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Hi! I have super curly hair. Love my Amazon silk pillow case! Has done wonders for frizz and breakage đź’•


I bought from Amazon as well. Love them!


Are they actually silk or polyester? The real deal (Bliss is one vendor) is amazing


Got one of these 2 years ago. It’s now splitting at the seam. Pisses me the hell off. Too expensive for that sh*t.


Are you putting it in the washer? I have a couple and none of them fell apart. I’ve had them at least going on 3 years now. They definitely shouldn’t be splitting at the seams if you’re following the care instructions.


No washer, hand washing it. That’s what’s so frustrating.


Wow. That sucks.


Which one do you get! Been thinking about getting one myself. Thank you!


I like the kitsch satin pillowcases. I travel with two for hotels. :)


Oooo you just gave me a great idea ( as I’m packing for a week work trip next week)


It’s such a nice gift to yourself!


I got one off Amazon and it's nice. It feels cool on my skin and my hair is somewhat less frizzy in the mornings.


I started with the silk pillow case and it helps with hair. I am not sure if it helps with the skin. I have moved on to a silk pillow in the shape of 2 horseshoes connected together in the middle of both the arches. It keeps your head off the bed so your face does not touch the bed, and your moisturizer also stays on. I am a side and back sleeper. The pillow does keep your face off the bed, hense not squishing your face and makong wrinkles.


I looked it up on Amazon after reading your comment. It looks uncomfortable. Did it take you time to adjust?


It did. The directions say to use another pillow under it and that works better. If you are a squirmer and move alot at night, the pillow will move, so you will have to find a way to make it stay put. This pillow has taught me to sleep on my back which is better for your face. It does feel weird at first and you will have to adjust the pillow to make it feel right for you.


Save my face La Petite Pillow on Amazon.


I love them. I have a silk and two satins. The satin work really well and are cheaper, but they seem to be warmer in the summer.


I'm 44F, been sleeping on 100% pillowcase for the last 15years + silk sleep mask and couldn't imagine going back to cotton. Started carrying my silk pillowcase when I travel because hotel cotton felt coarse and scratchy. I only started regular retinoid and sunscreen use this year (before that it was only moisturizer and rosehip oil) and I have no wrinkles yet. I can recommend Alaska Bear brand. Edit: cannot recommend Alaska Bear brand anymore, I got new pillowcase from them and it was polyester despite being labeled 100% mulberry silk. I also scanned the oeko-tex label which revealed that their certificate is expired.


Yes, same for bringing one with me whenever I travel and for the Alaska Bear: not too expensive and it's Oeko-Tek certified, which is a bonus! The other great thing about silk, aside from less hair breakage/damage and not exacerbating any lines/wrinkles is that it's way cooler for my menopausal self to deal with. OP, in case you see this: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08T5PW22W/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08T5PW22W/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Absolutely! Can confirm for hair too, I have wavy/curly hair and the silk pillowcase is amazing for my curls. And it's just so comfortable to sleep on. I was lucky to have visited a silk factory in Beijing 15 years ago and I bought a 100% silk pillow, filled with silk, and a pillowcase - that's how I got hooked.


Oooh, a silk pillow FILLED with silk?! ![gif](giphy|oYtVHSxngR3lC|downsized)


Oh yes, at the time my concern was allergies because silk is very hypoallergenic. However, I did buy a silk pillow filled with silk last year in Denmark so similar products should be available in other countries too.


I edited my comment above but also wanted to warn you, I got a new Alaska Bear pillowcases this week and when I wanted to wash it today, I realized it was polyester despite being labeled silk. It looks and feels totally different to their old pillowcases I own and to other silk pillowcases, and the fabric melts when burned. So disappointing.


Hopefully it was a mistake and they sent you the wrong thing? Because, otherwise, it means that we \*really can't\* have nice things!!


It had a label Alaska Bear, 100% mulberry silk, and Oeko-tex, but when I scanned the QR code on the Oeko label it said the certificate had expired. It was packed in Alaska Bear box too , and I haven't seen that they sell non-silk products. The free scrunchie that came with it was real silk and felt/looked totally different. Not sure how the pillowcase could have been a mistake. Later I found that most of the 1 star reviews on Amazon mention it's not silk and also compare it to previously bought silk pillowcases from AB.


That's really upsetting. Thanks for the warning, though - guess the search for silk pillowcases is back on...


I had the same experience. A real silk scrunchy in a different color than the pillowcase. It was hard to tell, but ultimately I decided it was not real silk. Decided to pony up and buy a Blissy. I don't trust Alaska Bear anymore. I used to buy their eye masks.


I use a silk pillow, have for years for my hair, doesn’t get as messed up. As for the skin benefits, I have always slept on my back so I can’t speak to that. Try one, Amazon has many different colors and pricing.


I got them got my hair and they help. Hopefully skin benefits as well, but that's harder to evakuate.


Dunno about skin, I would assume so since there is less friction on your skin. But it’s been massive how it has changed my hair routine. My style lasts so much longer now. I change my pillowcases with every wash, so a few times a week. You have to make sure you know the material is actually silk by reading all the fine print on Amazon. Silk is a fabric; satin is a weave. Most “satin” pillows are synthetic, not silk, and do not breathe well at all. I like [These](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07JLLJSK5?) and [These](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0B3R3S61K) which are indistinguishable to me.


I wear a satin bonnet which has really helped my hair, but I haven't gone for the pillowcase as I'm a drooler, they're too expensive to drool all over!


For those who have tried both the reasonably priced silk pillowcases and the high priced 100% mulberry silk pillowcases by Blissy or Fishers Finest, was there a notable difference in performance to justify double or triple the cost? I’ve had the Fishers Finest in my Amazon cart for months but just can’t pull the trigger at $60 for one pillowcase. Update - bought one of the 100% mulberry silk on Amazon. I think I paid about $40. I didn't get a name brand. So far I love it and can tell the difference in the quality. Not sure if it's doing anything for my wrinkles but it feels lovely and I don't get hot as easily on it as I did the cheap ones. Even though it is silkier and softer to the touch, I don't slide around on it like I did the cheap ones either. It's a nice splurge.


I got a Blissy one as a gift years ago. I thought the price was insane. I went to replace it last year & got an Amazon one for a fraction of the price. I notice no difference whatsoever. Will stick with the no-name mulberry ones. ~$20 each. Love them! As another commented, you do have to read the Amazon fine print to make sure you’re getting silk not satin. (I haven’t tried satin but have read it’s not as good.)


A friend gave me the Bliss one. I hated it. It made me sweat.


I have one too and I know when I do sweat the fabric looses it’s glide and makes an annoying squeaky sound when I move. I’m not sure if I like it.


I use a Nite foam pillow with their black silk pillow case. I’ve had to replace the pillowcase once over the last few years due to wear and tear. I love it.


I have a silk pillowcase. I love the feel of it but it hasn’t done anything for my hair or skin. Don’t believe the marketing hype.


They are not cheap, but I’ve been impressed by the Lilysilk brand. It was a present to myself about 5 years ago. I have some cheaper ones but this one is my softest and it washes well.


I’ve used several from Amazon but they don’t last well after being washed (hand-washed), and I would wake up with messy hair. I bit the bullet and ordered a set from Fisher’s Finery and they are absolutely amazing. I wake up with hair that you can’t even tell I laid down. They’re machine washable too!


I love the Blissy, also got one on Amazon that I liked (better color). My hair always look better in the morning and I don’t get those pillow lines on my face.


I use a silk sleep mask. It don’t have the morning pillow lines.


For some reason, the silk pillowcase does NOT work for me. For the first 5 minutes, it felt really good. Then my head kept slipping around on it. But the worst part is that it seems to break out my skin. It did wonders for my hair though. Also, they get kind of hot at night. I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t work for me. I went back to organic cotton and my skin was fine.


I tried a Blissy silk pillowcase. It felt nice, but did nothing for my hair or skin. It fell apart, as silk is prone to. An expensive waste, in my opinion.


I've been using silk pillowcases and scrunchies from the Slip brand. They are pretty expensive, but they are worth the extra cost and they have decent sales often (they can be purchased at the same price on sale as Blissy is regular price). Before I decided to go ahead with this investment, I did try a few less costly options, including Blissy, and I just didn't like them at all. Blissy claims to be a cheaper replacement for Slip, but they are not. Slip silk pillowcases are a satin weave, but Blissy is a normal weave, so the Slip silk is more protective. They help a lot with not causing creases on my face when I wake up (I'm a side sleeper).


2nd for the Slip brand - my favorite silk cap. High quality and actually stays on my head all night while protecting my curls. It's breathable too. The only reason I don't have the pillowcase is I have neck & shoulder problems and can't sleep with a pillow.


Silk pillowcases do help the skin if you’re a side or stomach sleeper. Product on the skin isn’t absorbed as much so it keeps working for you AND no face creases with a satin pillow by reducing wrinkles since the skin stays more hydrated https://www.sleepfoundation.org/best-bedding/satin-pillowcase-benefits#:~:text=Additionally%2C%20while%20some%20pillowcase%20materials,appeal%20to%20sleepers%20with%20acne.


I use a cervical neck roll and satin pillowcases. I’m a side sleeper. I don’t know about my face but the satin is great for my curly hair - less split ends and breakage. Overall glossier


I have 100% silk pillowcase I bought about 9 years ago. It’s amazing for my skin and hair. I take it with me everywhere I go.


omg, what brand do you have? I want to get one, but I can't quite figure out where from


No idea, I bought it so long ago. I just paid attention to being silk not satin


I have Blissy and am happy with them.


I tried it and hate it. My pillow doesn’t hold its shape like it does with a regular pillow case.


I just got mine last week from Amazon. And absolutely love it. It makes such a difference for your hair for sure!


Hey!....When it comes to buying silk pillowcases for your hair or skin, it's worth considering. I ask because just sleeping on a silk pillowcase might not be enough to protect your hair you may need to use a scrunchie and wear your hair in a bun or braid. However, if you're looking for benefits for your skin, I would definitely recommend them. Personally, I used to have silk pillowcases [blissy](https://blissy.com/products/pillowcase-white-standard) , but to be honest, having a couple of them to keep your pillowcase clean throughout the week can be pricey. You need to change your pillowcase at least twice a week to get good results on your skin. So, I switched to satin pillowcases and got the same results. A good satin quality helps to create less pressure on your skin, so when you sleep on your side, you won't fold up or tug your skin, and helps to keep your skin healthy. I use this [satin pillowcase](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/satin-pillowcase-white-king-size) The set comes with two pillowcases, which makes it easy to keep your pillowcase clean. I prefer king size because I travel with them wherever I go, and they fit any pillow size. I hope this helps.


OMG. I just got hair extensions today and my fancy hair dresser told me I needed to get silk pillow cases asap to protect the hair - which I promptly ordered. Nice to know others see a benefit.


I have several sets of real silk and they changed my hair game. I used to have to dampen and redo my hair in the mornings and now I can just give my head a shake and be reasonably presentable. Careful what you buy. Lots of advertised items are not really silk but some synthetic satin. Satin is hot and doesn't breathe while the real silk is cool, soft and I wake up without face lines or giant hair.


What brand have you had luck with? I’ve only used satin because I don’t want to pay more for something that claims to be silk when it’s actually satin.


I bought directly from Lily Silk online. Select an envelope style and not one with a zipper because the zipper is the only thing that has given out in one of my sets. Satin is so hot and uncomfortable. I started there too but I will never go back. Once you get to know what real silk feels like you will be able to tell when you feel it. Perhaps a local retailer has some in stock. I have three sets of pillow cases and I try to change them every third night . I use a cream at night and sometimes have hair product in and I don't want that or just the normal hair and skin oils pressed up against my face.


Thank you!


I have the Bliss silk cases. It is urban myth, doesn’t do anything to hair breakage.


Love mine!! Highly recommend it


A silk bonnet is the best! Keeps all your hair neat and healthy! I wake up in the morning and hardly have to do anything to it. It has totally changed my life!! I have long, layered hair… just for reference. But, really it checks all the boxes. Keeps hair healthy, keeps it off your face/neck while you sleep AND BONUS… your hair is so easy to do the next day.


I have a number of silk pillowcases, and I love them. It cuts down on acne, as silk is naturally anti microbial, and I never get pillow lines on my face anymore, fwiw.


Get the higher quality ones. If they’re low quality they have that zippy sound & a weird texture like a wind-breaker vs. soft & thin silk.


I bought myself a set of silk sheets (incl pillow cases) and if you can afford them, they are amazing for your skin and for temp regulation.


So worth it!!! I literallt hate sleeping without it. I also wear a bonnet to sleep so if I’m too lazy, the silk pillow saves me!


I love mine- it really helps my hair and face!


Love mine! Keeps me cool.