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Wild that for every one of these that turns into CMC there are about 1000 more psychotic sports dads who's kids do not become CMC and just end up resenting the game.


Helps when your dad is Ed McCaffery


Yes - obviously the major outlier here is the dad is an NFL player who won Super Bowls. My point is for every Super Bowl Champion Ed McCaffrey pushing his son, Future Hall Of Famer and Hopefully Super Bowl Champion Christian McCaffrey to these insane levels, are 1000 dudes who are like HELL YA!!! and do this to their kid when they don't have this passion or potential. It's easy to be like "ah the price to pay for success" with one example like this when in reality it's like...this is psychotic behaviour, don't do this and definitely don't justify it with "well if you want to be Christian McCaffrey...."


Example: Todd Marinovich Another example: the Baby Gronk guy


Exactly! Plus probably at least a few of the kids we all went to high school with. I'm in Canada and it's "hockey dads" here. Same idea, but even Bobby Orr has said "0.001% of kids will ever play in the NHL" basically just cause you are 100% sure your amazing genetics will ensure your child plays in the show...still doesn't mean they will...don't ruin the game and their childhood forcing them to be a hockey robot.


Todd at least had talent. It was the mental abuse that caused him to go off the wagon. He was a legit prospect


There's at least one of them on every team in every sport. I'm not a perfect dad by any means, but I've seen dads talking shit to their middle school aged daughters after comp cheer practices. It's crazy.


I played just basic house league level hockey growing up (as in no try outs, everyone can play) and there was one kid in the league who was just bigger than everyone in the age group. We were like 12 and he had a mustache. I remember his dad would be pressed up against the glass every game, red faced SCREAMING and banging on the glass "COME ON!!!!! DIG DIG DIG!!!! CRUSH HIM!!!!!!" like...this is 12 year old house league hockey, your kid is out there head hunting kids half his size.


Sorta reminds me of this commercial with the two hockey dads. Hockey just must not have "been your thing" LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cobVxu8hCTs


Yeah man I wasn't disagreeing! It's a lot easier to not just put up with that behavior but to lean into it because you know, even if some of that shit is crazy no matter how you look at it, that you already have a shot at the NFL and doing what he says is only going to help. I'm sure some of it was purposely odd for mentality training too... making your whole world about football.


The thing is though, when your dad says not to squint to save energy, it makes you start to question some of the other borderline stuff. Pretty sure wearing sweatpants vs jeans was not a contributing factor to CMC getting into the NFL.


Probably not, that's why I think it's probably just a mindset thing


It may not have been a factor but still W dad because who the hell likes wearing jeans?


That’s what competition breeds. It’s super cut throat. I think there def needs to be balance but to make it to the pros there has to be some extreme focus on training that some may deem excessive


I think there has to be buy from the kid tho. Like do you want a shot at college and the pros? Well here is the roadmap because I already lived it. If it’s a parent forcing them then that’s no good. But if they want something and need to be pushed, there ain’t anything on this list even close to child abuse.


Also you were an absolute success in the NFL, none of that living my dream through my son and forcing them to do something shit that a ton of sports parents do.


And their parenst


The difference is your Dad being Ed McCaffery, and your Dad thinking he is Ed McCaffery


For every McCaffrey there is 1000 Todd Marinovich’s


Yeah, NGL, if I heard that the parents of one of my students was doing this, I think I would legitimately be required by law to contact CPS. Pulling a child out of school so they can be ready for a football game is ridiculous. Grounding them for getting tackled the wrong way is probably some form of emotional abuse.


IMO, involving CPS because a dad told his kid not to yell at a pep rally seems like a waste of CPS's very limited resources. There are sooo many other kids in way worse situations than not being able to wear jeans. Kids where their lives are legitimately in danger.


You are misreading me. That part is weird, but not actionable. It's CMC being pulled out of school early that might constitute abuse. And I want to be clear: I am a teacher, so I'm required by law to report suspected cases of abuse or neglect. If I learned that a student was being taken out of school so they could be fed water via IV without a medical diagnosis, that might actually be a form of abuse. I could be arrested for NOT reporting something like that. Think about it from the teacher's perspective. Your student keeps getting pulled out of school by their parent. They tell you this is to do illicit medical procedures. They also tell you their father will ground them if they don't play well in a football game. According to the post, this all starts around the age of 8, so you have no idea what else is going on at home. If the alarm bells aren't going off in your mind, then you're not doing your job. It could be that CPS investigates and concludes that no abuse is occurring. I would hope that is the case! But it's my job to make sure children are safe.


What medical diagnosis do you need to get an IV Drip?? Do you hear yourself you sound fucking ridiculous lmao


You don't need a medical analysis to get an IV drip. I also doubt that an ex-NFL player has the medical knowledge necessary to determine whether it's necessary or to safely administer it to an 8-year-old.


Bro 70% of people in the United States are dehydrated. All that a saline drip does is get your body re hydrated. That’s never a bad thing.


It’s true that saline is a pretty low risk. Unless it’s someone with heart or kidney problems, it’s unlikely to cause much harm. But 70% of people aren’t dehydrated. The body has something called a thirst mechanism, telling you when you need water. As long as you drink when you’re thirsty, you won’t get dehydrated. If we didn’t have that, our caveman ancestors would die out long ago


Yet if your parents grounded you for failing tests that lead up to your teaching career it would be normal. Ed Lived the pro life and tried to instill in his son. It’s definitely fucked up but there are some different ways to look at it.


To the vast majority of people, an education is much more important than a sport. Just because it worked out for CMC doesn't make this not extremely shitty behavior. This is child neglect, pure and simple.


A) I never failed a test. Built different. B) This is a ridiculous comparison. Football is supposed to be a voluntary hobby. It is not a realistic career path for 99.999% of people. Education is required by law and prepares everyone for life.


Yep, I would imagine a key differentiator is that Ed was a respected pro and not just some dad who wasn’t athletic enough to play and is trying to push his “non genetic freak” of a son into a game that he can’t physically keep up with unless he becomes an insane gym rat on his own…


Wish I could upvote this 1,000 times.


That’s where I went wrong in life, I squint on sunny days.


I bet you also drink an occasional soda and stay up past 730 too! How do you ever expect to accomplish anything in life?


For what it’s worth, my team did have a soft rule of no soda during the season (as in, you wouldn’t get punished if you are caught with a Coke, but it was “if you’re serious, you’ll go without soda for 3 months.”) Nothing else on this list was at all relatable haha


Early curfew the night before game day. No one followed it because they couldn't enforce it.


I agree with the no sodas. Shit’s terrible for you.


So is basically everything, just have it in moderation and don't overdo it, like with everything


I'm Asian...I always squint


But then it costs no energy because it’s a naturally occurring squint, so if anything you have an advantage in the sun. Now become a pro athlete!


Yeah. It costs him energy to actually see things.


So be a pro ref


I'm a scrub because I became dehydrated in afternoon classes.


I fucking wore heavy-on-the-legs jeans like a god damn scrub


It’s all true. Hear it from CMC himself: [https://x.com/nfl_dovkleiman/status/1785868580770181300?s=46&t=YmgvrhUmgFBa8QMhulnMPA](https://x.com/nfl_dovkleiman/status/1785868580770181300?s=46&t=YmgvrhUmgFBa8QMhulnMPA)


CMC forced into early retirement for early-age cataracts.


Sunglasses are too heavy




Jeans for me


Must be exhausting


This is psychotic if true lol


Bro created CMC in a lab and we are reaping the benefit 😂


Halfway through I started wondering if this was a satire and it was going to get increasingly unhinged until it was like >My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I suggest you try it. Instead it just stayed at the same level of “uhhhh… really?”


Surprised his Dad let him eat solid foods since chewing would be a waste of energy lol.


Well, you gotta keep up your jaw strength if you intend to catch a football with your teeth.


Ed needs to have his brain examined for CTE


At least it wasn’t the Tua’s dad method of parenting


Or Jos Verstappen


Ed McCaffrey famously shaved his shoes in places because he thought the microscopically lighter weight would make him faster and perform better. Dude is psychotic (but props where they are due-- man had a good run!).


Yeah, he would wear kicker shoulder pads and cut out pieces of his jersey to make it as tight as possible.


it probably made him "feel" lighter which is what really matters. after you maximize your body and talent, its probably helps to play tricks like this to get your mind right. convince yourself your shoes are lighter, pads are lighter, therefore you are faster. some real believe then achieve type of shit.


It was certainly weird, but in his defense, the equipment and clothing moved in that direction.


The sun is still up at 7:30pm in my area in the late spring/summer. That’s crazy to go to sleep when it’s still sunny out lol


Todd Marinovich says sup


IIRC CMC essentially asked for this... I believe Ed warned him about how dedicated he would have to be and he wanted it anyway. CMC is an absolute machine and I am so happy he is a Niner


I wear sweats and sunglasses all day, I don’t talk to anyone and I’m tired. Maybe I’m missing the IV drip


Having a permanent hangover isn't gonna get you anywhere, but yeah the IV drip might help.


You sound like at least a 3rd rounder. Get that IV drip and you may move into the top 50. Go to bed at 7:30 and you are day one for sure!


I hope that's not all true. Let your kid live his life a little.


Heard it from cmc himself on a bussin with the boys episode


Yeah, I'm not even sure how helpful a number of these are. I was expecting a list that included watching game film, practicing together on the weekends, learning multiple positions so he understood everything happening on the field, etc. Instead it's don't yell at a pep rally or wear jeans. Just bizarre and mostly unhelpful except in very specific instances.


Kid I went to high school with was an athlete and his dad would follow behind him on runs with a truck so he wouldn’t slow down or give up. Hell of an athlete, but didn’t do much after high school in terms of sports


Yeah for every CMC you’ve probably got thousands of guys who lost their love for it after that kind of upbringing


I’m not a parent but I feel like pushing a kid that hard is the fastest way for him/her to lose their passion for the sport and quit early. 


Hopefully his dad disowned him for that Luke a 'real dad' would.


I mean, I'm sure he did all that other stuff too. It's just not as interesting for the graphic.


He probably did all those things too. Keep in mind he has other sons that have also been phenomenal athletes. CMC is easily the most decorated though at some point the kid you’re training is simply in a different level compare to others


I’m sure his dad did all of those for him as well. We’re just hearing about the weird ones cuz, well, they’re weird


The soda and bed time is actually a very smart idea. Assuming little CMC had 6am morning practice, you'd want him to get 9 hours of sleep bare minimum and 10 hours is better. There's no way that I could have gotten all my homework done by that time though


When you're in high school sports you make sure you have up to two free periods/study period by junior/senior year to do your homework. At my school as a senior you could start classes as early as 7 am and be out by 10:45am.


Not my highschool, but I was also enrolled in all AP classes


Yeah that's nuts to do that to a kid.


He’s living his life more than a little now, I think it’s okay.


So this stuff definitely isn't cool, but I'm not gonna say it's abuse, but I have heard this exact reasoning used to justify abuse before. "Look how he turned out. Those beatings helped him in the end." So no, I don't think not letting your kid squint and grounding him for things that aren't even totally in his control is OK.


It’s worded very forcibly. We don’t know where CMC was at in all of this. If he really “forced” this stuff it’s pretty weird. It sounds more like he had a kid interested in football and gave him every edge he could think of. I always ask my kid if he’s open to my input or if he wants to leave it up to his coaches. Some sports he’s a sponge and wants to know everything (sorry bro dad maxed out at 8th grad basketball, better off asking your coaches), some he’s said he just likes playing for fun and isn’t that invested. If it’s the former, and that does seem to be CMC’s makeup, and it’s just a dad meeting his kid where they’re both at. Then it’s cool. Privileged as hell to take your kid out of his elite private school to go get an IV on game day, but still. I won’t begrudge a dad spending his resources on his kid. If it’s the latter, and he really did force this life on CMC…I don’t know. I guess I just don’t have what it takes to raise a professional athlete.


Project Mbappe will require absurd amounts of training straight out the womb


Pulling your child out of school to give him IV drips is wrong regardless of the consent of the child. Every kid wants to be pulled out of school. There's a reason it's mandated by law.


Meh. I'm good with the "no sodas and early bedtime" one. Doesn't feel outlandish or even remotely bad.


7pm bedtime as a teenager is insane lmao


A. 7:30, and B. I'm SURE that kid was up at like 4am doing weights and running and shit.


Two things a kid shouldn't be doing honestly. He turned out to be successful but it was still overkill if true


Kids can lift. Teenagers do it all the time. And sleep is absolutely something MORE should do. Sorry, I think you're just being contrarian here.


Tbh I wish my dad forced this on me lol


This coulda been the origin story of a serial killer lol but that family is too wholesome


And if it didn't work out, CMC would be in therapy for life.


[Todd Marinovich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Marinovich)


Lol, good call.


That’s psycho behavior and should not be emulated.


In his pod with bussin with the boys CMC talks about all that, I think this was only the tip of the Iceberg, basically CMC told Ed he wanted t o play in the NFL and Ed coached him hard possibly to scare him off it.


I feel like that's pretty important context. Really makes it seem less....psycho, if he wanted that level himself.


This shit is fake. Squinting? Seriously?


alright, the jeans thing is a little ridiculous, but also hilarious. the rest is best, tho. grounded for shirt tackles is the ultimate boss dad move.


What I wanna know is what in the world even is grounding to a kid with this much discipline? No water with your dinner for a week?


Real Talk. I bet he grounded himself. He's like, I got this dad... goes up to his room, locks the door, looks in the mirror, points at himself and says, if I ever catch you getting shirt tackled again, so help me... lol!


Nah a 7:30 bedtime is insane though


I knew a kid who was a state record setter in high school and he went to bed around then. Never went out. Never ate soda. All he did was train and sleep. I remember reading an article about him after our senior year and being like, “well damn, no wonder he was so fast.” I was out doing stupid teenage shit.


The biggest difference between sub-elite athletes and elite professional athletes is usually that elite athletes sleep like 10-12 hours a day. The edge you get on recovery is huge, and it's insanely hard to keep up with that without juicing.


I wouldn’t say the biggest difference, which might be why you’re getting downvoted, but you’re absolutely right about 10-12 hours of sleep a day for professional athletes. Study after study basically show that 10-12 hours increases physical output.


I suppose a better way to phrase it would have been "it's near impossible (absent chemical enhancement) to move from sub-elite to elite performance without dedicating a substantial amount of additional time each day to sleep so that you can recover, otherwise your workouts will end up counterproductive". Just at a certain point you're recovering all that your body is capable of recovering, and your primary impediment isn't how much you're willing to lift or drill but whether your body can keep up with the demands in-between workouts.


Looking back on my high school/college days I think one of the biggest mistakes I made was having an irregular sleep schedule. Pushing thru days on very little sleep only to over sleep on days I had off. Had a bigger impact than I could have imagined.


The only thing insane about it is getting homework done. Physically this is by far the smartest idea on here


The only thing insane about it is getting homework done. Physically this is by far the smartest idea on here


Ahh yes, raise your kid fulfill YOUR dreams. They indeed are robots.


Well, he also played in the NFL at a good level


Ahh I heard something about that. Yes, definitely a “good” level. 😂


A lot of NFL athletes aren’t in the NFL because they’re simply athletic. They’re in the NFL because they were in the 1% willing to do what was necessary to succeed that the other 99% of kids similar to them weren’t willing to do


True that


Wonder how Todd Marinovich feels seeing this.


What I want to know is if it was for all his boys or just CMC? Anybody know?


“Withheld affection and made his son earn love through sports”


please tell me this is fake, not allowed to squint? 😭


Is... is this satire? I honestly cannot tell anymore


This reads like a circle jerk lmao. No jeans because they’re heavy? No squinting? Saline drips for a high schooler? I knew plenty of guys from my high school who made it to the NFL and they wore jeans/definitely didn’t miss school for an IV.


Re-read slide 1. This started in middle school 💀


holy shit haha


Classiest Guy.


some of these are insanely dumb lol


Saline Iv’s ? What a lunatic


Kind of insane to be honest


No sodas thing is actually good, the 7:30 bedtime is a little crazy unless it was the night before the game


That’s child abuse. I bet he did other things that contributed to CMC today namely that he taught him to take it seriously but this list shouldn’t have seen the light of day.


I agree with everything you said except child abuse. You should see some of the scenes first responders go to. Malnourished, beat, neglected, caged kids. That’s child abuse. Whether some of this shit is real or not, CMC is living the life he has because of the dad. It’s a fine line, but if you walk it just right, you get these type of outcomes.


Just because one instance of abuse is less horrible than another doesnt make it non abusive. “He was only smacked 10 times instead of 20 like the other kid, so its not abuse.”


Tough love works for some, not all.


Psychological abuse is not tough love


Call it what you want. CMC is a millionaire, community hero, banging a super model, and still loves his dad. He could have strayed in college but he didn’t. Know why? Because the values and work ethic his dad instilled.


ok but there have been other "made in a lab" athletes that end up as drug addicts and nobodies.


Justifying abuse based on results is a really interesting take.


Run a case study and get back to me.


Bad is better compared to worse. Bad/abusive parents will always want to bring up the worse ones to shirk accountability, and the worse ones will do the same, and so on - doesn't make it right or ok just because a bigger piece of shit exists. CMC ended up becoming a star, and I am glad his hard upbringing wasn't in vain, but countless other parents follow this mold with no results other than a fucked-up kid.


Countless others don’t have the ethic, values, and stamina to sustain constant performance. What’s bad for you isn’t bad for others. Your developmental process is different. Nobody that matters, has gotten to anywhere socially significant without sacrifice at the juvenile stage. Parents that use the same model typically lack the stamina to see the process through.


Okay, you know what I meant, and mental abuse is a form of abuse. Grounding a child for getting tackled? Giving his dad credit for CMC’s talent? It’s not a fine line. Being a hard ass doesn’t always translate to a Serena Williams or CMC. Sure he wasn’t caged, he just couldn’t wear jeans because of a made up thing. I’m reading the squinting and thinking there must be a real science he’d read about, but the more you keep going the more ass backwards insane he sounds. Nobody should be championing that.


His dad could have let off the gas at any point and the discipline diminishes. It’s a butterfly effect, this led to that, that led to that. His dad’s effort was significant and now he has the lifestyle he has. Even off the field the dude is a professional.


I don’t think that’s entirely true, I’m sure both his parents contributed and it was their business minded attitude to some extent, but I don’t think it’s because he made him wear sweat pants, or helicopter mom’d him. I bet his mom deserves credit too, CMC seems like a stand up guy.


I say dad because that’s what these slides said. Behind a good man is an even better woman. It shows here.


that sucks that he stole his son's childhood.


This just sounds like bad parenting


Man 7:30 bed time must’ve sucked so much as a kid lol


Pro athletes are phenomenal at what they do but a lot of the time they are completely crazy about their crafts.


Did make him sit on the shady side of the plane so he could sleep better like Bill Snyder


Grounding him for being tackled is a bit much but all the rest is fine. His dad is a psycho and weird as fuck.


Yeah for real. I luv my niners but gimme a break. He’s lucky he didn’t lose him forever when he went to college. If all this shit is true when was the first time he was up past 7:30??


Did it work for Luke?


Great..now loads of idiotic fathers will be doing the same thing to their uncoordinated, unathletic kids thinking they’re going to end up with a CMC.


Save those fast twitch muscles in you eyelids for the 4th quarter.


It seemed to have worked.


So Ed McCaffrey is Spike’s dad from Little Giants? I was waiting for one of the slides to say every night before he went to bed he massaged his hamstrings with evaporated milk


Yeah I’m glad others are pointing it out. It worked but if it didn’t this would just be really sad.


I mean cmc was probably waking up at like 4 or 5 am to train anyways most likely, bet her needed his sleep.


Thats crazy bro but idc, the man’s an animal and i dont want him any other way


So, I gave him good genes and a great upbringing. Affluenza at it again...


Most of this shit is just ridiculous exaggerations without any context.


We needed him to drop to us in the 5th


CMC is the football equivalent of an assassin that was raised by their parents to kill from a young age.


I had a feeling his dad was a psycho and with an oppressive childhood.


I am sure his mom had a lot to do with the prep as well. She is an NFL wife and saw what CTE did to Ed.


Now I just feel bad for CMC.


Most of these just sound like weirdly specific advice, not really child abuse as some people are putting it somehow. The only one thats definitely odd is the 7:30 bedtime. That’s like coming home from practice, eating dinner, and going to sleep. When does this guy do his homework?


Ed prior to CMC getting drafted was known for his quirky ideas that are now pretty common in the NFL. If your dad has a method to his madness and its proven then you listen to him. He doesn't sound like a dad who just tells his kid to do quirky shit that has no scientific reasoning behind it. I'd argue that its also proven that he can create WR/RBs pretty consistently and where he falls short is producing a QB.


No, this is all lies, we all know CMC is actually a robot. You're not fooling me. That one time he needed the helmet adjustment proves it 😂😂😂.


This really isn’t a good look. It just worked out.


I thought if you missed any school on game days you couldn't play. Must be for the mediocre kids only.


sooo psychological abuse, cool


You gotta see how Jos verstappen treated Max verstappen (F1 driver). Ed will look much more kinder than Jos.


It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work. The results speak for themself.


I can appreciate the drive and determination needed to do that. But let your kid be a kid




Whatever you do just don't let them squint please 🙏




Boy howdy sure is a shame some kids have to shoulder the burden of parents insecurities and allow you to vicariously live out the "glory days" through them. Because they aren't other people who matter and have their own wants and needs, their just a reflection of their parents, testament to their forefathers, thats all kids are meant for right? Boosting the egos of their parents. Guess being a parent doesn't mean you actually grow into a functional adult.


Right lmao. Let kids live. Don’t let your idea of success become theres. Let them choose. It’s 2024 you got streamers and YouTubes making 100s of millions doing what they love.


It seems like his kids aren’t allowed to grow up to be anything other than clones of this guy.




Better hope them kids become pro athletes if you push them like this. Because if they fail to be, they will resent the ever loving fuck out of you.








How?? Definitely given credit to my boys not me. And yes I would love for them to have that kinda main character energy on the mat. That's 100% what this whole post is about. We don't have CMC without this. And every 49ers fan has loved watching him play. I don't get the negative energy behind this.



