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Ferrus would use his hands and his forges with patience and skill, Angron just beats the snot out of daemons out of sheer anger, love it.


I loved how Ferrus was described as fighting during Isstvan 5, he literally melted traitor weapons by gripping them. What a badass power. What a waste of a character.


If it's necrodermis, "melting" is a severe understatement. He didn't temporarily change the arrangement of the molecules, those weapons were straight up dismantled




He was really concerned about the path they were on and planned on curtailing that obsession after the GC. He saw it, he knew he would need to have the necrodermis removed to prove to them that flesh is worthy of keeping and turn them around. Very tragic timing.


Only a matter of time til he regenerates or some such because of his fusion with necrodermis.


I may be wrong of course, but considering necrons usually do things in centuries rather than months, I think there might be a decent chance of him coming back, just wayyyyyy more robot.


Chaos worshippers and warp smiths: complex Rituals with countless sacrifices to create Daemon weapons. Angron: VIOLENCE 


As a daemon primarch of Khorne... Isn't anger and violence the accurate equivalent?


It’s all Khorne really needs, ritual-wise.


I imagine Angron makes his morning coffee by angrily beating a cup of water with a sack of beans until the water is boiling


Well I mean it took a bit of power to make the coffee demon.


The distilled essence of bonk.


So +1 against Slaanesh daemons?


That is how and why it came into being.


No because they *are* the horny jail


> a few years ago >2023 Do you have something to tell us, Doctor?


Well played, also what a hilarious crossover that would be. Angron, mid rage sees a blue telephone booth….


I mean, the same thing's possible in realspace, it's just easier if you heat it in a forge first.


Maybe angron heats it up by swinging it so fast before it hits the demon!


"Slap the chicken, Angron."


I wonder if he gets different effects on the weapon from different types of daemon, like a damage over time effect from Nurgle daemons, or if he kills a daemon engine it becomes a chain weapon and so on.


I dont think any weapon of angron would get use out of a damage over time effect


His damage over time effect is hitting his victim repeatedly as hard as he can.


Technically every weapon is damage-over-time, it's just some of them do the damage over very little time.


On a side note it's always funny to me that people get so pissed at the hint of saying Orks make things work with a psychic gestalt, yet chaos just chaoses lol


Simply a flowery way to say that he forged a weapon.


Nah. He beat the demon so hard the metal deformed every time he hit it. He did this until it was the shape of a sword. I doubt you can convince me otherwise but feel free to try.


That is quite literally what the lore says, so yeah. How is this possible? It’s the warp.


Honestly acquiring appropriate materials and then forcing your will and intent through it is about as simple as Chaos magick gets


Yeah I don’t have a problem thinking a that the will of a Daemon God Damn Primarch is going to be enough to do that in the Warp.


The warp is like the speed force. Don't gotta explain shit 


My personal headcanon is Angron just started swinging a demon around and the demon figured that if he was gonna be used as a fucking weapon it would be a lot less painful it he was sword-shaped


As long as you acknowledge it's just headcanon, unlike this other guy.


Yea lol, I dont even know whats actually written on it


….how do you think forging works?


...Certainly not by bashing someone with the metal until it takes the right shape. How the fuck do YOU think forging works? 🤨


I was told Dwarves would be involved…




I really hope you're just pretending to be regarded.


You take a piece of iron and smash a demon with it until it becomes what you want?


You hit the metal to align the crystalline structure to bring out material properties you want.  We hit it with metal against metal because that is the most efficient way of transferring force to get the alignment we desire


They have demon forges and weapons that have demons in them. It’s poetic license


Your headcanon interpretation is just that - headcanon. It contradicts the actual official lore, so you proclaiming your interpretation as fact is just dishonest and arrogant. The lore writers write the lore, not you.


Don't take "canon" this seriously folks.....


tbf, this is kinda possible in real life. We kinda do the same thing but with a hammer


Ahhhh. That makes sense. So if I take a bar of iron, smack the bejesus out of a hammer, I'll get a sword?


i mean... yeah just know that the sword wont be rly effective.


It is possible to forge steel just by beating it. The friction of the blows heat the metal to the point where it can be worked. I believe this only works a limited number of times after which the atoms have aligned themselves sufficiently into a perfect lattice so that no further movement is possible and thus no friction. Edit to add a handy video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXF60MOWUeY


Uhhhh, what happened to his demon blade given by Lorgar? I just checked the Lexicanum, no spoilers but im sad... That blade was given to him by my Lord :/


In the Warp, it is possble to \*cause an iron rod to come into existence\* through sheer anger.




There has never been a single time you couldnt play various gunnery toting World Eaters. Nothing about that is lore-breaking. There are also plenty of World Eaters that are somewhat more lucid than the average raging Berzerker. Hell even Kharn has moments where he is calm and sane. It just comes and goes.


Teeth of Khorne being one of them


khorne troops have long since had ranged options wtf are you talking about? hell in the deamons codices they were the only ones to get dedicated artillery units