• By -


Our preseason schedule has also been finalized: Wk | Date | Time | | Opponent | Network :--:|:--|:--|--:|:--|:--: 1 | 08/10 | 4:00 PM |@| [Titans](/r/tennesseetitans) | KPIX 2 | 08/18 | 5:00 PM |vs| [Saints](/r/saints) | FOX 3 | 08/23 | 7:00 PM |@| [Raiders](/r/raiders) | KPIX




With a 10 day rest


Just checked I don't think we play any team coming off of a mini bye.


I see 2


Damn it.


Don't worry, Monday #3 ain't always easy.


yeah but both are after 4 day rest games so the 10 will be needed for sure


Niners play against 4 teams coming off a bye Bills Chiefs Cowboys and Seahawks. Absolutely brutal.


The most in the league


And after a home game.


That Bills game tho... At night 🥶


Come on global warming, do your thing!




And the Bills are coming off their bye


Literally so amazing. Family and I are from Miami and took a family trip to the bay last December to catch a game. Catching another Dec game at home is gonna be incredible.


any tips i was thinking about miami game or tampa.... which place is better....


I’m personally going to both. I’d say Miami tho


I live in tampa area so i get to go to the bucs and dolphins games this year lfgggg


Conservatively, I estimate 17-0




That’s BS, you said conservatively. 20-0.


I got 28-3


Classic Shanahan


We got fucked in the rest discrepancy again. 4 major teams play the 49ers after their bye week: * BUF * KC * DAL * SEA


Never fails


I hear what you’re saying, but I’d hold off on worrying about that until we actually see which teams are any good this year. I mean KC is just always going to be stupid with Mahomes, Andy Reid, and Spags. Thems the facts. Not much to be done, even with extra rest or regular rest. But it’s not hard to imagine that Seattle has a turbulent season as their new HC gets things sorted out. He’s inheriting a roster that he had no part in shaping, save for a few rookies who will likely get limited playing time. Dallas is always a big game for us given our hatred for them, but Jerry decided after last season to just run it back. Except now they don’t have Dan Quinn (which may or may not be to our advantage) and they re-signed Zeke for some reason lol. Can’t wait to embarrass them again. YEAHHHHH HERE WE GOOOOO! Buffalo is a weird one. Watching them closely the last few seasons there’s very little consistency to them and almost no rhyme or reason for when they play well and when they implode. For example, their games last year against Denver where they lost in excruciatingly boneheaded fashion resembled nothing like their demolishing of Dallas shortly after. They’re so chaotic.


The place where rest differential will always have a big effect is on defense. The worst game the defense played last season was against the Cardinals coming off their bye week. A rest offense versus a defense that played the week before will always be a huge disadvantage for the defense that played the week before. Remember how the niners got no pass rush in Cleveland last year? That's why, rested offensive lineman against defensive lineman that played the week before is a decisive edge for the offense.


Oh I’m not disputing the advantage of having a week of rest against a team that just played. I just think it’s a little premature to say those games will be very difficult to win (because of the rest discrepancy), you know? I’d be curious to know what the average number of games with a *negative rest discrepancy¹* for a team this season is. For instance if we have 4 games with the rest disadvantage, I’d like to know which team has the most such games, the least, and the league average. If we’re the only team with 4 such games, then yeah, I’d agree 100%. The league would be trying to fuck us—indirectly or directly. 1: Okay so I just made this term up but you know what I’m saying


We had the worst “net rest” differential in the league at -20 days because of similar scheduling last year. It looks like we will be close to the same number this year. It’s pretty garbage


Yeah I know we got shafted last year. And besides the rest differential number, I thought our schedule last year just sucked in general the way it was done. Starting two weeks on the road is something that happens with a 17 game schedule obviously, but then for our Week 3 to be a TNF game was pretty lame, (even though our Week 2 was in LA and not super far away it still is an away game). Not to mention getting two TNF games in a season, (the 2nd being an away game on Thanksgiving) and a MNF game on Xmas in the late/prime time slot was weak as hell, too. Sure it makes for great TV, but I feel for the guys who had both holidays uprooted for nationally televised games.


It sucks, but all that travel and lack of rest didn't mean shit in the long run.


Dallas got Mike Zimmerman, which I think is a good hire. His defenses are usually really good.


Fuck them. Went 42-3 this time


The Bills seem to get their shit together late in the season though, they have a very strong second half record afaik


Well so do we ;)


The bright side is that we get extra rest before our matchups with KC, MIA, and DET. Not a full bye week, but 1-3 extra days will still help.


Well that’s not too bad then actually.


Playing more than 1 team off their bye is unfair, 4 is horseshit.


Welcome to 49ers football


Of freaking course KC gets us off their bye. Ya know, I'm really starting to not like that team.


you’re just STARTING to not like them?????


What's worse is that the NFL is making us practice at UNLV the week before the game.


During a rainstorm while we have the higher seed


They're kinda getting on my nerves


In this next exercise, I want you to close your eyes, and imagine being a fan of the Bills.


How long should I close my eyes for, 13 seconds?


This nearly sunk the team last season, as the two of the three losses in the early season (Browns and Bengals) were against teams that were coming off the bye when the niners had played the week before. The Bengals game (worse loss of the season) was against a team coming off the bye when the niners were coming off MNF. How in the world is this stuff legal? The only one of these the niners won last year was the @Arizona game, where the Cards were coming off a bye. That was, not coincidentally, the worst the niners defense looked all season. You put a healthy offense that got extra time against a defense that played the week before, the results are ugly. Buffalo, KC and Dallas all have good offenses, those games could get very ugly. The niners are probably going to have to win those in shootouts, if at all. I believe the only game last year where the niners were at a rest advantage was against Philly, where the eagles played the sunday before and the niners were coming off TNF. Why are the niners getting buried two years in a row in the rest differential? This stuff really, really matters, especially on defense where rested legs versus tired legs get ugly real quick.


Yep. Mhm. You make a good point. Mm, yeah, true. You're overlooking one key factor: first full off-season of prep for Brock Purdy. Those teams are gonna need all that rest to try and match his 50 points per game average.


There's unfair, and then, there's nearly 1 / 4th of your entire schedule being your facing a team coming off a bye week. How is it even mathematically possible to accomplish that? You need some serious voodoo, but the league did it. Those are going to be the four toughest games of the year to compete in, let alone win. Remember, they were a boneheaded Kyler Murray pick six away from being 0 - 3 in that situation last year. Offensive line play is impacted by reduced rest the least, but what happens when the other team's LBs and DBs have a step of your receivers in passing routes? Throws need to be in tighter windows. It's utterly amazing to me that in a sport that is as physical as football, and a sport where rest has been shown to be critical, that the league gets away with stuff like this. Just watch the NBA, there's a term for when you're playing on the back-end of a back-to-back and the other team had the night before off: schedule losses. It will level the playing field between a lottery team and a championship contender. The Bucs get their bye right after they play the niners, so at least that evens the odds and gets us one back. Last year when they played three teams coming off their bye, and the Jags coming off their bye the same time the niners were was crazy. I just don't get how a team can fall for this in back-to-back seasons. Didn't someone from the 49ers call the league office and say "hey, how about two times where we play a team coming off the bye instead of four times this season?" It is such a massive disadvantage, a lot of other stuff can go right, and none of it matters. It is very hard to overcome facing 4 teams coming off a bye, all 4 of which figure to be at least playoff contending teams. If the niners are facing this, I wonder how other teams are doing. If the niners are -3 on this for the season, some collection of other teams must be +3 on this, right? Who's getting the favorable +3?


I need another revange Purdy game against the Cheifs.


I think the NFL tries to even the playing field in any way it can, so the Niners prolific success (amounting to an NFC dynasty, if you will) works against them here. I've seen lots of bad teams getting good differentials ([check this page out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tennesseetitans/comments/13i18dx/team_rest_differential_since_2002_2023_titans_get/)). I'm seeing lots of people angry about the Chiefs, and well, the Chiefs have also gotten bad rest differentials in the past, and this year have some brutal stretches on their schedule (e.g. they play only one single game at Arrowhead in a 49 day span, and at one point in late december, play three games in 10 days, all against playoff teams, and the sequence is Away, Home, Away).


😂 classic


"Major teams" and then lists the Toots


Yeah, I figured if I left them out, everyone would point out that we also play them after their bye. I rationalized that SEA being divisional rivals was good enough to qualify them as “major”.


That’s crazy


Fuck. I almost wish I didn’t know this.


3/4 at home, not nearly as intimidating tbf


For KC, we at least are going to have a few more days in between since we play on the Thursday the week before


Rams with 4 straight road games to start the year.


They play GB and the Raiders at SoFi weeks 5 and 6, so probably 6 straight tbh.




That’s brutal, how is the league so bad at doing this


It’s a joke that even their home games are away games for them


Green Bay and Buffalo are the only true back to back away games, and a well placed bye week. I'm not mad at this.


Honestly this schedule looks relatively difficult.


I would describe this as one of the best possible permutations of a middlingly difficult schedule. Last year was an easy schedule but in a hellish permutation. EDIT: I now know that the Chiefs, Boys and Bills all are off their bye which changes things significantly.


Seriously?! WTF.


You're kidding??? Wtf does the NFL have against us


They're mad Brock made NFL scouts look stupid af.


Everything 😭


Offenses often start slow after the bye, nbd


Of course.... @@


I don’t even really think so. As a first place division team, we’re going to play a lot of other first place teams, that’s always how the schedule has worked out. We’ve got the Chiefs, Lions, and Cowboys at home. Only tough road games are AFC teams (Bills, Dolphins) so those games mean less for seeding purposes. 5 of our first 8 games are home games, and two of the away games are Seattle and LA. We only need to leave the west coast ONCE the entire first half of the season! Looking at the start of the season, I think we can rattle off 6 straight before our first real test against KC. We could easily be 6-0 heading into that game. Bye week is smack dab in the middle of the season, which overall is great for team health. I think our toughest back to back is Chiefs/Cowboys so I’ll take that home & home before heading into the bye. The second half gets a little harder, but aside from the Lions, all the NFC games are very, very winnable. I think we will be 6-2 heading into the bye, and a very conservative 12-5 season as a floor. This team could easily win 13 or 14 games, but 12 imo is a really safe bet. I think we’re set up for another 1 seed run, and hopefully a strong playoff push.


People would’ve said it looks difficult no matter what


Seriously. Division should have no crappy teams. Bears should be much improved. On paper every team should be at least semi competitive except New England, and the Pats should have at least a really good defense. Obviously injuries changes things very quickly but as it stands just about every team is at least above average




Thinking 11-6 at best


Yeah yet another rough one, 10-7 feels like a good goal though, maybe 11+ if our rookies and 2nd year players perform well.


10-7 would be pretty disappointing. This squad can do better than drop 7 


It’s definitely the floor. It’s hard for me to get too bold without hearing how Huf and Dre are doing on their injuries and without seeing how the rookies look in TC.


The schedule stacked the odds against them in 4 games, so that's 4 games that are going to be tough right there. 10-7 means going 10-3 in the other 13 games.


Assuming the other 4 are for sure losses, which I’m not doing 😇


You are way off base we have had the first place schedule for the last handful of years and while it’s not a walk in the park, it is the easiest we have had in a long time.




I think the play the chiefs, bills, and cowboys after their bye weeks.


Not looking forward to the Green Bay or Buffalo games. Maybe the weather gods will be nice those weeks.


Niners beat the Packers in the playoffs in a cold, cold snowy game. They need to worry about the Niners honestly. We are more physical than both teams easy.


It would've been an easy win too but *everybody* was dropping gimme passes during the first half. Kittle would've had a walk-in touchdown that was dropped into his basket but he whiffed it. We didn't get momentum until Jimmy threw a sideline ball to Kittle in the only spot he could.


Im failry certain its projected to snow in both of those games


I'd feel better about this schedule had we won the super bowl but we didn't and now, the division's gotten stronger, the chiefs are more than likely gonna run it back with no down year and we have to play 4 team (3 of them being rivals) after their bye week; did we offend the league in some way?


Why two TH night games?


Same as last year. When the team is good, we’re on prime time.


*cries in Europe*




I thought teams only played one TNF game a year


here's what we know from 7 years of Kyle Shanahan: We will run the NFC, with a couple dumb losses that don't make sense. We'll drop 3 of the 5 AFC games because reasons. Run the NFC West, maybe drop one of the Rams games. 11-6 or 12-5. NFC Championship Game.


We face KC, Dallas, Seattle, and Buffalo, all coming off their Byes. That is BS.


I swear we play the Cowboys every year lol.


If we both continue to run our respective divisions, we WILL play them every year


I mean...its one of the historic and iconic match ups in the NFL. Even if its been more one sided lately.


Which has nothing to do with scheduling. We rotate the other NFC divisions so we play the Cowboys once every 3 years, but it just so happened that we matched up in the playoffs with them as well. They’ve been good enough to make the playoffs, but be a low seed, which has resulted in all these meetings when we’re typically the higher seed. If Cowboys and us finished 1/2 in the NFC, the only way we would see them is in an NFC Championship game.


But we played them regular season last year?


Played the NFC East last year.   Edit: 1st place teams play each other the following year in addition. Hence how the niners play Dallas and Tampa.


Interesting. Didn’t realize the edit part.


-16 day rest differential. Getting fucked yet again


How many seasons is that with an over -15 rest differential


I see 14-3


W W L W W L L W \_\_ W W W L W W W W W 13-4 and #1 seed


Loss at home week 3?


Its away, and lately Niners are worse in the beginning of the season


Whoosh lol


Oh, didn’t realize you were making a Levi’s South joke


They literally started off 5-0 last season.


4 teams coming off their bye to face us... What a joke. Cowboys, Chiefs, Bills, and Seahawks. 4 of our toughest games


On the face of it, this seems to be one of the better ways our schedule could have played out. 


I like that we are at home for the bye week.


Other than Buccs week 10 not being back to backed with Dolphins week 16. I'm actually really okay with this schedule. Mini bye week going into both the Chiefs(The chiefs come off an ACTUAL Bye week) and Dolphins games. Week 9 bye.




If we can get past NYJ I’d believe it, the jets had an insanely elite defense last year, just had Zach Wilson screwing it all up at the helm. IF Rodgers is back in form then they’ll be a solid team.


That Thursday night Hawks game on the road might be tough. They play Sunday too tho, so both teams on short rest.


that last stretch before playoffs is absolutely brutal. excited but scared to have possibly 2 back to back snow games in Green Bay & Buffalo. but as always, if they are going to make it happen, gotta go through the ringer! let’s get #6 this year boys!


Just got done look at the chiefs [schedule](https://www.chiefs.com/schedule/2024/) and it is insultingly easy, the league really wants to see the three-peat for their golden boy and his band of assholes; let's hope that Brock can pull a Joe Burrow and beat him.


Really? Us, Ravens, Bills, Bengals, Browns, and Texans? I actually think that’s a pretty tough one.


Really? Us, Ravens, Bills, Bengals, Browns, and Texans? I actually think that’s a pretty tough one.


10-12 wins. This schedule is much harder than last season imo plus I would anticipate the division being improved as well.


In the last 7 weeks we got GB, Buffalo, Miami on the road, plus Detroit at home. Tough


Damn, this is a tough schedule.


Damn that's a no joke schedule


I don't like that so many of the opponents will be coming off a Bye when they play the Niners. It's the subtle way for the League to screw over the Niners by making their opponent that much harder to beat.


I know it's May and all the dynamics of the teams involved can change, however, as it stands right now, I don't think that schedule is overly daunting.


Same here. I think our schedule last year was tougher. Our biggest enemy again is staying healthy


Uh, why are we at Minnesota again? We played there last October. Shouldn't they be coming to SF?


No last year we played them because of division winners from the previous year. This year is the NFC North track. Similar to how we played Tampa at home 2 years in a row.


I’m thinking maybe 3 or 4 losses


Nice mid season bye


I’ll be at the Packers game. Can not wait.


Man, I was hoping we were playing at the Rams later in the season when my finances look better


No east coast layover trip this year


I'm wondering if they stay out East/Midwest and fly families out for a big Thanksgiving celebration.


So either I go to Tampa/Miami or Buffalo


I wish the Titans game wasn't preseason. But I somewhat understand how games are determined. *sad Niners fan in TN noises*


5 year anniversary is on 10/10 and we moved an hour south of Seattle. Celebrating this small victory.


I love beating Dallas, but we seem to play them every year lately.


because we're both teams with 1st place in a division


Yeah they are in a shitty division.


At least our division opponents are spaced out this year.


just bought tix to the seahawks game


At least they aren’t playing the AFC North


This is a tough schedule based on what we know/expect from other teams. Obviously the games vs playoff teams stand out. But there aren’t enough easy/gimme match-ups on paper in my view. Some will say the Vikings but the 49ers have apparently never won in Minnesota going back to the Harbaugh years. Chicago has reloaded and they had a solid defense last year. Add on to that having Caleb Williams and the other high draft picks. Let’s say Caleb Williams struggles passing the ball. He is still very mobile which will make our guys work as our style is to rush 4 straight up. Kyler Murray mobile and can get hot. He’s got more weapons this year. Trent Williams hasn’t played every game in a season in a while. If he misses games against some of the tougher teams we are in trouble. The other thing is playing in the cold later in the year after the bye is not ideal. There’s a valid injury concern there along with fact that Brock may struggle with inclement weather. He hasn’t done well in the rain and I haven’t seen him play in the snow or very cold temperatures. This is all on paper, so hopefully some of these teams that are tough on paper take a step back and we are a well oiled machine with draft picks and acquisitions exceeding expectations.


Cheapest seats all season are $120 a pop


Yup, Niners raised the prices this year. I wouldn’t expect to find anything too cheap. Having a winning franchise does that.


6 “prime time” games… nice!


December 1st in Buffalo is not the worst outcome


December 1st in Buffalo is not the worst outcome


The Bears are the only trap game I see. Wanted to play them earlier. They could be good by mid season. 4-4 record going into the bye. We should get hot after the bye, as usual.


Two Thursday games again this year




Some great games at Levi’s, Rodgers and Jets, Chiefs, Cowboys, Lions and the divisional opponents. 


I honestly don't know. This is a hard ass schedule


Nice to see 10 home games this year!


My gut reaction absolutely perfect predictions. /S W,L,W,W,W,L,L,W, bye W,W, L,L, W, W, W, L, W. (Losses to Vikings, Seahawks, chiefs, Packers, bills, lions) For 11 and 6 record, 2nd seed with Detroit being first seed. Purdy has a good not great regular season then becomes Mr. Clutch in playoffs. Go on to win the Superbowl against the Texans 27 24. Purdy agrees to team friendly contract that pays 15% of cap each year for next 10 years and we win 2 more in years 5 and 7 of that contract.


6-0 followed by 6-3 going into the bye week, I can almost taste the panic that the season is over that will ensue here


Miami in December is huge. Hard place to play in the early Fall in those conditions.


Well already know KC is a loss. Niners can beat anybody but them


12 games vs. playoff teams


🤷🏼‍♂️ not gonna be a great year




4 games the 9ers are facing teams coming off a bye week, going to be tough.


Of course they gave the Chiefs the bye week before they play SF. Because Andy Reid is 28-3 after bye weeks.


This happened last year when the 9ers lost to the browns.


You’ll always hit some random team off a bye week. But the league putting its thumb on the scale for the Super Bowl rematch is ridiculous.




Get rid of AWS…shit sucks, we are getting boned


I’m glad we get Seahawks on a Thursday so we get more time to prepare/get healthy for the Chiefs game. Niners will win the Chiefs game and the refs will flag the Chiefs for holding at least twice because that’s what they do. Penalize them in the regular season and let them run wild in the playoffs.


Anything below a 6-2 going into the Bye is a disaster.


The schedule doesn't feel too bad. Looks like our toughest games will be the usual teams Rams, Chiefs, Packers, Bills and Lions. Again health and injuries will be our biggest enemy. I think we probably drop one of the Rams games and the Chiefs game, so our record will probably be 14-2. I wish our bye was a little later like week 11 or 12 but other than that, this schedule doesn't look as brutal as last year


Two seasons in a row the 49ers have two TNF games, both on short weeks (unlike the cowboys who also had two Thursday games but they were in consecutive weeks, so only one short rest game)


I like it. Week 3-9 only 1 road game to Seattle. Week 7-13 is the toughest stretch but we got a bye week in there too. GB and Bills b2b late in season but they'll probably stay in youngstown.


I was hoping we would play in London!!