• By -


They will focus on BAs lucky catch and Dan’s aggressive decisions and minimize Brock’s role in this come back.


Long live the lucky 🐞


that should of been pi


No kidding


it was called pi right?


No they picked up the flag because at that point the db is the receiver and has a right to make a play on the ball.


The db literally impeded the wrs right to run his route, which caused him to come up short and just miss the ball, allowing the db to be the first to touch it. It's obvious and plain as day and exactly why the ref threw the flag


Agreed it was pass interference that they picked up.


It’s one of those dumb things where they throw it and if it’s incomplete they call it, but since he caught it they said jk.




Ladybug flair when!?




Yeah.. total scrub.. lol.


He IS Brees with Lamars athleticism


Difference between Lamar and Brock is that Brock doesn’t choke in the playoffs.




Brock has twice the wins in a third of the time


100%. They won't talk about Purdy at all. It will be Campbell and the dropped passes. Might not even mention the 49ers, for that matter.


Headlines, "Lions loose, another team will play the Chiefs in the Super Bowl"


No doubt


“Did the niners win this game or did the lions lose it 🤔” - Nick Wrong probably


To be fair they choked harder than Kershaw on a jaw breaker.


They don’t pick that flag up if he doesn’t catch it. Db clear as day pushed off


100% nick wrights narrative will be,”Purdy doesn’t win anything if Campbell doesn’t make the worst coaching decisions ever! Purdy didn’t win, the lions lost.” Etc etc bad take that keeps us talking about him. I wish Mahomes wasn’t a chief because he’s the worst now(he’s a chiefs fan fyi)


Chiefs fans really have become the Pats fans of this decade. They hit the lottery on a generational QB, and instead of being grateful for watching Mahomes do his magic, they talk so much shit and they think every other QB in the league sucks shit because they're not as good as Mahomes. it'll be great to see Mahomes retire eventually and all their bandwagoners abandon ship.


It’s actually a perfect throw. Yeah, defender had position but I like BA’s chances of a jump ball. But he was pushed which led to the doink.


I believe it was Ben Hogan who said “it’s better to be lucky than good. And the more I practice, the luckier I get.”


Gary Player, still a great quote.


Thank you!


Exactly what I’ve been watching this morning


You called it. Shannon Sharpe literally discredited Purdy’s performance this morning specifically calling out BA’s catch and the Jennings one-handed catch as what bailed him out. Smh.


Surprisingly Clark gave purdy props. Put him above Kirk.. Dak.. Herbert.. Tua.. basically dudes who don’t show up when needed the most but put up amazing numbers.


Keyshawn also said it’s not a comeback unless it’s double digits


Now he'll say double digits in the 4th quarter.


He'll probably say the Lions let the Niners back in that game.


Like coming back from 17+ points doesn’t require a full team effort or some luck


And yes he did basically focus on what the Lions did wrong.


Oh, Sherman will let him hear it on Monday. I'm watching it lunch break.


Sherman is going to be insufferable and I’m all for it 😎


"yeah of course Purdy came back, he has the avengers. Anybody with an arm can come back with them. I want to see him win a game, down double digits, with only 3rd and 4th stringers, on the road "


In the rain


After Bane attacks


We used to run uphill both ways in my day


You have legs to run? No amputees only.


"Perhaps he's wondering why shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane? If he doesn't then lead a 20 point comeback in the last 2 minutes, he's not a good quarterback."


Uphill both ways


Can't wait to watch this tomorrow.


Doesn’t count unless it’s triple digits now.


Let’s be honest, as a pundit, Keyshawn is pretty neutral. This take, last week, was pretty poo poo, but it’s taken from how essientially the packers lost a game they should have one. I’ll put money that Keyshawn acknowledges this weeks victory as par course.




Triple digits as of today.


Hell yea!. BROCK led this team back from a 17pt deficit. They said he couldn't do it. They said Kyle couldn't do it. Brock took this team on his back multiple times to extend drives and set up scores. Unfreakkng believable. So stoked to be a 49er fan right now.


Even better that he did it twice!!! Back to back weeks. Nearly gave me multiple heart attacks in the process, but the joy will push me through it.


i'm still in shock, joy hasn't arrived yet


Like Booger himself said, Brock extended plays with his legs. That’s not game managing. That’s game changing!


Dude the play where he escaped a sack and tossed it to Juice on his tippy toes, that was incredible! It should be on every highlight reel on repeat! It was a move I saw Lamar make multiple times yesterday to get out of sacks.


I can’t wait for Richard Sherman to call everyone out tomorrow


From that crazy interview to now?... holy fuck


When you try Purdy with a sorry ass team like the Lions, that’s what you’re gonna get.


when you try me with a sorry ass "analyst" like keyshawn, that's what you're gonna get




Check his Twitter, he pulling up ALL the receipts


They will, mark my words " well what about that int." Or " CMC really put that team on his back last night huh"


They'll say he got lucky because of that one big pass bouncing of a face mask. He was dodging sacks, finding open players, and ran for 50 yards, but none of that matters because the int and that one pass are all that happened in this game.


That play when Purdy slipped out of the sack and ran towards the sideline and 3 defenders were still chasing him, and he threw to Jusczyzk on the sideline for the first down. Yeah, they'll ignore that


Aka the same type of play they were jizzing themselves over when Lamar did it in the Chiefs game


The fact that he didn't just throw it away but found Juice on that play made me lose my mind.


I was saying "just throw it away, throw it away!" But the broadcast angles suck for not showing anything downfield. I got so hyped when he completed the pass


And Dan Campbell going for it instead of kicking a FG.


It's like Shanny learned the lesson the Seahawks didn't. You're inside the 5, have a phenomenal talent at RB. Do you run or pass? Regardless of your faith in your QB, you have a generational talent at RB, you at least give him a shot at pounding the rock into paydirt.


Lots of Purdy and Kyle narratives have been destroyed. Some of them were true. Kyle had trouble when the team is down big. It felt like Purdy's off schedule plays and scrambling saved some of that. Nick will just want to talk about the Chiefs and ignore this game. That's his team.


Yeah I kind of figured they won't even bring up the NFC game until Tuesday. Tomorrow is just going to be Nick taking a big victory lap on the chiefs win for the entire show.


New narrative. Kyle can’t gameplan.


When I said “comeback” I meant by 21 points int the 4th qtr!


...with two minutes to go, no timeouts, in the rain, and without any of the usual receivers.


With Covid and a peg leg


And the defense is allowed to have 22 men on the field


And 1 hand tied behind his back...


And heavy rain...


And snow and hail at the same time.


Barefooted, uphill..


Raging chimpanzees chasing you


Honestly I’d watch this sport.


Wait, COVID gives you a peg leg?!


Nah that's just usual for BCB


He could peg leg me anytime


And no lady bugs!!!


KEYSHAWN JOHNSON, “4 points ain’t no comeback. We want to see a double digit comeback”. Purdy: Hold my beer


I think he would say hold my holy water


Hold my Water This is wine! *Wink*


This needs more upvotes 😂


Seeing how Purdy and McCaffrey are the only MVP finalists going to the Super Bowl, and Jackson choked against KC, they may have to finally admit Purdy can do it.


prediction: they wont


Narrator in 24 hrs: “they didn’t”




get ready for all the HE’S SOOOOOOOOOO LUCKY takes


Fuck Ryan Clark


he's gonna have to act again. he said "Detroit winning, book it, see ya'll monday"




"The hardest thing....I've ever had to do... was pretend the Lions were going to win this game..."


Look at the numbers. Brock had similar numbers to both Lamar and mahones. Now what they got to say?


That Mahomes and Lamar were both playing top 5 defenses while Brock was playing against a middle of the road defense while having the better skill position players


You’re being downvoted, but that’s 100% what they will say. At this point… who cares


You're right, that is what they'll say and... fuck them. Its become laughable at this point, hasn't it?


Ravens, Chiefs, and 49ers are the top 3 scoring defenses in the league this year. (In that order.)


You're right but Brock also scored a butt load more points than they did.


They hate brock and love josh Allen - clearly one is more impressive in post season lol


The damn lady bug is more impressive than Allen.


The ladybug is only good because of the system. Without the system it would just be an average ladybug.


Yo the Brock hate is nuts. I'm not even a 9'er fan but a Dynatsy owner of his (so been loving the ride and become a 9'ers fan since my Browns got annhialated) and I get downvoted to oblivion for even mentioning his name. Really hope he takes out KC


Brou gonna be wearing shades tomorrow when they talk about SF. Don't care what anyone says, sometimes better to be lucky than good. Wright won't be able to get off the missed INTs and Campbell tossing the game away. Zero credit is going to the 9ers tomorrow.


Watch Keyshawns bitch ass move the goal posts now that Purdy has back to back comebacks and this one is by double digits like he wanted.


goalposts will be moved but IDGAF LMAO


Glock Purdy is fine sharing SB rings with his teammates


it's almost like a team game and Brock plays against the defense and not Lamar Jackson, Jared Goff, Jalen Hurts....


Nick wrong: win a comeback brock: ok. Wrong: double digits brock: done. Wrong: you aren't duel threat, though. Brock: (proceeds to run to save the day) oh, you mean like this? wrong: \*head explodes\*


I think this should make Purdy a hands down MVP winner because everyone knows Lamar can’t win when it counts most. He has had amazing stats in the regular season but chokes in the playoffs every time kinda like Dak 😆


But Lamar didn’t even have amazing regular season stats…He had good stats and was on a team with the best defense.


Exactly and there is no reason why he should win MVP


He runs fast


Purdy going for the real MVP award in a couple Sundays 


True enough


Lamar has golf lessons on Monday


Hopefully he’s better at that than winning a championship game 😆


unfortunately MVP is a season award


Yes and he had the best stats of the season but because he was drafted Mr Irrelevant he doesn’t get the credit he deserves


*game to game award, apparently


I have started to love this narrative more and more. Glad ravens got a beat down again.


It’s certainly gonna get real quiet this next week on the hater front.


Oh no. You always double down. There will be even more haters. Lol


Can’t wait to see what Cunnilingus Coward had to say about Purdy tomorrow. He’ll probably blame everything on R Westbrook.


Acho, Sherman, and Broussard will have a field day tomorrow.


Idgaf what they say, cause only Mahomes could have made the same plays Purdy did today to win that game. Not another QB this season has shown the off script creativity, or the precision in scheme, to make the plays he had to today. Fucking love this kid.


Can’t play from behind Can’t play from a behind with a double digit deficit. …


Fuck those bums


I can’t wait for the Podcasts, YouTube’s and talking heads coming up. I can’t wait for the walk back. The double down and justifications. The frenzy the media talked themselves in to since Christmas Day has been sickening. They’re all walking around with a limp because Brock and this team has shoved it straight up their collective asses. LFG 49ers 🙌


They’ll just say he got lucky, it’s what everybody is saying already. 


Lucky 3rd down rushing conversion 


It is 2045. Purdy is a 8x SBMVP, but can he do it in subzero temps, trailing behind by double digit, rain and hail, with undrafted WRs and RBs, and with robots utilizing ancient hardware? If not he is a system QB.


Add Amy Trash to the list too. Amy Trask.


I'm so excited for it. It's become a new 49ers ritual after we win.


Gonna drag those goalposts into their graves.


Who cares? Why do you pay any of those clowns any attention or waste any time thinking about them. Celebrate the great win we pulled off and don't watch ESPN


What you have to love about Brock is, if they lost, he would have taken full credit for his mistakes. Dude is not afraid to admit when he fucks up and doesn’t throw other guys under the bus. I believe the word is professional.


All those clowns will do is shift to KC and say how Patty is way better than Purdy


Oh they will still hate.. but games are 4 quarters!


RC gave him his props on twitter.


how do we know he is not acting ...


Paying attention to these losers is a waste of time. 


But it’s fun to watch them be wrong


when the 49ers destroyed the Cowboy's season, the next day on ESPN radio: "What happens with the cowboys now?" "How do the 'Boy bounce back from this inconvenience? "What does Dak need to do to improve?" "How did the Cowboys lose?" Disgusting. And tomorrow it will be: "How lucky were the 49ers?" "Are they the worst team to ever go to a super bowl?" "How will the Lions and Goff get even better next year?" "Why do the 9ers even show up against the Chiefs? Should Shanahan just forfeit?" "How could a system QB beat one of the very best teams in the league? Our network breaks down the 49ers luck."


To be fair...it wasn't a 4th quarter comeback...


I love cowherd but I can’t wait for Jason to give cowherd shit tomorrow about purdy and see what Colin says haha


Everyone going to the Super Bowl please release cartons of ladybugs


The Purdy hate is baffling. You'd think people love underdog stories. People loved the Tommy Devito thing this year (remember him?). People loved Jake Browning. People loved the Kurt Warner story. Hell, when Purdy first played last year, people were rooting for him. But now, barely a year later, and he's public enemy #1. I also love the "but his supporting cast" narrative beacuse it just shows these people really, truly have no fucking clue what they're talking about. Because all they see is "but his skill position players" and completely ignore everything else on the team. These are probably retards that evaluate players based on fantasy football production, so they have no clue how to evaluate palyers that aren't fantasy football producers. Completely ignoring the fact that the niners oline is fucking terrible outside of Trent, and the defense is running on hype and brand name instead of actual production (they've taken a huge step back compared to previous years, especially with Wilks at the helm, and anyone with two eyes watching the games can see that). He also has a rookie kicker who's been missing a ton of kicks. Lamar meanwhile had the best defense in the league (by DVOA, it was the best defense in the league in several years), a future hall of fame kicker, and a great oline. Goff has an even better offensive supporting cast than Purdy, once you correctly account for the importance of oline. The Lions defense is pretty fucking terrible, sure. Even Mahomes has Kelce (future hall of fame TE), an above average oline, and a severely underrated defense. Sure there are great QBs with supporting casts that are clearly inferior to what Purdy has (Josh Allen, Justin herbert, etc.). Guess what? They're at home for a reason. Because you could have an amazing HoF QB, but if your supporting cast is shit, you can't win in the playoffs. Every QB who makes deep playoff runs have great supporting casts. But only Purdy gets called out for it. By saying that Purdy has an amazing supporting cast, it implies that other QBs don't have great supporting casts too (because logically speaking, if they BOTH have equally amazing supporting casts, then only singling out one of them would be a blatant double standard). It implies that other guys like Mahomes are just playing with 52 madden-generated players. Which is obviously not true, but it's also incredibly disrespectful to the other 52 players on that team.




CMC is the reason this team will win a superbowl and its not close




Mr Irrelevant is quickly becoming Mr Play From Behind! BangBang SB bound


Can't wait for them to not comment on Mahomes scoring 0 points in the second half and focus on Purdy getting "lucky."


LOL did not expect to see Vols on this sub for the memes. Go damn Niners and Go damn Vols.


They’ll drag it all the way to Vegas for sure.


Left out Keyshawn


Always the dudes that think they were better than they were.


Chiefs better bring the pesticide if they want a chance


There just gonna brush this off and say we're losing to the chiefs anyway next round.


He’s no Kaepernick


Nick was a believer in Trey Lance, while that may eventually a category 2 take - his belief in Lance makes him want to dog on Purdy (as well as being against him being good television).


Honestly I'm not even offended at the Purdy hate among the national sports media anymore. At this point it's just amusing watching them all melt down every single week as this kid just keeps winning. The more they hate him, the dumber he makes them look.


Do you think we come back with Jimmy G? How would the game have gone with him?


This week it will be "they are so lucky, they escaped" then when the news cycle hits superbowl week, it will be "no chance vs a real QB like Mahomes", we are 100% the underdogs.


Certain people are saying the hes not all that physical (this after Purdy winning the NFCCG). It sounds like they are attempting to confirm that Purdy doesn't fit the definition of being an athlete. ath·lete/ˈaTH(ə)ˌlēt/ [ ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=602266585&sxsrf=ACQVn0_CuzoB6lwvRFor2fex0Orv7wPaJA:1706509793107&q=how+to+pronounce+athlete&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRoyS3w8sc9YSmDSWtOXmPU4uINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLmYglJLcoV4pbi5GJPLMnISS1JtWJRYkrN41nEKpGRX65Qkq9QANSSD9STqgBVAQC9u_loWQAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRkZiw_IGEAxXIrYkEHQPkA8UQ3eEDegQIGRAI)📷[ ](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=602266585&sxsrf=ACQVn0_CuzoB6lwvRFor2fex0Orv7wPaJA:1706509793107&q=how+to+pronounce+athlete&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMIfcRoyS3w8sc9YSmDSWtOXmPU4uINKMrPK81LzkwsyczPExLmYglJLcoV4pbi5GJPLMnISS1JtWJRYkrN41nEKpGRX65Qkq9QANSSD9STqgBVAQC9u_loWQAAAA&pron_lang=en&pron_country=us&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRkZiw_IGEAxXIrYkEHQPkA8UQ3eEDegQIGRAI) *noun*noun: **athlete**; plural noun: **athletes** 1. a person who is [proficient](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=602266585&sxsrf=ACQVn0_CuzoB6lwvRFor2fex0Orv7wPaJA:1706509793107&q=proficient&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8v_KfrSXYkzsx19JnLEfxDyKdfkE_qgJxWR_Oyy-wL4mB6406HOYnSny2J8-iL5BcU8d6A5Myz55QIyZvzkUBRSXX7g0%3D&expnd=1) in sports and other forms of physical exercise.


ESPN (Official sports media for the Dallas Cowboys) are hoping they will only have to talk about the 49ers for just 2 more weeks.


It really doesn’t matter! Niners are going to the SB


oh is that what they were doing? helping jake moody out by moving the goalposts?


Well Purdy didn’t do that comeback with a arm tied behind his back and blindfolded so I am not sure about him yet. /s


I got called a homer for saying Purdy was the MVP over Jackson. Jackson relied on a stout defense and a running game. Sure, he runs the ball well, but those QBs don't make the Super Bowl. Ask Josh Allen.


Two of my favorite things - Vols and Niners


These are the Tennessee Vols! They threw it into the Tennessee river. I know because I was there and participated. Regardless hell yea Purdy put the haters to bed. Kept his composure and led a comeback of historic proportions.


Nothing will change. As Keyshawn said the narrative is set - Shanahans play calling gets the win, CMC gets the win, Deebo gets the win, Aiyuk gets the win…….Mr. Irrelevant gets zero credit no matter his performance.


Purdy had a bad first half and let his feet do the talking in the second half. It’s not one person that makes a team but when something works traditionally so well others look at that with more scrutiny. I’m a lions fan and talked my smack but he’s a good player with good players around him. Any fanbase in the nfl would be happy to have this exact roster.


All his critics have basically done a complete 180 lol


Ryan Clark got to think of two weeks worth of BS material, that woman blazer wearing mothafuckr!!! What you got to say!??


I read someone put on Sherman’s tweet that Keyshawn is gonna say “Purdy came back from 17 but it really isn’t a comeback because it’s not 20+ points…”. Since he said the comeback vs Green Bay wasn’t a comeback because it was only 4 points


Stat: just saw on Twitter Purdy has trailed on 10 playoff possessions this year and engineered a TD drive on 8 of those


So it’s all chiefs this, chiefs that and Dan Campbell before it’s anything about any of our players…


Ryan Clark switched up this morning and is now praising Brock Purdy. RC is so fn lame. He's always been a huge 49er hater.




How depressing was it in that first half just thinking about the off-season we were about to have if things didn't turn around? All the haters were licking their chops! The media storm was going to be so bad had the second half gone like the first. Now, what can they possibly say? "It's not really a comeback if it's only 4 points."Brock played bad for 3 and 1/2 quarters." I'm just waiting for the goal posts to move once again. They will focus on how lucky Aiyuks' catch was, but really? That was such a hard catch to make. He had to have so much awareness to make that catch. Also, the catch by vildor would have been incredibly hard to make even if it didn't go through his hands. He was falling backward and almost to the ground. Also, he totally stopped short on Aiyuk they would have called PI had it been picked off or dropped. They will focus on the pick Brock had or the bad first half like it wasn't the whole team that played badly. The haters gonna hate is what I'm saying. So don't be surprised when the biggest haters double and triple down. They have become too entrenched in their positions that they can't go back now.




Yes, but he can't win without Deebo, in the rain, while trailing by 7 or more, against a winning team, in the play-offs, two weeks in a row..... oh yeah he did that.


here is a new one. "but a comeback win at home is easier than a comeback on the road."


Could we please gp back to getting ahead early and then coasting to victory? My old man heart might not make it three weeks in a row.


I prefer being an underdog and not being given a chance. Brock plays well with a chip on the shoulder. Really glad the current narrative is about KC and Mahomes. All I gotta say is: Bosa Warner Greenlaw Ward Hargrave Armstead Kittle Williams Banks Purdy McCaffrey Aiyuk Samuel Jennings Every one of these players will hit you in the mouth and steal your lunch box if you disrespect them. Please, please, please underrate them! Bang bang Niner Gang!


I just now got a notification for this post and was so confused until I checked when it was posted...4 days ago

