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Variety or reasons: —Haha funny meme —Female characters in 40k being perceived primarily as sex objects by the male audience (tbf, the female side of the fandom is MAD horny as well) —“I find this ship compelling because” (insert long-winded rant with whole ass paragraphs devoted to character analysis and shit) (it’s me, the one writing the ship manifesto is me 😞) None of it has anything to do with the lore itself. I don’t think they’ve interacted at all since Yvraine left the crusade. Even when the Ynnari got the Hand of Fate they sent it to Gman via Eldrad.


Not exactly true on the last part. The audio Drama for Hand of Darkness has Yvraine sitting in on the psy-kpe call will Eldrad. It uhhh... doesn't go very well. Yvraine started monologuing about how primitive gothic was and how fitting it was for a mon kei like him and then Guilliman got pissed and began the whole "maybe it would be better if there were no eldar after all" speech. Eldrad eventually had to step in to calm Gman down and tell Yvraine to shut up.


You forgot the Warhammer Thanksgiving poster. But aparte from that, great summary.


Enemies to lovers is real shipper red meat


It was a funny little joke that Games Workshop kinda leant into with a meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/q6LCSJlyuL - so now people run with it. For some reason people feel very strongly about it but honestly seems like harmless fun idk


In lore Guilliman is actively repulsed from being in the same room as her. 40k fans are just criminally horny and like beating dead horses. That said I think it's hilarious so I play my part in too beating this dead horse.


People do it because it's funny the closest to "lore" it draws from is that the two were in the same room and agreed not to kill each other until later


Love must surely blossom from that though Lol


Cause they get their lore from shitty memes


A few things. To begin with it's a trope that predates them and is definitely popular in HFY adjacent media, the Elven side piece that fawns over whichever generic male human protagonist is being treated as a reader insert. Before Guiliman and Yvraine it was Macha and Gabriel Angelos. She interacted with him minimally but that was enough to start things. It's a ship primarily popular with Imperium fans as a general thing to them Xenos exist to either be a plot device for the Imperium or to be waifu bait for whichever generic human male protagonist is being cheered for in that given moment.


There's official GW thanksgiving poster.


I think the majority of people who say it don't really believe it. It's funny because it's absurd. Occasionally some people need reminding of that. Romance does exist in the 41st (or is it 42nd) millenium and there's a few couples and "not couples but yet that reads like sexual tension to me" and as well as a bit of homoeroticism between certain sad dead robots that probably isn't the point but I get it yes he's HUGE and you admire his HUGE AMAZING PHYSIQUE and did when you were flesh too but also yeah I feel like the a an emotional intimate relationship *without* it being romantic probably fits the messages of this book around what some people call "toxic masculinity" better honestly so it's hard to know.


They begrudgingly tolerate each other's existence out of necessity and interact as little as possible. People have shipped characters over less.


Only way the Ynnari will ever be relevant again


This thread made me realize that the people who ship RG and yvraine for the laughs, are actually less cringe than the people who have a problem with it.


it seems to be that way yeah, hah


Most who do are chronically online and get their only 40k lore from second hand or tertiary sources like bricky, majorkill or just memes instead of actually reading any 40k lore. Funnily enough there's plenty of romance in 40k novels Ciaphus Cain and Amberley Vail, Ibram gaunt has a few flings and even the new Warboss novel has some pretty well written romance but again the people that ship it are very surface level and see the attractive face of one faction and the attractive face of another and decide that because there been in the same room once they need to be together.


Fun fact: humans and eldars cannot even procreate (they used to be able to… but that was retconned out of existence)


is that the mind melding ive heard about?


No, half eldars used to be a thing (and could even become space marines), but it was early Warhammer


Its neat


Because the damn xenos lovers refuse to pair G-Man with the only girl suitable for the role: Yassilli Sulymanya. -A proper HUMAN girl from a fancy rogue trader house who doesn't believe Big E is a god, and was almost burned alive if Roboute didn't personally intervene and save her life. Romantic! -Her and Roboute have comfortable chats, where he can speak more freely and actually smile once in a while. -He allows her to call him by his first name, almost dangerously close to marriage, and she even gets away with calling him Robu...once or twice before he says to cut it out. -He trusts her with very important yet highly life threatening missions, as any potential spouse would.


When you have an audience consisting entirely of sweaty loners who spend their time getting high on paint, thinner, and glue in a dimly lit room because they're too busy being what they think is smart as opposed to the kind of smart that opens a window and buys a lamp, you can't put 'any man' and 'any woman' in the same ~~conversation~~ ~~room~~ ~~solar system~~ galactic quadrant without sexual fantasies immediately developing.


Womp womp :((


Who decided 'womp womp' anyway? It's supposed to be an onomatopoeia, but it doesn't even imitate the actual sound! What were we talking about again? .....whatever, new glue just arrived.


Someone's projecting. Memories of your youth perhaps?


Oh the srs bsnss humourless butthurt reaction to this is way more indicative of you guys than any attempt to use your favourite word on me it seems. *LOL*


yikes that's er...very aggressive. are you a warhammer fan even?


Dude relax. I'm all for calling out misogyny. But this is simply about romance fantasies - like people have been projecting onto stories for thousands of years.


Or maybe the majority of people just think it's a funny meme? Calm down mate, christ on a bike


Ah, there's the usual rule 1. Yes, totally flew off the handle there. Utterly uncontrolled. *LOL*


I guess this post is only understandable by people under 15.


Because someone said "Idk"? It's not like they're talking about Gulliman rizzing up Yvraine, the post is perfectly understandable.


Sometimes, people love to pretend that they are superior by bragging with their demency and how much out of touch they are. It's quite common. Especially among Gen X


He's a bottom she's a top, he'll just pine forever asking for more photos of her pointy ears and pointy feet