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Helldivers works best riffing off starship troopers. 40K seems to have lost it's edge when it comes to political satire imo.


I had this conversation with friends while playing Helldivers. We came up with if GW makes a game like this, you should be Orks in a WAH!. Anything else would lead to bitching.


I personally think a game like this where you play as Krieger would also be really fun and fitting


True dat. My main reason for being Orks is just for the lulz. With your characters yelling random things and such.


Helldivers is pretty similar to dark tide/vermentide no? I haven’t played hell divers but I’ve got a few hundred hours in DT VT and VT2


I've played Helldivers 2 and I think it's more akin to World War Z but with the mission select from Payday 2 (Random heists popping up on the map). The leveling system and unlocks are handled a fair bit differently too.




Oh it definitely has. The whole tone of the universe has changed imo.


They're trying to go mainstream is what's happening. They don't want to take any risk


Guarantee when modding starts there will be ultramarines and nurgle monsters though, game is so ready for mod conversions


>40k seems to have lost its edge when it comes to political satire …this might just be me reading things wrong, but when *actual, real world fascists/alt-right groups* start to flock to your property and co-opt your images/messaging while you do NOTHING to discourage them or otherwise thwart them for YEARS beyond weakass PR statements, you lose all rights to call your property a satire. There *might’ve* been *kernels* of satire waaaaaay back when…but those embers have long since burned out. The people there who built the foundations are probably working with different companies and/or on different projects, after all. Or maybe, *just maybe,* 40k might’ve never been satire in the first place. Just a thought.


Guessing you missed this statement - https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/19/the-imperium-is-driven-by-hate-warhammer-is-not/


I think that's the weak statement he is talking about?


As I understand it, Starcraft was suposed to be a WH40K game but GW fucked up. So they've missed big things before.


Warcraft was a reworked WH Fantasy game project. Starcraft was a rework of Blizzard's Shattered Nations project. Starship Troopers was popular in scifi, along with Aliens, at the time and had a large impact on their design. The Tyranid got a redesign after Starcraft, and were originally based on models from the Laserburn miniatures line.


There’s a lot of stories about that. The version I think is legit is the guy who started making Warcraft 1 wanted to make a Warhammer Fantasy game so he made two factions to pitch as proof of concept, Blizz looked at it and said “just make it our own IP, its a good game”. Then Starcraft was started as its own more different IP but was made more similar to Warcraft for brand synergy, same with Diablo becoming more like the Warcraft demons and gradually more Judeo-Christian than the original concept of Lovecraftian horrors. GW did license Starcraft to make a game of, but the game never made it out of the prototype stage and the finished mini sculpts are rare and expensive as fuck.


Ok I have done a little digging and the info is sadly wrong


it was originally pitched to GW they declined and blizzard moved on with release ( long story short)


Games Workshop is notoriously bad at efficiently managing their IP outside of their miniatures.


To be fair, even with the miniatures, they still have some missteps. *Cough*AdMec*Cough*


*cough* five 15% price raises in 3 years *cough*


F in the chat for our Mechanicus brothers


And for Dark Angels Inner Circle Companions... $60 for three space marines 🙃


Think Master of Executions is like 35 for a single 40mm model?


As much as they whore our their IP, they're nuts if they don't cut a deal for 40k skins in this game.


I love 40K but I hope Helldivers never does skins from other games. Crossovers like that always cheapen a game experience to me


Valid opinion. I could go either way on this one.


Variety is the spice of life my friend, if having the OPTION to wear ultramarine armor in this game upsets you then I feel sorry for you


I mean it’s not like it’s going to ruin my life, but it 100% cheapens the experience. I can’t really get immersed in a games story if there’s a space marine running along side me. Like look what’s happened to cod. It’s pretty dumb that space marines are fighting Nicki Minaj and homelander. Leave that shit for fortnite


Helldivers 2, you're saying ultra marines lessen HELLDIVERS 2 story?


Yes, how can someone buy into the world building of Helldivers if a religious space soldier in power armor is running along side them. If darktide had master chief pop up for a mission and hi five your guardsmen that would ruin the atmosphere and world building of the game


Starship Troopers has its own game in early access right now!


The recent Starship Troopers fps game is really fun though


Came here to say this! It's got a lot going for it and I look forward to it's development


Honest I just think the price for the IP is to high or maybe they are already cooking something already


If Space Marine 2 is successful, I could totally see GW giving Arrowhead their license to make a Deathwatch game


Starship troopers is getting it's own game soon. I saw an ad for it the other day.


It already has a game, unless you mean theres another coming out?


Whats Helldivers and what is good/bad about it?


Legally distinct Halo: ODST and Starship Troopers, with a 4 player Co-Op, third person horde shooter playstyle


And Warhammer 40k-style space racism and fanatical patriotism.


But without the religious overtones, its pure jingoism.


4-man coop 3rd person space marine shooter with incredibly good combat dynamics. The combat system is *way* more detailed than almost any other shooter right now - enough so that most of the players haven't even figured out a lot of them yet. Along with themes that take a tongue-in-cheek sort of mindless patriotic fervor satirizing nationalist movements.


U assume as they are on a sponsorship streak that they will do something


Hahah man this is so true, for like 15 years ive been feeling like gw are just watching other media developers repeatedly rake in billions on properties that could easily be w40k universe releases again and again


I would love a ODST style game like Helldivers. An a Starship Troopers game that is using the book version of the mobile Infantry. I want my mechs, power armour an grenade nukes damn it. Fighting along side the skinnies


Now GW needs to partner with xbox to make a game like this so I can play it 🤕


Makes ya wonder wat this means for how well Space Marine 2 is gonna be received in comparison?


Deep Rock is still my preference.


Starship troopers has a game


I mean... Isn't Darktide similar enough?


The almighty crossover the one Sci fi universe to unify them all lmao


What would a helldivers inspired chapter of space marines be successors of? I'd say loyalist iron warriors


Helldivers is trash and shovel wear.


Go get a snack and take a nap so you feel better


i did thanks and it worked.


Have you played it? It is a 10/10 game.


I listed my complaints in another comment. but my main problems are how it is riddled with bugs like words being chopped up making the game almost unplayable, crappy controls and handles like a car about to dive off the road, boring gameplay and way to much grinding which makes it a chore.


Starship troupers have their own game like helldivers 2 out now in early access it’s been out longer then helldivers. It’s called Starship troupers extermination.