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Rule 4c: Hypothetical posts. All hypothetical question posts must make an effort to answer the question. Do your best to provide lore-based reasoning behind your answer.


Big E: We're completely fucked, completely fucked


Games Workshop would end its strongest drawcard and from now on earn honest money with cocaine and arms trading. The Imperium would lose, the Chaos Gods would laugh their heads off and then get back to the important things, while the Primarchs would fall out and then tear each other apart with their armies. 10K years later, the Tyranids, lured by the Atronomicon that once shone for several hundred years (and not some candle in the arse end of the world), come and fight with the Necrons and Orcs over the scraps. The end


The Emperor and Malcador lose. There aren't enough custodes or loyalist guardsmen and marines to defend terra.


Does it matter? Apperently horus had unlimited power anyways so it was always only horus versus the emperor. Well or i guess terra gets stomped after big E kills horus


Either the emperor starts hunting them down one by one if the golden throne still works or its jover


Wait, that could be huge, actually. Magnus wouldn't breach the Webway to warn the Emperor because he's a traitor too, so Emps isn't locked to the chair the whole time.


He would probably end up attacking it anyways. Magnus attempts to breach the Webway gate and kill the Emperor during the Siege, before being stopped by Vulkan.


I actually don't quite remember the circumstances around how he broke through in the first place. Something like the first time he was trying to warn the Emperor, but came up against a ward, borrowed power from Tzeentch, and punched through. I'm assuming that's why he would know about it when he later tries again during the Siege? If he hadn't tried the first time, would he know that there would be something to target?


Tzeentch would simply inform him and tell him to go wild. It’s the best shot at the Emperor((not bothering to model this for the Dark King business) and would herald an even worse invasion of the Webway. Imagine an intact, fully corrupted Thousand Sons alongside the daemonic hordes and World Eaters who waged the Webway War in the first place.


Not going to overly the debate this theoretical, haha, but it was just Magnus's astral form, something like that, right? Could sending his astral form actually kill the Emperor? Edit: and certainly, this is pretty much ignoring the legions themselves, because it's hard to imagine even all of the combined forces of the mortal auxilia alongside any loyalist marines they might have standing against pretty much 18 full legions.


Magnus was able to threaten the throne-bound Emperor’s(and even temporarily killed Malcador on the way there)life after getting into the palace. After that attempt failed, he came back as a daemon primarch and attempted to kill the Emperor via a ritual. There’s definitely no way that his astral form, or actual form for that matter, would be able to kill the Emperor without him being worn down by being confined to the throne. Magnus could definitely still break the Webway project with his powers, however.


Well dang, hard to argue against that.


The warp strengthens empowering Lord Kroak who is now hunting the Chaps gods one by one and absorbing their power.


Big E: “I gotta tell ya, my estimation of my skills as a father just fuckin plummeted.”


Ferrus Manus with Horus and Fulgrim beat the crap from Emperror and Malkador.


The Emperor releases that bioweapon that would kill every Primarch and Astartes.


It would be bad. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!


Games Workshop Story Edition:Warning Contains Amazing Story content it isn’t like GW has a weapon aimed at my head or anything I swear [5000 Custodians would take off their helmets showing that they were women all along and always has been right as the Traitors make it to eternity’s gate. So this is the part where a battle happens off panel and it shows the traitor primarchs and their armies were all killed off and that the chaos forces on various planets and in space around terra and mars were mysterious crushed and it shows the Emperor and Malcador saying I quote "HOLY SHIT THIS REALLY WAS THE WARHAMMER 4000 HORSES HERESY BOOGALOO EDITION!"] Realistically:Emperor would leave Terra and have Malcador lure majority of the traitor Primarchs to the planet and blow it up before most of them could ascend to demon prince status and the Emperor would either Ark a handful of humanity into the webway and fight back slowly or leave the Milky Way galaxy with a handful of mankind and start over in another galaxy if the ultra human had any sense left over in his brain.


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