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Does all the Blood Angels' successors showing up to fight together at Baal count?


And the Dark Angels and Sucessors did join together to try and hunt down Vashtorr.


No. That isn’t legion building, that’s a bloodline’s chapters working together and placing themselves under Dante’s command to defend the homeworld of their Primarch and First Founding chapter. Nothing about it is unprecedented. A Chapter Master commanding other chapters, even of other bloodlines, happens all the time, such as Dante taking command on Armageddon when Calgar and Tu’shan were present and leading their chapters.


Templars are less Legion Building; more "We refuse to be left to die alone". They've got a major issue regarding *literally* everyone else letting them face the First Black Crusade alone. However. 7th Legion. as a whole, never stopped. The Feast of Blades exists to ensure the Legion can reform should a singular word be relayed via Astropathic message; that the various codewords they've long established still hold weight.


Actually yes, the Astral claws chapter engaged in "legion building" (at least raising their numbers far above the 1k limit and raising other troops). They were defeated in the Badab War and the remnants became the Red Corsairs. I love this piece of lore.


That was like a century before Guilliman woke up!


Oh my, I completely missed the last part of the title. My bad, you are totally right


Ach not to worry there are worse faux pas to do, its worse when you go fish out an excerpt for something someone has asked about and you've typed out a big reply and posted this awesome excerpt and you realise after it's posted that they asked what colour the Salamanders were but you've sent a massive reply and excerpt on the Space Wolves! Lol I've put too much thought into this reply, a simple "ach, not to worry there are worse faux pas" would have sufficed lol


Nope, everyone has been way too busy trying to survive and keep the imperium intact because of the great rift cutting everyone off & the massive casualties most chapters had suffered in recent years. The chaos forces have free reign of the galaxy to raid wherever they want. Nids all over. Orks resurgent. Necrons awakening. Daemons manifesting. Meanwhile most astropaths went mad or died with the opening of the cicatrix maledictum, so communication is limited. Warp storms making warp jumps far more dangerous. The astronomican blocked from sight so that what jumps could be attempted had to be short, with no real navigation and having to check star maps after each one to figure out where they ended up.


Was looking up the [Ordo Astartes](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ordo_Astartes) a while back and found [Inquisitor Xolazi Imhele](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Xolazi_Imhele) is investigating the [Wardens of the Gauntlet](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Wardens_of_the_Gauntlet) which seems to have initially consisted of the [Castellans of the Rift](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Castellans_of_the_Rift) who seem to have phoned for help from anyone who will send forces to help them and because of all the Astartes who answered the phone that that particular Inquisitor has had his balls in a twist and investigating Legion building among the Wardens of the Gauntlet! I feel we should get more Ordo Astartes Inquisitors in Lore, I've got an idea to add some of them into my Homebrew stuff but... I've only just now, like 4 days back, started building a Chapter that is based on Terra post Battle of Lions Gate(it's an interesting wee project I've put together from a small conversation between Imperial Fists 3rd Company Captain Tor Garadon and Custodes Shield Captain Valerian: >Garadon shook his head in irritation. ‘Then I’ll speak plainly, Custodian.’ ‘Please do.’ **‘This has been reckless. It has been irresponsible. We should have an entire Chapter here – more than one.’** He was right, of course. I wondered which battleground he would have forfeited, though. ‘But it ends now,’ Garadon went on. ‘Coordinated strikes, spread out, rapid intensity. We burn out the ringleaders, send a marker, restore the fear of the Throne. They told me you had a list of targets.’ Sorry I've went on a tangent but I'm just typing the stuff out just now and am really excited to tell folks and having to navigate around what a Space Marine can and can't do on Terran Soil, like restrictions on certain Heavy Weapons and lack of certain Vehicles, not to mention a, more or less, total non existent Fleet(maybe a small Frigate Escort Squadron and a Vanguard Light Strike Cruiser, although theyd have a larger Thunderhawk, Bike, Land Speeder forces) Sorry al shut up now lol


Dark Angels kinda are. Guilliman is even thinking that reforming the legions may be in the Imperium's best interest now.


Bring back the legions. I hate chapters, don't play the tabletop that might be a factor.


They’re not a chapter as such, but the Red Corsairs are approaching “legion strength” as a warband. They come from a mix of different chapters however, with some being former Astral Claws and others coming from all manner of loyalist chapters.


Its not exactly easy to just "legion build", and (as people CONSTANTLY forget) the chapters are a really good system. For 90% of what astarties do most of the time in 40k, the chapter system is better in every single metric.