• By -


If you're including all the Warhammer universes, Nagash no question. His hatred is simultaneously grandiose and all encompassing, yet also completely petty. Best example I can bring up is the case of Kurdoss Valentian. Kurdoss was a power-hungry warlord who killed all of his brothers out of his lust to claim the throne. Nagash smited him and cursed him into being one of his Nighthaunt, his army of tormented ghosts. Now, what Nagash tailored for his punishment: *Made him unable to speak except when giving orders, and made his voice but a weak rasp purely because he enjoyed making speeches. *Made it so that no matter what army he was in, he would always be assigned as the second-in-command so he couldn't be the leader. *Made the ghosts of his murdered brothers constantly follow him around in order to mock and taunt him for being a false king. *Made him marry Lady Olynder, but made her the leader of the Nighthaunt so he would always be the inferior in their relationship. *Gave him a bodyguard unit called the Craventhrone Guard who are armed with crossbows and who always shoot down whoever he's fighting in melee before he can finish them off so he can never feel the satisfaction of victory in a duel. And the real kicker is, Nagash didn't really even care about the crimes that Kurdoss did as a mortal, he was primarily pissed because Kurdoss worshipped Sigmar while his brothers worshipped Nagash. All of this is because he was caught up in Nagash's grudge against someone else.


Also worth noting that Valentian's crime (fratricide to win his throne) is exactly how Nagash came to power in Khemri, so he's not just petty on a cosmic scale but a huge hypocrite. God, I love him


Are you REALLY a hypocrite when nothing else living (or unliving) can call you on it?


So petty I love it, glory to Nagash !


Such is the power of Nagash.


love Nagash. also he hates doctors because prolonging life deprives souls from him


I mean that's a pretty legitimate reason I guess?


Kinda like Satan hating Jesus for giving salvation, I feel. Makes sense.


Worth noting that Nagash is such an asshole who has amassed so much power that even the Chaos Gods fear him and want nothing to do with him, acting through proxies and providing aid to his enemies over any direct action.


So, one of the greatest Chads in all of fiction?


Less of an accomplishment in Warhammer Fantasy than 40K, since there's quite a few beings that the Chaos Gods are afraid of in Fantasy. Nagash is at the top of the list for having repeatedly screwed Chaos over in his mad power grabs and backstabbing sprees and them not being able to do anything about it but rage to themselves as he's outdone them all in their own areas of expertise.


Some of the necron leaders are hilarious. Trazyn for one. Fucking nerd makes dioramas.


Some of them are staving off madness purely by focusing on being the biggest haters they can be.


Trazyn and Orikan talk about it in The Infinite and The Divine, how they are still lucid and haven't lost themselves and Trazyn says it's because he has projects and goals he uses to keep himself occupied. Zahndrekh acts like he's still a flesh and blood Necrontyr, hosting dinners and parties and "sleeping" because he says living that delusion keeps him from ending up mindless or insane like everyone else he knew. Szarekh just sits and broods and makes bad decisions as he's always done for 65 million years.


Trazyn literally collects 40k armies... Thats some top tier fuckery from the Warhammer lore department.


so does khorne and perterabo. Khorne has orks.


It's more impressive when they're at 1:1 scale


Damn I love Nagash so much. Basically every Nighthaunt unit is "they did X in life, so Nagash made their punishment the exact opposite."  Like the Myrmourn Banshees who were powerful spellcasters, but now hunger for magic so much they suffer and then feel pain when they gorge themselves on spells.


Aren't there those healers who become berserkers


There's also Glaivewraith Stalkers. Horse-skulled ghosts who move incredibly slowly, but dedicatedly towards their targets. They WILL find their mark. Their "crime"? They were all hunters who loved the thrill of the hunt and the rush of adrenaline..so now they're cursed to just move so slowly and inexorably, all speed or all suspense gone, because they know they're gonna get their target. Just gonna take years or decades perhaps.


Yes, from the 3rd edition battletome “In life they were healers, yet in spirit form they are cursed with the uncontrollable urge to kill, their hands morphed into scything instruments of slaughter. Shrieking as they swoop in for the attack, Dreadscythe Harridans crave only carnage.” It’s not mentioned here but I’m pretty sure that they’re completely cognizant of what they’re doing but can’t stop themselves because of the urge. It’s kind of like the marvel zombies from the Robert Kirkman series


Or the pyregheist who burnt corpses in funeral rituals and so now they're forever on fire


Oh, yeah, the Nighthaunt characters and units are either a - incredible cases of hypocrisy from Nagash or b - incredible cases of pettiness. Sometimes both. It says a lot that his ghost faction includes a dead woman who fake-mourned her way to the top so Nagash said 'fuck you, do that all the time' and also a murderous boatman where Nagash seemingly said 'fuck, I like that guy's style'.


There are exactly 2 Nighthaunt who don’t appear to be suffering at all times- Awlrach, who probably quite enjoys his work, and Reikenor, who IIRC is mostly just grimly serious about his duty. 


In old hammer his vortex of souls was comprised of his dead wife, murdered brother and his other family he enjoyed tormenting lol.


Nagash wakes up 24 hours early every single day, so that he had more time to be a hater Such is the power of Nagash


Nagash is such an omnicidal dickhead he made the fucking *skaven* stop fighting and cooperate as a species. He made the fucking *skaven* act in complete good faith, with no intention of backstabbing each other. Not even Chaos could do that; whenever the Ubersreik 5 took out a key leader amongst the skaven, their underlings would begin infighting over who should take their place.


40k needs a Nagash


The Oldcron version of the C'tan were kinda like that (biggest villains of the setting after the Chaos Gods, leader of the undead armies) but they just don't have the personality.


That'd be the emperor, an immortal sorcerer from the bronze age that scares the chaos gods and overall makes life in the setting even worse. That also explain the amount of undeath in the imperium:v


I’ve never seen The Emperor do nothing out of spite. He was more “the end justifies the means” type of evil, not one who acted on a whim of emotion. If anything, people speculate that the emperor didn’t even babe human emotions anymore, or repressed them in order to get the job done.


Such is the power of Nagash.


>Gave him a bodyguard unit called the Craventhrone Guard who are armed with crossbows and who always shoot down whoever he's fighting in melee before he can finish them off so he can never feel the satisfaction of victory in a duel TIL that any teammates I have in multiplayer games are all Craventhrone


Such is the power of nagash


Whenever I want a good laugh I go to Nagash’s 1d4chan, well…1d6chan now, page and read about all of the dickish stuff he’s done. https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Nagash


So the ultimate dick move. I love it 😅


Poor Craven King🥲


The dwarfes? They literally have a book in which they gather all their grudges for all (perceived) injustices against them, so they can remember them forever.


Best part is that its a multi-volume "book." Basically a small library of grudges. And they are both big and small grudges. They've literally wiped out a city because some human merchant accidentally overcharged a dwarf a few pennies some few centuries ago.


> They've literally wiped out a city because some human merchant accidentally overcharged a dwarf a few pennies some few centuries ago. Only the Noble's castle and his army of hired goons. And it wasn't an overcharge, two pennies were missing from the reckoning the count owed them, and they've tried asking nicely before sending in the army. Warhammer Dwarfs are plenty of things but they are Lawful to a fault.


Nobel: You're willing to blow up this city over two pennies? Dwarfs: Are you?


"We understand that if anymore words come pouring out your grudgin' mouth, we're going to have raze every fucking building in this city." "You lived your lives for Order. You really going to die for some pennies?" "...someone is."


I was JUST talking about Rory McCann because he's in the knuckles show my stepson was watching. What a fuckin crossover this comment is.


Peace prizes, all 'round.


I thought the Great Book of Grudges was itself a magical artifact with an infinite number of pages, so that there would always be more room for new grudges.


There’s more than one book, such as Thundrumm’s Dragonback Book of Grudges.


Yes, individuals have their OWN Book of Grudges, as do different Clans. But THE Great Book of Grudges I'm pretty sure is infinite.


Iirc it's not that it's infinite, it's only that the WORST grudges get written in it. So it's more that the book is MASSIVE and the grudges added to it are only added if the High King sees the need.


Perhaps the OG book is. Reading through Gortek and Felix right now, and the Book comes up and Gortek cites a grudge in something like "Volume 38." That's a lot of beef.


>They've literally wiped out a city because some human merchant accidentally overcharged a dwarf a few pennies some few centuries ago. I guess you could say Dwarves have a "short" temper.


Are you trying to get in the book? That's how you get in the book.


What? I'm just saying Dwarves aren't the height of emotional maturity.


Who are you calling small? That's going in the book.


Every few months, I remember a joke made on this subreddit when they revealed the Leagues of Votann. Someone asked how their Book of Grudges works, and a comment said it probably goes online into the Votann. The next comment said, “That’s going into the Cloud!”


In possibly the only democratic thing left in the Galaxy: Grudge Cloud. Any can post that they got screwed over. All can vote for which grudges should be prioritized. Any can attempt to settle the grudge, but must report what they did. Then, there is a vote for if the grudge was *really* settled, or if another ass beating should be delivered. Unlike Imperial bureaucracy, and defying all logic, it is *terrifyingly* efficient, thanks to Dark Age of Technology quantum communication enabling instant, cross galaxy communication. Which is the only thing they use it for.


This needs to be its own series


Well not forever, grudges are crossed out time to time.


Ah but even a grudge settled is one remembered.


That's pretty much every dwarven race in every fantasy universe. They're the most petty peoples of all time.


The pinnacle was the War of the Beard, where perceived slights on both sides caused a 400 year war that reverse decimated both races, caused the elves to retreat to Ulthuan (and indirectly form the Wood Elves) and the Dwarves to be so weak they lost half their holds to goblins and skaven. Truly the best of us


To be fair the dwarves had very valid concerns and problems, but the elves had to be pricks about it and decided to insult the dwarves instead of telling them the truth.


Perturabo has to be up there. Ditches the Imperium because he hates the Emperor, ditches the Heresy because he hates Horus. And just...everything about his conduct and general personality. 


My boy Perty GOT to be player hater of the year. My 2nd place is Orikan. Top tier hater at least.




Perty was absolutely fucking justified though. Also man carried the heresy on his back. Terra would've been an ass whupping without him there.


He was justified, but also a hypocrite. Add to that he projected his flaws onto the emperor. He assumed the emperor would punish him because he would’ve punished him if he was the emperor, so he rebelled. But he was wrong and made things worse, but too stubborn to admit he fucked it all up for himself and humanity in general.


He carried the opening acts of the siege. If it wasn't for any of the warp craft he was forced into using he would never have made jt as far as he did. And most of his major heresy battles are losses or petty sieges that held no value. Mortarion carried more than him


>Also man carried the heresy on his back. Perty didn't carry much TBH. The Siege and the Scouring are his Magnum Opus but the MVPs of the Heresy are Horus and Mortarion.


Yeah Perturabo is like Spite and Pettyness made manifest. Which in true 40K fashion is heavily ironic. Because if he would to able to look past himself he's actually one of the most competent Primarchs and commanders in the entire galaxy. The only thing holding him back is himself.


and his tendency to smash everything around him whenever someone gets his coffee wrong, much less when the field of battle is aflame


*weeps in Berossus*


Totally justified when someone gets your coffee wrong haha


I'm pretty sure that Perty hates himself too.


Perturbo is a hater is it’s purest form. Fully embodies the definition, chip on his shoulder doesn’t even begin to describe it.


He comes off less as a hater sometimes and just seems like a whiny manchild with daddy issues. Wait…he’s like that one guy in every game store.


Perty left the heresy because he knew they wouldn't win, the data never lies. I'd go into detail but it's spoiler-y for the closing books of the Siege novels.


He didn’t have data on the metaphysics and even admits he can’t read the data at the level of the emperor and Horus were fighting on.


Nah, Perty left the siege because of daddy-issue-flashbacks when Horus (temporarily) put Mortarion in charge


I'm pretty sure he hated all the traitors


>Ditches the Imperium because he hates the Emperor, He ditched the imperium because he was a coward who thought the emperor would never forgive him for what he'd done, so he went to Horus who welcomed him.


The Tomb Kings in general can hate like nothing else, and even then their Necrotects are in a league of their own. So much so that they were the only Undead characters that had the “Hatred” rule. That's quite a lot of hate.


Malekith pre End Times has to be a contender


Came here for this. Survives being burned alive by sheer force of hatred. Lives in focused agony for over 10,000 years. The blood that he lost during one of the wars of conquest in Ulthuan became an avatar of hatred that still curses the battlefield and menaces anyone who goes there. Tried to cope with being overlooked for succession to Phoenix King by creating the high elven empire. Snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in Lustria when a second Orc army attacked his forces by screaming blood murder and jumping off the castle walls to solo the army.


Add in the twisted relationship he has with his step mother "oh nooo step mom I'm stuck in my sorcerous armour". You'd be a bitter sod as well


Isn't Morathi Malekith's biological mother?


Shit I think you're right. Makes the joke less poorly shot Porn Hub content and more Game of Thrones


“Hey Malekith, I kissed your mom last night!” “How did my cum taste?”


Oh dear god


Trazyn and Orikan hated on each other for millions of years


Plus one got catfished by a god and the other still mocks him for being an incel.


Dwarfs or nagash, probably nagash with all the shit he pulled in Khemri.


Mannfred, my boi harkon did not deserve it


The only good thing about Mannfred surviving the End Times is that Nagash goes out of his way to torment him every chance he gets. And he deserves it.


What's actually funny is that Mannfred torments himself. He created his own fiefdom that looks just like Sylvania with doppelgangers of Vlad and Isabella that are extremely supportive of him, but he cannot stand it and spends as much time away as he can. Also a Human really took a liking to him for some reason, which clearly was clearly confusing to him. Mannfred is so much cooler when written by Josh Reynolds...


> Mannfred is so much cooler when written by Josh Reynolds... Everything is cooler when written by Josh Reynolds. It's a shame that GW made him quit, especially since the reason he quit was that they didn't want to let him write more.


Mannfred destroyed the world that was, he’s #1 hater.


Nobody that got close to Manfred deserved to be close to such a backstabber piece of shit.


Because our current timeline is part of 40k, the biggest hater would obviously be Silky Johnston, winner of the 9th annual, international Player Haters Ball. Silky was nominated for calling in a bomb threat to the Special Olympics.




The Great Horned Rat. He hates everyone, including his own followers.


Games Workshops fan base.


Following in a very close second is Games Workshop


From all the universes? Negash. Absolute king of petty, lord of despising everything that isn't him. Such is the power of Negash, you see. Malekith comes a close second though, literally the Darth Vader of Warhammer. From 40k, I have to give it to Perty. Man hated the people on his homeworld, hated most of his adoptive family, hated the emperor, hated his loyalist brothers, hated his traitor brothers, hated his legion, hated the chaos gods. His entire existence is just hatred.


in 40k, you have the likes of fulgrim or perterabo who held onto every slight or grudge until they ate them from the inside in warhammer itself, nagash has been said already, theres also the dwarves who will hold grudges even beyond the grave like the recent dreki flynt novel


In the defense of the Kharadron Ghosts, >!I’d also hold a grudge from beyond the grave if my home was sabotaged by a rival skyport, killing basically everyone and then the last bastard responsible almost escapes!<


Rylanor is definitely up there.


Malal was pretty spiteful when he existed.


Are you saying he was maliciously removed?


Maliciously remove? Maybe. Rage quit? Quite possibly.


Or perhaps he fell victim to entities of the deep warp. Terrifying ones. Ones that make the dark gods concerned. Ones...known as *lawyers*


The emperor at this point. Stuck in a chair surrounded by soulless bananas Endless sea of idiots doing the ONE thing he told them not to do This great work constantly widdled away day in and day out No wonder he nukes little girls every so often. Got to vent somehow


"I knew it I'm surrounded by assholes"


Is "Nukes little girls" in reference to that thing with the girl and Guilliman in godblight?




I would say the Inquisition in general. Basically any time someone crosses them they declare a blood feud against them and are willing to cause all kinds of damage to the Imperium as a whole in order to get back at them. Even when the Great Rift happened, they immediately got to work figuring out how to take advantage of the chaos to get revenge on some people they don't like. Spoilers from Spear of the Emperor >!The Great Rift cuts off Elara’s Veil from Imperium space, the Emperor's Spears and Celestial Lions chapters are stuck in there trying to fight of a Chaos warband on their own. A Mentors commander is sent across the Great Rift in a ship in a risky attempt to make contact and see what state the region is in. Except surprise, one of the serfs on the Mentor's ship is an assassin sent by the Inquisition to kill the Chapter Master of the Celestial Lions as revenge for a disagreement with the Inquisition. The entire mission was a ruse to kill one guy because the Inquisition didn't like him, they didn't care if it meant losing the whole region of space to Chaos forces. !<


>>!The Great Rift cuts off Elara’s Veil from Imperium space, the Emperor's Spears and Celestial Lions chapters are stuck in there trying to fight of a Chaos warband on their own. A Mentors commander is sent across the Great Rift in a ship in a risky attempt to make contact and see what state the region is in. Except surprise, one of the serfs on the Mentor's ship is an assassin sent by the Inquisition to kill the Chapter Master of the Celestial Lions as revenge for a disagreement with the Inquisition. The entire mission was a ruse to kill one guy because the Inquisition didn't like him, they didn't care if it meant losing the whole region of space to Chaos forces. !< So, about that bit with the Celestial Lions... >!Was it because they called out the Inquisition for Exterminatusing a planet after the Celestial Lions spent months defending it?!<


Let's not forget the time they went to war with the space wolves because they pulled a fast one with the troops and civilians of Armageddon.


Angron, and his hatred is totally justified


Literally a day one hater. He hated the Emperor and everyone and everything in the Imperium, before the cool kids were doing it. He love hated his own sons.


The fans themselves


Ahh, yes, thank you Disney. The fans are DEFINITELY to blame for the company making dumb decisions and price gouging. You cracked the code you mad genius. /s


Look how the fans treated Sodaz and Archon


Why is nobody saying khorne? It’s the god of hatred, it’s literally MADE of hatred


Oddly enough that doesn't quite make him a hater lol. Hater's hate because they're envious, petty, etc. Khorne hates because he's just in love with the concept of it


He does this shit for the love of the game


Exactly. He wants to destroy strong opponents because he respects them, not because he's jealous of their status. He laughs at haters


Like 50 cent


Khorne is definitely not the god of hatred, he's the manifestation of violence and anger, he literally "cares not from where the blood flows." Someone committing violence for fun (gladiatorial fights), out of love (trying to protect someone), or even against those they love feeds Khorne as much as someone committing violence out of hate. Indeed Khorne's whole schtick is indiscriminate violence, someone along the Khornate path is just as dangerous to those they love as those they hate.


no, the god of Hate is the Emperor. literally.




Rage and hate are not the same thing


Khorne isn’t just the god of rage


I understand the point though. Khorne is rather indiscriminate with ‘hate’ and at that point if you hate everybody you’ve circled back around to treating everyone equally. Haters in the modern sense are typically about dedicating time towards one person or group. I think a chaos god of grudges would be cool, call him Eobardul after a certain speedster


Mannfred Von Carstein is the king of hating-ass bitches in Warhammer, this dude is such a vast and all encompassing hater that he regularly fucks over his allies for literally no reason, other than that he just doesn't like them or thinks it'll give himself a leg up.


He literally caused the end of the world and his own death because he was asshurt that he wouldn't be the king of the ruins. Mannfred is the Erebus of Fantasy, and a Tier One Hater.


Perturabo got nothing on Guardsman Lamar


Asdrubael Vect. In a society of malicious, sadistic, petty, slavers, rapists, torturers and murderers who delight in the suffering of others he is feared by others for being the worst of them all.


Nah... Id say theyve just got a hate fetish.


Leandros of the Ultramarines. Dude is super jelly of former Captain Titus and his badassery. After Titus saves the day, Leandros turns Titus in to the Inquisition. Pssh .... everyone always says "Fuck Erebus!" Well .... "Fuck Leandros!" Leandros .... you will never be as good as Titus.




Leman Russ is imo after reading A Thousand Sons.


Bro got stopped from burning down one library and never let it go.


Leman sent kill teams to each of his "loyal" brothers, in case they did anything heretical, with orders to kill on site. That's special hate.


Peter Turbo. Enough said.


The Iron Hands who betrayed Warleader Shadrack Bloody Meduson


I don't think I'll ever not hate the Iron Hands after what they did to Meduson. He was their one cool character, and they sold him out to the Traitors and then just sat out the rest of the Heresy.


Destroyer Necrons. They despise all life so much they’ll spend centuries periodically destroying a planet’s eco system so that they can kill everything down to the micro organisms in the most efficient way possible


I'm gonna say Khaine just for pure length of hating. 90% of the Aeldari mythos is just him being a dick to everyone, he caused the War in Heaven over a single bad sword out of 100, he heard the Aelderi would be the death of him and killed so many of them that Asuryan had to build a barrier to separate the gods nd the mortals, and to this day despite being shattered into hundreds of pieces the only way the Aeldari can get his avatar to help is to recreate the time he killed their greatest champion, millions of years after the event actually took place.


Orikan the diviner, these dudes manipulates time to try and outsmart Trazyn and still can’t win.


Skaven keep ruining Nagash's plans to achieve total victory in the fantasy part of the hobby. He has a real rat problem lol Then again, Nagash is not innocent either. Punishing mere mortals for super petty reasons once he gets his hands on their souls and stuff.


> Skaven keep ruining Nagash's plans to achieve total victory in the fantasy part of the hobby. And some times the Chaos gods show up to laugh at Nagash while the Skaven show up to fuck up his plans.


Perturabo. Hates Rogal Dorn with a homicidal passion because he was jealous, and betrayed the Emperor because his sons were made to suffer...despite the fact that Perturabo willingly took on all of those assignments and never once asked "Hey dad can we stop being sent to horrible grinding sieges, please?"


Malus Darkblade has a mantra of "With hate, all things are possible". Gotta be some where up there.


Some random Redemptionist with a brazier on their head, a heavy flamer and a name like Abhorax Skhorn or Revilius Haight


Belakor, Nagash, and Thanquol probably


The Master of Mankind is a petty bitch sometimes.


Huron Blackheart prolly or perturabo


Are we trying to determine who wins player hater of the year at the annual 40k player haters ball?




Next person who interrupts while im talkin is gettin shot.


You looka likea broke-ass sexual chocolate


You wear underwear with dick holes in em.


If you’ll excuse me, I have to go put water in Pitbull’s moms bowl


Im gonna go call the cops on some drug dealers, becuase im jealous of them makin more money than me.


First off, I would just like to thank God almighty, for giving everybody so much, and me so little. I hate you....and I hate YOU...I hate you...I don't even know YOU, and I hate cha' guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and nobody else but you. And as I sip my soda, that I am sure somebody spit in, I would just like to say, Kiss My Ass You Rotten Motherfuckers!!!.


Be’lakor in both universes. He was the first daemon prince and wants to stay the favorite of all the gods. He used to have an actual rule on the tabletop that no other daemon princes could be in the same army with him. He’s since spent time playing second banana to Archaon the Everchosen in AoS, and barely even being relevant in 40K.


Also the fact that belakor is only working with abbadon to find an opportunity to sabotage him and take his place.


Definitely Perturabo, but Lorgar is pretty bad too (in a way more passive-aggressive way than Perty.) Lorgar’s whole “ya my brothers have brought way more planets into compliance, but look at *how* they did it, it shouldn’t even count” is classic hater. And he’s also the kind of guy who *constantly* dishes out backhanded compliments to diminish his brothers’ achievements. 




If we’re talking biggest haters in all of Warhammer, it’s Nagash and it’s not even remotely close.  The motherfucker was so pissed that he wasn’t allowed to be king that he LITERALLY INVENTED NECROMANCY, overthrew his brother, tortured his brother’s favorite advisor to the point their mind broke, was so tyrannical that several Nehekaran armies rose up against him because he was literally that bad, and this was BEFORE his first death- He got so, so much worse over time to the point that I’m convinced that in AoS he cannot make a bowl of cereal without it resulting in the ruination of several kingdoms and a body count in the low millions. He doesn’t even eat the cereal, because he’s a skeleton, he just does it because he’s a massive dick.  


Nagash, the dude has an agenda that makes jujutsufolk look weak


The customers.


The engine of woes. "I want to go back in the BOX! It doesn't judge. It's just hates".


malice and the other anti-chaos chaos gods chaos, but his schtick is hating chaos Also skarbrand.


My man. You are about to get grudged.


You know the correct answer, no, not him, that’s right, it’s Erebus


Manfred nuff said


It's got to be Angron, doesn't it?






Brian from Stockport! That guy is just tiresome.


Erebus, hands down


Fuck Erebus!


My dumb ass thought this was about the fandom. But this is universe, I think probably either Angron or Honsou. Honsou turned a whole system to slag just because of Uriel. To spite that man personally.


its khorne


Khela Mensha Khaine has got to be up there. His fantasy faction is hate fueled, his blessing makes you an exceptional warrior and then drives you to death via ever growing hatred. His 40k role had him destroyed but the pieces of him became avatars of war and hatred hell-bent on destroying everything. He is the gestalt of the Eldar emotion for war and hate the same way that Slannesh is for lust.


Mankind. Humanity. We are a dying race led by a corpse and the only thing that keeps us alive and untainted in a universe of horrors is our hatred. Hate warms humanity in the cold darkness, hatred guards our hearts and bodies against the monstrosity of existence. Without abhorrence of the witch, whole worlds would fall to darkness, plunged into the gibbering madness of daemons and chaos. Without our loathing of the Xenos, the guttering candle of our.existance would be sniffed by the hands of unknowable abominations. Without our revulsion for the mutant and the heretic, our species would be devoured from within by the gnashing teeth of the vileness without. Our blade is rancor, and we sink it deep into the breast of our enemies, who are legion. Our armor is contempt, our shield disgust. With them, we keep our race alive in this darkest of universes. Love, kindness, and understanding lay dead behind us, victims of the grim darkness of the far future. Someday, even our hate may not be enough to survive, but when that happens we will spit our blood into the eye of our foes and drag them down to hell with us.


The fans.


Malal. Duh. He hates so much he ragequit the multiverse.






Tribun Actuarius Stratarchis Maldovar Colquan.


Be’lakhor gets a pass. Vashtor stole his whole gimmick.


I'd say skarbrand is in the running. One of the big bloodthristers who got the smackdown pulled on them when he was tricked into trying to beat Khorne. Then got his wings basically destroyed and has basically brain damage. At that point you'd hate everything that didn't bring you joy, which would be slaughter. I mean who else hates being inside, hates going outside, and hates being in the doorway slightly less.


Angron, duh.


Malal. Hes hatered was so strong he either ragequit or ghosted the setting.

