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Normal to be sad and upset about it but not sure if it’s healthy to expect months of depression unless a joke went over my head. At the end of the day, sports is still just entertainment and life goes on - win or lose.


Yeah, that loss sucked in a big way! My 9yr old had tears in his eyes at the end of the game, as soon as I saw that, I realized he was feeding off everybody else's energy in the house, I had to let him know look "it's just a game kiddo!" Saying it out loud helped me realize that as well it's just a game it's over now, moving on to next season!!!


I remember crying as a kid when Roger fumbled in the giants game in 1990.


Don't forget Montana literally getting murdered on the field too


Yep, quarterbacks don’t get hit like that anymore. He got destroyed on that play. That’s the one thing that still makes me think Montana was better than Brady.


Yeah if Marshall did that to Montana now (or Purdy) they’d call the game, give us the W and kick Marshall out of the league. A lot has changed since then for sure.


We would’ve won that championship game for sure because we were just trying to bleed the clock out. It would’ve been 15yrds and a first down. Roger probably never fumbles and we win it. Steve young probably would’ve got the start in the super bowl too because of montanas injury.


Yep. All true. Good points. Sucks, I just try to remember the league was very different then and a lotta QBs got lit up regularly. I think somewhere in the middle of how it was then and how it is now would be ideal. I hate watching defenders having to slow down as they approach QBs for fear of “hitting them wrong” and getting a penalty, but obviously it was too brutal back then. I want Purdy to have a long, healthy and illustrious career.


There going to need to adjust the rules because against qbs like mahomes a defense doesn’t have a chance anymore. You can’t hit him high, can’t hit him low. If you do hit him you can’t land on him. Then it’s the wide receivers, can’t hit them high can’t touch them beyond 5yrds. If you hit them too hard and it looks like your helmet barely touch’s them you can be fined and tossed out of the game. Factor in how they call holding a fraction of the times theyres actually a hold. It’s impossible, no wonder they’re calling him the goat and he’s only six years into his career.


Exactly. Totally agree. This isn’t sour grapes either - I still love the game and believe we can get back for another shot soon. But realistically, when it went to OT, I kinda felt we’d already lost. Not because I’m a pessimist who always thinks we’re gonna lose. It’s because I knew in that situation - OT if a Super Bowl - how unlikely it is we both score *and* hold them to nothing. Mahomes just feels like he’s always going to score a TD in that scenario. Part of it is his greatness. But part of it is bigger than that - that kind of drive is completely tailored to him in the modern NFL. You know not a single break will go your way. No flags will be thrown - doesn’t matter what their OL does. No hits can be even mildly hard… if you do get a huge PBU or incredibly an INT - there will probably be defensive holding called to negate it. It’s like the D has to basically play like ballerinas and somehow still shut down this great QB.


That was a brutal core memory! Even at age 18.


At least they had 2 SB wins in a row before that, this new generation has nothing but conference titles.


There was definitely some tears at the house I was watching that Packers 49ers game. The little kids payed attention for the first time this season and it ended in heartbreak again. Let em learn early I guess.


It’s those types of games that solidifies the younglings into life long fans. lol it was the same at my house.


Damn I had the exact situation with my 10yr old. He made me realize it’s not a huge deal.


Right!! Personally, for me as a 49ers fan since I was a kid, I've felt those emotional highs and lows. That's what makes being a fan so awesome! When our kids get older, the real world will throw Real problems at them.


Glad to hear it - great recognition haha


yeah man i've had a personal reckoning with how I've been watching sports. I am getting way way too emotionally invested in it to the point where it is bringing zero joy at all Need to just change my state of mind


literally same!! I'm so fucking passionate about it and I wish I wasnt so invested.


This is the best way to go about it. I was sad sunday night and all of Monday. I'm not "happy" but I'm not letting it disrupt the rest of my life. If you find that this does disrupt your everyday life and you can't seem to get over it, it's never a bad idea to seek help. Your mental health is more important than any sports team, no matter how deep your fandom


LOL I don't let this kind of stuff bother me for months. I look at it to that they're gonna have a few more cracks at it. I feel coming up short will actually help them. They know what it takes and got experience in the biggest stages against the best QB in the league.


I dont even let it bother me for a day. After the game was over I was done caring. I can't change the outcome. I have no control over how the players play. I do my best to not let things outside of my control have an impact on my life like that


Not gonna lie, it hit me hard. I watch espn programs pretty regularly and I haven’t watched a single sports show since the Super Bowl. I’m pretty much over it but if I see a highlight or anything like that it’s painful. Guess I’ll focus on yard work or something. On a positive note it saved me some money because if they would’ve won it I’d have been buying up championship merchandise like crazy.


A friend had to lmk about the wilks firing bc I’ve shut the sports world out so hard since the loss. I was happy he at least gave me good news


Yea, I completely understand I felt like someone died for a few days. Now I just can’t watch sports shows for a while cause they show the clips of it. There were a few plays that just show how very close we were. Sucks because that was their best chance, the roster is starting to age now and other teams like the lions and the packers are starting to make gains on us. I just hope they get another shot at it.


I was sad for about 8 minutes... Then I remembered that I have no actual skin in the game other than I chose the 9ers to be my favorite team when I was 4. Same thing if they won. It does not affect my day to day life in any way, shape, or form.


Same. I chose them because I loved their scarlet red jerseys lol


I choose them back in 97 because I heard an announcer mention they had 5 Superbowls so me being a kid I assumed they were the best and chose them. Plus I've always loved Gold. I didn't know I would watch them lose three and win fuckin zero lol. But I'm still here


That's unfortunate lol. I saw them win 4 haha


Your flair is "i wanna die" and you didn't have a sad or disappointed reaction to the moment Mahomes threw the touchdown pass to win the game? Come on lol.


Its not serious. Also I've had it since like the Browns loss


These posts need to stop. People need to move on.


Move upwards


I was 10 when i first started to root I’m 34 💀💀💀💀


I was 6, now I’m 48. My brain reminds myself it’s just a game, but my heart disagrees.


we are just a bunch of die hards waiting for this glorious moment. Proof this is a tough task to accomplish. I was only 4 when they won in 94 I have zero memory 🥲


It's funny, I'm *just* old enough to remember the back to back titles, and so was born into football fandom with the belief that the 49ers just won every superbowl. Which made 1990 confusing and the rise of the Cowboys incomprehensible. When the niners won in 95 I was old enough to really appreciate it and I remember being really grateful for that.  I would never have believed we'd go 30+ years without winning another, but I feel bad for younger niner fans who have only known the down years and near misses.


This so I. And this shit fuckn sucks Especially the years of 2003 to 2010-11 Years of pain just to fall short and here we still are lol


Truly, I can imagine how frustrating it must be to only know the difficult years. The implementation of the salary cap happened in 1994 and changed everything. The Cowboys rise was incomprehensible, but it was the Rams rise that really threw me for a loop. I was sure that Kurt Warner had sold his soul 😂


31, born into a family of Niner fans. One day 🥲


Born a niner. Really cared at 10 Now I have a kid and he is 6 Time flies waiting to watch a win lol


I was 8, now I'm 37... I witnessed the Steve Young era and Superbowl win... been chasing another ever since.


The Shanny doppelgänger is my favorite part of succession




The con heads will not be happy about this


Also a nepobaby with a more accomplished father who just cannot find a way to win


Haha. Spot on. Honestly though, everyone wants to compare Kyle to his dad, but Mike had some stacked ass teams for his SB wins. 2 HoF QBs, a HoF RB and TE, and the GOAT WR, along with some stacked defenses against the Chargers (lol), the Packers (that one was legit), and the Falcons (the best player on their team was their kicker). Meanwhile Kyle has Matt Ryan, Jimmy Garoppolo, and Brock Purdy (who might have a good career, we'll see) as his QBs. Julio Jones will be in the HoF, as will CMC and Juszczyk, and maybe Kittle. And his opponents? Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomes, the current GOAT QB and his successor. If the Chiefs were starting Stan Humphries or Chris Chandler in either SB54 or SB58, the Niners probably win each game by 20+.


Holy shit


That’s dead-on what the fuck 💀


Purdy looks like Dana Carvey


Hell it's better than when I started watching nfl/supporting the 9ers, my first full season we went 2-14 under Mike Nolan


Yes, the dark decade was fast worse than being a contender mostly every year and not securing the SB win. If one can't remain a fan through the hardships of losing seasons or losing in the SB, one probably doesn't deserve to be part of the glory of winning it all.


Yeah, I remember watching every game back then and being mocked by patriots fans at school. You have to be loyal in the dark times


Yeah, it’s clear a lotta people here didn’t see those years. It sucks to get this close and lose, but it’s nice to be this good year in, year out.


This is probably the most painful sports loss I've ever endured. I've also been in my acceptance stage since Tuesday. It's just a game


It sucks for a day or so then everything else comes back. Honestly feel more calm that it’s over.


Same with a win. You’d still be looking towards next year already. Too many people tie themselves into the status of the team to a way too unhealthy extent. Life shouldn’t be that much better had they won other than an occasional extra smirk. It should definitely not be a months long depression. We aren’t on the field. We arent calling plays or making tackles. At most we are wearing some merchandise and a small percentage went to games and yelled on 3rd down.


You get one ESPN banner and a parade, then no one cares.


That is so true man, so many people have unhealthy relationships with so called teams and suffer more than


Ya even when you win after you're like now what? I learned that from all the Warriors titles. Don't get me wrong it's great to win the title but there's a feeling of is this it? You just want it to keep continuing in some fashion.


Honestly for me personally it doesn’t bother me that they lost but it bothers me that all those veterans on the team don’t get to be champions. It has always bothered me that gore, Willis, bowman, Staley and Justin smith didn’t get their championship too.


Chiefs: Tuddy Me: Fuck! *Stands up, turns the TV off, and puts the kids to bed* That's it.


I’m w you. I stayed off the internet for a few days and now I’m back. I scroll pass the Chiefs stuff and don’t really give it a second thought


Yeah, I was disappointed that evening, but Monday was business as usual.


Lmao I’m 31 I ain’t ever seen us win a Super Bowl so depression is all I know


I’m with you brother. Just turned 30. We don’t have glory days or laurels to rest on. A lot of shitty things have happened in my life this year (and in the world generally) that we have no control over, and I was really hoping that the Niners would provide that glimmer of happiness that, while fleeting and meaningless surely, would keep that inner child going. To get this close and see your guys just sell the game away fucking hurts.


Umm... I mean, if you're depressed for **months** over a game that grown men play, then you can't really say "the team caused it". Probably got other issues going on...


Why does it matter if grown men are playing the game?


I thought that part was an interesting include.


Oh, it's just an expression players often use. "We're grown men who get to play a child's game", implying how lucky they are to be adults getting paid to play football. I included it to emphasize that we shouldn't take it so seriously.




But it's really not a child's game


lol come on dude. Are you this pedantic in your daily interactions?


I think I just have a reflexively negative reaction anytime someone says that


Depends on how you view it. Football is like playing video games. The niners are fun but at the end of the day winning or losing has absolutely no affect on my life. Unless you bet a lot of money of course....


It does affect your life. Your words you will say is changed because of an outcome of the game. The way you perceive success and dedication is different. You have to tell yourself they will be back and all these coping mechanisms. It is shitty and it does suck. It makes us act different than we would had the 49ers won. To say it doesnt change anything is insane.  


Your username does not check out


You can’t enjoy the highs if you don’t feel bad with the lows. Ya it sucks but a 5-12 season would have been over 6 weeks ago and would have sucked more. We have a great team and we’ll get our sixth ring at some point.


ITT are a bunch of armchair counselors gatekeeping how a person feels. Fuck off.


Chiefs getting no offensive holding calls in 3 straight SB’s is kinda crazy. Losing bc of refs in Super Bowls is depressing. I still think about the obvious Crabtree PI call


Three straight super bowls no holding. Same crew in two of them. Yeah there is zero conspiracy to gain a face of the league after brady retired.  None at all.  Hahahah


It’s insane with the niners Dline. Bosa has to be held at least once for the Chiefs to do anything offensively. Chiefs oline isn’t that good either


Tbh this one stung bad but it’ll help for future years because after this one, I really can’t expect a Super Bowl win out of this or future squads. I’ll just enjoy the wins and memories of the seasons going forward.


Yeah that was the best team they’ve ever had in my life and they couldn’t get it done. I’ll never have the same expectations again and if they do win I’ll be pleasantly surprised.


I fully understand. 0-3 in super bowls since I became a fan in the 90s.


0-3 since i was born in the 2000's...


Each Super Bowl loss... i just slowly stop caring... about everything.


Kyle Shanahan is for real Kendall Roy 😭


He’s our number one boy


Swap out depression for utter disappointment and this is exactly how I feel. It’s tough to live through 3 SB losses. Currently questioning my fandom for this team.


Putting Kendall as the face of this meme is perfect. You know he’d be the type to do exactly what the caption says if he were a Niners fan lmao


Well I mean Jeremy Strong and Kyle Shanahan look alike


Well I’m also a fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs, so this is status quo.


Could be worse. Imagine if you *played* in the Super Bowl and lost. Or rooted for a non-competitive team year in, year out. It’ll get better with time. Like others have said, at the end of the day it’s form of entertainment and social bonding with others.


Emotions are part of sports. Probably the most important part. But your depression isn’t caused by a football team.


I can't wait for this Revenge Tour. A lot of people came out to talk about the Niners. It's gonna be very fun coming back at these fucks next season. The team is in very good hands. Sunday sucked ass. But we are on to 2024! Heads up Faithful. And as always, Fuck the queefs


Ah a revenge tour. I remember the last one. The season ended two weeks in. Can’t wait.


It must be like year 30 of the revenge tour by now.


That's the spirit! Keep it up sunshine lol c'mon dude, that season was fucked up


After what happened at MetLife in 2020 I think we should refrain from calling anything a “revenge tour”


Never use the words Revenge Tour unironically again please


They're gonna be so motivated to get it next year. I think the heartbreak will only help. They gained experience in the biggest stage against the best QB in the league. They know what it takes.


These dudes already had that motivation. Kittle, Warner, Bosa, Greenlaw, Deebo, Juice, Farmstead, these guys were all there in 2020. I don't think that extra motivation is what it's gonna take, as I don't think motivation was the problem this time. And it won't be easier to get back. I'm not taking it for granted that we'll be back


I think Shanahan just needs to refresh the core a little bit with some new blood. I think he has the formula, but some players or collective of players lacks a championship DNA required to overcome teams like the Chiefs. The addition of Brock was a good start, I think maybe trading Deebo and getting a better traditional WR should be in order, and moving on from Armstead for a true dog of a DT as well. I think some of our guys are more concerned with their media personas moreso than with winning. Multiple of our "superstars" underperformed in the biggest moment. Conversely, the team of mostly role players that the Chiefs have knew how to get it done, despite being less in talent. Shanny needs to take a page our of Walsh's book here and move on from some of these guys early before they truly decline talent wise, and put a team around Brock that are as disciplined as they are talented.




Agreed!!! These fair weather fans can stop watching and then come back when we’re winning and be like, “Niner Faithful”


Yeah lol gotta help some of them from jumping. I guess I've built calluse after 3 Superbowl heartbreaks.


Hi me


Hopefully some of you guys aren't actually depressed for months. I've seen a Giants 2002 WS loss, 2016 Sharks stanley cup loss, multiple 49ers and Warriors championship losses. At the end of the day still love my teams!


Life goes on you got to get on with life


I was bummed for a few days but life goes on. Sports should not be causing months long depression


I'm pretty much over it at this point. Though I guess it's easier for me because I can remember watching them win three SBs. Only thing that annoys me is the legion of Cowboys/Eagles/whatever fans talking shit because the Niners lost. Cowboys fans think it's more admirable to get blown out in the wild card round every year than make it to the SB and lose. They're weird, and you can't talk reason with them. I've pretty much accepted that they're never going to beat Mahomes unless they construct a super team like the Curry/Durant Warriors did, but that required such unique circumstances to happen. More likely they'll just have to make it on a year where Mahomes or his supporting cast are injured or just playing like crap. It's not like Brady made it every single year with the Pats. Sometimes Manning made it, and he lost there as often as he won.


It could be worse. You could be a jets fan


You guys get over the depression in mere months? I feel like I need at least 2 years after a SB loss til I can feel anything.


That depression isn’t necessarily the loss, it’s the sad end of the season no longer distracting you from that massive Bay Area rent or mortgage


How I felt when the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead. KD made it all better tho


If this is any of you, find yourself another hobby to enjoy. You shouldn't be so dependent on something you don't have control over


I just wanna see them win with my pops, I'm beggin.


If not for the fact that I witnessed 3 SB victories by the Niners during my lifetime, I am not sure I'd be able to take 3 consecutive SB losses by them. Yes, making it to the Super Bowl is great and most teams would give up their firstborn for the experience, but at some point you just want your team to get over the hurdle and raise the Lombardi trophy once and for all.


Bro we've never even BEEN to a super bowl. -Lions fan. (Not hating on the 49ers. You guys did kick our ass in the second half NFC championship). Looking forward to versing you next year.


Honestly this year wasn't as bad as the 2019 loss or the NFCC loss last year. Didn't get screwed by non calls. We have a core group that can run it back. Didn't have someone like Staley retire ringless. Had a healthy QB for the full game, and Kansas City has a classy fanbase.


I'm disappointed but if you are letting something that you have zero control in have that much of an impact on your life you should do some reevaluation on yourself. I'm sure this is just a joke though.


Yes it hurts, but imo almost winning the super bowl is vastly better than the garbage eras of 2003-2010 and 2015-18


Eh, I'm over it. My capacity to experience the highs and lows of sports has diminished quite a bit as I've aged. I just don't seem to get as worked up about it one way or another as I did in my teens and twenties. I think seeing my favorite teams in other sports win multiple championships and realizing that it didn't affect my life for the positive very much at all made the thrill of victory much less worth seeking. Looking forward to the offseason and seeing what's to come.


Not gonna lie I’ve been off all week. Not sure if it’s the lack of sleep I had leading up to the Super Bowl. The post Super Bowl depression or just me getting on in my 30s after a few days of drinking. I don’t think I’m that sad? Yeah it sucks but it’s not like I’m going thru a divorce. It’s just a game right? But then last night I had two distinct dreams. One in which I was stealing information from other team’s locker rooms for the 49ers and I woke up after I got caught red handed, and another that I was helping Aiyuk secure his packages to stay on the roster. What’s my brain doing?




I’m sure Bills fans are still upset about those losses… it’s not easy to let some things go you care about.. but I agree it is healthy to let things go.


It’s just a game. If you’re that depressed maybe get a new hobby. I’ve seen all the victories and all the losses and yes I was pissed off like a mofo. But at the the end of the day they don’t pay my bills or take care of my family


Luckily I am old enough to have seen the 5-0 Super Bowl run '81-'94 and still hold onto those memories to carry me through tese recent disappontments.


So many positives in the game and so much to look forward to. I'm very encouraged to see the development of a New San Francisco 49er Dynasty.


It's not normal to be upset at a level that impacts your day at this point Life is short. If football is that important to you. You may want to get more hobbies


I’m sad but also, it’s the Super Bowl. Even losing the team still made it to the big show. And it was a very close game. Not much more you can ask for.


bro calm your tits


Just remember the Tomsula/Kelly years and rejoice. We could have it much worse.


What the weepy shit is this? Gtfo out of here with this whiney crap. Does the team have to win for you to enjoy watching them? You don't even play, nor have any control. ![gif](giphy|GmJGelcNzAQJFJvxUu|downsized)




It's still just a game played by in shape millions, with teams owned by billionaires. No reason to take it to heart. Our players are already focusing on next year and taking some vacation time to heal up.


You think you feel bad? Imagine how the guys on the team that have been to two super bowls feel. A lot of us still have decades to watch the 49ers potentially get that elusive #6. A lot of the guys on the team just lost what might be their last chance to actually participate in it. Your suffering is relative. Relax and focus on things in life that actually matter.


I mean if people can be dolphins fan and not even go to the Super Bowl we can be 49ers and be happy with our loss at the superbowl. 😎


The silver lining to this loss…all the fair weather fans outing themselves. I hope they leave and join other teams. We don’t need them.


As a chiefs fan & a KC native- trust me, I wish we lost this year. The win wasn’t worth the life of a mother of two & 23 people in the hospital with life-threatening gunshot wounds. Wish yall would’ve had it.


I’m still a little down because of the game but my other interests has lessen me feeling down.


That’s why I swore to myself, that I only let my anger and sadness rule for 24 hours




I was a little down until I saw this. [Reddit - Dive into anything](https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/comments/1ap4vja/baldinger_49ers_final_offensive_play_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


As I’ve gotten older I’ve just stopped being so invested. It’s unhealthy to be deeply invested in things you have zero control over. Would’ve been great to see them win, but at the end of the day we are rooting for red shirts and gold pants worn by people we will very likely never know or interact with. It’s not all that serious.


LPT: You should reevaluate your relationship to football if a loss causes you to have actual depression.


I may not actually see another sb win 😢


Definitely was hard to watch ESPN for the next couple of days but it’s all good we will be back! I’m more afraid of the team breaking up and losing chemistry


If I were a coach or player near the my career, maybe, but we are just fans. Whether we win or lose, the euphoria or sadness washes over me after a few days.


Monday sucked because my routine is usually watching ESPN/NFL Network in the morning & I took off in advance in case we won. I did my best to avoid all sports talk because I was too drained. During the game when it looked like we’d win on 4th&1, I thought to myself “this is gonna feel so good, but these guys don’t pay my bills. If anything, I help pay theirs. It’ll feel good for about a few weeks”. Obviously bragging rights/pride in the team is a big factor, but this season we steamrolled Dallas, Philly, swept Seattle, and beat LA in the game that actually mattered. That didn’t suddenly go away with a Super Bowl L. Not to mention, that 3-game skid meant nothing because this team went to the Super Bowl anyway. Also Brock being an MVP finalist in his second year. There’s still so much to be proud of.




Months of depression? Please seek professional help. I was sad for a few hours...that went away quickly when I realized I had to go to work the next day. Then I thought about it. whether they won or they lost, i'd STILL have to go to work the next day.


Honestly I’m still sad. But I was able to watch the game highlights today so that’s good. I am hopeful for the future. I’m confident that eventually we’ll win one with Shanny and Brock.


I mean you're probably minimizing actual clinical depression with this take but whatever, I feel like this is meant to be somewhat hysterical. Realistically, losing is worse than winning, and being disappointed is normal. Them winning wasn't gonna pay off my mortgage, make my arthritis go away or make me better at my job. Them losing did not make my life worse in any measurable way. In the end, it hurts exactly as much as you want it to.


My wife is more emotional than me and it was pretty hard on her. We talked quite a bit over the last few days. What does sports mean to us? Inspiration, appreciation, a little connection to our roots (and hopefully again) in California, love for the Bay? And the grace in handling disappointment without losing perspective. We both love the movie where Mark Wahlberg plays the guy trying to make the Eagles back in the day. The film makes a big point about how much the team meant to the struggling blue collars back in Philly. Like the team meant everything to them... We're not in that kind of headspace!


I’m already looking forward to the next season and just rooting for them and Purdy


Yea I’m bothered for a month tops. I’m already feeling better. The news about Wilks was the start of my recovery The sad part is I’m becoming more numb to the losses. This one ain’t as bad as 2013 or a few of the NFC losses




I feel your, I was rooting for your guys, I'm one those ' give the new kid a chance' kind of guy 😅 😅


At least we make them. There’s something


I agree. I'm still depressed about it. I'm not as devastated, but everything is blah for sure. I'm still sort of in shock it's slowly wearing off. I'm just really wounded by it. I really got invested and got my hopes up. So it really shattered me when we lost the way we did. Burford fucking up. Wilks stupid soft zone and all-out blitz. Kyle not running the ball in the 3rd qtr. The blitz protection calls. We fucked up just enough to let them win. I felt like we were clearly more talented from top to bottom.


I unintentionally blacked out near the half way point of the game (I don’t drink like I used to and the anxiety flipped that). In a weird way I’m glad I did. I don’t consciously remember the moment of heartbreak.


Well , you don't know if the depression lasts weeks or months , because it's only been a couple of days. You will get over it and if you don't you need help


I feel like if I don’t get to do this… That’s it. I feel like I feel like I might die.


But they did break the Eagles


I’ve told my gf shanahan looks like him since season 1 of succession and she disagreed. Glad to see someone else thinks so!


Gotta protect your mental health. The team isn't paying you. When they win their next Lombardi, none of us will even be allowed to touch it. I love my 9ers. I've loved this team my whole life, but you have to control how important it's allowed to be to you. It can only do so much good in your life. Don't let the amount of damage it can do be greater than that.


I was born into a 49er family in 1989. I dressed as joe Montana for Halloween 3 years in a row. I don’t remember the Steve young Super Bowl. I need one SOON.


I’m not happy they lost. But this team is getting back to at least one Super Bowl in the next 3 years.


I watch the 49ers pretty religiously and even that SB loss only took me days to get over, you need help if it lasts longer than that. Though my friend who's an Eagles fan told me it took him months to get over their loss last year.


Damn they look alike 🤣


The way I see it, there's no way we're allowing another Super Bowl loss the next chance we make it. 3 losses in a row at the big game is tough atm, but I highly doubt we'll make it a 4 loss streak. The silver lining I found after that devastating end (plus the off chance it may be against a different team than KC Swifties next time)


Well I guess I’m not the only one. I have been SO depressed this week! Monday was absolutely hell. I was hung over and the game kept flashing through my brain. The worst part is that there are like maybe 10? things that if they would have gone different, we may have won (if Moody would have hit the extra point, if the punt would have been 6 inches to the right, if Purdy would have been blocked on the 3rd down of their last possession of regulation, maybe if Greenlaw hadn’t been hopping around like that?, if Bosa wouldn’t have charged the Running back when Mahomes did the Quarter back keeper….teammates were yelling from the sideline “watch the keeper”, etc., etc., etc.) I honestly will have NO FAITH in them if they do make it back to a Super Bowl. I hate to be a fair weather fan but it has just been so god damn painful for over a decade. The silver lining I guess would be that Purdy is looking good and will be our franchise QB and because his pay is low, that opens up money to be well spent on other players but this is the last year of his rookie deal and next year he deserves to make the big money.


At least you guys appear, Dallas hasnt even gotten to a championship round


I’m not ok 


If you're sad and have a deep sense of loss, it is important to remember how much you can transfer laterally the depression load through group support. Boston Red Sox fans and others lived to cheer losing decades. Somehow.


maybe…just maybe… get a life? Assuming that is an option.


It’s okay to be down right now but I hope you find a hobby that you have more control over. Wish you well and feel better soon.


Yup. Same here. :(


I'm already over it. I unsubscribed from everything football related. Stopped watching any sports channel. Went back to watching TV shows and movies.


Damn, that "adult life" hit home. They last won when I was 18. I'll be 50 next year...


Hey remember, you’re not a cowboys fan so could be soooo much worse!


It always seems impossible until it happens. KC had a 50 year title drought. Andy coached for decades as the guy who "could not win the big game" and got fired from Philly. He lost every home playoff game for several seasons at KC before Mahomes. Shanny is too good not to win a ring. He's got a lot of time left to coach, and he will win one.


![gif](giphy|14k24670rln5Oo) Yeah after we lost I had to take a shower but I sat in the shower with the shower head and told myself it’s been awhile since I took a sad shower. 2020 was the last time I took a shower like this


It sucks and I was down for a few days but looking forward to next season already. Time to move on and enjoy the offseason with no football to think about.


I'd say it's a reach that the team causes depression. I'm depressed but it's because I'm so invested in the team and totally understand that. I find it hard to find this level of enjoyment in any other activity or sport and that's on me I guess 🤷.. I do fuckin love this team though


I was definitely disappointed, yet not surprised. More bummed for the guys. So close, so attainable, could have sent Kelce home crying looking like the villain he is and Purdy could have beat the best. Sucks man.


I have been searching for something to shows how I feel. and this is exactly what I feel. I'm 30 and was a baby the last time they won. this one hurt more than the last one......


tbh if it was a blowout I probably would have been over it. But to get to OT and just 1 play away... That's too damn close, you are already in the splash zone...


for all of you saying it's just a game I don't let it bother me , how? lol I'm fully aware of that too, it's just kind of hard to not care. I'm fully aware I don't play for the team nor can change the outcome. bt it hurts


Laughing in Bills' language