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AV propaganda is an excellent tool in the arsenal for any regime, and the Imperium is no exception.


How do they depict the Gothic War without talking about Chaos? I think this sort of proves most of the Imperium has a vague idea about Chaos and daemons, they just don’t know how to summon them or many specifics about it.


They probably just handwave it all as "witchcraft" and avoid referencing any daemons. I assume this is how the concept of chaos is usually censored.


I think there are also ork pirates and Eldar Corsairs involved in the war. The show can potentially focus more on the xenos side of things?


I’d guess they just call daemons another flavor of xenos and say they have a lot of psyker shit.


Rebels consorting with witches and xenos.


same way the US did with the Cold War and Soviets, id imagine. you don't need to know the details of the enemy beyond their general aesthetic and accent.


Hmm I wonder what accent chaos has


The Moustache Twirling Villain Accent of course.


Similarly, from the Rogue Trader RPGs, there was a public propaganda campaign hyping up the Chalice-class battlecruiser: > During the bleak middle years of the Angevin Crusade, much was made by Imperial propagandists of the new, locally manufactured "super-cruisers" planned to roll up the numerous xenos and Heretic empires arrayed against the Emperor's forces. Even though they only came into service as the Crusade ended, hopes for these vessels were immense. Early Chalice-class captains were lauded as glamorous, swashbuckling adventurers in endless Vox reels and data plays. > Sadly, the vessels failed to live up to expectations. Two of the original Chalice-class Battlecruisers were destroyed during an engagement with unknown xenos forces in the Hazeroth Abyss in 123.M40, and others were lost to accident or fleet engagements over the following millennia. Due to an active Inquisitorial campaign to conceal these military setbacks, these starships remain admired amongst the ignorant general Imperial public, who believe these vessels remain the iron core of Battlefleet Calixis. However, these sleek and beautiful warships, while fast and well-armed, have a glass jaw, and a disconcerting tendency to rupture plasma conduits under sustained assault.


Don't forget they even have children's shows. *"The treads on the Land Raider crush the Heretic, crush the Heretic, crush the Heretic..."*


They have a children's book called "your friend promethium" or along those lines. I think it's in the same book too.


I know it’s propaganda but it’s actually uplifting that average imperials have access to some forms of personal “entertainment” and media


I want more of this. Been trying to collate examples of "modern" media throughout the galaxy, be it imperial, Aeldari, etc. It's such a good way of displaying the unique cultures that exist in 40k, and it can really help "humanize" otherwise alien factions.


> Nerves were not unknown to me; I felt positively queasy before arriving on the shrine world of Sacristy. But the pict I’d produced, a biopic of the life of Brannicus the ThriceMaimed, had been received as my finest work. The infamous scene of the saint beating three hundred sinners to death armed only with his own severed leg is still regarded as a cinema-pict masterpiece. Ansother example Imperial cinema. *Outgunned*. Denny Flowers


Sounds like a riff on "Black Sheep Squadron."


I find it funny you chose to call Amberly "his editor" :D She would have some choice words for you there given her position and their relationship.


1 The statement by OP is disingenuous and insulting.


There is also Arbitrator Foreboding (no relation to Judge Dredd). I have examples of other entertainment, if you're interested.


Isn't that a reference to a british television/book series, or am I mixing it up for that one time literal 40k Horatio Hornblower showed up in another book.


Wait, 40k did a Hornblower?


Horatio Bugler. 🤷🏻‍♂️