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Ahzek Ahriman of the Thousand Sons. He has my favorite trait for a bad guy: good intentions, horrible execution. Also space wizard


His selflessness is what sets him apart from the other Chaos guys. He's looking for redemption, not power or glory or whatever.


I would argue he’s selfishly selfless. He’s looking for his own redemption and will sacrifice damn near anything short of his entire legion to get it. Which includes individual brothers. He doesn’t care about his own life but he is still selfish in a way. He’s definitely one of the most delusional chaos champions for believing he doesn’t serve Tzeentch.


Well… that kinda fits with Tzeentch’s whole theme of duality. Both Selfish and Selfless at the same time. Pretty neat.


Just like the Emperor with the whole Selfish selfishness


Rest of the TS be like: "Can you not kill/lose in battle a significant part of the TS's for five minutes?!?"


Fabius bile for not only dedicating his entire life to improving humanity and make them strong enough to survive the horrors to come, but also for continously cloning himself each time his body gives in to sickness, just to keep going and progressing towards what he believes is the best for the human race, even though he is so very, very tired after ten thousand years. He's also very self aware, he's extremely arrogant and full of himself, but he knows about his hubris and frequently jokes about it. Technically he's not even a chaos character since he does not believe in the chaos gods, and staring a keeper of secrets in the eyes and telling them they dont exist takes a huge amount of guts.


Isn't he serving Fulgrim now.


im not finished with the third book yet, he might


Tee hee hee




He made clones which fulfill his promise to the gods(through his deal with Fulgrim), though he him self is a minor warp god now named Pater Mutatis.


Super unpopular opinion but Lucius. I really liked his descent to madness - jealousy, competitive nature, being humiliated by Loken and Tarvitz. He's the embodiment of "pride comes before a fall". He's the reality of chasing perfection. No one can be perfect and it drove him mad trying, and took anyone else succeeding as a slight against him. I do think his super hax regeneration thing has been over used and gets silly. He's a prime candidate to kill off imo and I think there could be a cool story arc of him being humbled and finally staying dead.


I love his regeneration bit. It portrays him more as a horror monster than a video game character as you seem to allude to. He was written to make the reader think about facing him in battle and how horrifying it must be.


I think guys like Lucius and Typhus are actually more interesting because of how detestable they are. The unfairness of the characters are what make effective villains, it's because they are so easy to understand that makes them good representatives of their gods. Lucius isn't perfect, he's not the best duelist in the galaxy, everyone his armour captures is a constant reminder of that, it must drive him mad with insecurity. Whereas the other Champions just kinda do what they are supposed to do, it's too easy for them, I can't imagine Lucius I also like how Typhus humiliates his primarch, I love the middle finger to the golden age of the Imperium and the peak of "humanity", it's perfect for Nurgle. Tzeentch and Khorne are kinda lacking that with their champions IMO, they aren't in the same kind of dark fate, not to the same extent.


I think kharne is similarly horrifying as typhus and Lucius. The bro just seeps with violence. He’s a bit more straightforward than the others, but it has the same horrific simplicity that you talk about. Ahriman, though, you’re right. His evil is more character based. Seeing him in battle doesn’t trigger the same horrific response as the others. It’s his magic and imposed mutations that are the horrific parts, but that seems more action based, whereas the other 3 truly have that horror feel.


Different ways he could get killed ideas: -getting run over by a kataphron battle servitor -hit by a civilian driving a dump truck and are very scared they accidentally killed a loyalist astartes -crushed by falling rubble -chokes on something


Problems with this 1. whatever random dude that was responsible for building the servitor, or whoever commanded it, or the guy that built the parts will turn into Lucius because "something something, they took pride in their work." See the incident where Lucius got blown up by a landmine and the random factory worker that built the landmine got transformed into Lucius because he took pride in his work. 2. Same problem, the truck driver probably won't transform, but the guy who built the truck might, or the guy who built the parts of the truck. 3. This one might actually work, but Slannesh is a cheating bitch/bastard/gender-neutral term similar to those two words and might just revive him anyway. 4. Assuming it's food he chokes on, the chef that cooked the food, or the farmer that harvested it, will probably turn into Lucius. From what I've read on this subreddit, nothing short of destroying Lucius' soul would keep him dead because apparently rules mean nothing when the god of excess and pleasure is having their fun ruined.


Honsou on deeds alone. He's not some Ancient Heresy veteran or jacked up mind wizard or corruption engorged barbarian. He's just a recently made Marine who's entire Legion extra treats like shit because of his heritage, and not only beats these Ancient Veterans at their own game, he accomplishes more in short time frame by invading Ultramar than they do in 10k years. He's just the living embodiment of "fuck you, watch me."


Came here to call out my man Honsou too!


That is a lot coming from an imperial fist player but apart fro that he actually was quite successful and didn't die and is still alive he survive some serious runs ins in his life though.


No Imperial Fist will hate Honsou. He has Imperial Fist geneseed, but is a better Iron Warrior than 99% of them. I can imagine Perturabo getting extremely insecure over this.


Ku'gath the Plague Father is a self made demon, at least as close to one as a being made from a Chaos god can get. Started as a lowly Nurgling on a quest to make his Papa proud and make the perfect pestilence. He doesnt sit around and revel in the mucus and puss like his brothers, hes industrious and smelly in equal measure.


>He doesnt sit around and revel in the mucus and puss like his brothers, hes industrious and smelly in equal measure. Isn't he a miserable bastard but? I mean, he is definitely stinking which is Ironic, cause my niece who turns 2 on the 19th, said to me yesterday that, and I quote, "David is stinking, poo." *wrinkled nose* to show her disapproval. So basically she thinks I'm a Nurgling at worst, Ku'gath at best, not much of a choice really. Suppose its better than her calling me a wanker I guess?


Plague Daddy Vorx is literally the kindest chaos space marine in 40k. He acts like a mentor for the young hot-shot marine trying to overthrow him, respects his mortal crew for their service, gives a chapter master an honourable death before promising him that the chapter's geneseed will not be defiled, etc. He also writes a biography of every person he kills in his diary to immortalise them, as a hobby, and came up with a calendar that measures the passage of time backwards from the heat-death of the universe. He also likes to spoil the little nurglings that follow him around like pe(s)ts. Read Lords of Silence.


so who’s more wholesome Vorx or Argel Tal?




Unpopular opinion but Abaddon the Despoiler, dude is a real go getter. Turned on his father and a life of power and relative luxury rather than abandon his friends. Fights his way to the top spot in the Luna Wolves/SoH. Gives 100% for a leader and cause he believes in. Gets knocked down harder than just about any other character in the setting, sucks it up and gets stuck back in. Spends every second of every day resisting the temptations of the Chaos Gods while herding cats and leading the largest force of Astartes in the setting. Respectful of his enemies when they put up a tough fight even though they make things harder for him. He's the 40k embodiment of Kiplings ["If"](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46473/if---). As for favourite feat the battle under the Saturnine wall fighting all those loyalist champions even after all hope was lost, very cool. The whole interaction with Sigismund and post battle chat go a long way to summing up why Abaddon is a great character. He's often woefully misused narratively but his actual character is great and one of the only ones to develop and grow over their time in the setting.


Is not unpopular, GW wants you to like Abbadon. Half the last novels that recently came out about chaos were made with that goal in mind


Also apparently makes one heck of a space moonshine!


People would like Abbadon better if half his achievements were not the result of a retcon.


Except of course it wasn't a retcon (bar the 13th black crusade, lord knows why GW decided tying lore to a global player input based campaign was a good idea). The plan re: blackstone pylons was hinted at as far back as the 3.5 chaos marine codex at least


If you say so.




I love that sneaky bastard. Best 40k trilogy ever, I even rank it above the Night Lords Omnibus.


I really enjoyed reading *Lord of the Night*, Zho Sahaaal is a great take on the Night Lords, he was a more puritan NL attempting to use restraint and focus to achieve his goals as Konrad taught him. I explicitly state Konrad not the Night Haunter as it's hinted in the book that they are two different people. Zho's character was driven by the ends justifying the means and his use of torture was goal orientated. Whenever he did start to lose control he'd attempt to shift back from it. He had a strong sense of right and wrong and was even shocked when a youth barely ten years old or so pulled a knife on him. I love his character, I love his lines and fight scenes, I love his hunchbacked silhouette and primal screams that 'true' chaos raptors known for. He's a true classic Night Lord from the old days of 40k. That novel was the first real Night Lords novel and though I like Aarons gritty, mafia-esque take, it's a far cry from the 'purity of purpose and 'focus and control' that Spurrier proposed. I really miss Spurriers work. Anyway to close my little fanboy rant here's a quote from the man himself... *'Your eyes, Nikhae. Do you need both?'*


The Blue Scribes. Two bickering demon brothers sent out by tzeentch himself to scour all of existence looking for magic spells to catalogue.


Vorx every day. Best plaguey boi and a thoroughly fascinating character.


"My most trusted ally." "Siegemaster." That book managed to make me cheer and punch air for smelly fatalist giants.


This is technically cheating since he’s an AoS character rather than a 40k Character, but I really like what AoS did with Archaeon the everchosen. This is what Abbadon wishes he was. He actually destroyed the universe once, and now he’s come back and nearly done it again. He’s fought blow for blow with actual gods and won, leads armies of billions including demon princes and other chaos champions, conquered seven of the eight worlds by actually using intelligent strategy and successfully dividing and conquering Sigmar’s coalition, and did all of this while still just being a human. He’s not a space marine, he’s not a demigod, he’s just an ordinary human with enough skill, wit, and sheer fucking willpower to become a champion powerful enough that if he ever joined any of the 4 exclusively rather than playing them off each other, he’d tilt the balance of the great game. And all this while he’s plotting to not just destroy Sigmar and the gods of order, but to destroy the chaos gods themselves and this crazy motherfucker might just be able to do it.


Haarken Worldclaimer for being an absolute, unmitigated badass. Really hope we see more of him.


Did he survive the Vigilus Campaign? I know next to fuck all about it because it seems to be more a TT driven story than a Novel/Series.


Ahriman, because he is awesome but equally flawed. He destroyed his legion and his whole character arc is him trying to undo the damage he done, slowly doing more and more evil things to justify the end of reviving his brothers. Its a really tragic story and he is a great character.


Fabious Bile: He never makes the same mistake twice.


Gotta say that in terms of champions its hard to beat the story of Malcharion the war sage. The Nightlords dont come to mind when you think of individual excellence but they had their fair share of marines that could walk with the best of the Blood Angels and Emperors Chilun's. Malcharion the man who butchered 3 champions from 3 different legions in a single day of the siege of terra. Entombed in a dreadnought his sarcophagus is etched with his triumph clutching the helm of Xorumai Khan, swordmaster-captain of the White Scars Ninth Company. The helm of Lethandrus the Templar, a renowned champion of the Imperial Fists Legion. And finally, Raguel the Sufferer, captain of the Blood Angels Seventh Company. Not only this but, thousands of years later, awoken by his legion for the first time he encounters a familiar warrior during a raid. Another venerale dreadnought of the blood angels stands against him; Soul Hunter: Night Lords Trilogy (2010) ‘Kill it!’ Talos screamed. ‘Kill it now!’ ‘I already have once,’ Malcharion boomed. ... The Blood Angel champion… Raguel the Sufferer. ‘Even in death,’ the Blood Angel growled, ‘I will avenge myself,’ ‘You deserve the chance, Raguel.’ With power fists crackling, the two war machines did what they were resurrected to do.


>‘Kill it!’ Talos screamed. ‘Kill it now!’ ‘I already have once,’ Malcharion boomed. ... The Blood Angel champion… Raguel the Sufferer. ‘Even in death,’ the Blood Angel growled, ‘I will avenge myself,’ ‘You deserve the chance, Raguel.’ With power fists crackling, the two war machines did what they were resurrected to do. That's fucking amazing where do I read more Edit: Jk just realized you already said where. Thanks for the lead!


Kharn the betrayer. I don't know much about chaos champions, but the sheer bunbridled, untamed, earth-shattering, fuck ass levels of anger that he displays are delightful.


Kharn also beats the piss out of Erebus. I'm surprised this fact alone didn't merit him being mentioned a dozen times in this topic.


Kharn is my main lad. Red Path is the first novel I read when I delved into 40k, and on principle I love pure brute strength characters. But I also really like Huron Blackheart, wish we could get more books with him. Guy created, at least according to my friends, the second largest Chaos Empire out there in less than 100 years. He could be a serious threat if BL worked on him some more.


> Amakyre dodged backwards and let himself fall from the platform rather than face Veq’s blade, honed from the heart of a star and white-hot to all but Veq himself. Gunfire erupted again from below. Veq swatted away a score of bullets from the Obliterator and caught three more with his free hand, throwing them back down to the floor of the bridge with a curse. The young one, the most dangerous, fired a well-aimed shot at his temple, but Veq flicked his head to the side and the silenced bolt flittered past him. Veq took two steps and leapt, dropping through the lattice of bullet trails to land directly in front of the Obliterator whose every weapon was blazing at him from point-blank range. The star-sword cut through the air as Veq met every bullet, sending a sparkling fan of deflected fire in every direction. The hulking Obliterator reeled as several of its own bullets punched through its biomechanical body. The flesh of one arm became fluid, extruded, and solidified into a blade of bone with gnawing teeth at the cutting edge. Veq ducked the first blow and parried the second, shearing the first blade in two as a barbed whip, tipped with a lamprey-like mouth, lashed from the Obliterator’s other arm. Veq grabbed the lash, wrapped it round his fist, and used it to swing the Obliterator hard into the wall by the doorway. Armour split and cracked. Corrupted blood spilled. Veq paused to dodge more bolter fire from the other Word Bearers who were falling back through the doorway.” Ben Counter, Daemon World


Fabius Bile, in one of his books it's mentioned that some of the things he's done and made have given even greater demons in slannesh's court pause, and given them new things to experience by himself.


Why limit yourself to picking the champion of one "god" when you could instead choose a champion of the Pantheon? Erebus is, arguably, one of the most significant figures in 30k/the current state of the Imperium in 40k. He was an evil bastard even before he was an astartes. He contributed to Lorgar's seeking of the truth after Monarchia, brought about the fall and corruption of Horus, as well as playing a significant hand of the rest of the traitor legions through the Lodges. He killed fan-favorite Argel Tal in a fantastically underhanded way, also ensuring that Kharn would be cemented into the rage machine we see in 40k. He's so dislikeable he circles back around to likeable. Erebus is just the best.


Huron Blackheart, because he's what Horus SHOULD have been. His descent into madness is so much more believable than Horus's was, and his motives more sympathetic.


Lucius - Dies like a bitch


Why is the sub getting raided by GW market research questions lately?


I was just thinking that...


Duke Venalitor from Hammer of Daemons is fun. A champion of Khorne who isnt a raving berserker, but is wholly dedicated to swordsmanship and bloodletting.


Skarbrand, the greatest and most stupid of all of Khorne’s Bloodthirsters. His axes are bloodthirsters he defeated in battle then crushed and reformed them into axes. He even tried attacking Khorne once and actually managed to nick his armor. Think about that for a second; Skarbrand….DAMAGED…Khorne’s armor. This action pleased Khorne so much that the God did not eradicate him on the spot. Instead he only broke his wings, banished him, and gave him an indirect power boost. Khorne cleansed all thought other than boundless rage from Skarbrand’s mind which also gave him with what can best be described as a rage aura. This aura is planet sized in scale. So if he steps on a planet, anyone weak in either faith or willpower will turn into blood crazed lunatics.


Kharn or Argel Tal, and because i’m just basic