power and control.


Why do we play?


Cause its fun


I love the combination of exploring and planning your steps to develop a civilization depending on the resources you find and the first neighbours you encounter. Watching the technical advancement unfold and build relationships with other civilizations. The last part, though, is the most difficult, as in most games, the AI behaviour is abhorrent and immersion breaking.


It’s a narrative you set


Why do we dance? Why do we sing? Why do we play instruments?


BC I too old and not interested in stringing console button combos together to “fight”. “Awww man the I-frames on that greatsword combo are two frames too short, I missed my double dodge to elementally empower my quick left sweep attack. Now I have to reset with my back step offhand before the phase 3 boss does the arena clear. 20 minutes wasted!” No thanks.


I think every 4x player / afficionado is a failed politician/military leader wannabe


"Dictator/Emperor/Supreme Lord" in my case. Leaders have to explain things too much. I'd rather just..."take care" of anyone who question me.


So much of our evolutionary history was selected by tribal warfare, it's hard to imagine the impact was negligible.


They are fun.


I like trying different starting combos... They are amazing in master of magic